Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

“At one point, the film cites Henry Ford’s four-volume book The International Jew.(The first volume is subtitled The World’s Foremost Problem.) A quick history lesson: The legendary automaker’s disdain for Jews was so intense that even Adolf Hitler praised him for it in Mein Kampf. Even more chilling, the documentary also claims that Jews have used five major falsehoods to “conceal their nature and protect their status and power.” One alleged falsehood is that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”

Anyone that doesn’t know rocking with this will cause a world of trouble is an idiot.
i mean .. how dumb can these "free thinkers" be ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So all he had to do was say my bad. Just like when Doc Rivers was liking tranny porn or whatever it was.
but he didnt explain when he had the chance to shut it down, he let it keep going , he was given an easier way out & platform to actually speak on his "jewish" stance , ya know TEACH ! & chickened out ,same with the vaccine , he just ghosted,, that was the moment to stand on ur square and speak on it if he had that conviction



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one forced him at all.
He's losing millions of dollars because he has low impulse control. Is his cred with the hoteps so important that he's fucking up his money liking some obscure documentary. He could have sent the documentary makers some money on the low if he wanted to support. And if he didn't care about fucking up his money then why apologize?

As long as Kyrie has a Job he's an employee he's not a boss he's not a revolutionary. If he was a revolutionary the struggle would mean more to him than his job. It doesn't.

What he can't control is his need for attention and his need to want to be viewed in a certain light
. That seems to be more important than his job or his money and that's the conflict him and Kanye are having.
everything here


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

They don't need to link anything, IT'S WHAT THEY BELIEVE ALREADY.
muslims believe crazy ahit about christians, christians born again believe cray shit abot muslims and all gentiles, jews have theirs about the gentiles & all non-jews too but once one of their believers publishes a book saying slavery didnt happen or literally says black folks r subhuman and an athlete posts that book then we can talk


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep, y'all got it. Kyrie hates all Jews because Jews say so.

Equating slavery with the Holocaust is Anti-Semitic. Believing Blacks are the original Hebrews is Anti-Semitic.

Oooookay.... :rolleyes2:

This is the ultimate in "Shut up and dribble".

By the time they get done with Kyrie, they gonna have him wearing a yarmulke and converted over to Judaism. :smh:
no one is saying Kyrie hates all jews, in fact his silenece is what made them able to spin the story..

If he came out and said hes converting to judaism = no problem
saying he "believes" black folks r the anceint jews = no problem
holocaust denial
lies (that can be weaponized to harm said group) about group of ppl = problem


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Communication man....All this shit could have been avoided via communication....

Would like to see Kyrie bring some African scholars (not no fake ass hoteps, Boyce, and other non teachers), but real scholars to the table as well to have an educated conversation...

Just like Farakhan had jewish leaders at his last Saviours Day

he could bring one of Dr Ben's students, the real jews ,not the corner of 125th/42nd street disney costume wearing clowns but real practicing black jews historians.
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World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They out of they damn mind, I hope Kyrie don't cave to those silly ass demands. This is telling a nigga don't you ever get out of place, if you do then this is what will happen.. Fuck them muthafuckas! Ain't no way I would do that shit!
Yeah, man, it's a pimp and a ho situation. Some of those powerful Jews wanna be the pimps so bad; they want bottom bitch adherence.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kyrie can get buckets. A team will sign him for sure

no one questions his skill the issue is the baggage....kyrie is like a girl with big titties and a bubble ass but a funky fuckin ass attitude... the phat ass and tits have gotten her far for sure but thats only to play UP TO A CERTAIN POINT then its not going to matter anymore compared to all the drama she brings with her.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop comparing this dumb shit to slavery...

