If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
So the Moon and Sun go at different speeds right? and one is lower than the other right? Oh and the Sun is what, 3000 miles? So what kind of magic shit burns for millions of years and is that small?

Yeah, they do go at different speeds. Download the flat earth app off apple and you can observe how it works.

And yes, the sun and moon are close. I'm not sure how far, some have said 1000 miles, other have said 3000. But 92 million miles?? naah

And how can you ask me what kind of magic shit burns for millions of years and is that small? What does size have to do with it? How about the so-called planets? Doesn't the ball earth have a molten core that's been burning for millions of years? Isn't the earth supposed to be waaaaaaaaay smaller than the sun? Either way is magical, unless you understand how it was created. A big bang seems pretty fuckin magical to me. Stars explode and then the dust forms planets...dafuq? The sun is a big ball of gas 92 millions of miles away that burns forever? Word??


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
The Sun is going to die bro. It's just that we know what the sun is made of and if you calculate the mass of it according to "flat earth science" the sun isn't large enough to even start fusion at the core.

Earth has a magnetic field. How do you explain that on a flat stationary disk? Magnetic north is also on the move, explain that.

How come when I bring an ROV from the north sea to Angola or South Africa I have to change longitude to make it work.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
So you arent dodging the question, but you arent answering it either...

When you cant explain something, your response is to say agree to disagree...

Why not just say the truth which is that you dont know and cant explain it and that your model is wrong?

From your perspective, the ground and the sky converge to a certain point. The sun travels across the sky and appears smaller the further it travels away from you. But when it hits the horizon, aka the point of convergence, the sun quickly becomes hidden and goes into the DIVERGENT zone. However, if you change your vertical position, go up 1000 feet in a drone, the sun will reappear.

You think on a flat plane you should just be able see the sun get smaller and smaller until it disappears. And you think when the sun sets it's going beyond a curve. NO. The sun is going beyond the point of convergence into the divergent zone.

Rewatch or watch this video.

You see where you can't see the runners' legs?? That's because they are in the divergent zone. They aren't dipping below a curve.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
The Sun is going to die bro. It's just that we know what the sun is made of and if you calculate the mass of it according to "flat earth science" the sun isn't large enough to even start fusion at the core.

Earth has a magnetic field. How do you explain that on a flat stationary disk? Magnetic north is also on the move, explain that.

How come when I bring an ROV from the north sea to Angola or South Africa I have to change longitude to make it work.

The sun is not what you think it is though. It's not a big ball of gas. It's only theoretical that the sun will "burn" out one day. More on that later.

I never said the earth was a flat "stationary disk". I think we live on a flat plane. As far as the magnetic pole moving, I believe I know why it's moving, but oh boy, the can of worms that will be opened if I start talking about that. :smh: It has something to do with this though:


And why would you not have to change longitude on a flat plane?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all still going on with this dude?

Just walk away...

He literally disproved himself like 4 times, that I saw.

I was gonna say that I don’t understand why they go back and forth with him but I do.

It’s for entertainment purposes. They want to see the true depth, and levels of ignorance that he’ll present as proof.

The man is literally arguing that the Earth is flat and he’ll never admit that he’s wrong.

You can’t tell some brick headed niggas nothing.
The dude’s below will admit that they’re wrong before he will.



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
The sun is not what you think it is though. It's not a big ball of gas. It's only theoretical that the sun will "burn" out one day. More on that later.

I never said the earth was a flat "stationary disk". I think we live on a flat plane. As far as the magnetic pole moving, I believe I know why it's moving, but oh boy, the can of worms that will be opened if I start talking about that. :smh: It has something to do with this though:


And why would you not have to change longitude on a flat plane?
This clock is about the sun more than time


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I was gonna say that I don’t understand why they go back and forth with him but I do.

It’s for entertainment purposes. They want to see the true depth, and levels of ignorance that he’ll present as proof.

The man is literally arguing that the Earth is flat and he’ll never admit that he’s wrong.

You can’t tell some brick headed niggas nothing.
The dude’s below will admit that they’re wrong before he will.


Nigga shutup, goddamn.

Yall niggas ask me questions and when I actually give you concise, logical answers y'all ignore shit that you know is correct because you have no rebuttals.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
By continuing to ask me questions, tag me and argue with me about this shit??!?


Aight lil buddy!

No problem tiny tike!

