Is DJ Envy (aka Individual #1) a real estate scammer?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
LOL!! Online gambling money doesn't mean much when it comes to the economy of a region. 9/11 and all the Fed money that came with it is what really built up that region. Now that honey pot is gone, NY is reverting back to what it was pre 9/11.

I guess that's more important than completely empty new malls that are getting outperformed by similar malls in sanctioned countries.

Massive office and hotel vacancies that's currently being subsidized by government Covid money due to expire May 24 th of next year. That office money isn't coming back anytime soon. The 1% bailing for Texas and Florida will hit your pockets hard as fuck once the Covid money is gone.

If the money was in NY like you say it was the ground level niggas wouldn't be acting like savages for a PlayStation 5 and out state ponzi scamming like Envy's partners.

I know a lot more about the situation than I am letting on. The scam they are doing is nothing new in the town they are doing it in but they just did it to the wrong people.

If you want the more details on how his crew did it wrong you can PM me but Im not going into details in public. Scamming people with bando sells aint new, you just don't need to be a public figure involved in the scheme because there will be a paper tail and a lawsuit if people have access to you .

All indications that things ain't all rosey in NYC after Covid. Trust me, this is only the beginning and it will only get worse over the next 20 years.
Over 1 billion of that gambling money will come back to ny as far as taxes. A bunch of minors was offered a free ps 5 and other gifts so of course they came out. Name a state or a place where a bunch of minors wouldn’t come out to get free tech and gift cards.. this guy act like if I said I’m giving out 20 new iPhones that no one would show up to get them in any state.. there’s this thing called billionaire row in Manhattan where a bunch of 10 fig and up dudes own locations. Name the other 49 states that have this same area in their states. Or top 3 where millionaires live.. laughing at in 20 yrs u’ll see


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
envy strong tho
he got heavy backing
interesting to see he should side with tony and get cesar

It could actually be the opposite of this

Envy was going to these same people asking them to invest.

Do you think his "heavy backing" is going to sue and go through the courts?


International Member
It could actually be the opposite of this

Envy was going to these same people asking them to invest.

Do you think his "heavy backing" is going to sue and go through the courts?
thats my point he did it trusting cesar
so he should sue cesar he is taking everybody to court but him
More like a letter from a lawyer

I wouldn't want unneeded lawyer fees from clout chasing :dunno:
nah this was way before the legal shit


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Over 1 billion of that gambling money will come back to ny as far as taxes. A bunch of minors was offered a free ps 5 and other gifts so of course they came out. Name a state or a place where a bunch of minors wouldn’t come out to get free tech and gift cards.. this guy act like if I said I’m giving out 20 new iPhones that no one would show up to get them in any state.. there’s this thing called billionaire row in Manhattan where a bunch of 10 fig and up dudes own locations. Name the other 49 states that have this same area in their states. Or top 3 where millionaires live.. laughing at in 20 yrs u’ll see
Billionaires barely pay taxes or spend time in NY spending money.

They usually have yatchs, planes, and homes in the Hamptons that allow them to spend most of their monies outside the US/NY.

All those rich people are why you have empty high rises that don't have people that can shop in that failure of a new mall.

The office workers who made Manhattan work at home and are never comming back in this lifetime. These are the same people who are supposed to shop at that mall but for some reason rather spend money gambling according to you.

The middle class black/latinos have been replaced with illegals and immigrants who don't have to income to replace the people who left.

I actually grew up in NYC. Half those tiendas and bodegas that where open in my youth are closed Uptown. That shit break my heart to see upper Manhattan look so bad.

It looks like all the investment went south of 100st and Brooklyn. Yall niggas aint seeing none of that money in the colored parts other than a rehab of s building ment to move you out.

You keep holding that foolish pride. If so much money is going around why are NYC people leaving at a rate 3x higher than Midwestern cities. NY niggas don't leave NYC unless there isn't enough to go around. Why would you deal or scam somewhere else if the billionaires are suppling a robust economy?

LOL!! You keep acting like having billionaires is going make NYC stop have snow storms and floods that are also part of the reason people are leaving. I guess other people having money keeps you warm at night. How cute.

