Janet Jackson catching Twitter smoke today.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Specify what you're referring to.

Is it this?

I'm referring to the the accolades the original ADOS website gave to Ronald Reagan for his great small business legislation.

I posted the exact link from internet archive in an older post, that had the statement included in the mission statement before they conveniently took it down


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Specify what you're referring to.

Is it this?

Specify what you're referring to.

No this.
archived ados.101.com page

Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars.


Reagan Administration Accused Of Hurting Most Black Colleges
U.S. Reports Contend Federal Assistance Has Risen Sharply

By Vivian Aplin-Brownlee
November 3, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. EST

Once again, revisionist history dictates it was Biden and only Biden pushing and passing the crime bill and similar laws. At the end of the day, it still took a number folks to make those laws a reality.

Let's continue to pretend that black folk, weren't looking for some sort of relief from the crack epidemic, namely doing what it takes to get the dealers off the streets.

Sure there were SOME black voices that may have been against those laws at the time. However, I know first hand a number of hard core conservative organizations complaining that the 94 crime bill was too soft and a waste of money when pointing out some of the social programs included in it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right, wrong or otherwise DL is going to take a chunk out of anyone taking shots at Kamala. Seems like he's angling for a job in her administration.
are u saying he shouldn't voice his own opinion on politics that affect us?
he was one of her loudest haters until he said he read up on her & her work & like a real man should do , apologized for his uneducated biased takes on her.. while the rest of these folks will get a million & one documented proof on trump & still hold the line for trump


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No this.
archived ados.101.com page

Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars.


Reagan Administration Accused Of Hurting Most Black Colleges
U.S. Reports Contend Federal Assistance Has Risen Sharply

By Vivian Aplin-Brownlee
November 3, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. EST

Once again, revisionist history dictates it was Biden and only Biden pushing and passing the crime bill and similar laws. At the end of the day, it still took a number folks to make those laws a reality.

Let's continue to pretend that black folk, weren't looking for some sort of relief from the crack epidemic, namely doing what it takes to get the dealers off the streets.

Sure there were SOME black voices that may have been against those laws at the time. However, I know first hand a number of hard core conservative organizations complaining that the 94 crime bill was too soft and a waste of money when pointing out some of the social programs included in it.
like Ive said .. WE HAVE THE TAPES.. they think we dont remember how when the website went up & ppl started scrutinize the heavy rightwing leanings , they came back 2 days later to scrub a lot of it & do edits.. just waiting for the right moment when folks will unleash it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ya’ll not gonna fuck with my baby. Vote for whoever you want, but you not gonna play my baby. She said what she said.


DA FUCK... Kniggas CANT SAY HOW THEY REALLY FEEL NOW?? Thats why I have come to really hate what the democrats

have become..

A party of beta male faggots, and wayward dykes, on some.. DO WHAT I SAY BECAUSE I SAID SO SHIT..

like that might work on the spineless pussies afraid of their own shadow..


so chea..



All of a sudden this is NOT America, No freedom of speech..

Yea I really have come to HATE what the democratic party has become...

a party of beta males, bull dykes, and soulless demonic feminist, all who

HATE BRUHS aka "black" MEN... and think their little pseudo power, is the be all, end all,

HA.. even if the democrats slither in to another four years..

they are going to WISH THEY LOST... I promise you this...

I kind of want Kamala to win..

I love the fact its exposing our WEAK POINTS!!!
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This should have its own thread discussion.. but Ill bump a Woodchuck thread tho..

He a true bgol OG...


Tariq has a good point.. and this is why Im voting for Trump to.

He fully supported Mike Jackson he never turned his back on him.. Kamala hindu harris,

had NO feeling either way, SHE A COLD HEARTED BITCH...

Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This should have its own thread discussion.. but Ill bump a Woodchuck thread tho..

He a true bgol OG...


Tariq has a good point.. and this is why Im voting for Trump to.

He fully supported Mike Jackson he never turned his back on him.. Kamala hinud harris,

had NO feeling either way, SHE A COLD HEARTED BITCH...

