Jemele Hill has been suspended by ESPN


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
But you got people like @Amajorfucup callin' Smith "safe negro"

Smith is the reason Hill is on SC6 and the fact he stood up for her again, when he has a wife and kids, is anything but "safe".
This is true. He is standing on principle even though he has way more to lose than she does. He's got a wife and three kids while she is single.

He's right, and hopefully defending her doesn't take him down as well because even though he's right for defending her against this bullshit that is no doubt connected to her Trump tweet, The Man doesn't care about taking Black people down and making an example for the rest of us


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
I know there is a long standing joke about Jemele's looks on BGOL. But, given the stance she has taken and showing she has more strength in her convictions than her male counterparts, is making her very attractive to me. I am entering the mode of wanting to blow her back out for the cause. :yes:
I sure she is not about men at all. She likes the fish.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If the article didn't apply to you then why you so butt hurt about it..

Mofokrs didn't support Cosby because they had feelings over an interview that had nothing to do with the lunch job.

Now not supporting hill over an article she cosigned that has nothing to do with this.

That shit is real bitch made

But will continue to support the NFL and dove soap and any other slight crakkas throw. .

There was a whole bunch of mofokrs that fit the article. ..

The problem with a binch of mofokrs is low reading comprehensive skills..

Simple mofokrs jumped on Jim Brown cause they didn't understand what the fuck he was saying...


What part of the "Straight Black Men" article DOESN'T apply to you, me and the rest of us straight brothers in America...? :confused:
Remember; the article didn't say SOME straight Black men. It essentially states that ALL of us:
- Straight Black men enjoy benefits similar to White Privilege with regards to how we treat Black women.
- Straight Black men are oppressive to Black women.
- Straight Black men turn a deaf ear towards the concerns of Black women with regards to domestic violence, street harassment, rapes & sexual assault.
- Straight Black men are the ones who get the biggest seat at the table and the biggest piece of chicken at the table despite making the smallest contribution to the meal.
- Straight Black men continue to beg White people to listen to and acknowledge our struggles but that we fail to show the same concern for Black women.

Again this article doesn't say some Black men, it condemns us ALL.
And if that doesn't offend you, then it should...

(And Jemele Hill cosigned all of this LITERALLY (1) week after brothers supported her in her troubles with Trump & ESPN...) o_O
Again, I don't wish ill will on her, but I simply DO NOT feel badly for her at all as a result of her support for this trash.. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m conflicted, I don’t think she deserved to be suspended but at the same time she’s in a high profile position representing ESPN.

Many have jobs that they have to monitor what they post on social media and they’re far from in the position of visibility as Jemele.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What part of the "Straight Black Men" article DOESN'T apply to you, me and the rest of us straight brothers in America...?
Remember; the article didn't say SOME straight Black men. It essentially states that ALL of us:
- Straight Black men enjoy benefits similar to White Privilege with regards to how we treat Black women.
- Straight Black men are oppressive to Black women.
- Straight Black men turn a deaf ear towards the concerns of Black women with regards to domestic violence, street harassment, rapes & sexual assault.
- Straight Black men are the ones who get the biggest seat at the table and the biggest piece of chicken at the table despite making the smallest contribution to the meal.
- Straight Black men continue to beg White people to listen to and acknowledge our struggles but that we fail to show the same concern for Black women.

Again this article doesn't say some Black men, it condemns ALL of us.
And if that doesn't offend you, then it should...

(And Jemele Hill cosigned all of this LITERAALY 1 week after brothers supported her in her troubles with Trump & ESPN. ...) o_O
Again, I don't wish ill will on her, but I simply DO NOT feel badly for her at all as a result of her support for this trash.. :hmm:

The assertion made doesn't apply to me..

Maybe that is her experience...

Still doesn't mean I am okay with crakkas targeting her for telling the truth

BTW some of that is true. ....I assume she singles out straight black men because dags aint having those interactions with black eomen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The assertion made doesn't apply to me..

Maybe that is her experience...

Still doesn't mean I am okay with crakkas targeting her for telling the truth

Yeah, but she didn't say that.
She didn't say "Not ALL straight Black men".
She's essentially saying well meaning brothers like you.
Whether or not you chose not to internalize it that way, is entirely your prerogative. (More power to you).
But by cosigning that article; she's aligning herself with those VERY SAME "crakkas" you complain about.

Against YOU my friend... :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, but she didn't say that.
She didn't say "Not ALL straight Black men".
She's essentially saying well meaning brothers like you.
Whether or not you chose not to internalize it that way, is entirely your prerogative. (More power to you).
But by cosigning that article; she's aligning herself with those VERY SAME "crakkas" you complain about.

