Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My thing is this...I'm a fairplayist...and a proponent of being aware of the times and atmosphere we live in. If Kanye has an issue with how contracts and business has been done then he should be calling out specific individuals and companies for dirty play not whole ethnic groups because we know how that's going play out.

Kyrie at this point should know how much of a lightning rod he can be and should move with more awareness. That said. If he's going to be raked over the coals for just "promoting" the damn thing then Amazon should be raked over those same coals for broadcasting and profiting from something described as dangerous misinformation that causes harm to a people. The fact that that's NOT happening and they're ALLOWED to keep the thing up should be OUR point if attack in calling out the hypocrisy. This is not whataboutism at all or deflection becuz both parties are involved in the same shit but only one is actively being punished while the other PROFITS. I'm not defending Kyrie lm questioning why Amazon isn't on the hottest as well since its they're platform that gives space to this "dangerous" thing in the first place.

I agree with the first part.

As far as Amazon sharing the same culpability Kyrie does I don't agree. If amazon takes the documentary down they are now censoring. I don't agree with that. It is whataboutism to deflect from Kyrie to Amazon. Had Kyrie not promoted the documentary it would still be an obsucre shitty documentary. Now it's a less obscure shitty documentary. Not only that when Kyrie cosigns this Doc everyone that cosigns Kyrie now has to answer questions from the team to Nike to everyone else.That's the problem Kyrie has. He has a job. If he didn't have a job or endorsement contracts than he could promote whatever movie he wants and get no complaints from anyone. But when you take money from these companies they expect you are in it with them, that's what business relationships are. Nike sells less shows if Kyrie is viewed as anti-semetic. The nets sell less tickets. This is real money

There is a difference between selling cigarettes at my corner store and promoting the use of cigarettes. I believe in giving people the choice of wether or not they want to accept information buy cigarettes etc. In that way the promoter, the creator and the platform have different levels of culpability and accountability.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with the first part.

As far as Amazon sharing the same culpability Kyrie does I don't agree. If amazon takes the documentary down they are now censoring. I don't agree with that. It is whataboutism to deflect from Kyrie to Amazon. Had Kyrie not promoted the documentary it would still be an obsucre shitty documentary. Now it's a less obscure shitty documentary. Not only that when Kyrie cosigns this Doc everyone that cosigns Kyrie now has to answer questions from the team to Nike to everyone else.That's the problem Kyrie has. He has a job. If he didn't have a job or endorsement contracts than he could promote whatever movie he wants and get no complaints from anyone. But when you take money from these companies they expect you are in it with them, that's what business relationships are. Nike sells less shows if Kyrie is viewed as anti-semetic. The nets sell less tickets. This is real money

There is a difference between selling cigarettes at my corner store and promoting the use of cigarettes. I believe in giving people the choice of wether or not they want to accept information buy cigarettes etc. In that way the promoter, the creator and the platform have different levels of culpability and accountability.
Dangerous is dangerous... allowing something to be put out for public consumption but punishing individuals for liking consuming it is at best a mixed message...if that's the case then studio's and networks should be chastised for having popular characters portraying smoking because that's influential and promotion of a sort.

And to say that Kyrie with his millions of followers is somehow more influential than Amazon with thier BILLIONS of subscribers GLOBALLY is just plain ridiculous. An athlete on the same level as Kyrie living in England or Italy doing the same thing...the controversy of that wouldn't even make it across Europe much less to America so let's put it in proper perspective here.

Kyrie didn't get this much backlash for being antivax in the middle of pandemic. Nor did his views on that subject influence anyone who wasn't already thinking like that. The vast majority of Irving's fan base like him for his ball skills...thats not the same as following his worldviews.

Also Amazon is a private company and as such they can put whatever they want on their streaming network and conversely take whatever they want down. And just as public pressure and threats of repercussions can sway Kyrie (whose not just a businessman but also a to change his stance and delete offending things on his platform so too can pressure and repercussions force Amazon to do the same thing. BOTH are brands that should be held to the same standards.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dangerous is dangerous allowing something to be put out for public consumption but punishing individuals for liking consuming it at best a mixed message...if that's the case then studio's and networks should be chastised for having popular characters portraying smoking because that's influential and promotion of a sort.