Sure, that's why.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you? Only a hit dog hollers right?
Yeah but I'm proud of what I do here. Check the post. Look at the humor and insights I provide and the look and the pure unadulterated BS you provide. You might not be ready for BGOL. Maybe go back down to Nude Africa. You've been demoted.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I'm referring to the the accolades the original ADOS website gave to Ronald Reagan for his great small business legislation.

I posted the exact link from internet archive in an older post, that had the statement included in the mission statement before they conveniently took it down

No this.
archived ados.101.com page

Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars.


Reagan Administration Accused Of Hurting Most Black Colleges
U.S. Reports Contend Federal Assistance Has Risen Sharply

By Vivian Aplin-Brownlee
November 3, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. EST

Once again, revisionist history dictates it was Biden and only Biden pushing and passing the crime bill and similar laws. At the end of the day, it still took a number folks to make those laws a reality.

Let's continue to pretend that black folk, weren't looking for some sort of relief from the crack epidemic, namely doing what it takes to get the dealers off the streets.

Sure there were SOME black voices that may have been against those laws at the time. However, I know first hand a number of hard core conservative organizations complaining that the 94 crime bill was too soft and a waste of money when pointing out some of the social programs included in it.

Those are far from "accolades." It was stated to make a point. And why don't you talk about this?


Your point is moot. HBCUs have been hurt by Democratic and Republican administration and urgent changes need to be made. THAT IS THE ULTIMATE POINT! The issue is that people like you act as if the Democratic Party, Obama, Biden, Harris etc should not be critically assessed at all, even if their policies are just as damaging as the GOP.

And I am glad you cited the original ADOS101 Black Agenda page. Please tell me what is "right-wing" or "GOP" or "MAGA" about any of the information from the original page. Or even highlight what is false.

I challenge you to do so.


Wayback Machine


American Descendants of Slavery​

Black Agenda​

As a specific group with a specific justice claim, the #ADOS movement demands a specific agenda with policy prescriptions that address the losses stemming from the institution of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, convict leasing, mass incarceration and immigration.

We demand a New Deal for Black America which includes, but is not limited to:

  • We need set asides for American descendants of slavery, not “minorities”, a throw-away category which includes all groups except white men. That categorization has allowed Democrats to use programs like affirmative actions as “giveaways” to all groups in exchange for votes. The bribery must end. That begins with a new designation on the Census with ADOS and another for Black immigrants. Black immigrants should be barred from accessing affirmative action and other set asides intended for ADOS, as should Asians, Latinos, white women, and other “minority” groups. In addition, ADOS hiring and employment data must be demanded for all businesses receiving tax credits, incentives, and governmental support. As well as all governmental agencies national, state and local. It is our belief that this will show that there are minimal if any ADOS professionals in fields including but not limited to engineering, medical, legal and tech.

  • Once affirmative action is streamlined as a government program only and specifically for ADOS, the program should be fully reinstituted.

  • The Supreme Court decided wrongly when it gutted the Voting Rights Act. As the Atlanta Journal Constitution article “It’s Time to Solve the Mystery of the 100,000 Mystery Votes” indicates, the protections outlined in the Voting Rights Act are essential to protecting the rights of ADOS in America. Reinstituting the protections of The Voting Rights Act is a key part of our agenda.

  • We seek a multi-billion dollar infrastructure plan targeted to ADOS communities, including, but not limited to, the Black Belt, Flint, Michigan. A Reuters examination published in 2016 found 3,000 cities with poisoning rates higher than Flint.

  • Mass incarceration has wreaked havoc on Black American families. By some accounts there are literally more black males imprisoned than all women are incarcerated on the planet. To give context there are 20 million black males, and they largely descend from slavery. While there are 4 billion women globally, both groups producing the same number of incarcerated. The reinvention of slavery through use of the 13th Amendment is chronicled by Douglas Blackmon in his PBS documentary “Slavery by Another Name”, it is our position this must be corrected. We demand a immediate assessment of the numbers of the #ADOS prison populations at the state & federal level. We also demand that there be review if punishment (bail amounts, sentence lengths, amount of time served before parole) is being levied at unfairly high levels on #ADOS based on gender and race for similar crimes to other groups. We demand that there be real prison reform in the form of investment into counseling, job training, and rehabilitation for our incarcerated.

