Jemele Hill has been suspended by ESPN


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
same thing with Gladiators...
some were slaves but many former slaves, and citizens destitute and poor or those in signifigant debt also chose to become gladiators
the successful ones no matter if slave, citizen or freed man, were rewarded / compensated extremely well
I hear what you are saying but slavery was not a choice and that is the difference.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Come on man. If they are slaves, so is everyone who works. Period. Shit is also disrespectful to slavery as we know it in American history and period. :smh:

There are just arguments that create enemies of potential allies. Calling modern athletes is one of them.
close enough - If they quit tomorrow - they can't switch to another team...
shit they can't even jump into another league like the cfl
not next year not 10 years now - and if the owner is petty he might be able to sue to get back money

modern day gladiators...


BGOL Legend
You too sensitive especially if it doesn't describe you..

Everyday I read posts and articles that dont say some or many or most.

Unless you are half illiterate you should assume it isnt all because she or the author doesn't know all..

So let's just be honest. Nobody wants true equality.
When someone says something about black men - if it don't apply to you don't be upset.
If you say anything about a black woman- you hate all black women. Every black woman has the right to be offended

The built in defense is, "black women go through so much"
to which I say YES THEY DO.
As if black men don't go through anything?
If it's about equal footing and standing then there needs to be a nuanced discussion about things and there aren't ever for black men.

We must lift our sisters up.
I agree completely.
Don't focus on the negative things that a few sister's might do. Focus on the positive that they do.

And in turn I'd like the same

or is that too much to ask?

"Well tell black men to stop being trash"

Stop purely focusing on trash ass niggas.

"so I'm just supposed to ignore..."

that's exactly what you demand I do...

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
close enough - If they quit tomorrow - they can't switch to another team...
shit they can't even jump into another league like the cfl
not next year not 10 years now - and if the owner is petty he might be able to sue to get back money

modern day gladiators...

Just don't use the word slavery man. Seriously. It just ain't right. A lot of these cats got degrees -- or at least finish the rest without going bankrupt. They can buy a decent property.

Using the term slavery is just counterproductive. Fuck the gladiators, most people will reference modern slavery. Let's just say they have a shit union and leave it at that.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I hear what you are saying but slavery was not a choice and that is the difference.
not really - non slave gladiators signed away their rights for the term of their contracts
and were property treated same as slaves

they chose to be in the NFL doesn't change the fact that in many ways by law they are considered property

slave masters value was assessed by the value of his land and slave stock
NFL team value is assessed by value of the market,stadium, and athletes under contract
Insurers and bankers will finance and underwrite an owner based on the market value of his players
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Just don't use the word slavery man. Seriously. It just ain't right. A lot of these cats got degrees -- or at least finish the rest without going bankrupt. They can buy a decent property.

Using the term slavery is just counterproductive. Fuck the gladiators, most people will reference modern slavery. Let's just say they have a shit union and leave it at that.
the word is painful but at the core a slave is property
an NFL player under contract is property of the team owner(s)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
So is an NHL player. So are fighters in the so-called white sport of MMA.
true - baseball NBA etc
but unlike those -in the NFL under the current collective bargaining agreement - the commissioner has final say on disciplinary action and penalties with no appeal / defense available to the players giving owners even more leverage

Also currently Jerry Jones is the one really cracking the whip letting the 'Boys know how to behave


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
same thing with Gladiators...
some were slaves but many former slaves, and citizens destitute and poor or those in signifigant debt also chose to become gladiators
the successful ones no matter if slave, citizen or freed man, were rewarded / compensated extremely well

Nah, bro.
You're reaching here.
I understand what you're trying to say. But I think you're way off the mark on this.
A slave had absolutely NO CHOICE in the daily run of their lives or the lives of their families. They lived in constant fear.
They weren't paid. They ate poorly and were treated harshly by Whites. They couldn't marry whomever they wanted to or live wherever they wanted to.
They were bought and sold as property. They could and would be castrated, hung and killed by Whites with impunity and without repercussions.
Essentially they were thought of as being subhuman property.
This is slavery bro:

Not This:

I think you might wanna reconsider or revisit your assessment as to what TRUE slavery is.... :smh:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
true - baseball NBA etc
but unlike those -in the NFL under the current collective bargaining agreement - the commissioner has final say on disciplinary action and penalties with no appeal / defense available to the players giving owners even more leverage

Also currently Jerry Jones is the one really cracking the whip letting the 'Boys know how to behave

Sounds more like a union problem to me. NFL union is just terrible man. It's like the owners send Pinkerton goons to union leaders and check them.

