Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would go further to say that Martin Luther King Jr. would be a very unpopular man in today's society. In addition, many black people would consider him a "trouble maker."

Just like they did back then? the man had a 75% disapproval rating just prior to his death.
CAC's hated him but people forget that a large contingent of black people thought he was too much of a "Rabble rouser" even though he was preaching non-violence.
So basically people never changed


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I never understand why people are quick to fuck up their own money sharing shit that could be considered controversial. And if he didn’t see how this could have been seen as controversial, then he really is a dumbass. All athletes should stay off social media until they retire.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
I’m not going to condone the NBA because they went to far also I’m not going to cry over Kyrie Irving. Before this incident Kyrie been doing some weird shit…. I love some of the things he does for the black community but at the same time dude is a borderline weirdo. Regardless people stay focus out there and stay black and stay positive.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
the media will continue to press him and fuck wit em over this shit..........................even after the apology..........after every game,....all of their questions for him will be non-basketball related.
My thing is this......if the documentary is filled with that may myths and false information than that's on him. And we can clearly see him endorsing something as such.



El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Are the book and film still available on Amazon? If so, has the ADL gone after Amazon, Bezos and Co. as well?

I feel like everyone is taking an L on this. Kyrie, the NBA, the Hebrew Israelites, the Jews, Amazon....BGOL. This whole thing is just dumb.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
My thing is this......if the documentary is filled with that may myths and false information than that's on him. And we can clearly see him endorsing something as such.

Yep. He isn't the sharpest man in the league and has already shown how dumb he is. Even if the documentary was based on historical truths and facts, knowingly sharing something that would cause a ruckus, especially in the day and age we are in, was just idiotic on his part. If he was willing to share it then he should have gone all the way and not backed down.

He looks real clown shoes right now.

Like Freddy.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
This whole thing is stupid and it will not be the last stupid thing Kyrie does this season. He clearly doesn't want to play basketball anymore, he should just retire and be a social media poster. Then he can post whatever he wants.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I never understand why people are quick to fuck up their own money sharing shit that could be considered controversial. And if he didn’t see how this could have been seen as controversial, then he really is a dumbass. All athletes should stay off social media until they retire.
Is he not allowed to have his own beliefs, whether others agree with it or not? He didn't actually say anything "anti-Semitic".
He simply shared a documentary that others have labeled as "anti-Semitic". Most of whom probably didn't even watch.
As I said earlier, I've never rocked with Kyrie before on his other beliefs, but I'm with him on this just on principal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exactly, this shit is bullshit. I can almost guarantee the NBA commish or the Nets owner didn't watch a minute of the documentary. I hope he fights this to and holds his ground.
I haven't watched not one of these shows in like 4 years

Tell em doc

This nigga Smfh stand by your shit
Hard to stand when no one is standing with you. Not only that, but everyone is publicly going against him. I can only imagine what pressure they are applying to him behind closed doors.
I miss Muhammad Ali. I wasn't around his prime, but I remember my dad loving his take no crap attitude. Ironically, my grandfather thought he was a loud mouth trouble maker. I don't know, but I have to say Ali stood his ground regardless of pressure. I bring up Ali because I truly wonder what would have happened with them in their prime with today's climate and social media.

Just seen Kyrie interview, Cac reporters were speechless. I had a different position on this but after hearing him speak to those cacs, I'm with Kyrie.

I never understand why people are quick to fuck up their own money sharing shit that could be considered controversial. And if he didn’t see how this could have been seen as controversial, then he really is a dumbass. All athletes should stay off social media until they retire.
Kyrie has been emasculated.

this is teh same dude who said JUST 4 YEARS AGO...

Mr. Irving, a West Orange, N.J., native, is among the most popular basketball players in the world, and he has one of the best-selling basketball jerseys in the N.B.A. With that popularity has come controversy: He has questioned several times whether the Earth is round, and in an interview on Friday with his most in-depth comments to date on the subject, he said that it was still worth debating.

“Can you openly admit that you know the Earth is constitutionally round?” he said to me. “Like, you know that for sure? Like, I don’t know.”

This is a person who has a hard time "reading the room" and figure out how to make moves.

Mind you this happened literally DAYS after we saw

manic-depressive ass Kanye stick his hand in the hornets nest and DARE them to sting him..

just a couple years from Nick Cannon give a talk on whats judiasm and have his show shut down with the quickness

who else got caught up in the "anti-Semitic" BANDSAW in the last 10 years??

the fucked up part is RIGHT NOW there's some young black man making strides in his career that's GOING to walk into that same LANDMINE...completely oblivious to what happened to Nick, Kanye and Kyrie.
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El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Is he not allowed to have his own beliefs, whether others agree with it or not? He didn't actually say anything "anti-Semitic".
He simply shared a documentary that others have labeled as "anti-Semitic". Most of whom probably didn't even watch.
As I said earlier, I've never rocked with Kyrie before on his other beliefs, but I'm with him on this just on principal.
He's allowed to do all he wants, but he has to live with the consequences.