  • Residents of majority ADOS areas that have been poisoned under the federal, local and state government’s watch, such as not only Flint, Michigan, but Denmark, South Carolina, and others, must be financially compensated for the benign neglect of the Environmental Protection Agency and the government in general. The Justice Department must also institute protections which exact heavy fines and federal criminal prosecution for future offenders.

  • Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars. This is a transfer of wealth from ADOS to whites.
Our agenda demands that the federal government fully endow our remaining HBCUs in a dollar amount that meets the budgetary needs of each institution. In addition, ADOS students who attend HBCUs should receive a discount in the form of a 75 percent tax credit, given that our inability to pay the rising cost of education is directly tied to the racial wealth gap coming from slavery. ADOS who choose schools outside of the HBCU network should receive a 50 percent government funded credit.

  • Findings published in USA Today concluded that top universities graduate ADOS in tech, but those graduates can’t find jobs in Silicon Valley. Only 2% of technology workers at seven Silicon Valley companies are Black, according to the report,and many of those are Black immigrants, not ADOS. And according to a study by Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman, American colleges graduate more tech workers than tech companies need, hence the H1-B program reduces opportunities for ADOS searching for careers in technology. The government must strictly limit the number of H1-B Visa workers tech companies that flow in each year.

  • Audit the banks to see if there are patterns of racial discrimination in lending, and require these banks to extend loans to ADOS businesses. These banks received bailout from taxpayers and owe a debt to all taxpayers, regardless of race. In addition, banks such as Wells Fargo used predatory schemes historically, not just during the Great Recession, to eviscerate Black Wealth. Lending to Black businesses and institutions would be a beginning for banks to redress the harm they’ve caused to the ADOS community.

  • Mandate that the government’s advertising budget include Black media. There is no ADOS community without our own media. Incentivize through legislative action that all major companies spend 10% of their advertising budget with ADOS media in exchange for tax credits. In addition, mandate that 10% of government advertising for governmental agencies, armed forces and other ancillary programs go to majority ADOS owned media companies.

  • ADOS college debt should be forgiven in the same way losses were forgiven for the banks on Wall Street. Those executives oversaw the evaporation of billions in global wealth. ADOS graduates bought into the idea that the key to success in life was an education, and there was a place for us in America, only to find after graduation that we were locked out. We can’t afford to bear the burden of a lie.

  • A health care credit to pay for medical coverage for all ADOS. This would cover surgery, pharmaceutical, and counseling needs. As an example we would like to see a Lineage Therapy, whereby #ADOS leadership, in co-operation with licensed therapists and psychiatrists, develop a therapy curriculum to help members of the ADOS understand and manage their ancestral traumas. This therapy should come at no cost to the ADOS community.

  • America has never atoned for its original sin of slavery in the form of reparations. It is our position that H.R. 40 be passed, and additional supportive measures implemented. We need to gather the data on the level of wealth that was lost as a direct result of slavery, and the era of Jim Crow that followed. In the paper “40 acres and a mule in the 21st century” Economist Sandy Darity of Duke University assessed the value today as:
If we also take as a conservative estimate the total number of ex-slaves who had attained emancipation at the close of the Civil War as 4 million persons, 40 million acres of land valued at $400 million should have been distributed to the ex-slaves in 1865. The present value of that sum of money compounded from 1865 at 6 percent (5 percent for interest earned and 1 percent as an inflation adjustment) would amount to more than $1.3 trillion. If there are approximately 30 million descendants of enslaved Africans in the United States today, the estimate based on 40 acres yields an allocation of slightly more than $400,000 per recipient.
#ADOS demands that there be a real review of direct payouts needed to be made to eligible recipients from gathered data, and progress be made toward making #ADOS families whole.

Without these measures being instituted, ADOS are locked out of the country our ancestors built during chattel slavery. Without reforms through transformative government, we will be left to continue living a Third World Life in a First World country.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sure, that's why.
:lol: Exactly!