As I said before, they just wanna see the depths of dumbness that you’ll reach to make sense of your points.

I must admit that you’re very creative, unfortunately your creativity is excelling on the other side of the spectrum.


Rising Star
From your perspective, the ground and the sky converge to a certain point. The sun travels across the sky and appears smaller the further it travels away from you. But when it hits the horizon, aka the point of convergence, the sun quickly becomes hidden and goes into the DIVERGENT zone. However, if you change your vertical position, go up 1000 feet in a drone, the sun will reappear.

You think on a flat plane you should just be able see the sun get smaller and smaller until it disappears. And you think when the sun sets it's going beyond a curve. NO. The sun is going beyond the point of convergence into the divergent zone.

Rewatch or watch this video.

You see where you can't see the runners' legs?? That's because they are in the divergent zone. They aren't dipping below a curve.

You just making shit up at this point.

If the sun and moon were flying above us as you described, we would see them coming from far, smaller at first, then bigger as it gets closer, and then smaller again as it flew away from us. Just like planes and choppers you see fly in the sky. That's based on the model YOU presented.

And yet... that's not what we observe at all. Their size doesn't change throughout the day/night.

Got NOTHING to do with convergence in a divergent zone man...
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
explain the changing of the seasons...
Is the sun and the moon flat..?
Does gravity exist on a flat Earth..how does it work?
Where do comets..meteors and asteroids come frome...are the flat?
Does the flat Earth rotate or is it stationery?
How was the flat Earth formed?
Do other Planets exist if yes are they flat?


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
explain the changing of the seasons...
Is the sun and the moon flat..?
Does gravity exist on a flat Earth..how does it work?
Where do comets..meteors and asteroids come frome...are the flat?
Does the flat Earth rotate or is it stationery?
How was the flat Earth formed?
Do other Planets exist if yes are they flat?
Jesus did it


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
You just making shit up at this point.

If the sun and moon were flying above us as you described, we would see them coming from far, smaller at first, then bigger as it gets closer, and then smaller again as it flew away from us. Just like planes and choppers you see fly in the sky. That's based on the model YOU presented.

And yet... that's not what we observe at all. Their size doesn't change throughout the day/night.

Got NOTHING to do with convergence in a divergent zone man...


Okay fella, enjoy living on a ball!


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
If the sun and moon were flying above us as you described, we would see them coming from far, smaller at first, then bigger as it gets closer, and then smaller again as it flew away from us. Just like planes and choppers you see fly in the sky. That's based on the model YOU presented.

This is true, when you are at the same height of the sun, but not from the ground, which is the point I'm making, over and over again.

The reason why I posted this video, "TIMELAPSE OF THE SUN PROVES FLAT EARTH" is because the video clearly shows the sun getting "smaller again as it flew away from us. Just like planes and choppers you see fly in the sky"

que'd - 2:08



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
explain the changing of the seasons...
Is the sun and the moon flat..?

Does gravity exist on a flat Earth..how does it work?

Gravity is actually static electricity. Gravity is a theory. Incoherent electrostatic acceleration creates the downward vector that you think is gravity.

I explained it here:

We, along with all matter in this known realm are inside of an electrostatic field. The earth itself has a negative electric charge compared to the air above it, all across the plane. As soon as you leave the surface there is a positive charge in the air around you that grows in electrostatic potential the further you go up towards the sky. It is a steady, gradual rise in potential which tells us, according to the laws of electricity that we are in between 2 Gaussian surfaces. A Gaussian surface is simply a surface that encloses or distributes a charge. If there were only one surface, the rate at which the positive potential grew would be different. Knowing that we are between 2 Gaussian surfaces we can also know that certain phenomena will take place in all matter within the electric field or area, between the 2 surfaces.

Polarization Through Electrostatic Induction

Electrostatic induction is a phenomenon where the positive and negative static charges on matter are slightly separated or polarized, due to the electrostatic charge of it’s surrounding area. If one set of the object’s surroundings is positive and the other is negative, the negative charge on the object will be attracted to the positive area around it, while the positive charge on the object will be attracted to the negative area on the opposite side. So here on Earth, the positive side on our bodies is always attracted DOWN, towards the earth and the negative will be attracted to the air above. This phenomena creates a slight force in that downward vector because as soon as we leave the ground we start becoming positively charged by the air around us and are now forced towards the negative on the ground. This is electrostatic acceleration. One might think that the attraction from above and below would cancel out completely but it’s the electrostatic gradient that creates a flow from the positive above to the negative below.

