If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
New strategy:

1. Post the longest videos possible and refuse to talk about the contents, give context, timestamps to relevant parts, etc

2. Accuse niggas of not being able to challenge theories because they don't wanna watch the Irishman length bullshit

3. Proclaim victory

4. Post gifs


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh: missing the entire point dummy
dummy? lol how old are you 12 ? lol who calls someone a dummy lol but thanks for the comp. but im not the one arguing with everyone on this post and not only are you wrong youre sounding sill with what youre posting but im gonna let it go if you think the earth is flat so be it youre entitled to believe what you want


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
New strategy:

1. Post the longest videos possible and refuse to talk about the contents, give context, timestamps to relevant parts, etc

2. Accuse niggas of not being able to challenge theories because they don't wanna watch the Irishman length bullshit

3. Proclaim victory

4. Post gifs


Dude, at this point, I really, really REALLY don't care.

If you want to believe it's a sphere, believe it.

I know one thing, at 24 miles above the earth on a sphere the horizon should be below eye level and curved, but it's not. I know you should see a curve looking out of a plane window, but you don't. I gave y'all a chance to prove me wrong, but you didn't. You laughed at my diagram (which was accurate, but was also meant to be funny), but you didn't prove it to be wrong. And the damning simulation I posted should shut yall all the way the fuck up but as usual, you ignored the blatant facts staring you in the face and instead continued talking shit about me.

So be on a globe nigga. Whatever makes you feel good.

As far as I'm concerned,


And ain't shit you can do to change that.

I'm out.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Dude, at this point, I really, really REALLY don't care.

If you want to believe it's a sphere, believe it.

I know one thing, at 24 miles above the earth on a sphere the horizon should be below eye level and curved, but it's not. I know you should see a curve looking out of a plane window, but you don't. I gave y'all a chance to prove me wrong, but you didn't. You laughed at my diagram (which was accurate, but was also meant to be funny), but you didn't prove it to be wrong. And the damning simulation I posted should shut yall all the way the fuck up but as usual, you ignored the blatant facts staring you in the face and instead continued talking shit about me.

So be on a globe nigga. Whatever makes you feel good.

As far as I'm concerned,


And ain't shit you can do to change that.

I'm out.


You literally refuted nothing that others posted to disprove your stance. You just posted long ass YouTube videos that no smart person would watch because there's better things to do with your time. If you need 2 hours to prove why the Earth is flat, then maybe you need to reassess your views. Then because you have no answers, you resorted to posting gifs in responses to people's questions. Which reminds me of KingTaharqa & his incessant use of Twitter to prove his anti-vote, both side arguments points. Now because you have zero answers that make sense & possibly ran out of YouTube clips you're walking away like a kid with his fingers in his ears screaming Lalalalalalala. You've essentially made this thread & by extension your point a bigger joke than it already was. Since you love posting gifs so much, here's a nice representation of what you just did.



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member

Dude, at this point, I really, really REALLY don't care.

If you want to believe it's a sphere, believe it.

I know one thing, at 24 miles above the earth on a sphere the horizon should be below eye level and curved, but it's not. I know you should see a curve looking out of a plane window, but you don't. I gave y'all a chance to prove me wrong, but you didn't. You laughed at my diagram (which was accurate, but was also meant to be funny), but you didn't prove it to be wrong. And the damning simulation I posted should shut yall all the way the fuck up but as usual, you ignored the blatant facts staring you in the face and instead continued talking shit about me.

So be on a globe nigga. Whatever makes you feel good.

As far as I'm concerned,


And ain't shit you can do to change that.

I'm out.

In true Cashie fashion

Do everything you can to avoid answering questions you have neither the cognitive or substantive resources to answer, and when cornered, retreat.

You've done this every single time for literally years.

You starscream

I hope that shit ain't hereditary.
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Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Man cash yo boy

stawl em ott

cause like I continue to say


what if cash was one of them niggas way back who said the earth went around the sun when everybody thought the sun went around the earth

in 100 years we prolly close a theory that was unimaginable


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Man cash yo boy

stawl em ott

cause like I continue to say


what if cash was one of them niggas way back who said the earth went around the sun when everybody thought the sun went around the earth

in 100 years we prolly close a theory that was unimaginable
You think earth flat?

You think earth COULD BE flat?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
In true Cashie fashion

Do everything you can to avoid answering questions you have neither the cognitive or substantive resources to answer, and when cornered, retreat.

You've done this every single time for literally years.

You starscream

I hope that shit ain't hereditary.

Ill give him credit though. At least he ain’t told us he’ll be back to answer a question :lol:

king reckless

Rising Star
What the hell are satellites orbiting flat earth? The sun and the moon twirls about over the earth?

Before our ascent into space, both concepts were weighted speculations. But the shit has been fact for decades.

We have to contend arguing about the existence of aliens. We might die before ever knowing.

In that future, flat earthers will denying that too so it's whatever.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What the hell are satellites orbiting flat earth? The sun and the moon twirls about over the earth?

Before our ascent into space, both concepts were weighted speculations. But the shit has been fact for decades.