“Trump supported a weird ass ninja with a tilt-a-whirl in his kitchen…so I’m voting for Trump!” :smh:

“Didja hear that, folks? One of myyyyy..blllllacks is supporting me..heavily, might add. Big time! You know, I wish more of the bllllllacks thought the way my good bllllllack does. Wouldn’t that..? Right? He’s a good one. I call him, Bllllacky, for short. :yes: He likes it. Crazy, right! I wouldn’t live next to him or hire him, but, love your vote. Maybe you should-I don’t know-go on the blllllack message boards and post ridiculous reasons why I’m for the blllllacks and, I will, reward you, MIGHTILY!”


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Yeah but I'm proud of what I do here. Check the post. Look at the humor and insights I provide and the look and the pure unadulterated BS you provide. You might not be ready for BGOL. Maybe go back down to Nude Africa. You've been demoted.

I'm really not even familiar with you nor do I pay attention to what you post. Based on what I see here, I'm sure it's standard Democratic dickriding from an old-ass out-of-touch old man and nothing else of interest.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm really not even familiar with you nor do I pay attention to what you post. Based on what I see here, I'm sure it's standard Democratic dickriding from an old-ass out-of-touch old man and nothing else of interest.
Wow that hurts. I thought I had the largest crowd size ever.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sure, that's why.

bruh Im all about FACTS..










if you A REAL KNIGGA..


if you a beta male faggot, then you just do what your spineless
ass do..



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those are far from "accolades." It was stated to make a point. And why don't you talk about this?


Your point is moot. HBCUs have been hurt by Democratic and Republican administration and urgent changes need to be made. THAT IS THE ULTIMATE POINT! The issue is that people like you act as if the Democratic Party, Obama, Biden, Harris etc should not be critically assessed at all, even if their policies are just as damaging as the GOP.

And I am glad you cited the original ADOS101 Black Agenda page. Please tell me what is "right-wing" or "GOP" or "MAGA" about any of the information from the original page. Or even highlight what is false.

I challenge you to do so.


Wayback Machine


American Descendants of Slavery​

Black Agenda​

As a specific group with a specific justice claim, the #ADOS movement demands a specific agenda with policy prescriptions that address the losses stemming from the institution of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, convict leasing, mass incarceration and immigration.

We demand a New Deal for Black America which includes, but is not limited to:

  • We need set asides for American descendants of slavery, not “minorities”, a throw-away category which includes all groups except white men. That categorization has allowed Democrats to use programs like affirmative actions as “giveaways” to all groups in exchange for votes. The bribery must end. That begins with a new designation on the Census with ADOS and another for Black immigrants. Black immigrants should be barred from accessing affirmative action and other set asides intended for ADOS, as should Asians, Latinos, white women, and other “minority” groups. In addition, ADOS hiring and employment data must be demanded for all businesses receiving tax credits, incentives, and governmental support. As well as all governmental agencies national, state and local. It is our belief that this will show that there are minimal if any ADOS professionals in fields including but not limited to engineering, medical, legal and tech.

  • Once affirmative action is streamlined as a government program only and specifically for ADOS, the program should be fully reinstituted.

  • The Supreme Court decided wrongly when it gutted the Voting Rights Act. As the Atlanta Journal Constitution article “It’s Time to Solve the Mystery of the 100,000 Mystery Votes” indicates, the protections outlined in the Voting Rights Act are essential to protecting the rights of ADOS in America. Reinstituting the protections of The Voting Rights Act is a key part of our agenda.

  • We seek a multi-billion dollar infrastructure plan targeted to ADOS communities, including, but not limited to, the Black Belt, Flint, Michigan. A Reuters examination published in 2016 found 3,000 cities with poisoning rates higher than Flint.

  • Mass incarceration has wreaked havoc on Black American families. By some accounts there are literally more black males imprisoned than all women are incarcerated on the planet. To give context there are 20 million black males, and they largely descend from slavery. While there are 4 billion women globally, both groups producing the same number of incarcerated. The reinvention of slavery through use of the 13th Amendment is chronicled by Douglas Blackmon in his PBS documentary “Slavery by Another Name”, it is our position this must be corrected. We demand a immediate assessment of the numbers of the #ADOS prison populations at the state & federal level. We also demand that there be review if punishment (bail amounts, sentence lengths, amount of time served before parole) is being levied at unfairly high levels on #ADOS based on gender and race for similar crimes to other groups. We demand that there be real prison reform in the form of investment into counseling, job training, and rehabilitation for our incarcerated.