Against YOU my friend... :smh:

You too sensitive especially if it doesn't describe you..

Everyday I read posts and articles that dont say some or many or most.

Unless you are half illiterate you should assume it isnt all because she or the author doesn't know all..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And btw she is aligning herself with mistreated black women.....

Some of you cats need to pretend there aren't any crakkas so you can stop falling over they said sone thing crakkas gone hear. .

If you don't know more than you should cats that fit what's in that article you lying..

Stop trying to pretend we gave a perfect community and we treat each other the way we should and if it wasn't for crakka's this would be shangri-la


Rising Star
OG Investor
Regardless of all the bullshit, BSPN is full of shit! They let Michelle Beadle get away with murder. I don’t give a fuck about that bullshit ass warning. Weather she shitted on black men or not doesn’t move me at all. I’m not that insecure about my shit to leave her hanging on this issue because it’s bigger than her. If it was Sage Steele levels of fuckery then I will be like fuck her. With Trump on his bullshit it’s time to stick the fuck together. Some of y’all negroes have co-signed people who’ve done way more fuckery than what she posted about black men. Does she need to be checked for that shit though? Hell yea! Regardless BSPN was dead wrong for this shit! Y’all know it!

I hate Michelle Beadle with a passion.

That being said, looks like I'm switching leg day to Sunday permanently because I'm not watching NFL football or anything on ESPN from here on out...that includes ABC.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And btw she is aligning herself with mistreated black women.....

Some of you cats need to pretend there aren't any crakkas so you can stop falling over they said sone thing crakkas gone hear. .

If you don't know more than you should cats that fit what's in that article you lying..

Stop trying to pretend we gave a perfect community and we treat each other the way we should and if it wasn't for crakka's this would be shangri-la
The irony is lost on them. Just sit back and enjoy the view.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You too sensitive especially if it doesn't describe you..

Everyday I read posts and articles that dont say some or many or most.

Unless you are half illiterate you should assume it isnt all because she or the author doesn't know all..

And btw she is aligning herself with mistreated black women.....

Some of you cats need to pretend there aren't any crakkas so you can stop falling over they said sone thing crakkas gone hear. .

If you don't know more than you should cats that fit what's in that article you lying..

Stop trying to pretend we gave a perfect community and we treat each other the way we should and if it wasn't for crakka's this would be shangri-la


Ummm, OK...?
- Being too sensitive?
- Pretend we have a perfect community...?
- Knowing cats that fit the article...?

Dude, this article ain't just about you. And it's not just about me.
It's about us ALL...
And I'm outraged not for just you.
I'm outraged for your brother
- your father
- your uncles
- your nephews
- your cousins
- your friends
- and your associates.
(And for MILLIONS of Straight Black men living in America who've done nothing but be positive, strong, supportive role models to their wives, sisters, daughters & friends in the very Community that this article stupidly condemns and Jemele Hill for supporting it.). :hmm:

There are roughly 46.8 million Black people in America. And of that population just how many positive, straight Black men do you think this bullshit article mentioned...? NONE...:hmm:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sad thing is, she's showing more heart than the players who have basically been marched into the public eye and told they are slaves and he is the slave master and they better not disobey him..
Wondering how the 'strong black players' on the cowboys will react to this whole thing... :popcorn: what universe are people that willingly play a sport and paid millions....slaves?

where does this happen?

i get that your heart is in the right place...but those cats are NOT slaves

they are employees....

now we could make the argument that anyone that has to work for a paycheck is a slave....but thats not what youre implying....

these cats have nothing in common with what our ancestors went through

you ought to be ashamed for even implying it


Rising Star
Registered what universe are people that willingly play a sport and paid millions....slaves?

where does this happen?

i get that your heart is in the right place...but those cats are NOT slaves

they are employees....

now we could make the argument that anyone that has to work for a paycheck is a slave....but thats not what youre implying....

these cats have nothing in common with what our ancestors went through

you ought to be ashamed for even implying it

:bravo: Your mentality is JUST the Mentality I am talking about... I'm not implying shit I said what I said... So, a dollar amount changes the context huh?!?!?! People with YOUR mentality is the problem Bruh... Great sermon tho...

You can't take away points from my posts to support your narrative Dude... the works for a pay check is a slave narrative you are trying to push is off balance and way out of the context of my statement... Don't subtract to try to validate your point.