Look, the NBA has a Jew commissioner. WTF did he think would happen? Whether the film is antisemitic or not is besides the point. The fact he chose to share a film that some consider antisemitic just shows how stupid he is. Does he not understand how that could have been seen as problematic?

Guess not, he is a Flat Earther after all.

Again, he shared it and should have stood behind it and not apologized.

And before we see a lot of it, I don't want anyone comparing Kyrie to Kaep. Kaep took a position against Police Brutality and stood by it and got Blackballed.

Kyrie is cracking. If he really was 'bout that life, he should have stood his ground.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Is he not allowed to have his own beliefs, whether others agree with it or not? He didn't actually say anything "anti-Semitic".
He simply shared a documentary that others have labeled as "anti-Semitic". Most of whom probably didn't even watch.
As I said earlier, I've never rocked with Kyrie before on his other beliefs, but I'm with him on this just on principal.

“At one point, the film cites Henry Ford’s four-volume book The International Jew.(The first volume is subtitled The World’s Foremost Problem.) A quick history lesson: The legendary automaker’s disdain for Jews was so intense that even Adolf Hitler praised him for it in Mein Kampf. Even more chilling, the documentary also claims that Jews have used five major falsehoods to “conceal their nature and protect their status and power.” One alleged falsehood is that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”

Anyone that doesn’t know rocking with this will cause a world of trouble is an idiot.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

“At one point, the film cites Henry Ford’s four-volume book The International Jew.(The first volume is subtitled The World’s Foremost Problem.) A quick history lesson: The legendary automaker’s disdain for Jews was so intense that even Adolf Hitler praised him for it in Mein Kampf. Even more chilling, the documentary also claims that Jews have used five major falsehoods to “conceal their nature and protect their status and power.” One alleged falsehood is that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”

Anyone that doesn’t know rocking with this will cause a world of trouble is an idiot.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor

“At one point, the film cites Henry Ford’s four-volume book The International Jew.(The first volume is subtitled The World’s Foremost Problem.) A quick history lesson: The legendary automaker’s disdain for Jews was so intense that even Adolf Hitler praised him for it in Mein Kampf. Even more chilling, the documentary also claims that Jews have used five major falsehoods to “conceal their nature and protect their status and power.” One alleged falsehood is that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”

Anyone that doesn’t know rocking with this will cause a world of trouble is an idiot.
Kyrie posted a link to a documentary no one had ever heard of and quite possibly he hadn't even watched in its entirety.
It's not like he posted a link to Hitler's autobiography or something. He's not calling for the eradication of all Jews on the planet.
People are pulling parts of the documentary they disagree with and are making connections that simply don't exist.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Kyrie posted a link to a documentary no one had ever heard of and quite possibly he hadn't even watched in its entirety.
It's not like he posted a link to Hitler's autobiography or something. He's not calling for the eradication of all Jews on the planet.
People are pulling parts of the documentary they disagree with and are making connections that simply don't exist.

So all he had to do was say my bad. Just like when Doc Rivers was liking tranny porn or whatever it was.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's allowed to do all he wants, but he has to live with the consequences.

Look, the NBA has a Jew commissioner. WTF did he think would happen? Whether the film is antisemitic or not is besides the point. The fact he chose to share a film that some consider antisemitic just shows how stupid he is. Does he not understand how that could have been seen as problematic?

Guess not, he is a Flat Earther after all.

Again, he shared it and should have stood behind it and not apologized.

And before we see a lot of it, I don't want anyone comparing Kyrie to Kaep. Kaep took a position against Police Brutality and stood by it and got Blackballed.

Kyrie is cracking. If he really was 'bout that life, he should have stood his ground.
If he is cracking, it's because he has no support.
No support from the player's union, no support from black media, no support from a lot of Black Americans who all feel the need to do public tap dances now for their Jewish bosses because we're in such a disadvantaged economic and social position.

Black people should take notes and note how all the Jews are on code about this.
You don't see any Jews jumping out in front of Kyrie to tell everyone "how good his heart is".


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
If he is cracking, it's because he has no support.
No support from the player's union, no support from black media, no support from a lot of Black Americans who all feel the need to do public tap dances now for their Jewish bosses because we're in such a disadvantaged economic and social position.

Black people should take notes and note how all the Jews are on code about this.
You don't see any Jews jumping out in front of Kyrie to tell everyone "how good his heart is".
Why should people support someone who is dumb enough to question the spherical nature of the Earth or dumb enough to share a film that can be seen as antisemitic?

He's alone on an island. All because he did it to himself.

Oh wells.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Kyrie posted a link to a documentary no one had ever heard of and quite possibly he hadn't even watched in its entirety.
It's not like he posted a link to Hitler's autobiography or something. He's not calling for the eradication of all Jews on the planet.
People are pulling parts of the documentary they disagree with and are making connections that simply don't exist.