  • Residents of majority ADOS areas that have been poisoned under the federal, local and state government’s watch, such as not only Flint, Michigan, but Denmark, South Carolina, and others, must be financially compensated for the benign neglect of the Environmental Protection Agency and the government in general. The Justice Department must also institute protections which exact heavy fines and federal criminal prosecution for future offenders.

  • Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars. This is a transfer of wealth from ADOS to whites.
Our agenda demands that the federal government fully endow our remaining HBCUs in a dollar amount that meets the budgetary needs of each institution. In addition, ADOS students who attend HBCUs should receive a discount in the form of a 75 percent tax credit, given that our inability to pay the rising cost of education is directly tied to the racial wealth gap coming from slavery. ADOS who choose schools outside of the HBCU network should receive a 50 percent government funded credit.

  • Findings published in USA Today concluded that top universities graduate ADOS in tech, but those graduates can’t find jobs in Silicon Valley. Only 2% of technology workers at seven Silicon Valley companies are Black, according to the report,and many of those are Black immigrants, not ADOS. And according to a study by Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman, American colleges graduate more tech workers than tech companies need, hence the H1-B program reduces opportunities for ADOS searching for careers in technology. The government must strictly limit the number of H1-B Visa workers tech companies that flow in each year.

  • Audit the banks to see if there are patterns of racial discrimination in lending, and require these banks to extend loans to ADOS businesses. These banks received bailout from taxpayers and owe a debt to all taxpayers, regardless of race. In addition, banks such as Wells Fargo used predatory schemes historically, not just during the Great Recession, to eviscerate Black Wealth. Lending to Black businesses and institutions would be a beginning for banks to redress the harm they’ve caused to the ADOS community.

  • Mandate that the government’s advertising budget include Black media. There is no ADOS community without our own media. Incentivize through legislative action that all major companies spend 10% of their advertising budget with ADOS media in exchange for tax credits. In addition, mandate that 10% of government advertising for governmental agencies, armed forces and other ancillary programs go to majority ADOS owned media companies.

  • ADOS college debt should be forgiven in the same way losses were forgiven for the banks on Wall Street. Those executives oversaw the evaporation of billions in global wealth. ADOS graduates bought into the idea that the key to success in life was an education, and there was a place for us in America, only to find after graduation that we were locked out. We can’t afford to bear the burden of a lie.

  • A health care credit to pay for medical coverage for all ADOS. This would cover surgery, pharmaceutical, and counseling needs. As an example we would like to see a Lineage Therapy, whereby #ADOS leadership, in co-operation with licensed therapists and psychiatrists, develop a therapy curriculum to help members of the ADOS understand and manage their ancestral traumas. This therapy should come at no cost to the ADOS community.

  • America has never atoned for its original sin of slavery in the form of reparations. It is our position that H.R. 40 be passed, and additional supportive measures implemented. We need to gather the data on the level of wealth that was lost as a direct result of slavery, and the era of Jim Crow that followed. In the paper “40 acres and a mule in the 21st century” Economist Sandy Darity of Duke University assessed the value today as:
If we also take as a conservative estimate the total number of ex-slaves who had attained emancipation at the close of the Civil War as 4 million persons, 40 million acres of land valued at $400 million should have been distributed to the ex-slaves in 1865. The present value of that sum of money compounded from 1865 at 6 percent (5 percent for interest earned and 1 percent as an inflation adjustment) would amount to more than $1.3 trillion. If there are approximately 30 million descendants of enslaved Africans in the United States today, the estimate based on 40 acres yields an allocation of slightly more than $400,000 per recipient.
#ADOS demands that there be a real review of direct payouts needed to be made to eligible recipients from gathered data, and progress be made toward making #ADOS families whole.

Without these measures being instituted, ADOS are locked out of the country our ancestors built during chattel slavery. Without reforms through transformative government, we will be left to continue living a Third World Life in a First World country.
The Washington Post literally wrote an article during the Reagan era that the HBCU funding was bullshit, so why were your people giving it any type of props or acknowledgement?

