Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Said that 10 pages back or so... its a conversation NO ONE wants to have...

Ive posted this in previous threads about how the invention of race affected ADOS...

The 3rd greatest crime against humanity that cacs committed in the New World besides genocide and human bondage was the stripping of identity of a group of people, something thats almost unique in human history as far as I can tell. As fucked over as native groups were in their lands (native americans, aborigines, ainu (japan) central and south american peoples, filipinos (south east asians) etc) they still had some connection to their original identities, culture, language, religion even if they had to mask it in cac shit. In fact its been noted that the slave rebellions in the Caribbean were successful because those enslaved people had a stronger connection to their identity more so than the mainland american slaves. Even as they used European religion and culture as a cover (santeria for example).

Africans Americans lost our heritage, language religion etc its why you see us searching for ANYTHING to connect to and feel positive about ourselves whether thats asiatic, moorish, egypt or redefining a skin color designation whose original purpose was for oppression and subjugation. Something else I said before...

When all your taught in a racist system is that you come from nothing and produce start looking for yourself in everything. Hence Hebrew Israelites and Moors and Egypt and pretty much anything that exhibits thick lips and dark color.

Thats what we've been seeing play out over the last 100 years... a group of people looking for an identity. That's the fascination with Hebrews.

The creation of race as a concept combined with the Atlantic slave trade really kinda created a whole new group of people. The specific origin of race as a concept is pinpointable to time and region and country. Unfortunately what makes "race" real today is ADOS...Black Americans.. what I mean is the skin color designation we were given solidified the concept the second the generation after those enslaved Africans forgot, were never told and/or rejected any knowledge of who they were and where they came from.

You can say that Black Americans other than the colonists is the oldest group to live in the country BUT Black americans are the only group that can't specifically trace back our lineage to the old countries so Blacks are truly the only REAL Americans. Because as I stated earlier by the 3rd gen of enslaved people there was already the loss of any connection to those African countries and peoples we derived from. You couple that with a strong influence from other cultures and peoples you have a new type of group...its not surprising hip hop came from us because we ARE what hip hop is...this amalgam of all kinds of influences that coalesced into a new type of thing.

Is it really surprising that all the staple American music are all Black American created whether its Jazz, Blues or Rock and Roll or Hip Hop etc And those genres are TRUE American inventions...created by TRUE Americans within a little over 100 years or so.

And only the people who are the descendants of the American slave trade IMO should be the only group to be called Black. If Blacks Americans have a culture...its AMERICAN culture. A culture that our influence made globally popular.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Drake is only Jewish when it's convenient.
:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: Yup



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One thing Jews are going to do is make a Black man bend the knee. God damn :smh:

Lots of us are Gods

Gods dont bend to lessor men,

the backlash from this is going to be devasting,

Im covering up the swoosh on my nike sweat shirts with masking tape...

in the long run Im going to seek out products made by my people..

even food...

I know there is a site where I could order from a Bruh Farmer..

this is all a blessing in disguise



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I shed light on the whole democratic agenda,

jewjews keep fuckin around, Im gonna shed light

on their whole fuckin SCAM..

I got all their secrets!!!

talkin bout the parasitic elite demonic jews,

not the average one, they victims too bruh...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do these jews in charge realize they are proving Ye and Kyrie right,

you cant take billions aways from a man overnight..




Revelation 2:9

King James Version

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Now Tony Kornheiser from PTI trying to drag LeBron and CP3 into this talking about he hasn't heard them condemn Kyrie yet.

Here we go... :smh:

I just heard this

And I'm cool with pti for real for real.

Did not like this take from Tony.

Are white men asked to do this about OTHER WHITE MEN?

Cause I remember Tony's words during Kaepernick...

I just leave it there.

You can say the Nets, the Union as a whole, Silver, the owner, Amazon, Durant his teammates even

But to say we'll where is Lebron and Chris Paul has a sinister undertone I don't like.

So where is Pop? Kerr? Enes Kanter?

So anyone who spoke on Black issues in the past is OBLIGATED to speak publicly on this?

So where were all the owners on Sarver?

What about Snyder?

Nah I don't like that take at all.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

They should be held even more responsible.

When a pound of flesh isn't enough.


I don't know about more.

But they should be getting much more heat

Who curating?

So they got NO CENSORSHIP over there at Amazon at all?

The ONLY out maybe they gonna use is that since it's a pay to play????

But that is still weak.

But now Amazon got a pandora box situation...

Who gonna review ALL THAT CONTENT and decide WHAT is offensive or not?

In a messed up way?

Mr give voice to the voiceless

May have just permanently closed a sizable outlet for content creators to do just that.


International member
BGOL Investor
Amazon has a comprehensive QC process to approve docs/films/books etc before publishing. If the documentary is on their platform then it passed their filters and review process...

I assume a legal issue will arise should they de-platform the books and documentaries...