No one forced him to link to the documentary. And if he linked it without watching it, he’s an idiot.

Everyone will assume you linked it because you agree with it.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Those two things are not even remotely the same. And what would he be saying "my bad" to?
The whole documentary or just the parts that people disagree with?


You cannot post a doc called “Hebrews to Negroes” that denies the holocaust on your social media without causing trouble for yourself and without being seen as an antisemite.

Regardless of whatever else is in the documentary.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I would go further to say that Martin Luther King Jr. would be a very unpopular man in today's society. In addition, many black people would consider him a "trouble maker."

Exactly though. Now black people go out and use his quotes and him in media as a bastion of light. People a lot of times call people who want to change something a trouble maker because they believe they may be punished for their acts of that person. Person passes away all kinds of tributes and how he was such a positive man and so on. Hypocrisy at its highest.

Just like they did back then? the man had a 75% disapproval rating just prior to his death.
CAC's hated him but people forget that a large contingent of black people thought he was too much of a "Rabble rouser" even though he was preaching non-violence.
So basically people never changed

It's true that there is cherry picking going on regardless of Kanye and his reckless moves. Charlamagne called Kanye a Nazi.

YET, no media is calling on Charlamagne for his past thoughts in an interview that would be called antisemitic just like Kanye's.

This is a media guy mind you saying this working at a radio station. Somehow Charlamagne has been able to avoid heat for his past comments unlike Kyrie who simply posted a documentary that is streaming right now on Amazon.

I just call it the way it is. It's cherry picking and the biggest thing of it all is if they had just ignored Kyrie's post no one would be even talking about this.

Are the book and film still available on Amazon? If so, has the ADL gone after Amazon, Bezos and Co. as well?

I feel like everyone is taking an L on this. Kyrie, the NBA, the Hebrew Israelites, the Jews, Amazon....BGOL. This whole thing is just dumb.

Yeah, I had this discussion with my lawyer friend last night. Why isn't the energy the same. He just went on a huge rant about Jewish people being a minority and guys like Kanye should know better smh. He still never answered my question on the whole inequality that happens in the media. I asked him why didn't Kanye get the business cancellation for his past antics that could have been seen as just as problematic?

He told me that was on black people and take note this is a black lawyer I'm talking about. I asked him when Kanye was saying things on black people and so on years ago why did they just somehow excuse it as mental health with no repercussions? He says we aren't as unified as a people and I told that Kanye said that in the Drink Champs interview.

He just says Kanye is problematic and erratic which is true, but still why did he become a billionaire before with his antics and NOW action takes course on him? Even the stuff about him liking Hitler why is THAT coming out now? I say that is partly fake outrage and just riding the media train for sensationalism and he disagreed.

Have these same journalists ever asked these racist cacs to their face if they're racist? Of course not.
This is yellow journalism at its finest :smh:

Exactly. Read above as some of this stuff is just better off being ignored as with other instances.

I wonder how this will go down being a woman?

If he is cracking, it's because he has no support.
No support from the player's union, no support from black media, no support from a lot of Black Americans who all feel the need to do public tap dances now for their Jewish bosses because we're in such a disadvantaged economic and social position.

Black people should take notes and note how all the Jews are on code about this.
You don't see any Jews jumping out in front of Kyrie to tell everyone "how good his heart is".

They won't for the most part because from some things people are saying is that everyone already knows the system is rigged. I then asked if it is rigged and understood why do we allow it? Crickets.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You cannot post a doc called “Hebrews to Negroes” that denies the holocaust on your social media without causing trouble for yourself and without being seen as an antisemite.

Regardless of whatever else is in the documentary.
The title of the documentary itself is not Anti-Semitic. It's possible he only saw the title of the documentary and nothing else.
People are saying that somehow believing that Black people are the original Hebrews is "anti-Semitic".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

“At one point, the film cites Henry Ford’s four-volume book The International Jew.(The first volume is subtitled The World’s Foremost Problem.) A quick history lesson: The legendary automaker’s disdain for Jews was so intense that even Adolf Hitler praised him for it in Mein Kampf. Even more chilling, the documentary also claims that Jews have used five major falsehoods to “conceal their nature and protect their status and power.” One alleged falsehood is that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”

Anyone that doesn’t know rocking with this will cause a world of trouble is an idiot.
Also, this is typical Jemelle Hill putting down Black men again.
There's been two whole people that have recently been labeled as Anti-Semitic but she somehow labels it as a "troubling club".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The title of the documentary itself is not Anti-Semitic. It's possible he only saw the title of the documentary and nothing else.
People are saying that somehow believing that Black people are the original Hebrews is "anti-Semitic".
I'm seeing people talk about hitler quotes.....not a good look in any case....holocaust denial is mentioned...not a good look

I don't know kyries heart and I agree that he saw the title and cherry picked the things he found interesting in it...but NO ONE not black is gonna try to nuance the shit like that.