And to say that Kyrie with his millions of followers somehow is more influential than Amazon with thier BILLIONS of subscribers GLOBALLY is just plain ridiculous. An athlete on the same level as Kyrie living on England or Italy doing the same thing...the controversy of that wouldn't even make it across Europe much less to America so let's put it in proper perspective here.

Kyrie didn't get this much backlash for being antivax in the middle of pandemic. Nor did his views on that su ject influence anyone who wasn't already thinking like that. The vast majority of Irving's fan base like him for his ball skills...thats not the same as following his worldviews.

Also Amazon is a private company and as such they can put whatever they want on their streaming network and conversely take whatever they want down. And just as public pressure and threats of repercussions can sway Kyrie (whose not just a businessman but also a to change his stance and delete offending things on his platform so to can pressure and repercussions force Amazon to do the same thing. BOTH are brands the should be held to the same standards.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dangerous is dangerous allowing something to be put out for public consumption but punishing individuals for liking consuming it at best a mixed message...if that's the case then studio's and networks should be chastised for having popular characters portraying smoking because that's influential and promotion of a sort.

And to say that Kyrie with his millions of followers somehow is more influential than Amazon with thier BILLIONS of subscribers GLOBALLY is just plain ridiculous. An athlete on the same level as Kyrie living on England or Italy doing the same thing...the controversy of that wouldn't even make it across Europe much less to America so let's put it in proper perspective here.

Kyrie didn't get this much backlash for being antivax in the middle of pandemic. Nor did his views on that su ject influence anyone who wasn't already thinking like that. The vast majority of Irving's fan base like him for his ball skills...thats not the same as following his worldviews.

Also Amazon is a private company and as such they can put whatever they want on their streaming network and conversely take whatever they want down. And just as public pressure and threats of repercussions can sway Kyrie (whose not just a businessman but also a to change his stance and delete offending things on his platform so to can pressure and repercussions force Amazon to do the same thing. BOTH are brands the should be held to the same standards.

It's a mixed message but this is America. If we could sue a store for selling ciggarettes we would be banning cigaretes. The creators can be sued. The reason we don't have cig billboards anymore because the billboards were promoting cigs. See the difference.

Kyrie is not less influential than Amazon but that wasn't the issue. The issue was Kyrie promoting the documentary which he did and which Amazon did not. Providing access to something is not the same as promoting it's use. IE cigs in stores.

Being anti-vax is clearly different than being anti-semitic. There are people that are pro-vaccine but I don't think they give a shit enough to boycott Kyrie because of it.

Amazon is a private company and if they choose to take it down they can create policies to do that. If you feel strongly enough about Amazon doing that then you support censorship of that documentary. I don't support censorship of that documentary so I don't support amazon making it unavailable. So for me your what about amazon argument does zero for Kyries responsibility to the NETS Nike and his fans. Maybe you think he has no responsiblity and should be able to say anything he want's whether it's racist anti-semitic or whatever. I disagree. When you have a job you have a responsibility that you agreed to when you signed that contract. When you violate that you deserve what punishments comes with that because you are going against your own word.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dangerous is dangerous allowing something to be put out for public consumption but punishing individuals for liking consuming is it at best a mixed message...if that's the case then studio's and networks should be chastised for having popular characters portraying smoking because that's influential and promotion of a sort.

And to say that Kyrie with his millions of followers is somehow more influential than Amazon with thier BILLIONS of subscribers GLOBALLY is just plain ridiculous. An athlete on the same level as Kyrie living in England or Italy doing the same thing...the controversy of that wouldn't even make it across Europe much less to America so let's put it in proper perspective here.

Kyrie didn't get this much backlash for being antivax in the middle of pandemic. Nor did his views on that subject influence anyone who wasn't already thinking like that. The vast majority of Irving's fan base like him for his ball skills...thats not the same as following his worldviews.

Also Amazon is a private company and as such they can put whatever they want on their streaming network and conversely take whatever they want down. And just as public pressure and threats of repercussions can sway Kyrie (whose not just a businessman but also a to change his stance and delete offending things on his platform so too can pressure and repercussions force Amazon to do the same thing. BOTH are brands that should be held to the same standards.

