If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
:hithead: Fine. Now I'm just entertaining the thought. Post any material where TWO persons agreed where the earth was flat. You can present even pre-Columbus data.

It's okay. There was scientific research stating man will never fly.

You can find that info yourself.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
You do realize nobody tagged you and you ran in here like immediately, right? And that you could just not say anything? Not click the thread?

Nice try nigga lol

But the moment I ask a question you on me like white on rice....as always.

Why do I have to constantly scrub you off deez nuts is the question.

And I've been tagged on every single thread on this topic. So don't think this one would be any different.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Meaning you have a groundless assertion that the world is flat. Cool.

I believe we are unable to fly in planes. That's shit is smoke and mirrors.

Sure buddy


king reckless

Rising Star
Don't. Just let it burn itself out.
But it's hard. Elementary students in 3rd world countries would be cast in child labor over this shit. They can't explain how the time zones work in a flat earth, why sailors (navys) ignore this. I mean livelihoods depend on this logic. Is GPS working on a flat earth?

I mean some of this shit requires a dark room, a flashlight, globe or basketball, and yarn.

Wait. The world is a cube. Only it's spinning so fast, it gives off the illusion of a badly shaped sphere. :rolleyes:

Fuck it. Labor Day weekend. I'm going to listen to Flat Earth videos. :lol: There's gotta be a smegma (don't look it up) of logical insight that went into this.

A fucking self taught rocket scientist died over this :bullshit:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can see the edge from a plane, you just have to get there first.

Many people have visited the edges of Earth.



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
So if planes are flying, why do we never come close to the edge? If we have telescopes that can see stars and galaxies millions of miles away, couldn’t we just point one and see right over the edge?

The idea most people have in their heads, is that we live on a disc that floats around in "space".

Most people who study the subject don't believe that. But there are several theories.

Some believe we live in the version of the earth in Genesis, where we live on a flat plane that's enclosed by a firmament, and that "space" is actually water.

Some believe we are in a "pond" if you will, that's surrounded by infinite land.

The latest theory is that we live in a circular section of a pond, and that there is indeed more land outside that section. They believe that the moon is actually reflecting the earth and that a layout of the continents can be seen on the moon, including the other "unknown" continents.

Most believe we live in an enclosed environment, and that no one can go beyond the enclosure/firmament.

Planes, or the commercial flights we take, never go anywhere near the so-called edge, so we would never see the edge because it' always beyond the horizons that we can see.

Also, we "think" we are seeing stars and galaxies that are millions and billions of miles away. But flat earthers don't believe the celestial bodies are that far away, but that they are far closer to us than we've been led to believe.
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