Why don't you acknowledge ALL the extra money Biden/ Harris gave to HBCU's, money that was given in the last 3 years or so. Obama was what 15 years ago?



Rising Star
Mike and Janet sold themselves as great entertainers as well. When Mike was taking over Broadcast AND cable networks with video premieres, it wasn't just because of Quincy's music. Both Mike and Janet produced high-end event videos with great choreography.

However, there no debate about Prince being the best Musician out of all of them.

I agree it was not just because of his music, but, adding Quincy to the mix was like adding cayenne, white pepper and black pepper, the holy trinity, to gumbo. Makes it so much more than just a very good soup.

Tortured analogy, I know.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
The Washington Post literally wrote an article during the Reagan era that the HBCU funding was bullshit, so why were your people giving it any type of props or acknowledgement?

Why don't you acknowledge ALL the extra money Biden/ Harris gave to HBCU's, money that was given in the last 3 years or so. Obama was what 15 years ago?

The article said the Reagan-era funding was ".....are greatly inflated by a few large allocations to special schools, such as Howard University here :eek2:, and that many of the more than 100 historically black schools are receiving less help than before Reagan signed his order."

And the articles I showed you said that the Obama-era funding was "bullshit" as well because "Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have seen a 19% drop in funding due to student loan denials as a result of the U.S. Department of Education’s change in the eligibility requirements for Parent PLUS loans."

And you're hollering that Obama was 15 years ago (those PLUS changes were in 2014 actually) yet you're crying about Reagan's policies that were FORTY years ago!! And this is exactly what I'm talking about. This constant need to cape for the Democrats rather than critically analyze them and their policies as much as you do the Republicans! What the fuck is that about?

And if you want to look at Biden/Harris:

And you ignored the rest of the ADOS page. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
are u saying he shouldn't voice his own opinion on politics that affect us?
he was one of her loudest haters until he said he read up on her & her work & like a real man should do , apologized for his uneducated biased takes on her.. while the rest of these folks will get a million & one documented proof on trump & still hold the line for trump
Read my earlier comments in this thread. Of course I'm not saying he shouldn't speak his mind. I don't even think he's wrong about Janet in this instance. I'm just saying his venom for anyone coming at Harris seems a little bit over the top.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I think what Janet was really saying is can we trust Kamala. Kamala is married to a Jewish cac. Does Kamala father have two black parents? I think she may be 1/4 black. I'm not voting for Trump, but I really don't like Kamala at all.
So I have to look at who has the best policies for black folk. We will die no matter what. One will just be a slower death. Our to options are eat shit or drink piss.
Bashing Janet is foolish she is an entertainer not a scholar. She is usually good no matter who wins.
What he / she was trying to say....I hate that shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those are far from "accolades." It was stated to make a point. And why don't you talk about this?


Your point is moot. HBCUs have been hurt by Democratic and Republican administration and urgent changes need to be made. THAT IS THE ULTIMATE POINT! The issue is that people like you act as if the Democratic Party, Obama, Biden, Harris etc should not be critically assessed at all, even if their policies are just as damaging as the GOP.

And I am glad you cited the original ADOS101 Black Agenda page. Please tell me what is "right-wing" or "GOP" or "MAGA" about any of the information from the original page. Or even highlight what is false.

I challenge you to do so.


Wayback Machine


American Descendants of Slavery​

Black Agenda​

As a specific group with a specific justice claim, the #ADOS movement demands a specific agenda with policy prescriptions that address the losses stemming from the institution of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, convict leasing, mass incarceration and immigration.

We demand a New Deal for Black America which includes, but is not limited to:

  • We need set asides for American descendants of slavery, not “minorities”, a throw-away category which includes all groups except white men. That categorization has allowed Democrats to use programs like affirmative actions as “giveaways” to all groups in exchange for votes. The bribery must end. That begins with a new designation on the Census with ADOS and another for Black immigrants. Black immigrants should be barred from accessing affirmative action and other set asides intended for ADOS, as should Asians, Latinos, white women, and other “minority” groups. In addition, ADOS hiring and employment data must be demanded for all businesses receiving tax credits, incentives, and governmental support. As well as all governmental agencies national, state and local. It is our belief that this will show that there are minimal if any ADOS professionals in fields including but not limited to engineering, medical, legal and tech.

