Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq always trolling with the Drama. Racist fans get banned for life from arenas. Even in places like Utah when a fan yelled the N word at I forget who I think Westbrook. They got banned for life from all arenas. To top off what a shitty comparison.
How many of those people got their bank accounts frozen, fired from their jobs and forced to sit down with religious leaders in order to be deprogrammed?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tariq always trolling with the Drama. Racist fans get banned for life from arenas. Even in places like Utah when a fan yelled the N word at I forget who I think Westbrook. They got banned for life from all arenas. To top off what a shitty comparison.

Following behind Tariq, have you in a situation like Kyrie, where you're watching your career and future earnings flash before your eyes.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
How many of those people got their bank accounts frozen, fired from their jobs and forced to sit down with religious leaders in order to be deprogrammed?
Considering they aren’t famous , have no financial power or advertising deals, and nobody gives a fuck about them who knows but they probably lost their jobs or something


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not just Ali.
They really weren't supporting MLK and especially Malcom like that in life. They were were viewed as trouble makers. It wasn't until their passing and some years had passed when people all of sudden. "Marched with King" and supported Malcom..but ain't got a picture to prove they were there.

Yeah that was the time period with the war on civil rights and those people who later had all those stories wanted no smoke with this man and those following his orders. In real time accusations of corruption or misdirection is always stated, but then decades after the fact the truth reveals itself. Then told in movies for profit smh. Pretty sure it was the anti-government moniker used with anyone challenging the system during the civil rights era.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't condem this brother for anything he said or supported.

It's a free speech country until you say something they don't like.

With all these ppl in the world, and once again being forced on the ideology of others.

But on the flip, he should choose his battles better. Get that money first, then let them suspend you while you flip the bird.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't condem this brother for anything he said or supported.

It's a free speech country until you say something they don't like.

With all these ppl in the world, and once again being forced on the ideology of others.

But on the flip, he should choose his battles better. Get that money first, then let them suspend you while you flip the bird.

All this because he liked a film....fuck that!!!!!!!

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
The price of Freedom is death.
Yeah that was the time period with the war on civil rights and those people who later had all those stories wanted no smoke with this man and those following his orders. In real time accusations of corruption or misdirection is always stated, but then decades after the fact the truth reveals itself. Then told in movies for profit smh. Pretty sure it was the anti-government moniker used with anyone challenging the system during the civil rights era.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
European Jews have no ancestry in the holy land yet they kicking Palestinians to the curb and the true irony is that it's antisemitic to talk about this or watch films that talk about this.

I don't support hate of cultures, but this is wrong and it gets more wrong the deeper you look at it.

I wish I could just live my life without the everyday bullshit.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's true that there is cherry picking going on regardless of Kanye and his reckless moves. Charlamagne called Kanye a Nazi.

YET, no media is calling on Charlamagne for his past thoughts in an interview that would be called antisemitic just like Kanye's.

This is a media guy mind you saying this working at a radio station. Somehow Charlamagne has been able to avoid heat for his past comments unlike Kyrie who simply posted a documentary that is streaming right now on Amazon.

I just call it the way it is. It's cherry picking and the biggest thing of it all is if they had just ignored Kyrie's post no one would be even talking about this.

Yeah, I had this discussion with my lawyer friend last night. Why isn't the energy the same. He just went on a huge rant about Jewish people being a minority and guys like Kanye should know better smh. He still never answered my question on the whole inequality that happens in the media. I asked him why didn't Kanye get the business cancellation for his past antics that could have been seen as just as problematic?

He told me that was on black people and take note this is a black lawyer I'm talking about. I asked him when Kanye was saying things on black people and so on years ago why did they just somehow excuse it as mental health with no repercussions? He says we aren't as unified as a people and I told that Kanye said that in the Drink Champs interview.

He just says Kanye is problematic and erratic which is true, but still why did he become a billionaire before with his antics and NOW action takes course on him? Even the stuff about him liking Hitler why is THAT coming out now? I say that is partly fake outrage and just riding the media train for sensationalism and he disagreed.

Exactly. Read above as some of this stuff is just better off being ignored as with other instances.

I wonder how this will go down being a woman?

They won't for the most part because from some things people are saying is that everyone already knows the system is rigged. I then asked if it is rigged and understood why do we allow it? Crickets.

Cherry picking and fake outrage really seems to stand out, and I agree. The twitter post could have been ignored just as easily as Colin Kaepernick's decision to have a "silent protest" by just sitting down during the playing of the National anthem.

Now about 3 weeks ago this article came out.

Based on the media coverage that others are receiving you would think that this story would have gotten more coverage?

At this time, we appear to be to fragmented as a collective group. Think about the rant that your lawyer friend went on. Look at the
comments being made "on air" by Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal, Shannon Sharpe, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

If you have the time, I would like you to watch a video I posted of an interview with Helen Thomas.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop comparing this dumb shit to slavery...

