If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor

I watched that entire video and it is absolute utter bollocks.

Your man claims at the very beginning that the Earth is an infinite plane.

But my question for you cashie, since you're in Cali, why can't you take a telescope and see the World Trade Center from Cali?

As one of the vids posted in this thread points out if the Earth is flat you should be able to see it. Or How about seeing Los Angeles from Las Vegas?

king reckless

Rising Star
I watched that entire video and it is absolute utter bollocks.

Your man claims at the very beginning that the Earth is an infinite plane.

But my question for you cashie, since you're in Cali, why can't you take a telescope and see the World Trade Center from Cali?

As one of the vids posted in this thread points out if the Earth is flat you should be able to see it. Or How about seeing Los Angeles from Las Vegas?
I'm worried the YouTube will be convinced you buy into that shit. And will be used against you in the future. And society will curse you in old age. Think of your future.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Yes! Celebrate censorship! Discourage the 1st Amendment!! Only trust mainstream government sponsored news sources!!



Cashie, here is the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Since Congress isn’t taking anything off of youtube, the first amendment has nothing to do with this.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
But my question for you cashie, since you're in Cali, why can't you take a telescope and see the World Trade Center from Cali?

1) The "atmospheric" blockage. You can only see so far through the air.

2) Theoretically you could if you elevated high enough because your horizon becomes longer the further up you are. BUT I don't think it's possible for human beings to even ascend high enough to be able to see that far anyway.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
How is it that 66 miles above earth the "edge of space" when the moon is now part of the earth's atmosphere?

How is it that human beings start to float at 66 miles above the earth (William Shatner video) yet the moon stays firmly in orbit of the earth from 284K miles away, in a fixed perpetual and predictable pattern?

How is gravity strong enough to keep the moon in the earth's orbit from 284K miles away but can't keep a bird on the ground from the earth's surface?

Is it the bigger the structure (moon) the stronger the gravity? And the smaller the structure (bird) the lighter the gravity?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Ohh Lawwd, here comes a 20 page report from @sammyjax


What’s popping kemry


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Yes! Celebrate censorship! Discourage the 1st Amendment!! Only trust mainstream government sponsored news sources!!


boy you slow as hell lol
How is it that 66 miles above earth the "edge of space" when the moon is now part of the earth's atmosphere?

How is it that human beings start to float at 66 miles above the earth (William Shatner video) yet the moon stays firmly in orbit of the earth from 284K miles away, in a fixed perpetual and predictable pattern?

How is gravity strong enough to keep the moon in the earth's orbit from 284K miles away but can't keep a bird on the ground from the earth's surface?

Is it the bigger the structure (moon) the stronger the gravity? And the smaller the structure (bird) the lighter the gravity?
you keep kerp keep saying shit that exposes your horrible math deficiencies

This is the closest to right you've been in 5 years though :lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@cashwhisperer I have a question for you. Can you post a a map of flat Earth? No excuses about there's no consensus about what a flat Earth map looks like. If the Earth is certifiably flat & then your brightest should be able to produce a useable map. Barring one doesn't already exist. Now with the map you're going to produce to back your beliefs. I would like you to measure the distance between any 2 cities in different countries using your flat Earth map. A regular boring globe Earth map allows you to perform this task with great accuracy. No YouTube response, gifs, or counter questioning, just post a map that someone can use to measure distance.



The Legend
BGOL Investor
Theoretically you could if you elevated high enough because your horizon becomes longer the further up you are. BUT I don't think it's possible for human beings to even ascend high enough to be able to see that far anyway.

This that dumb shit. What you just said proves the Earth is round. Your horizon would not be longer on a flat earth. I would love to see how on flat earth you can elevated and see farther? There's no Youtube video showing that shit.




The Legend
BGOL Investor
Cashie not even following one theory. He's using them all.

A circular history

The idea that the Earth is a sphere was all but settled by ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle (384–322 BC), who obtained empirical evidence after travelling to Egypt and seeing new constellations of stars. Eratosthenes, in the third century BC, became the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth. Islamic scholars made further advanced measurements from about the 9th century AD onwards, while European navigators circled the Earth in the 16th century. Images from space were final proof, if any were needed.

