Guardian of the Galaxy

Artist Monk

Rising Star
OG Investor
Marvel: INFINITY, but I'm sure if it was 3 or 4.

By the way no one has been able to answer my question: WHERE THE FUCK WAS QUASAR WHILE ALL THIS WAS GOING ON?!?!?

Where was Quasar through every Infinity Gauntlet series and the Beyonder series before that?

Just Saying

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor
So true.. he cloned Galactus so that he could learn his weaknesses.. Remember what he did to the Fallen One.. and he was also one of the main actors in the Annihilation Wave... If Marvel was smart.. they could do a 3 part Infinity Gems like the Lord of the Rings...
Marvel is smart. And I actually told someone last week that this was Marvel's plan most likely. No need to rush things with one 2-3 hour film.


Rising Star
Good movie not as good as Avengers and Cap 2 tho..... #3 by far and that's over any of the Ironman or Hulk joints!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sony really wants to hold on to those Spider Man rights..

Will there be a Spider-Woman? Sony announces plans for a female superhero movie... after Scarlett Johansson's film Lucy makes a fortune

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Lord T

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sony really wants to hold on to those Spider Man rights..

Will there be a Spider-Woman? Sony announces plans for a female superhero movie... after Scarlett Johansson's film Lucy makes a fortune

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Man Lucy was wack as fuck too! The worst movie to me this whole summer:smh: Shouldn't have even been a summer release, more like a beginning of the year or end of the year release.

Spider-Woman? Hmmm...could be a clean slate to try something new and help rebuild Spider-man's perception. Don't know when they would squeeze this out though. The Sinister Six film is still on the table and Amazing Spider-Man 3 got pushed back an additional year.

Seems like between the success of "Lucy", and that info about the percentage of women viewers at "Guardians" they're starting to realize that a female led superhero film can work.

This again goes on DC's head too. Like I said before they could have a Wonder Woman movie out before now! Their fear of doing a Wonder Woman film will have them following instead of leading again.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Since y'all broke it down, fuck it, if it means a three part movie of Lord of The Rings caliber that chronicles da Infinity Gems then I'd be all for a Fantastic 4 movie ta' bring shit together.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Sony just announced Venom Carnage (yes that is the current title). They not ever giving up Spidey. I wish it was possible for Marvel to take Miles Morales for their own Spidey movie. Would be a good opportunity for a young black actor.

Sent From My Galaxy S5

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Where was Quasar through every Infinity Gauntlet series and the Beyonder series before that?

Just Saying

Quasar wasn't a major character during the Secret Wars/Beyonder years and was a player in the later Infinity series.

Well, he was in Infinity Gauntlet where Thanos made the Quantum Bands incinerate him.

And the Magus turned the Ultimate Nullifier against him in the Infinity War.

In the comics don t the Guardians help the Avengers fight Thanos?

No. Captain Mar-Vell does. Spiderman and Thing do.
The original version never meet Thanos.
Thanos is more a Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock villain with the Avengers being tossed in.
This version of the Guardians doesn't go against Thanos until much later.