Just saying. We should never throw around the term slavery like that. Cats will be the first ones to say slavery before the transatlantic/transaharan was different, so we can't bring up other instances like gladiators.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fact that she tweeted that shit saying thst Straight Black Men were the new white people, fucked up her credibility with me. Throw the whole Jemele away.
Baby with the bath water, fam. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sounds more like a union problem to me. NFL union is just terrible man. It's like the owners send Pinkerton goons to union leaders and check them.

Just saying. We should never throw around the term slavery like that. Cats will be the first ones to say slavery before the transatlantic/transaharan was different, so we can't bring up other instances like gladiators.
but we should - ignorance of that shit is one reason why these cacs get away with all of this

Slavery exists in many forms, just because one form of slavery is illegal doesn't mean all slavery has been eradicated
Wide spread perception of the form of slavery our ancestors survived - prevented generations of cac miners in the Appalachias, Nevada Cali etc from understanding how they were being oppressed

That perception continues to blind many today - just because there are no physical chains doesn't mean there isn't bondage...
Just because the financial rewards seem great doesn't mean they live with free will and liberty

Gladiators were slaves and it is the closest analogy to our most popular sports today... with an added taint of white supremacy Being sensitive about acknowledging it only helps us to repeat the injustices mistakes of Rome

Nah, bro.
You're reaching here.
I understand what you're trying to say. But I think you're way off the mark on this.
A slave had absolutely NO CHOICE in the daily run of their lives or the lives of their families. They lived in constant fear.
They weren't paid. They ate poorly and were treated harshly by Whites. They couldn't marry whomever they wanted to or live wherever they wanted to.
They were bought and sold as property. They could and would be castrated, hung and killed by Whites with impunity and without repercussions.
Essentially they were thought of as being subhuman property.
This is slavery bro:

Not This:

I think you might wanna reconsider or revisit your assessment as to what TRUE slavery is.... :smh:
I guess you missed the part about gladiators - but in any sense read what I wrote above about what true slavery is


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't get it twisted, Hill is a feminist and will go full Beadle when given a chance.

Fuck the NFL. Haven't watched all year. But I just don't trust these feminists and their agendas. They quick to transition this shit to something else.
Yeah I agree that's why she don't got my support cause some of her views come off as how those black feminists talk which I hate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She can't be that dumb. She must have known calling out sponsors would put her in hot water. I have not watched one episode of SC6 or listened to the his and her podcast? Is it any good?
You not missing anything. The show sucks. I wish they would bring back SportsCenter at 6:00pm.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know there is a long standing joke about Jemele's looks on BGOL. But, given the stance she has taken and showing she has more strength in her convictions than her male counterparts, is making her very attractive to me. I am entering the mode of wanting to blow her back out for the cause. :yes:
if you are a straight black male this is what she thinks of you.



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
soldiers can't marry anyone they want (enlisted vs officers...)
military code has disciplinary guides for a lot of shit people consider private
1 example is marital infidelity

Army has a say who you marry?

I know some army niggas who married


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jemele understand the potential ramifications of speaking out concerning her career.

The End.
What part of the "Straight Black Men" article DOESN'T apply to you, me and the rest of us straight brothers in America...? :confused:
Remember; the article didn't say SOME straight Black men. It essentially states that ALL of us:
- Straight Black men enjoy benefits similar to White Privilege with regards to how we treat Black women.
- Straight Black men are oppressive to Black women.
- Straight Black men turn a deaf ear towards the concerns of Black women with regards to domestic violence, street harassment, rapes & sexual assault.
- Straight Black men are the ones who get the biggest seat at the table and the biggest piece of chicken at the table despite making the smallest contribution to the meal.
- Straight Black men continue to beg White people to listen to and acknowledge our struggles but that we fail to show the same concern for Black women.

Again this article doesn't say some Black men, it condemns us ALL.
And if that doesn't offend you, then it should...

(And Jemele Hill cosigned all of this LITERALLY (1) week after brothers supported her in her troubles with Trump & ESPN...) o_O
Again, I don't wish ill will on her, but I simply DO NOT feel badly for her at all as a result of her support for this trash.. :hmm:
From a systemic point of view, I read nothing inaccurate.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Jemele understand the potential ramifications of speaking out concerning her career.

The End.

From a systemic point of view, I read nothing inaccurate.
Neither did I.

Damn this is such bullshit

Did ALL black women support the men in Ferguson :confused:

Then she says "some" black men defend Ray Rice. So why not big up the men not defending Ray Rice instead of those supporting him.