I like to sleep with my money instead of bragging about how much other people got. I dunno, that's just me.

Trust me fella, once that Covid money goes, the bottom is going to fall out. Dem Jews and Puerto Ricans done took they talents to Florida and they left you with an old decrepit city that will need to go bankrupt to fix itself.

Nothing personal, just facts. I hope that online gambling can save NY like you're saying but I highly doubt it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Billionaires barely pay taxes or spend time in NY spending money.

They usually have yatchs, planes, and homes in the Hamptons that allow them to spend most of their monies outside the US/NY.

All those rich people are why you have empty high rises that don't have people that can shop in that failure of a new mall.

The office workers who made Manhattan work at home and are never comming back in this lifetime. These are the same people who are supposed to shop at that mall but for some reason rather spend money gambling according to you.

The middle class black/latinos have been replaced with illegals and immigrants who don't have to income to replace the people who left.

I actually grew up in NYC. Half those tiendas and bodegas that where open in my youth are closed Uptown. That shit break my heart to see upper Manhattan look so bad.

It looks like all the investment went south of 100st and Brooklyn. Yall niggas aint seeing none of that money in the colored parts other than a rehab of s building ment to move you out.

You keep holding that foolish pride. If so much money is going around why are NYC people leaving at a rate 3x higher than Midwestern cities. NY niggas don't leave NYC unless there isn't enough to go around. Why would you deal or scam somewhere else if the billionaires are suppling a robust economy?

LOL!! You keep acting like having billionaires is going make NYC stop have snow storms and floods that are also part of the reason people are leaving. I guess other people having money keeps you warm at night. How cute.

I like to sleep with my money instead of bragging about how much other people got. I dunno, that's just me.

Trust me fella, once that Covid money goes, the bottom is going to fall out. Dem Jews and Puerto Ricans done took they talents to Florida and they left you with an old decrepit city that will need to go bankrupt to fix itself.

Nothing personal, just facts. I hope that online gambling can save NY like you're saying but I highly doubt it.
Retirement, buying a house dream, wanted to open up shop/ bizz venture out of town, the cheaper cost of living , easier pussy, couldn’t hack ny life, more of a homebody.. these are usually why people leave ny.. for every person leaving there’s a bunch of transplant wanting to come to nyc


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Retirement, buying a house dream, wanted to open up shop/ bizz venture out of town, the cheaper cost of living , easier pussy, couldn’t hack ny life, more of a homebody.. these are usually why people leave ny.. for every person leaving there’s a bunch of transplant wanting to come to nyc
When you are losing 3% of your population there aren't enough "transplants" to take their place.

And when they are being replaced, its not Becky and Tim from the Midwest coming from a 40K job to a 100K. Its now Jose and Maria from Ecuador going from making 2K to 15K to 20K. Do the math. Thats a 80% reduction in income on top of the social services they will need like schools for children.

Its not hard to go broke fast when you are badly leveraged to begin with. NYC was never a place that produced highly skilled workers, it just leached them from other places.

Now that the well has run dry NY will be on a steady decline for the next decade until the population possibly goes up due to a higher birth rate amongst immigrants.

Sorry to say that your politicatians fucked you in the ass and ran to Florida, NC and Texas with the bag.
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International Member

I became familiar with him from MDWOG and they fell out. I forgot why, but it didn't end well and him and Gillie went back and forth.

He always sounded like a scammer too.
I think he said he brought people on the show that paid but never received a cut from them when he was the one bringing them. And he was mad girlie and wallo didnt say or do anything when he got falsely arrested

Also Tasha k was cool with him and his wife and they fallout so this just that


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
I'm so sick of these internet niggas....all are scamming,making false claims,selling bullshit and bickering with each other over the internet:you talk about a house divided...
This is why you only do businesses with LICENSED professionals with solid reputations and referrals.

When has a celebrity ever given information to the masses on how to get rich and it actually worked?

Envy doesn't even have a Real Estate license or any type of formal business training.

Real rich people only use Financial Advisors or Planners with series 7. You deserve to be ripped off if you think a YouTuber is going to give you the keys to succeed.