So going back to this video where y’all thought you had done something by proving gravity (lol), you were wrong as fuck. In the absence of density and buoyancy, that small force you think is gravity is indeed static electricity. The earth’s negative charge establishes the downward force. And like I said, this applies on a flat or globe earth.

Where do comets..meteors and asteroids come frome...are the flat?

I'll get back to you on this. I'm studying up on comets currently. I have seen what I believed to be shooting stars throughout my life. And their trails never made sense to me until now.

Does the flat Earth rotate or is it stationery?

It's stationary.

How was the flat Earth formed?

I believe it was created. Some people who believe the earth is flat also believe we are in a simulation. Some people who believe the earth is a sphere believe in the big bang. Some people who believe the earth is a sphere believe we are in a simulation.

I don't know if any of us know for sure.

Do other Planets exist if yes are they flat?

The celestial bodies we know as "planets" do exist. I don't know if I believe they are spheres though. I don't believe they are places we can "go to" and land upon.

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Rising Star
This is true, when you are at the same height of the sun, but not from the ground, which is the point I'm making, over and over again.

The reason why I posted this video, "TIMELAPSE OF THE SUN PROVES FLAT EARTH" is because the video clearly shows the sun getting "smaller again as it flew away from us. Just like planes and choppers you see fly in the sky"

que'd - 2:08

Again, Im gonna repeat, the sun and moon dont change sizes throughout their cycles.

Heres a picture of the timelapse of a sunrise.


Here's one of the sunset.


Go search for pics of the moon and you find the same result. The model doesnt work man.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Again, Im gonna repeat, the sun and moon dont change sizes throughout their cycles.

Heres a picture of the timelapse of a sunrise.


Here's one of the sunset.


Go search for pics of the moon and you find the same result. The model doesnt work man.



You still don't get that it's all a matter of perspective.

Say bruh, believe what you want. It's alright brother.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You want to read real comedy?

Ask B Turd & C Whisperer how time is measured.


And I don't like mentioning an engineering degree but since we allegedly have an educator on board....
Time is relative. Time is not universally measured unless you are asking about how we measure time as In clocks? If so, that is an easy question.

Secondly, I am a biology major so I am very knowledgeable on this subject.

The faster you or an object moves through space, the slower you experience time. That is when you get into time dilation.

What’s crazy is that if you were riding in a truck and traveling 60 mph, then tossed a ball to the passenger. If you were in the truck and recorded the speed of the ball, the radar gun would only record it going maybe 2 mph.

But if you were standing outside the truck as it traveled 60 mph, your radar gun would record the ball traveling at 60 mph.

Also the closer you are to a large mass, time will tick slower for you than someone farther away from the large mass.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, they do go at different speeds. Download the flat earth app off apple and you can observe how it works.

And yes, the sun and moon are close. I'm not sure how far, some have said 1000 miles, other have said 3000. But 92 million miles?? naah

And how can you ask me what kind of magic shit burns for millions of years and is that small? What does size have to do with it? How about the so-called planets? Doesn't the ball earth have a molten core that's been burning for millions of years? Isn't the earth supposed to be waaaaaaaaay smaller than the sun? Either way is magical, unless you understand how it was created. A big bang seems pretty fuckin magical to me. Stars explode and then the dust forms planets...dafuq? The sun is a big ball of gas 92 millions of miles away that burns forever? Word??
The sun couldn’t be 1000 miles away. For one, the radiation at that distance would be lethal.

The heat from the sun would evaporate the moon and earth.


Potential Star
Nigga shutup, goddamn.

Yall niggas ask me questions and when I actually give you concise, logical answers y'all ignore shit that you know is correct because you have no rebuttals.

There is nothing logical about anything you’ve ever said. In fact, you’re the dumbest person on here.

First of all, use your pathetic head for something other than a place to put a hat.

Where do meteors and asteroids come from? We get struck by them pretty much daily. Are they generated from inside this dome?

What about all the space craft that go into SPACE? Do you think it’s an eternal conspiracy that every single government on earth secretly agree to so that they can convince us of a huge lie about the earth being round? WHAT FUCKING REASON WOULD THE ENTIRE WORLD HAVE TO KEEP THIS HUGE LIE GOING ON AND ON AND ON?!