Today’s flat-Earth believers are not, though, the first to doubt what seems unquestionable. The notion of a flat Earth initially resurfaced in the 1800s as a backlash to scientific progress, especially among those who wished to return to biblical literalism. Perhaps the most famous proponent was the British writer Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1884). He proposed the Earth is a flat immovable disc, centred at the North Pole, with Antarctica replaced by an ice wall at the disc’s outer boundary.

As with any fringe movement there are disagreements and several different flat-Earth models exist to choose from. Some models propose that the Earth’s edges are surrounded by a wall of ice holding in the oceans. Others suggest our flat planet and its atmosphere are encased in a huge, hemispherical snow globe from which nothing can fall off the edges. To account for night and day, most flat-Earthers think the Sun moves in circles around the North Pole, with its light acting like a spotlight. The most recent “US model”, for example, suggests that the Sun and Moon are 50 km in diameter and circle the disc-shaped Earth at a height of 5500 km, with the stars above this on a rotating dome. Many flat-Earthers also reject gravity, with the “UK model” suggesting that the disc is itself accelerating up at 9.8 m/s2 to give the illusion of gravity.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
What if these people where right? That shit would change how we lived.

8 ways life would get weird on a flat Earth

1. Say goodbye to gravity (at least as we know it)

On spherical Earth, gravity tugs equally on objects no matter where in the world they are. For Earth to take the shape of a flat disk in the first place, gravity — as we know it — must be having no effect. If it did, it would soon pull the planet back into a spheroid.

Maybe a flat-Earth would have no gravity at all, as a solid disk-like Earth would not be possible under actual gravity conditions, according to calculations in the 1850s by mathematician and physicist James Clerk Maxwell.

Or perhaps on a flat-Earth, gravity would pull everything to the center of the disk — the North Pole. In that scenario, the farther away you are from the North Pole the more horizontal the gravitational tug toward the central point of the disk, according to James Davis, a geophysicist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. This would wreak havoc worldwide, but at least the world long jump record would be easily beaten (as long as you orientated yourself northward before taking off that is).

2. It would certainly clear the atmosphere

With no gravity, flat-Earth would no longer be able to hold onto the layer of gases called the atmosphere. The force of gravity is what holds this veil around our planet. And without this protective blanket, Earth's skies would turn black because light emitted from the sun would no longer scatter as it enters Earth's atmosphere and paint the skies the familiar blue we see today. The loss of atmospheric pressure would expose plants and animals to the vacuum of space, leading to asphyxiation in seconds, Luis Villazon, a zoologist and educator, wrote in BBC Science Focus.

Without an atmosphere surrounding the planet, water would initially boil away in the vacuum of space. That's because water boils when its vapor pressure equals that of the atmosphere, so lower atmospheric pressure means lower boiling point. Without an atmosphere to help warm the planet, the surface temperature would also plummet causing any remaining water to quickly freeze. But it isn't all bad news, as deep-ocean organisms such as chemosynthetic bacteria that don't require oxygen might just survive. After all, such bacteria have endured long trips to space and lived to tell the tale.

3. Cloudy with a chance of sideways rain

If flat-Earth gravity pulls water towards the North Pole, bulging oceans would collect at the center of the planet.

If gravity pulled toward the center of the planetary disk, which in this case is the North Pole, precipitation would also gravitate toward that spot. This is because precipitation falls to Earth due to gravity and will therefore fall toward the point of strongest gravitational pull.

Only at the center of the disk would weather behave as we know it on Earth — falling straight down. The farther out you travel, the more horizontal the precipitation would be. Water in rivers and seas would also flow toward the North Pole, meaning vast bulging oceans would collect at the center of the planet, leaving practically no water at the edges, according to Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

4. We would all get lost

It’s hard to imagine a world without GPS, suffice to say we’d be lost!

It is likely that satellites would not exist if the Earth were flat, as they would have trouble orbiting a flat plane. "There are a number of satellite missions that society depends on that just wouldn't work," James Davis, a geophysicist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, said in a statement "I cannot think of how GPS would work on a flat Earth," said Davis.

It's hard to imagine a world without GPS, suffice to say we'd be lost. On the upside, at least on flat-Earth humans would have the horizontal rain to point us in the right — well, north — direction.