She has a college degree, so she has to see the hypocrisy in this :smh:

It's no wonder she keeps responding to the people who want her fired

She has issues. She needs to go see a shrink, she has some issues that she needs to get past.

In reference to the bold: Black women started the Black Lives Matter organization to demand justice for Black folks murdered in extra-judicial executions - mostly by police. Most of the chapters of BLM are led by Black women. The majority of victims BLM has advocated for were Black men and boys. In this struggle, women have been on the front lines for us.

That said, in the rest of your comment, you are speaking as if Jemele wrote the article. She did not. She co-signed it.

It was a Black man who wrote it. In any article that points out a systemic issue, common sense would dictate that unless the author specifies that they are speaking about ALL the members of a group, they are not. I am referring to the content of the article, not the provocative title.

The article wasn't offensive to me personally because by and large, I didn't see myself reflected in the negative behaviors he described. I have however seen a lot of us engage in those behaviors. If we act like large numbers of us don't disregard Sistas in both blatant and subtle ways, we are being disingenuous. Case in point: The discussion a few years ago of Chris Brown beating Rihanna. The first thing a gang of dudes on BGOL asked was what Rihanna did to make him beat her like that. It's ridiculous to act as if we are above critique from our own. I don't care for the article's title but the content within was not a lie.

Whether or not one agrees with that one article or Jemele's cosigning of the same, she is still our Sista and was suspended for advocating on our behalf.

Nah, bro.
You're reaching here.
I understand what you're trying to say. But I think you're way off the mark on this.
A slave had absolutely NO CHOICE in the daily run of their lives or the lives of their families. They lived in constant fear.
They weren't paid. They ate poorly and were treated harshly by Whites. They couldn't marry whomever they wanted to or live wherever they wanted to.
They were bought and sold as property. They could and would be castrated, hung and killed by Whites with impunity and without repercussions.
Essentially they were thought of as being subhuman property.
This is slavery bro:

Not This:

I think you might wanna reconsider or revisit your assessment as to what TRUE slavery is.... :smh:
You are being too literal. They're speaking of "slavery" in the context of being subject to the white man's way because one is receiving one's bread and butter from them. To go against the grain is to have the white man cut that food supply cut off.
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Rising Star
She wants that twitter breh love and e dap from shea butter activists. She work hard and u lose it all cause of ya feelings.


wannabe star
You are being too literal. They're speaking of "slavery" in the context of being subject to the white man's way because one is receiving one's bread and butter from them. To go against the grain is to have the white man cut that food supply cut off.

Like every non-athlete in America who works for a white man?

And you you really think a black owner would be different? If I - black employee - "go against the grain" to my black business owner boss you think he's gonna keep feeding me?

LOL what world do yall live in???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its not a shtick just like pan africanisn is for some brehs. It won't stop so keep dreaming breh.

As they said in this article this is an American thing

"This is basically an American thing, by the way. You go to an English Premier League soccer match between, say, Liverpool and Chelsea, and you won’t hear "God Save The Queen" beforehand. The Brits somehow seemed to have survived not hearing their anthem before all their soccer matches."


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
You can tell who's a cracker in this thread. Point is, NFL players have a special set of skills the developed over years of hard work and struggle. The NFL has no problem using them to push an agenda that suits their narrative.

Does your job requier you to do photo ops, or pose with the military? Do you have to visit hospitals and sign autographs? Work with boys and girls clubs?

So you're ok with them pushing that narrative but not protecting the lives of people in the same community gunned down in the same streets?

They are cool with them wearing pink gloves and shoes but not raising a black fist.

This is why the slave comparison is made. Can they quit? Yes, but if they do they can't simply l leave without repercussions.


Rising Star
As they said in this article this is an American thing

"This is basically an American thing, by the way. You go to an English Premier League soccer match between, say, Liverpool and Chelsea, and you won’t hear "God Save The Queen" beforehand. The Brits somehow seemed to have survived not hearing their anthem before all their soccer matches."

As it should be. I don't care what Liverpool does. It what we do here.


Horace C. Jones II
if you are a straight black male this is what she thinks of you.

Nigga fuck you with this bullshit. I don't give a fuck what she said to hurt your little feelings or how YOU interpret what she said. There were a lot of clowns with your mentality during the Civil Rights movement. You are the kind that would've loved to shoot Malcolm X and Martin King smile and walk away. So fuck you and all you sons of bitches that agree with this clown ass nigga. Fuck you fuckas. It's bigger than his bullshit.

You share the same end for Jemele Hill that Trump, Hannity and all the rest favor. Trash ass nigga. Oh, and if I haven't said it yet, FUCK YOU!