This is basically the problem I have with the whole thing, They pick and choose who they want to fuck with and who get's left alone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's a mixed message but this is America. If we could sue a store for selling ciggarettes we would be banning cigaretes. The creators can be sued. The reason we don't have cig billboards anymore because the billboards were promoting cigs. See the difference.

Kyrie is not less influential than Amazon but that wasn't the issue. The issue was Kyrie promoting the documentary which he did and which Amazon did not. Providing access to something is not the same as promoting it's use. IE cigs in stores.

Being anti-vax is clearly different than being anti-semitic. There are people that are pro-vaccine but I don't think they give a shit enough to boycott Kyrie because of it.

Amazon is a private company and if they choose to take it down they can create policies to do that. If you feel strongly enough about Amazon doing that then you support censorship of that documentary. I don't support censorship of that documentary so I don't support amazon making it unavailable. So for me your what about amazon argument does zero for Kyries responsibility to the NETS Nike and his fans. Maybe you think he has no responsiblity and should be able to say anything he want's whether it's racist anti-semitic or whatever. I disagree. When you have a job you have a responsibility that you agreed to when you signed that contract. When you violate that you deserve what punishments comes with that because you are going against your own word.
dude you could apply what youre saying to anything...hard drugs, prostitution, porn etc. Yet there are laws on the books banning those trades because public opinion is against them (this is legal censorship) but public opinion can change...look at weed.

The market determines what a business supplies. right? but if enough public backlash pressure is applied the business makes adjustments at least in the regions where theres pressure to change. This isn't censorship this is discourse. Walmart has every right to sell openly racist T shirts that say coons like 40s and fried chicken with a smiling sambo cartoon on the front and back in their stores and you can choose to buy one...or not...but youre telling me that youre okay with that BUT if a white celebrity like Tom Brady tweets a picture of the tshirt along with a link to Walmart you would do everything in your power to break tom BUT not have a thing to say to Walmart about selling those tshirts in stores even in the black communities??? They can go on selling that shit and youre good with it??

You think any backlash and demand that that company take that shit down is censorship and youd be against it??

Also its not deflection...deflection is when some cac does a mass shooting in texas and the discussion is about why white men do mass shootings and someone brings up black on black shootings in detriot and chicago. One has NOTHING to do with the other.

In this situation kyrie and amazon are involved in the same incident and the product they BOTH used is the same. So its NOT a binary choice of either/or they BOTH are complicit and culpable in the same mess. Therefore BOTH should get backlash for it. We can talk and chew gum at the same time.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor



BTW.....It's 2022, why is this nigga broadcasting in 80P?!!!!

Action Umar!!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Kryie can do what he wants, but that doesn't mean that the NBA or any other organization he works for has to accept it.

Just quit bball and be the crusader that YOU think you are. Get Floyd, Kanye, Hershel Walker, Supersav and all the other idiots out there and start a cult for all I care.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Brooklyn Nets have issued an extensive list of requirements to Kyrie Irving as conditions for him to return to the team, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

For Irving to return, he must meet with the media and issue a verbal apology that clearly states he’s sorry for sharing the film and understands the film is harmful and untrue.

He must also share the apology on his social media accounts. Irving initially issued an apology on Instagram hours after his suspension.

In addition, he must follow and complete sensitivity trainings determined by the team while also meeting with Jewish leaders in the Brooklyn community.

And finally, if he meets the numerous requirements to the Nets’ satisfaction, he must meet with ownership and demonstrate this type of behavior will not occur again this season — the last of Irving’s four-year deal he signed with the Nets in 2019.

According to a report from ESPN, Irving didn’t respond to text messages from team governor Joe Tsai after the controversy began a week ago.

When asked for comment, the league told Yahoo Sports it was unaware of the depth of what Irving was asked to fulfill by the team, and the National Basketball Players Association said it could not comment on the matter.

On Friday, Nets general manager Sean Marks alluded to things Irving would need to do to return to the court, and after what seemed like days of inaction from the powers above Irving, it will take plenty for him to get back on the floor.

.......................they are really taking it to the extreme with this nigga.....


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The only master plan Kanye has is that he's an attention whore.