5. Some journeys would take forever

Longer travel times can be expected, not just due to no-GPS navigation issues, but also because of the distances we would need to travel. According to flat-Earth belief, the Arctic lies in the center of the planet and Antarctica forms a giant ice wall around the edge; this wall conveniently stops people from literally falling off the face of Earth. But if you are unable to fly around the globe and instead are forced to fly across it, then travel times would increase significantly. For example, to fly from Australia (which is one side of the flat-Earth map) to a McMurdo station in Antarctica (on the other side of the flat-Earth map), you would need to fly across the entire Arctic, as well as North and South America. You can also forget about trips across Antarctica (though this has been achieved many times on a spherical Earth), as that pesky ice wall would prevent such travel.

6. No more auroras and we'd all be roasted

On spherical Earth, the swirling molten metal surrounding our iron core generates electric currents that in turn create our protective magnetic field which curves around the planet from one pole to the other, according to NASA. But on a flat Earth, without a solid core generating a magnetic field that protective layer — the magnetosphere — would cease to exist. And so would auroras. Also called the Northern Lights, these sky shows form when charged particles from the sun bump into oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the magnetosphere, where they release energy in the form of incredible aurora light shows.

7. We'd all have to share the same night sky

A flat-Earth would not be split into hemispheres like it is on our current orb: So night and day wouldn't be flip-flopped depending on whether you're in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. Also, the night sky no matter where you stood on the planetary disk. It sure would make stargazing easier, as you wouldn't have to travel to a different hemisphere to tick off all the targets on your astronomy bucket list. But isn't that part of the fun?

8. Hurricanes would be a thing of the past

The devastating rotating nature of these tropical storms stems from Earth's coriolis effect, which causes storms in the Northern Hemisphere to rotate counterclockwise and those in the Southern Hemisphere to rotate clockwise. However, on stationary, flat-Earth, no coriolis effect would be generated. No coriolis means no hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones. This is also why we don't see these types of storms between five degrees north and south of the equator, as the magnitude of the coriolis effect is zero at the equator.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
1) The "atmospheric" blockage. You can only see so far through the air.

2) Theoretically you could if you elevated high enough because your horizon becomes longer the further up you are. BUT I don't think it's possible for human beings to even ascend high enough to be able to see that far anyway.

“Atmospheric Blockage?”
Can you post some scientific data on this please? Because somehow we can see ALL the way through the atmosphere going up but crazily not going across.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
“Atmospheric Blockage?”
Can you post some scientific data on this please? Because somehow we can see ALL the way through the atmosphere going up but crazily not going across.

I’m 100% sure he going to finagle some gibberish that makes absolutely no sense.

Atmospheric Blockage is a thing, but not in context in how he is using it to describe visibility.

Cashie be saying shit that only makes sense to him.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I’m 100% sure he going to finagle some gibberish that makes absolutely no sense.

Atmospheric Blockage is a thing, but not in context in how he is using it to describe visibility.

Cashie be saying shit that only makes sense to him.

Atmospheric blockage is more a weather thing from what I understand. Got nothing to do with visibility lol.

I’m sure he’ll make something up, but I’m waiting for him to explain why the blockage only works across and not up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thank you my brother, for considering what I'm saying, even if you disagree.

First off, this video is not about flat earth. This video is about how the world came to believe the earth was a sphere, which didn't become fully accepted until at least the 1850's, because Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis was the last person in the chain that reportedly "proved" we were on a ball. Notice all the confusion between scientists that led to the globe theory.

People like to use the Coriolis effect to say it proves we are on a globe. Apparently, if you flush a toilet north of the equator the water will go clockwise and if you flush south of the equator the water will go counter clockwise. This has been DEBUNKED TOTALLY.


The idea of the flat earth is not that we are on a disc that's floating in "outer space". It's more that we maybe live on an infinite flat plane. So the idea of gravity as it applies to the globe model of a "surrounding force" is void. But there IS a force that determines up and down, which we now know that force is static electricity, not gravity.

We, along with all matter in this known realm are inside of an electrostatic field. The earth itself has a negative electric charge compared to the air above it, all across the plane. As soon as you leave the surface there is a positive charge in the air around you that grows in electrostatic potential the further you go up towards the sky. It is a steady, gradual rise in potential which tells us, according to the laws of electricity that we are in between 2 Gaussian surfaces. A Gaussian surface is simply a surface that encloses or distributes a charge. If there were only one surface, the rate at which the positive potential grew would be different. Knowing that we are between 2 Gaussian surfaces we can also know that certain phenomena will take place in all matter within the electric field or area, between the 2 surfaces.

Polarization Through Electrostatic Induction

Electrostatic induction is a phenomenon where the positive and negative static charges on matter are slightly separated or polarized, due to the electrostatic charge of it’s surrounding area. If one set of the object’s surroundings is positive and the other is negative, the negative charge on the object will be attracted to the positive area around it, while the positive charge on the object will be attracted to the negative area on the opposite side. So here on Earth, the positive side on our bodies is always attracted DOWN, towards the earth and the negative will be attracted to the air above. This phenomena creates a slight force in that downward vector because as soon as we leave the ground we start becoming positively charged by the air around us and are now forced towards the negative on the ground. This is electrostatic acceleration. One might think that the attraction from above and below would cancel out completely but it’s the electrostatic gradient that creates a flow from the positive above to the negative below.

In the absence of density and buoyancy, that small force you think is gravity is indeed static electricity. The earth’s negative charge establishes the downward force. And like I said, this applies on a flat or globe earth.


Now remember how those scientists were debating the earth being flat for a few centuries leading up to Coriolis? Most of their evidence was based off of observation of the sky, but not actual expedition on earth that PROVED we were on a sphere. Columbus proved the earth was round, but he didn't prove it was a sphere. You would need to circumnavigate the globe north and south to do that, rather than east to west.

But what happened in 1959 that had all major countries sign a treaty and close off Antarctica to exploration and immigration? Well, maybe that has something to do with what Admiral Byrd says right here:

So Admiral Byrd says there's more land beyond the "south pole". Well...how could that be?? Well here's a theory.....


The moon might be a reflection or a topographic map of the earth, the way it was when it was created. There's a reason you've never seen the dark side of the moon. See the dark spots?

Now check out this image. Click on it and zoom in....


This might be the real map of the earth we live on. The zone highlighted red represents our sky system, where the sun and moon, stars and so-called planets rotate over us. And that circle correlates to the old world clocks. As that system rotates it also moves, and with each major increment we enter a new age, which is now the age of Aquarius, aka climate change.


There might be far more land, resources and life than we've been led to believe.

Check this out documentary. Snatch it before it's taken down.


Just finished reading and dissecting this. Some very interesting theories I must say

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
And drawing shit that only makes sense to him lol

The gifs are coming :lol:

Atmospheric blockage is more a weather thing from what I understand. Got nothing to do with visibility lol.

I’m sure he’ll make something up, but I’m waiting for him to explain why the blockage only works across and not up.

Researching hard on YouTube to find an hour and a half video of some retarded CAC talking nonsense.

Cashie be on that special needs science.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
If the Earth is flat...
How old is the Earth?
Does Plate tectonics exist on a flat Earth..if yes how much land has fell off the side and where is the reminisce of the discarded land?
If no...how does an Earthquake occur on a flat Earth?
Why would a flat Earth need Volcanic activities?


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Solar Problems

In the scientifically supported model of the solar system, the Earth revolves around the sun because the latter is much more massive and has more gravity. However, the Earth doesn’t fall into the sun because it is traveling in an orbit. In other words, the sun’s gravity isn’t acting alone. The planet is also traveling in a direction perpendicular to the star’s gravitational tug; if it were possible to switch off that gravity, the Earth would shoot away in a straight line and hightail it out of the solar system. Instead, the linear momentum and the sun’s gravity combine, resulting in a circular orbit around the sun.

The flat Earth model places our planet at the center of the universe, but doesn’t suggest that the sun orbits the Earth. Rather, the sun circles over the top side of the world like a carousel, broadcasting light and warmth downward like a desk lamp. Without the linear, perpendicular momentum that helps generate an orbit, it’s unclear what force would keep the sun and moon hovering above the Earth, Davis says, instead of crashing into it.

If the sun and moon just loop around one side of a flat Earth, there could presumably be a procession of days and nights. But it wouldn’t explain seasons, eclipses and many other phenomena. The sun would also presumably have to be smaller than Earth so as to not burn up or bump into our planet or the moon. However, we know the sun to be more than 100 times the diameter of the Earth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Enablers is why 600 pound people struggle to lose weight.
Not the same thing. People can believe what they wish. If they come to the table with a well thought out premise, I can respect that.

I don’t have to agree with it but I can see their point and why they believe in their premise.