Grown Talk: Should Black Men show each other more respect/brotherhood?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

you at least get a head nod in Houston....

I knew a guy who transferred from the Bronx to Houston for work. Once he got settled in he told me how hard it was to get used people here speaking if u happen to make eye contact.

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I've being doing this more and more since I made the thread and I gotta say overall its been positive.

Walking the girls from school I gave a brother with a little girl a head nod/smile.

He reciprocated the girls started said HI talking and we chopped it up and realized we actually went to the SAME HS different years...:lol:

now we cool and the girls go bike riding together...

normally I would have ignored each other or worst ice grills but now its a pound and a quick talk gonna do fantasy NBA next season.


Support BGOL
I've being doing this more and more since I made the thread and I gotta say overall its been positive.

Walking the girls from school I gave a brother with a little girl a head nod/smile.

He reciprocated the girls started said HI talking and we chopped it up and realized we actually went to the SAME HS different years...:lol:

now we cool and the girls go bike riding together...

normally I would have ignored each other or worst ice grills but now its a pound and a quick talk gonna do fantasy NBA next season.

Now THAT is what the fuck is up! It's great to hear these kinds of stories. Straight up feel good type ish.




Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
To break the spell that we can only get along as long as we are under white power.


I try to show or even help other blacks that I see in my area, but sometimes it is very hard. I am more likely to help an older person who I assumed had less opportunities than me.

but now (after retirement), I just noticing how selfish people are. ARE WE NOTHING BUT WALKING SHIT THAT NEED TO BE DESTORYED, or we just conforming to our environment.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I try to show or even help other blacks that I see in my area, but sometimes it is very hard. I am more likely to help an older person who I assumed had less opportunities than me.

but now (after retirement), I just noticing how selfish people are. ARE WE NOTHING BUT WALKING SHIT THAT NEED TO BE DESTORYED, or we just conforming to our environment.

no need for all that brother.

You can't expect to fix DECADES & DECADES of oppression abuse and systemic generational genocide with some talks.

We ARE selfish...WE are lost but that doesn't mean we give up.

There is an opportunity here to build.

I mentioned in another thread how IMPORTANT A Different World was to an entire generation of young Black kids going to college and beyond.
So the seeds you plant TODAY will bear fruit. Not ALL but enough to a see a change in at LEAST one life.

These young people need to learn to respect their heritage, bodies, minds and souls. That aint easy.

We have to teach them to love themselves and those LIKE them FIRST and then you have the foundation for smart civic minded proud Black citizens.

Keep doing what you doing.


Support BGOL
but not common...

when I used to teach I had to check many young men for not making eye contact.

Or if they DID it was more eyeballing.

we failing.

would you be quicker to give a head nod or make eye contact with a young man in a suit or a young man with his pants sagging down to the floor...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
would you be quicker to give a head nod or make eye contact with a young man in a suit or a young man with his pants sagging down to the floor...

this is fair but I've tried to not do that...judge these kids.

I've been addressing them like young men and surprised how many responded well.

NOT ALL but more then a few.

Especially if they doing something THEY may seem as embarrassing or menial like cleaning or retail or fast food.

I always great them well and I've seen it has made a difference.

Its much more hit or miss with the sisters but I think its because they don't know if I'm hitting on em and they get a little defensive.

If I'm with the kids I get a very good reaction...usually.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We should but we won't. Look at all these crimes out here. Look at who's killing who. We don't even look at each other as brothers. Shit even look at this site itself. We can't even get along on a board that's dedicated to nude black women.

We always talk about fighting this battle but it seems like we gotta fight this battle against ourselves first. And that battle isn't with fists. I'm saying we gotta figure out why we consider ourselves enemy when in reality we are brothers. Can't even debate with each other on here before someone calls you out of your name......


Rising Star
We should but we won't. Look at all these crimes out here. Look at who's killing who. We don't even look at each other as brothers. Shit even look at this site itself. We can't even get along on a board that's dedicated to nude black women.

We always talk about fighting this battle but it seems like we gotta fight this battle against ourselves first. And that battle isn't with fists. I'm saying we gotta figure out why we consider ourselves enemy when in reality we are brothers. Can't even debate with each other on here before someone calls you out of your name......

^^^ This is a good post and i hope you guys address it reasonably


Man every brother i see if it's corporate i usually get response because it's only about 18 out 300 in I.T. Out in public i nod at all my peoples and they look at me crazy as hell.

Swizz Heat

The I'm not amused MOD
BGOL Investor
Man every brother i see if it's corporate i usually get response because it's only about 18 out 300 in I.T. Out in public i nod at all my peoples and they look at me crazy as hell.

.... or like they want to fight you. :smh: I wave to black men in my area and they look at me like we suppose to be enemies, sad.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since I saw this thread last year I try to speak to all brothers. I do notice even the under 21 crowd responds. I usually hit em wit a peace young King or young Brother and peace black man they seem to like it.

The sister's usually like when I refer to them as sister. Although some are confused because they have not been exposed to that. I'm still in my 30's so sometimes they do think your trying to holler. I think speaking a lot for OUR self esteem as a people.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
We should but we won't. Look at all these crimes out here. Look at who's killing who. We don't even look at each other as brothers. Shit even look at this site itself. We can't even get along on a board that's dedicated to nude black women.

We always talk about fighting this battle but it seems like we gotta fight this battle against ourselves first. And that battle isn't with fists. I'm saying we gotta figure out why we consider ourselves enemy when in reality we are brothers. Can't even debate with each other on here before someone calls you out of your name......

The first line is respect. THe second is if we get together and EVERYBODY pulls then we ALL win. There is no reason we can't get together on the package from Prop Joe and come to some kind of terms of some form of co-op.

I need to hit up some old civil rights leaders and pick their brains before there aren't any more of them.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The current events of Donald Sterling and even the Jay Z thing shows how far we need to go still...

we are going OFF on twitter over a tape with absolutely NO information beyond that.

Why aren't we saying first off that's their personal business and as Black Men saluting Jay for NOT hitting her, because realize all this memes and stuff are BASED on the premise that WE beat women that WE are savage...

I have actually heard Black people trying to co-sign Sterlings comments about Magic...

Of course we are NOT supporting Magic womanizing (with he OPENLY addressed and admitted too YEARS ago) and Magic being as public as he was had an IMMEDIATE effect of AIDs education particularly to the heterosexual population.

white people give each other this blanket protection however WRONG...and we can't even support each other when its RIGHT.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Since I saw this thread last year I try to speak to all brothers. I do notice even the under 21 crowd responds. I usually hit em wit a peace young King or young Brother and peace black man they seem to like it.

The sister's usually like when I refer to them as sister. Although some are confused because they have not been exposed to that. I'm still in my 30's so sometimes they do think your trying to holler. I think speaking a lot for OUR self esteem as a people.

Thank you brother for being active...props.

Oh and YES I have encountered the same issue when complimenting our sisters...I just say good morning or hold the door whatever and kept it moving...the looks of utter shock and/or confusion is priceless.

But do be careful because I have also gotten MANY phone numbers that I have had to delete immediately after.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
* thoughts??

Conditioning Blacks to hate themselves as a means of maintaining white dominance.

Black people are seeing through lenses that have been deliberately assigned to them by white social engineering experts. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so subjected to throughout the U.S. media is a deliberately applied psychosocial program. It deliberately inundates its Black population with fraudulent misinformation that perpetuates and frames the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, intellectual and ethical superiority.

It is a covert and sophisticated system of ensuring the continuance of White racial hierarchy by way of mass manipulation that shapes the minds and collective perceptions of its Black population by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves.

It is an insidious method of control that misleads African Americans to believe that it is now themselves that are their own worst enemies; and that therefore they require whites to govern over their lives. It uses the media’s proven mass manipulation abilities to divide and condition African Americans to accept white dominance over their lives.

This psychosocial program is disseminated unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports.

It is being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc. Furthermore, it is the most detrimentally proficient racist system ever deplored against African Americans because most remain totally oblivious of its existence.

The basis of this concept of manipulation works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. To the detriment of many African Americans this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective.

Its unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche engenders feelings of self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. It also develops profound feelings of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It totally detaches African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion and also totally detaches them from their sense of power and reality while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.

The usage of misinformation is rarely considered when discussing method of emitting white racism; however this was a logical progressive choice because information management is a powerful tool. It is the single most important thing that moves the world economy, influences political regimes, defines meaningful thoughts and constructs human behavior.

This method of control also provides America’s white elites with a more socially acceptable method of ensuring the continuance of its White racial hierarchy given that it is not as easily recognized. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern system is more covertly deplored and works from a psychological perspective.

Not only does this psychosocial program manipulates the self perceptions of African Americans, it also creates a national climate that is insensitive to their plight —thus fostering a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily mistreated and suppressed.

This psychosocial program’s distorted deplorable depiction of African Americans also changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. This creates a shift of victimization—in favor of whites-- that engenders acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today.

This produces false justifications for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.

When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.

It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity.

We Black people are seeing through lens that have been deliberately assigned to us by white mass media manipulation experts. This covert method of covert method of control ensures the continuance of white dominance and control. The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, this mass media psychological manipulation campaign meets this need—because it covertly manipulates the self perceptions of African Americans and creates a national climate that allows the government to consensually suppress the advancement of its African American population-thus maintaining its White racial dominance and control.