We have to contend arguing about the existence of aliens. We might die before ever knowing.

In that future, flat earthers will denying that too so it's whatever.




My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
"If you don't watch this hour and a half long video then I'm not talking about it."

Does this nigga think he's fucking slick??


Nigga just say you can't talk about the shit


Oh, I can talk about the shit. I'm just tired of doing it. This shit isn't constructive. I have better shit to do with my time, fuck this shit.

Like the video said, most of (90%) the communications across the world takes place in cables underwater that span across the oceans. And that's been going on for almost 160 years. The only satellites I believe are real are weather balloons and drones.

Other than that, watch the fucking video if you wanna know more. Watch the one from the Military officer. He was directly talking about you and your half-baked math equations that don't align with reality.

Or just continue to believe you live on a spinning ball flying through space and go back to sleep sheep. I've urged you to do this repeatedly.

You niggas are obsessed with MY beliefs. And at this point, logic is out of the window for yall. It's all ad hominems and personal attacks. And shit like that don't phase me, but I really, really have better shit to do.



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member

Oh, I can talk about the shit. I'm just tired of doing it. This shit isn't constructive. I have better shit to do with my time, fuck this shit.

Like the video said, most of (90%) the communications across the world takes place in cables underwater that span across the oceans. And that's been going on for almost 160 years. The only satellites I believe are real are weather balloons and drones.

Other than that, watch the fucking video if you wanna know more. Watch the one from the Military officer. He was directly talking about you and your half-baked math equations that don't align with reality.

Or just continue to believe you live on a spinning ball flying through space and go back to sleep sheep. I've urged you to do this repeatedly.

You niggas are obsessed with MY beliefs. And at this point, logic is out of the window for yall. It's all ad hominems and personal attacks. And shit like that don't phase me, but I really, really have better shit to do.

There are places you can get help

With math


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I have no problems with math. You clowns do. You avoid basic geometry like the plague.

Oh shit, I fucked up. This nigga is about to write another 10-page report telling me I'm dumb and smoke dip, don't know math and have mental issues.

in 5 ....4.....3.....2......

king reckless

Rising Star
Over 20 pages discussing flat earth theory and not one concrete post about the shape of the earth.

It's not a disc nor a cylinder. :lol:


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Oh, I can talk about the shit. I'm just tired of doing it. This shit isn't constructive. I have better shit to do with my time, fuck this shit.

Like the video said, most of (90%) the communications across the world takes place in cables underwater that span across the oceans. And that's been going on for almost 160 years. The only satellites I believe are real are weather balloons and drones.

I was gonna tell you how big of an idiot you were to believe high speed fiber cables that are spanning the oceans today have been there 160 years. Fiber Optics wasn't invented until 1960ish. So, yes there were cables in the oceans but they ain't the same damn cables clown. Stop following these Youtube clowns with their silly ass videos. If you really believe the Earth is flat do the knowledge yo damn self and quit being a fucking sheep. Youtube videos are not true. Take yo ass to the library. Learn the history of flat Earth theories and how it's been disproven. But you not that smart homie so maybe not.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Varying star constellations

This observation was originally made by Aristotle (384-322 BCE), who declared the Earth was round judging from the different constellations one sees while moving away from the equator.

After returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle noted, “There are stars seen in Egypt and…Cyprus which are not seen in the northerly regions.” This phenomenon can only be explained if humans were viewing the stars from a round surface, Aristotle continued, claiming that the sphere of the Earth is “of no great size, for otherwise the effect of so slight a change of place would not be quickly apparent.”

The farther you go from the equator, the farther the “known” constellations go towards the horizon, to be replaced by different stars. This would not have happened if the world was flat:




The Legend
BGOL Investor
Seeing farther from higher. Anyone can go to the top of a tall building and prove this theory.

Standing on a flat plateau, you look ahead toward the horizon. You strain your eyes, then take out your favorite binoculars and stare through them, as far as your eyes (with the help of the binocular lenses) can see.

Next, climb up the closest tree—the higher the better, just be careful not to drop those binoculars and break their lenses. Then look again, strain your eyes, and stare through the binoculars out to the horizon.

The higher up you climb, the farther you will see. Usually, we tend to relate this to Earthly obstacles—like the fact we have houses or other trees obstructing our vision on the ground, and climbing upwards we have a clear view—but that’s not the true reason. Even if you stood on a completely clear plateau with no obstacles between you and the horizon, you would see much farther from the greater height than you would on the ground.

This phenomenon is caused by the curvature of the Earth as well, and would not happen if the Earth was flat:



What can you see from the top of the Willis Tower?

On a clear day, you can see four states – Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan. Visibility from the Skydeck is approximately 40-50 miles (65 – 80 kilometers). The average sway of the building is approximately 6 inches (152 millimeters) from true center, but the building is designed to sway up to 3 feet.



The Legend
BGOL Investor
Professor Dave Explains

I've crushed the flat earth into smithereens more times than I can count, twice now without using any science at all, but how about one more? There are lots of commercial airline flights that prove conclusively that the earth is a sphere, and not a flat pancake. This is because the Southern Hemisphere exists. Let's take to the skies!