That's why he drapes himself in the confederate flag and white supremacy. For the attention.

Never said anything about Kanye having a master mind. He does crave attention, but he also knows who he is provoking. The guy clearly doesn't care and that makes him hard to stop. He is continuing to poke the bear with his latest IG post anti-semite being code for n*(((. He lost his wife and says her family controls his kids, so he is a man without an island is just blasting off at the mouth. He is a loose cannon, because at the end of the day the guy has money to burn even after losing billionaire status. They could only damage his public image now and blackball him, but this will cause him eventually to have an underground following which will feed his hunger for attention.

Kyrie is a different story and he is easier to control because he is not at the level of Kanye financially and the inner workings of the top of the chain. As I said weeks ago, this thing was not going to end well and here we are now with LeBron James, Shaq, Kyrie and other rich black men having to apologize or make public statements.

I knew the blow back was going to be hard. The thing is I had this discussion with some friends and I told them I don't really go for Kanye's rap marketing tactics. I look at the core of his moves with his reckless emotion he wears on a sleeve which is why he is all over the place with no real mission overall. What surprised me is how fast this whole thing has escalated in this short time where now other rich black men are getting involved and social media is on fire with this topic.

As for Kanye's past moves aout "slavery was a choice" and wearing the confederate flag I see this as even more egregious in how things were mattered by businesses in comparison to now with what they are doing to Kyrie. I get it though. At that time Kanye was "OUR" problem and they didn't care.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Brooklyn Nets have issued an extensive list of requirements to Kyrie Irving as conditions for him to return to the team, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

For Irving to return, he must meet with the media and issue a verbal apology that clearly states he’s sorry for sharing the film and understands the film is harmful and untrue.

He must also share the apology on his social media accounts. Irving initially issued an apology on Instagram hours after his suspension.

In addition, he must follow and complete sensitivity trainings determined by the team while also meeting with Jewish leaders in the Brooklyn community.

And finally, if he meets the numerous requirements to the Nets’ satisfaction, he must meet with ownership and demonstrate this type of behavior will not occur again this season — the last of Irving’s four-year deal he signed with the Nets in 2019.

According to a report from ESPN, Irving didn’t respond to text messages from team governor Joe Tsai after the controversy began a week ago.

When asked for comment, the league told Yahoo Sports it was unaware of the depth of what Irving was asked to fulfill by the team, and the National Basketball Players Association said it could not comment on the matter.

On Friday, Nets general manager Sean Marks alluded to things Irving would need to do to return to the court, and after what seemed like days of inaction from the powers above Irving, it will take plenty for him to get back on the floor.

.......................they are really taking it to the extreme with this nigga.....
What in the bukake apology is that shit? They want this man to more than kiss the ring!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Kryie can do what he wants, but that doesn't mean that the NBA or any other organization he works for has to accept it.

Just quit bball and be the crusader that YOU think you are. Get Floyd, Kanye, Hershel Walker, Supersav and all the other idiots out there and start a cult for all I care.

If he quits basketball he'll realize that nobody ever really liked him! :roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Brooklyn Nets have issued an extensive list of requirements to Kyrie Irving as conditions for him to return to the team, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

For Irving to return, he must meet with the media and issue a verbal apology that clearly states he’s sorry for sharing the film and understands the film is harmful and untrue.

He must also share the apology on his social media accounts. Irving initially issued an apology on Instagram hours after his suspension.

In addition, he must follow and complete sensitivity trainings determined by the team while also meeting with Jewish leaders in the Brooklyn community.

And finally, if he meets the numerous requirements to the Nets’ satisfaction, he must meet with ownership and demonstrate this type of behavior will not occur again this season — the last of Irving’s four-year deal he signed with the Nets in 2019.

According to a report from ESPN, Irving didn’t respond to text messages from team governor Joe Tsai after the controversy began a week ago.

When asked for comment, the league told Yahoo Sports it was unaware of the depth of what Irving was asked to fulfill by the team, and the National Basketball Players Association said it could not comment on the matter.

On Friday, Nets general manager Sean Marks alluded to things Irving would need to do to return to the court, and after what seemed like days of inaction from the powers above Irving, it will take plenty for him to get back on the floor.