So because I am rich, it changes the whole narrative?!?! Wow!!! I'm actually a bit sad reading your post good brother! Thats actually the solution for a billionaire white man. Pay the black man a lot of money to own him... How is that different from slavery again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Ummm, OK...?
- Being too sensitive?
- Pretend we have a perfect community...?
- Knowing cats that fit the article...?

Dude, this article ain't just about you. And it's not just about me.
It's about us ALL...
And I'm outraged not for just you.
I'm outraged for your brother
- your father
- your uncles
- your nephews
- your cousins
- your friends
- and your associates.
(And for MILLIONS of Straight Black men living in America who've done nothing but be positive, strong, supportive role models to their wives, sisters, daughters & friends in the very Community that this article stupidly condemns and Jemele Hill for supporting it.). :hmm:

There are roughly 46.8 million Black people in America. And of that population just how many positive, straight Black men do you think this bullshit article mentioned...? NONE...:hmm:


Okay buddy be outraged


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Forgive me if nobody mentioned it already but what would be cool is if no one black talked to ESPN. Essentially a blackout. No interviews until Jemele Hill is back on the air. Whites can participate if they want but that would be something to see over the next few days.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Forgive me if nobody mentioned it already but what would be cool is if no one black talked to ESPN. Essentially a blackout. No interviews until Jemele Hill is back on the air. Whites can participate if they want but that would be something to see over the next few days.
Do you think white people worry about our opinions?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I hate Michelle Beadle with a passion.

That being said, looks like I'm switching leg day to Sunday permanently because I'm not watching NFL football or anything on ESPN from here on out...that includes ABC.

Don't get it twisted, Hill is a feminist and will go full Beadle when given a chance.

Fuck the NFL. Haven't watched all year. But I just don't trust these feminists and their agendas. They quick to transition this shit to something else.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do you think white people worry about our opinions?

Maybe. All groups have multiple opinions within themselves. So yes to some degree you have whites that share our opinions when it comes to certain aspects of American Life. Obviously there are those who don't. Then again within Black America You have the Ben Carson's, Alveda Kings and Ray Lewis' that don't. I can't worry about those that don't. If you want to move America you got to sway those you can and push for change where you can. That's the way it has always worked.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor what universe are people that willingly play a sport and paid millions....slaves?

where does this happen?

i get that your heart is in the right place...but those cats are NOT slaves

they are employees....

now we could make the argument that anyone that has to work for a paycheck is a slave....but thats not what youre implying....

these cats have nothing in common with what our ancestors went through

you ought to be ashamed for even implying it


very well paid
unlimited pussy
best training

still slaves
had to buy their freedom or "win" it
had no choice in their master or where they were sold or traded
had no recourse or control of the competitions they competed in
only the elite survived and even less "succeeded"


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
If she doesn’t stop tweeting she’s going to have to take her wig off and start hooping for the Lakers again
Karen Hunter broke down how she should’ve played this.. chess not checkers. I don’t think Jemele will see the new year @ espn
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Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
I sure she is not about men at all. She likes the fish.

Ive never thought about her

Sexual orientation. Just assumed

Heterosexual. Now that you say that,

She did say something once that looking

Back, your statement makes sense.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:bravo: Your mentality is JUST the Mentality I am talking about... I'm not implying shit I said what I said... So, a dollar amount changes the context huh?!?!?! People with YOUR mentality is the problem Bruh... Great sermon tho...

You can't take away points from my posts to support your narrative Dude... the works for a pay check is a slave narrative you are trying to push is off balance and way out of the context of my statement... Don't subtract to try to validate your point.

So because I am rich, it changes the whole narrative?!?! Wow!!! I'm actually a bit sad reading your post good brother! Thats actually the solution for a billionaire white man. Pay the black man a lot of money to own him... How is that different from slavery again?
He was correct tho. You can’t be implying that they are slaves.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
For one NFL players are paid well and you have a choice to play football. Slavery was not a choice
same thing with Gladiators...
some were slaves but many former slaves, and citizens destitute and poor or those in signifigant debt also chose to become gladiators
the successful ones no matter if slave, citizen or freed man, were rewarded / compensated extremely well

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Come on man. If they are slaves, so is everyone who works. Period. Shit is also disrespectful to slavery as we know it in American history and period. :smh:

There are just arguments that create enemies of potential allies. Calling modern athletes is one of them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Come on man. If they are slaves, so is everyone who works. Period. Shit is also disrespectful to slavery as we know it in American history and period. :smh:

There are just arguments that create enemies of potential allies. Calling modern athletes is one of them.
Exactly. Playing football is a choice. Slavery was not a choice.