  • Once affirmative action is streamlined as a government program only and specifically for ADOS, the program should be fully reinstituted.

  • The Supreme Court decided wrongly when it gutted the Voting Rights Act. As the Atlanta Journal Constitution article “It’s Time to Solve the Mystery of the 100,000 Mystery Votes”indicates, the protections outlined in the Voting Rights Act are essential to protecting the rights of ADOS in America. Reinstituting the protections of The Voting Rights Act is a key part of our agenda.

  • We seek a multi-billion dollar infrastructure plan targeted to ADOS communities, including, but not limited to, the Black Belt, Flint, Michigan. A Reuters examination published in 2016 found 3,000 cities with poisoning rates higher than Flint.

  • Mass incarceration has wreaked havoc on Black American families. By some accounts there are literally more black males imprisoned than all women are incarcerated on the planet. To give context there are 20 million black males, and they largely descend from slavery. While there are 4 billion women globally, both groups producing the same number of incarcerated. The reinvention of slavery through use of the 13th Amendment is chronicled by Douglas Blackmon in his PBS documentary “Slavery by Another Name”, it is our position this must be corrected. We demand a immediate assessment of the numbers of the #ADOS prison populations at the state & federal level. We also demand that there be review if punishment (bail amounts, sentence lengths, amount of time served before parole) is being levied at unfairly high levels on #ADOS based on gender and race for similar crimes to other groups. We demand that there be real prison reform in the form of investment into counseling, job training, and rehabilitation for our incarcerated.

  • Residents of majority ADOS areas that have been poisoned under the federal, local and state government’s watch, such as not only Flint, Michigan, but Denmark, South Carolina, and others, must be financially compensated for the benign neglect of the Environmental Protection Agency and the government in general. The Justice Department must also institute protections which exact heavy fines and federal criminal prosecution for future offenders.

  • Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars. This is a transfer of wealth from ADOS to whites.
Our agenda demands that the federal government fully endow our remaining HBCUs in a dollar amount that meets the budgetary needs of each institution. In addition, ADOS students who attend HBCUs should receive a discount in the form of a 75 percent tax credit, given that our inability to pay the rising cost of education is directly tied to the racial wealth gap coming from slavery. ADOS who choose schools outside of the HBCU network should receive a 50 percent government funded credit.

  • Findings published in USA Todayconcluded that top universities graduate ADOS in tech, but those graduates can’t find jobs in Silicon Valley. Only 2% of technology workers at seven Silicon Valley companies are Black, according to the report,and many of those are Black immigrants, not ADOS. And according to a study by Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman, American colleges graduate more tech workers than tech companies need, hence the H1-B program reduces opportunities for ADOS searching for careers in technology. The government must strictly limit the number of H1-B Visa workers tech companies that flow in each year.

  • Audit the banks to see if there are patterns of racial discrimination in lending, and require these banks to extend loans to ADOS businesses. These banks received bailout from taxpayers and owe a debt to all taxpayers, regardless of race. In addition, banks such as Wells Fargo used predatory schemes historically, not just during the Great Recession, to eviscerate Black Wealth. Lending to Black businesses and institutions would be a beginning for banks to redress the harm they’ve caused to the ADOS community.

  • Mandate that the government’s advertising budget include Black media. There is no ADOS community without our own media. Incentivize through legislative action that all major companies spend 10% of their advertising budget with ADOS media in exchange for tax credits. In addition, mandate that 10% of government advertising for governmental agencies, armed forces and other ancillary programs go to majority ADOS owned media companies.

  • ADOS college debt should be forgiven in the same way losses were forgiven for the banks on Wall Street. Those executives oversaw the evaporation of billions in global wealth. ADOS graduates bought into the idea that the key to success in life was an education, and there was a place for us in America, only to find after graduation that we were locked out. We can’t afford to bear the burden of a lie.