The NBA is a brand...all they ask is that their employees don't do shit to endanger themselves (water skiing, dirt bike riding etc.), gambling, or engage in behavior that is detrimental to the brand (personal conduct clauses) amongst other things. Every NBA player signs and agrees to this prior to the first check being issued. The VP of the players union (Kyrie) should know this shit all too well...If this cat wants to be a freedom fighter/flat earther/ doula/black isrealite/ faith healer or whatever else, quit the league and pursue that passion. I'm all for it !! But if you are going to wear that NBA logo and represent the league, you have to fall in line with their rules...It's not slavery, it's business !! Don't get mad at Jews for being unapologetic about protecting their names/religion and having the financial means to ensure that they are protected. I wish that we had the same fortitude and allegiance to each other when these CAC's (or coons like Kanye) say wild shit misrepresenting us or our struggles...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wish we had that type of power as a group. They making this nigga bow down for something he posted on his social media of a documentary that most people will not even watch. But we have history books in school being changed about our history because what their ancestors actually did makes their children feel bad. They got a whole movement to diminish what our people went through.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
And with all the SHIT that Black Folks have put up with in this country and around the world,
WE are still ALWAYS expected to be Forgiving.

So the ADL, B'nai B'rith, any Rabbi, etc, couldn't have bought Kanye, Kyrie aside to just have a "conversation"?
And make some sort of Public Stance of Support?

Fuck These Hypocritical Racist Fucks.


Rising Star
If you feel he didn't do anything wrong then get on your social media let it be known and @ it a Adam Silver.
That's how you do that there cause antisemitic is too losely used and is being weaponized against people for little next to nothing when we all Black's as a people are the most hated even by those same jews.

This is coming from the same jews that own most of the media and fox news but.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

So-called black men getting tired of the subterfuge. Also, I know where the Twitter user was going with that gif post but even that is something that allegedly didn’t happen.

“educate himself” has a lot of relevant numbers for the Ashkenazi and their use of the Talmud promoting Kabbalah / Jewish mysticism. The pro-whites love the cabalists / globalists. Just ask @wightman / @Darrkman


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Cherry picking and fake outrage really seems to stand out, and I agree. The twitter post could have been ignored just as easily as Colin Kaepernick's decision to have a "silent protest" by just sitting down during the playing of the National anthem.

Now about 3 weeks ago this article came out.

Based on the media coverage that others are receiving you would think that this story would have gotten more coverage?

At this time, we appear to be to fragmented as a collective group. Think about the rant that your lawyer friend went on. Look at the
comments being made "on air" by Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal, Shannon Sharpe, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

If you have the time, I would like you to watch a video I posted of an interview with Helen Thomas.

Trump gets crickets even when he goes at "fake news" and so on, but watch Kyrie just posting a documentary will keep getting recycled to get the point across over and over.



Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
This dude is goofy, he wasn't responding to his owner and Adam Silver? Only had his step mom do it?

For someone who says he's 30.....

This dragged on far too long because of his hard headed ass.

and a hard head makes for a soft bottom.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shannon Sharpe is a donkey faced coon, he plays that Unk character up to get kudos from black folks but his allegiance is to Skip Bayless and money
I wouldn’t go that far to call him a coon but he is definitely pro-white. In fairness to him, he probably never had a chance, growing up in those conditions and absorbing all of the feminine energy that he did.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If he is cracking, it's because he has no support.
No support from the player's union, no support from black media, no support from a lot of Black Americans who all feel the need to do public tap dances now for their Jewish bosses because we're in such a disadvantaged economic and social position.

Black people should take notes and note how all the Jews are on code about this.
You don't see any Jews jumping out in front of Kyrie to tell everyone "how good his heart is".



Its going decades now

How much longer till we stop taking notes and just do it?

Walter Panov

Rising Star
If only Kyrie would have said "My bad. I didn't know it was anti-semetic. It's just a history documentary about black Jews that I was sharing", I think he would have been OK. But this shit is blowing out of proportion and is going to make many people side with Kyrie on this one. Even if he is a flat-earther, anti-vaccine believing dumbass. It's just a documentary. There are far worst anti-semetic books and documentaries on Amazon, bookstores and everywehre else. And I bet 99.99% of the people outraged have never seen it.


Medium well
BGOL Investor
If only Kyrie would have said "My bad. I didn't know it was anti-semetic. It's just a history document about black Jews that I was sharing", I think he would have been OK. But this shit is blowing out of proportion and is going to make many people side with Kyrie on this one. Even if he is a flat-earther, anti-vaccine believing dumbass. It's just a documentary. There are far worst anti-semetic books and documentaries on Amazon, bookstores and everywehre else. And I bet 99.99% of the people outraged have never seen it.
Make it make sense
A sitting congress woman is saying jewish fucking space lasers. You have an entire political party whose aim is to get every single Jewish person they can't back in Israel so they can be killed in the coming of Jesus.

Make it make sense.

Kyrie is literally Kunta and the black guy who's whipping Kunta ass, Because he could easily solved this by saying my bad.

Make it make sense.