In order for those who have been misled to begin to see “correctly”, they must have a clear, analytical understanding of the origin, strategies, mechanics, purpose and methods of the device that has blinded them in the first place. Therefore it is imperative that this email is forwarded –Please do!

“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it you then really begin to die.”

By Franklin Jones Welcome ::


Support BGOL
Funny you posted this. I picked my son up from the dentist, and he asked me "Why is it that you see another young black man relaxed and smiling, and the minute he looks at another black dude, he starts ice grillin'?" Sadly, it's been that way for a minute. It's not ALL of us, but it's enough to notice.

seen this done over and over but yet you could see that same black dude look at a white dude and he will turn his head away.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I started saying "what's up" to everyone when I returned from New Orleans. Everyone was so nice down there, and I needed to bring that energy back. To hell with beefing with strangers, that shit isn't helping either one of us.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
seen this done over and over but yet you could see that same black dude look at a white dude and he will turn his head away.

sad but true

I started saying "what's up" to everyone when I returned from New Orleans. Everyone was so nice down there, and I needed to bring that energy back. To hell with beefing with strangers, that shit isn't helping either one of us.



Rising Star
I only really say what up to the elder brothers when I'm walkin in da hood. Dont bother with those in my age group & lower. mofos just be grilling u like they wanna fuck u. they walkin round wit dey ass all out already so who da fuck knows...I NEVER WILL!

Feels good tho when I greet the older gods, they're always very responsive. walkin in bed stuy da other week, 2 slightly older brothers standing in front a house takin up da whole sidewalk, talkin all loud...whateva. I get about 2 houses away.... their convo stop and heads turn my way. I REALLY wasnt in da mood for da 'who dis nigga think he is' ice grill, so I just decided that it wasnt gonna be that type of party, nodded and said 'what up fellas'. Suprisingly they responded....who knew??

I remember when I went to Barbados bout 20 yrs ago, I always loved how I would sit outside my family's crib and random ppl walkin down da road would say good morning/good afternoon, etc. I came back to NY greeting everyone I passed on da street...not ONE response. Got dat shit outta my system REAL quick :lol:

But yes, of course we should show each other more respect, but it won't happen. And for the most part, I've stopped wasting the energy, unless I'm pretty sure I'll get a response (da older heads).
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I only really say what up to the elder brothers when I'm walkin in da hood. Dont bother with those in my age group & lower. mofos just be grilling u like they wanna fuck u. they walkin round wit dey ass all out already so who da fuck knows...I NEVER WILL!

Feels good tho when I greet the older gods, they're always very responsive. walkin in bed stuy da other week, 2 slightly older brothers standing in front a house takin up da whole sidewalk, talkin all loud...whateva. I get about 2 houses away.... their convo stop and heads turn my way. I REALLY wasnt in da mood for da 'who dis nigga think he is' ice grill, so I just decided that it wasnt gonna be that type of party, nodded and said 'what up fellas'. Suprisingly they responded....who knew??


we gotta teach the young ones too though...

how they supposed to learn.

If we have the attitude it will NEVER change hell we'd still have Jim Crow.

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good to see this thread again...

In light of the whole Michael Sam PDA incident, I don't see that we're making that much progress.:smh:

Here we have a black man fortunate enough to be drafted in the NFL and because of his sexual orientation, he's ostracized. After reading numerous comments by people of all colors, on several different sites including here, he has prolly no more black support than from any other race.

Blacks are portrayed as such a liberal people in the media, but in fact, we're quite conservative on certain social issues...especially homosexuality.

For such a small percentage of the population, our unity is imperative to achieve anything meaningful! However, we continue to fall for the okeydoke ...divide and conquer. :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Good to see this thread again...

In light of the whole Michael Sam PDA incident, I don't see that we're making that much progress.:smh:

Here we have a black man fortunate enough to be drafted in the NFL and because of his sexual orientation, he's ostracized. After reading numerous comments by people of all colors, on several different sites including here, he has prolly no more black support than from any other race.

Blacks are portrayed as such a liberal people in the media, but in fact, we're quite conservative on certain social issues...especially homosexuality.

For such a small percentage of the population, our unity is imperative to achieve anything meaningful! However, we continue to fall for the okeydoke ...divide and conquer. :smh:

I thought this myth was debunked LONG ago.

And I think this conservationism has held us back in many ways and really created a division between Blacks across the board.

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Something is definitely wrong if two black men walk past and not say whats up/head bob each other. That being said there is something wrong.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Something is defiantly wrong if two black men walk past and not say whats up/head bob each other. That being said there is something wrong.

it is common on the East Coast...damn I think its taught.

If you read my earlier post it happened to me at damn SCHOOL at a parent presentation.

we gotta do better.