  • A health care credit to pay for medical coverage for all ADOS. This would cover surgery, pharmaceutical, and counseling needs. As an example we would like to see a Lineage Therapy, whereby #ADOS leadership, in co-operation with licensed therapists and psychiatrists, develop a therapy curriculum to help members of the ADOS understand and manage their ancestral traumas. This therapy should come at no cost to the ADOS community.

  • America has never atoned for its original sin of slavery in the form of reparations. It is our position that H.R. 40 be passed, and additional supportive measures implemented. We need to gather the data on the level of wealth that was lost as a direct result of slavery, and the era of Jim Crow that followed. In the paper “40 acres and a mule in the 21st century” Economist Sandy Darity of Duke University assessed the value today as:
If we also take as a conservative estimate the total number of ex-slaves who had attained emancipation at the close of the Civil War as 4 million persons, 40 million acres of land valued at $400 million should have been distributed to the ex-slaves in 1865. The present value of that sum of money compounded from 1865 at 6 percent (5 percent for interest earned and 1 percent as an inflation adjustment) would amount to more than $1.3 trillion. If there are approximately 30 million descendants of enslaved Africans in the United States today, the estimate based on 40 acres yields an allocation of slightly more than $400,000 per recipient.
#ADOS demands that there be a real review of direct payouts needed to be made to eligible recipients from gathered data, and progress be made toward making #ADOS families whole.

Without these measures being instituted, ADOS are locked out of the country our ancestors built during chattel slavery. Without reforms through transformative government, we will be left to continue living a Third World Life in a First World country.

I just listened to your Malik El Shabazz sig, and he called these die hard demoncratic flunkies, CHUMPS and TRAITORS


yea all you democratic flakey flunky kneegrows.. Maliik El Shabazz called all YALL fuckin


and He was



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The article said the Reagan-era funding was ".....are greatly inflated by a few large allocations to special schools, such as Howard University here :eek2:, and that many of the more than 100 historically black schools are receiving less help than before Reagan signed his order."

And the articles I showed you said that the Obama-era funding was "bullshit" as well because "Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have seen a 19% drop in funding due to student loan denials as a result of the U.S. Department of Education’s change in the eligibility requirements for Parent PLUS loans."

And you're hollering that Obama was 15 years ago (those PLUS changes were in 2014 actually) yet you're crying about Reagan's policies that were FORTY years ago!! And this is exactly what I'm talking about. This constant need to cape for the Democrats rather than critically analyze them and their policies as much as you do the Republicans! What the fuck is that about?

And if you want to look at Biden/Harris:

And you ignored the rest of the ADOS page. :smh:
Your people brought up Ronnie in the first place and then tried to hide it.

Yes OVERALL funding decreased, regardless of what Howard got. I love me some Howard, but every college bound black student wasn't going to choose or get into Howard, then or now.

You still ignoring the THE BILLIONS given by Biden/Harris in the LAST 4 years.

If you people are going to acknowledge Reagan for his so-called support, why are you ignoring Biden/Harris contributions.

I specifically brought up the Reagan issue because NOTHING dems do is good enough, but Reagan does this one thing 40 years ago and deserves special mention. Make that make sense.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Never confuse talent with intelligence or...self-hate with love for others..


Fuck that bitch, her nose job and her white baby.

She got dumbass motherfuckers defending her. I have no idea there were this many stupid people in the world. They are Stan-ing for Janet Jackson the same way white people Stan for Trump. They act like this dumb bitch can't do shit wrong

She said something insanely stupid and DL Hughley called her on it as he should have, as any person with sense should have.

This is a Facebook conversation I had. Fucking ridiculous. Motherfucker said Kamala Harris is barely black And that being Jamaican is not synonymous with being black. Fuck out of here



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck that bitch, her nose job and her white baby.

She got dumbass motherfuckers defending her. I have no idea there were this many stupid people in the world. They are Stan-ing for Janet Jackson the same way white people Stan for Trump. They act like this dumb bitch can't do shit wrong

She said something insanely stupid and DL Hughley called her on it as he should have, as any person with sense should have.

This is a Facebook conversation I had. Fucking ridiculous. Motherfucker said Kamala Harris is barely black And that being Jamaican is not synonymous with being black. Fuck out of here

Why don’t we just let her answer this herself

Next question