.......................they are really taking it to the extreme with this nigga.....

Yes that's a lot but...

If it's true that the documentary that he posted stated that the holocaust was fake, then Kyrie needs to be educated.

It's disrespecting an entire community's tragic history.

Kyrie's actions, attitude and tone is why he has to go through all of those changes. A simple apology for being incorrect would've had this entire thing behind him right now.

Imagine if a white athlete posted a documentary that stated slavery or the way Black people were treated throughout the history of the United States was fake?

To be reinstated, he'd have to go through more things than Kyrie. Visiting museums, churches, neighborhoods and in the end taking him to Roscoe's to get killed.

And no PNB Rock getting killed isn't funny in any way shape or form and I'm not making light of it.

I just wanted the white athlete to get killed in my hypothetical :lol:


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Yes that's a lot but...

If it's true that the documentary that he posted stated that the holocaust was fake, then Kyrie needs to be educated.

It's disrespecting an entire community's tragic history.

Kyrie's actions, attitude and tone is why he has to go through all of those changes. A simple apology for being incorrect would've had this entire thing behind him right now.

Imagine if a white athlete posted a documentary that stated slavery or the way Black people were treated throughout the history of the United States was fake?

To be reinstated, he'd have to go through more things than Kyrie. Visiting museums, churches, neighborhoods and in the end taking him to Roscoe's to get killed.

And no PNB Rock getting killed isn't funny in any way shape or form and I'm not making light of it.

I just wanted the white athlete to get killed in my hypothetical :lol:

Dude thinks the world is flat.


Rising Star
OG Investor

The Brooklyn Nets have issued an extensive list of requirements to Kyrie Irving as conditions for him to return to the team, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

For Irving to return, he must meet with the media and issue a verbal apology that clearly states he’s sorry for sharing the film and understands the film is harmful and untrue.

He must also share the apology on his social media accounts. Irving initially issued an apology on Instagram hours after his suspension.

In addition, he must follow and complete sensitivity trainings determined by the team while also meeting with Jewish leaders in the Brooklyn community.

And finally, if he meets the numerous requirements to the Nets’ satisfaction, he must meet with ownership and demonstrate this type of behavior will not occur again this season — the last of Irving’s four-year deal he signed with the Nets in 2019.

According to a report from ESPN, Irving didn’t respond to text messages from team governor Joe Tsai after the controversy began a week ago.

When asked for comment, the league told Yahoo Sports it was unaware of the depth of what Irving was asked to fulfill by the team, and the National Basketball Players Association said it could not comment on the matter.

On Friday, Nets general manager Sean Marks alluded to things Irving would need to do to return to the court, and after what seemed like days of inaction from the powers above Irving, it will take plenty for him to get back on the floor.

.......................they are really taking it to the extreme with this nigga.....

Kyrie could have literally murdered someone and not faced a list this long.

They want to get rid of him and are using this as an excuse.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor

The Brooklyn Nets have issued an extensive list of requirements to Kyrie Irving as conditions for him to return to the team, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

For Irving to return, he must meet with the media and issue a verbal apology that clearly states he’s sorry for sharing the film and understands the film is harmful and untrue.

He must also share the apology on his social media accounts. Irving initially issued an apology on Instagram hours after his suspension.

In addition, he must follow and complete sensitivity trainings determined by the team while also meeting with Jewish leaders in the Brooklyn community.

And finally, if he meets the numerous requirements to the Nets’ satisfaction, he must meet with ownership and demonstrate this type of behavior will not occur again this season — the last of Irving’s four-year deal he signed with the Nets in 2019.

According to a report from ESPN, Irving didn’t respond to text messages from team governor Joe Tsai after the controversy began a week ago.

When asked for comment, the league told Yahoo Sports it was unaware of the depth of what Irving was asked to fulfill by the team, and the National Basketball Players Association said it could not comment on the matter.

On Friday, Nets general manager Sean Marks alluded to things Irving would need to do to return to the court, and after what seemed like days of inaction from the powers above Irving, it will take plenty for him to get back on the floor.

.......................they are really taking it to the extreme with this nigga.....
He doesnt have to mean, just say what they want and keep collecting checks :dunno: