Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
While trying to make Kyrie beend the knee... they got all them negros scared...

What up doe?

The price of doing business

Working for a world power level media conglomerate

This is and will always be

The real questions this...

it's going on 100 years

We seen the blueprint my Jewish folk drew up

And now later LGBTQ, Hispanic and Asian


complaining and finger pointing and what about ism ain't gonna do sh*t.

What are WE going to do right now together?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Amazon has a comprehensive QC process to approve docs/films/books etc before publishing. If the documentary is on their platform then it passed their filters and review process...

I assume a legal issue will arise should they de-platform the books and documentaries...


Appreciate this.

And 100% agree.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor

I don't know about more.

But they should be getting much more heat

Who curating?

So they got NO CENSORSHIP over there at Amazon at all?

The ONLY out maybe they gonna use is that since it's a pay to play????

But that is still weak.

But now Amazon got a pandora box situation...

Who gonna review ALL THAT CONTENT and decide WHAT is offensive or not?

In a messed up way?

Mr give voice to the voiceless

May have just permanently closed a sizable outlet for content creators to do just that.

The reason why I say more is once it came out that the content was offensive, Amazon should have taken it down. Amazon is making profit off it, Kyrie isn't. That's worse to me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We as a people keep playing checkers....

As soon as we actually have a united front, every group will exercise on the chins of Black folks. I mean we cant even agree to not kill each other, or that regardless of skin tone, or religion we stick together.

I mean I do still buy Wallys, and an occasion track sneaker. I only buy Sia sneakers, I use Reel toilet paper thats Black owned, Black owned skin care, Actively Black bags and sports wear, spend my money at Black establishments most of the times. Its the small things that start the ball rolling.

I stay out of this kind of stuff cause we shoot ourselves in the foot and then mad people laughing or wont help.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just heard this

And I'm cool with pti for real for real.

Did not like this take from Tony.

Are white men asked to do this about OTHER WHITE MEN?

Cause I remember Tony's words during Kaepernick...

I just leave it there.

You can say the Nets, the Union as a whole, Silver, the owner, Amazon, Durant his teammates even

But to say we'll where is Lebron and Chris Paul has a sinister undertone I don't like.

So where is Pop? Kerr? Enes Kanter?

So anyone who spoke on Black issues in the past is OBLIGATED to speak publicly on this?

So where were all the owners on Sarver?

What about Snyder?

Nah I don't like that take at all.

Ideally, I would appreciate, "No comment" or...

PS. The DVD came out in 2018 (4 years ago).
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The reason why I say more is once it came out that the content was offensive, Amazon should have taken it down. Amazon is making profit off it, Kyrie isn't. That's worse to me.

I understand

You are NOT wrong at all

In fact you might have just convinced me


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
To your knowledge, was this the tweet?

Yeah that's it. Something streaming on one of the biggest platforms in the world ran by one of the richest men on the planet. Yet, Kyrie is getting all the heat as if he narrated and produced it himself. Make it make sense.

See.. Tuesday they wanted him to apologize, Wedsnesday they wanted him to say "Im sorry".. Now they want Bron and CP3 to kiss the ring too...

Kanye never really made the proper apology, so they got to go after other influential men from the community to make sure some of the message Kyrie and Kanye are saying doesn't resonate with some of the community. Yet, it is only ironically showing there is some form of bullying especially in Kryie's case. It was better off them just trying to stick to it to Kanye. This is just opening up a can of worms more.

There’s no way people can be cool this….

I said this in one of the Kanye threads that this wasn't going to end nicely. Once I saw Kanye mentioning the red shield media I knew exactly who he was talking about. Anyone who has checked my posts in the past know why I know exactly who he was targeting. I also knew that things were going to get shut down with the quickness.

Now they are overreaching on Kyrie because he backed down and apologized. As we see that is not enough. They want his blood and others in the NBA who have nothing to do with it. I know things were trouble with Kanye eventually because of the can of worms he was opening. He is not THAT out of the loop and crazy. He is upsetting the wrong people purposefully, but it appears Kyrie is taking the brunt despite thinking he wouldn't just posting that documentary.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
In the middle of my rental period.

This shit is not holding my attention at all. First 15 minutes is the title card over and over again. The doc introduces itself 5 times. I know it doesn't make sense but take my word for it.

Also....playing music over the information you're trying to give is distracting and patronizing at the same time. Just relay the info....don't try to make it what you feel is more palatable. That shit only happens when the audience is black, strangely.

Will try to finish this before the period is up. Seems like they were getting into the info, but it's just music and clips here and there. I need my nigga to step in, remaster and tighten this shit up......


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah that's it. Something streaming on one of the biggest platforms in the world ran by one of the richest men on the planet. Yet, Kyrie is getting all the heat as if he narrated and produced it himself. Make it make sense.