So when these billionaires pay fora flight to go out of orbit into space, they are suddenly brought in to this world conspiracy to LIE and say the world is round?

Ahhhh yes, that’s right.... it’s necessary to lie to everyone and convince them that the world is round because otherwise......ummm..... welll you see..... ummmmm...

yeah, you’re a fucking idiot.


Rising Star


You still don't get that it's all a matter of perspective.

Say bruh, believe what you want. It's alright brother.

Yes it is alright.

A matter of perspective because we are on the ground right?

We watch planes and choppers from the exact same perspective we see the sun and moon, according to your model.

They also fly parallel to the ground right? So their path is the same.

So why do they gradually change sizes as they fly over but the sun and moon dont?

Come on man. Go work on a model that works.

king reckless

Rising Star
Time is relative. Time is not universally measured unless you are asking about how we measure time as In clocks? If so, that is an easy question.

Secondly, I am a biology major so I am very knowledgeable on this subject.

The faster you or an object moves through space, the slower you experience time. That is when you get into time dilation.

What’s crazy is that if you were riding in a truck and traveling 60 mph, then tossed a ball to the passenger. If you were in the truck and recorded the speed of the ball, the radar gun would only record it going maybe 2 mph.

But if you were standing outside the truck as it traveled 60 mph, your radar gun would record the ball traveling at 60 mph.

Also the closer you are to a large mass, time will tick slower for you than someone farther away from the large mass.
Time is relative, yeah. How do flat earthers measure time? Either watch or calendar? How about the seasons? How is the moon affecting the tides?

According to us round earthers, the planets are orbiting the sun. One earth spin takes 24 hours. The moon orbits the earth roughly 30 days. Our earth spins around the sun roughly a year. I don't know wtf is going on with that diagram cash dropped.

So why the trees not growing slanted on flat earth? Gravity is centered, right? How about Mars? Is that flat too?

About your ball and truck premise,that's velocity. Everything in that space of matter is traveling 60 mph regardless of what's happening within it.
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king reckless

Rising Star
The sun couldn’t be 1000 miles away. For one, the radiation at that distance would be lethal.

The heat from the sun would evaporate the moon and earth.

You're wasting your time. Life has to be lived. Your fellow poster thinks the sun is 1,000 miles away. For perspective, the US is less than 3,000 miles lengthwise. Average commercial flight is 500 to 600 miles per hour. So, if we could fly into space via plane (impossible but whatever), less than 2 hours.

What's the point of reading and watching all those videos if you can't grasp the concept of the content?

I hope you don't think the earth is flat as we have livelihoods and technological advances based on this. This isn't a belief or faith system like traveling to the moon or the presence of aliens. None of that really matters. But a flat earth? What is the point of just believing? One diagram cashwhisperer posted would mean the lunar and solar eclipse doesn't exist. The community is cute at best. Bet on aliens and the Philadelphia experiment.

This shit is older than the phrase the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Take a flashlight, a globe and a dark room. Spin that ball and google what time is it on the remote corners of the earth. Grade school science project, man.
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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
The sun couldn’t be 1000 miles away. For one, the radiation at that distance would be lethal.

The heat from the sun would evaporate the moon and earth.

Yeah, if we keep thinking the sun is a giant gas ball. If we consider that it might be something else, then everything changes. You can't apply ball earth rules to flat earth.

Smaller sun, less intensity.
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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
There is nothing logical about anything you’ve ever said. In fact, you’re the dumbest person on here.

First of all, use your pathetic head for something other than a place to put a hat.

Where do meteors and asteroids come from? We get struck by them pretty much daily. Are they generated from inside this dome?

What about all the space craft that go into SPACE? Do you think it’s an eternal conspiracy that every single government on earth secretly agree to so that they can convince us of a huge lie about the earth being round? WHAT FUCKING REASON WOULD THE ENTIRE WORLD HAVE TO KEEP THIS HUGE LIE GOING ON AND ON AND ON?!

So when these billionaires pay fora flight to go out of orbit into space, they are suddenly brought in to this world conspiracy to LIE and say the world is round?

Ahhhh yes, that’s right.... it’s necessary to lie to everyone and convince them that the world is round because otherwise......ummm..... welll you see..... ummmmm...

yeah, you’re a fucking idiot.

Lol, who's burner account is this?? Sammy?? That you??