Kanye never really made the proper apology, so they got to go after other influential men from the community to make sure some of the message Kyrie and Kanye are saying doesn't resonate with some of the community. Yet, it is only ironically showing there is some form of bullying especially in Kryie's case. It was better off them just trying to stick to it to Kanye. This is just opening up a can of worms more.

I said this in one of the Kanye threads that this wasn't going to end nicely. Once I saw Kanye mentioning the red shield media I knew exactly who he was talking about. Anyone who has checked my posts in the past know why I know exactly who he was targeting. I also knew that things were going to get shut down with the quickness.

Now they are overreaching on Kyrie because he backed down and apologized. As we see that is not enough. They want his blood and others in the NBA who have nothing to do with it. I know things were trouble with Kanye eventually because of the can of worms he was opening. He is not THAT out of the loop and crazy. He is upsetting the wrong people purposefully, but it appears Kyrie is taking the brunt despite thinking he wouldn't just posting that documentary.

In addition, the DVD came out in 2018 (4 years ago). You said, "Make it Make Sense?"
And, I can no more understand how it's promoting hatred than I could the time Whoopi Goldberg was on the "View," and discussed man being inhumane to fellow man.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I remember a tape of Farrakhan, shortly after the Jesse Jackson "hymie" controversy, talking about how he'll never apologize for things he's accused of saying (gutter religion)... you'll apologize and be forced to apologize and condemn Black people accused of antisemitism for the rest of your days and when you're written about, they'll always remind the reader of your alleged antisemitism. paraphrasing, of course

He said "There is no pleasing them"... I always think about that line when a Black person is accused and we see it play out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember a tape of Farrakhan, shortly after the Jesse Jackson "hymie" controversy, talking about how he'll never apologize for things he's accused of saying (gutter religion)... you'll apologize and be forced to apologize and condemn Black people accused of antisemitism for the rest of your days and when you're written about, they'll always remind the reader of your alleged antisemitism. paraphrasing, of course

He said "There is no pleasing them"... I always think about that line when a Black person is accused and we see it play out.
Right and he has always said he isn’t antisemetic because he doesn’t say all Jews. He always says the Evil Jews are the ones he is talking about.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
We as a people keep playing checkers....

As soon as we actually have a united front, every group will exercise on the chins of Black folks. I mean we cant even agree to not kill each other, or that regardless of skin tone, or religion we stick together.

I mean I do still buy Wallys, and an occasion track sneaker. I only buy Sia sneakers, I use Reel toilet paper thats Black owned, Black owned skin care, Actively Black bags and sports wear, spend my money at Black establishments most of the times. Its the small things that start the ball rolling.

I stay out of this kind of stuff cause we shoot ourselves in the foot and then mad people laughing or wont help.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In the middle of my rental period.

This shit is not holding my attention at all. First 15 minutes is the title card over and over again. The doc introduces itself 5 times. I know it doesn't make sense but take my word for it.

Also....playing music over the information you're trying to give is distracting and patronizing at the same time. Just relay the info....don't try to make it what you feel is more palatable. That shit only happens when the audience is black, strangely.

Will try to finish this before the period is up. Seems like they were getting into the info, but it's just music and clips here and there. I need my nigga to step in, remaster and tighten this shit up......




Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Where all them white.folks who screamed "I STAND WITH KYRIE" when he suited their anti vaccine stance?

C'mon, bro. Really? That's something else entirely. Folks (read: black folks) need to get off this thing where we decide to agree with EVERYTHING someone says just because we decide we like them and vice versa.

Just like with Kanye. It's alright to disagree with what he said about slavery and the shirts he makes, but are you going to say fuck YE and disagree with him when he talks about black musicians getting taken advantage of by these Jewish businessmen historically? Something we all KNOW is fact.

I hate that "yeah, but what about..." mentality a lot of our people possess. That resistance to change bullshit will be the death of you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
C'mon, bro. Really? That's something else entirely. Folks (read: black folks) need to get off this thing where we decide to agree with EVERYTHING someone says just because we decide we like them and vice versa.

Just like with Kanye. It's alright to disagree with what he said about slavery and the shirts he makes, but are you going to say fuck YE and disagree with him when he talks about black musicians getting taken advantage of by these Jewish businessmen historically? Something we all KNOW is fact.

I hate that "yeah, but what about..." mentality a lot of our people possess. That resistance to change bullshit will be the death of you.

Bruh, I been staring at that reply since yesterday wondering how I'm made any semblance of sense.

Because Kyrie stood by anti-vaxxers they're supposed to stand by him when he's supposedly antisemitic?

Make it make sense? :confused:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Yeah that's it. Something streaming on one of the biggest platforms in the world ran by one of the richest men on the planet. Yet, Kyrie is getting all the heat as if he narrated and produced it himself. Make it make sense.

Kanye never really made the proper apology, so they got to go after other influential men from the community to make sure some of the message Kyrie and Kanye are saying doesn't resonate with some of the community. Yet, it is only ironically showing there is some form of bullying especially in Kryie's case. It was better off them just trying to stick to it to Kanye. This is just opening up a can of worms more.

I said this in one of the Kanye threads that this wasn't going to end nicely. Once I saw Kanye mentioning the red shield media I knew exactly who he was talking about. Anyone who has checked my posts in the past know why I know exactly who he was targeting. I also knew that things were going to get shut down with the quickness.

Now they are overreaching on Kyrie because he backed down and apologized. As we see that is not enough. They want his blood and others in the NBA who have nothing to do with it. I know things were trouble with Kanye eventually because of the can of worms he was opening. He is not THAT out of the loop and crazy. He is upsetting the wrong people purposefully, but it appears Kyrie is taking the brunt despite thinking he wouldn't just posting that documentary.

The only master plan Kanye has is that he's an attention whore.

That's why he drapes himself in the confederate flag and white supremacy. For the attention.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Kyrie gonna fuck around and find himself out of the league or at least making a fraction what he could have. He just had an offseason where he wanted to be traded and the Nets wanted to trade him and had no takers.

This will be the 3rd year in the row he has missed time for some shit only he would miss with.

No team is going to risk paying him big time money when this cat could easily get himself suspended again at any random time for any random reason.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
It's true that there is cherry picking going on regardless of Kanye and his reckless moves. Charlamagne called Kanye a Nazi.

YET, no media is calling on Charlamagne for his past thoughts in an interview that would be called antisemitic just like Kanye's.

This is a media guy mind you saying this working at a radio station. Somehow Charlamagne has been able to avoid heat for his past comments unlike Kyrie who simply posted a documentary that is streaming right now on Amazon.

I just call it the way it is. It's cherry picking and the biggest thing of it all is if they had just ignored Kyrie's post no one would be even talking about this.

Yeah, I had this discussion with my lawyer friend last night. Why isn't the energy the same. He just went on a huge rant about Jewish people being a minority and guys like Kanye should know better smh. He still never answered my question on the whole inequality that happens in the media. I asked him why didn't Kanye get the business cancellation for his past antics that could have been seen as just as problematic?

He told me that was on black people and take note this is a black lawyer I'm talking about. I asked him when Kanye was saying things on black people and so on years ago why did they just somehow excuse it as mental health with no repercussions? He says we aren't as unified as a people and I told that Kanye said that in the Drink Champs interview.

He just says Kanye is problematic and erratic which is true, but still why did he become a billionaire before with his antics and NOW action takes course on him? Even the stuff about him liking Hitler why is THAT coming out now? I say that is partly fake outrage and just riding the media train for sensationalism and he disagreed.

Exactly. Read above as some of this stuff is just better off being ignored as with other instances.

I wonder how this will go down being a woman?

They won't for the most part because from some things people are saying is that everyone already knows the system is rigged. I then asked if it is rigged and understood why do we allow it? Crickets.

Sunny called white womens roaches????????????

I want to fuck her even more now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
C'mon, bro. Really? That's something else entirely. Folks (read: black folks) need to get off this thing where we decide to agree with EVERYTHING someone says just because we decide we like them and vice versa.

Just like with Kanye. It's alright to disagree with what he said about slavery and the shirts he makes, but are you going to say fuck YE and disagree with him when he talks about black musicians getting taken advantage of by these Jewish businessmen historically? Something we all KNOW is fact.

I hate that "yeah, but what about..." mentality a lot of our people possess. That resistance to change bullshit will be the death of you.
Bruh, I been staring at that reply since yesterday wondering how I'm made any semblance of sense.

Because Kyrie stood by anti-vaxxers they're supposed to stand by him when he's supposedly antisemitic?

Make it make sense? :confused:

My thing is this...I'm a fairplayist...and a proponent of being aware of the times and atmosphere we live in. If Kanye has an issue with how contracts and business has been done then he should be calling out specific individuals and companies for dirty play not whole ethnic groups because we know how that's going play out.

Kyrie at this point should know how much of a lightning rod he can be and should move with more awareness. That said. If he's going to be raked over the coals for just "promoting" the damn thing then Amazon should be raked over those same coals for broadcasting and profiting from something described as dangerous misinformation that causes harm to a people. The fact that that's NOT happening and they're ALLOWED to keep the thing up should be OUR point of attack in calling out the hypocrisy. This is not whataboutism at all or deflection becuz both parties are involved in the same shit but only one is actively being punished while the other PROFITS. I'm not defending Kyrie, l'm questioning why Amazon isn't on the hot seat as well since its they're platform that gives space to this "dangerous" thing in the first place.

If Amazon gets a pass then the documentary isn't that bad...if it is then Amazon like Kyrie has to answer for it. If there's no appetite to take on Amazon then THAT has to be questioned as well.

THIS is where black voices should come together.
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