The NBA is a brand...all they ask is that their employees don't do shit to endanger themselves (water skiing, dirt bike riding etc.), gambling, or engage in behavior that is detrimental to the brand (personal conduct clauses) amongst other things. Every NBA player signs and agrees to this prior to the first check being issued. The VP of the players union (Kyrie) should know this shit all too well...If this cat wants to be a freedom fighter/flat earther/ doula/black isrealite/ faith healer or whatever else, quit the league and pursue that passion. I'm all for it !! But if you are going to wear that NBA logo and represent the league, you have to fall in line with their rules...It's not slavery, it's business !! Don't get mad at Jews for being unapologetic about protecting their names/religion and having the financial means to ensure that they are protected. I wish that we had the same fortitude and allegiance to each other when these CAC's (or coons like Kanye) say wild shit misrepresenting us or our struggles...
why is this so hard for cats to come to grips with? i keep sayig none of them would dare do this at their jobs but want Kyrie to do it on their behalf


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm glad they're doing this to him. Now they've set a precedent. Let's what happens when someone else talks slick about black people going forward.
its not what THEY do when they offend us but what WE do ! its not their stick together
The reason they can be so effective in retribution is because they own or have leverage in foundational business interests and industries. When we talk about shutting shit down its from a consumer standpoint.. boycotting a product or service. When they do it first off they don't issue threats they just do the shit...2nd its not boycotting anything its withdrawing their business from a person or's not a boycott its an EMBARGO.

The clearest example of how they use their leverage is like that masterblaster scene in madmax

That's the difference between how blacks and jews move.

They want you to say the words..loud and clear for everyone to hear. They do this across the board.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

theres a difference btw curiosity, enquiry and using that as an excuse to be dumb problematic, he couldve deaded the whole shit days ago but he let it foster becos as Sharp said "he thinks hes the smartest n* in the room"...what gets me is when he had the chance to actually grab a mic and explain his stance he freaking backs out cowardly ! becos we know he doesnt even have the answers for the shit he believes, same as the vaccine debacle..he let shit foster... these freethinker shit is really fucking up alot of ppl


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Really hurts to see black people piling on their own along with everyone else. Regardless the violation, how ignorant the offense, we have to not side with those outside. We have to be our brothers keeper when it comes to these situations.
Im certain those shitting on their own do such out of uncertainty and insecurity.
yeah but its fucking frustrating to watch bruhs keep doing the dumbest shit so easily,like why do u keep gettin in ur way ?and make it so easy for them? :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We as a people keep playing checkers....

As soon as we actually have a united front, every group will exercise on the chins of Black folks. I mean we cant even agree to not kill each other, or that regardless of skin tone, or religion we stick together.

I mean I do still buy Wallys, and an occasion track sneaker. I only buy Sia sneakers, I use Reel toilet paper thats Black owned, Black owned skin care, Actively Black bags and sports wear, spend my money at Black establishments most of the times. Its the small things that start the ball rolling.

I stay out of this kind of stuff cause we shoot ourselves in the foot and then mad people laughing or wont help.
why is this so hard to understand bruh?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My thing is this...I'm a fairplayist...and a proponent of being aware of the times and atmosphere we live in. If Kanye has an issue with how contracts and business has been done then he should be calling out specific individuals and companies for dirty play not whole ethnic groups because we know how that's going play out.

Kyrie at this point should know how much of a lightning rod he can be and should move with more awareness.
That said. If he's going to be raked over the coals for just "promoting" the damn thing then Amazon should be raked over those same coals for broadcasting and profiting from something described as dangerous misinformation that causes harm to a people. The fact that that's NOT happening and they're ALLOWED to keep the thing up should be OUR point of attack in calling out the hypocrisy. This is not whataboutism at all or deflection becuz both parties are involved in the same shit but only one is actively being punished while the other PROFITS. I'm not defending Kyrie, l'm questioning why Amazon isn't on the hot seat as well since its they're platform that gives space to this "dangerous" thing in the first place.

If Amazon gets a pass then the documentary isn't that bad...if it is then Amazon like Kyrie has to answer for it. If there's no appetite to take on Amazon then THAT has to be questioned as well.

THIS is where black voices should come together.
and thats the whole thing !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with the first part.

As far as Amazon sharing the same culpability Kyrie does I don't agree. If amazon takes the documentary down they are now censoring. I don't agree with that. It is whataboutism to deflect from Kyrie to Amazon. Had Kyrie not promoted the documentary it would still be an obsucre shitty documentary. Now it's a less obscure shitty documentary. Not only that when Kyrie cosigns this Doc everyone that cosigns Kyrie now has to answer questions from the team to Nike to everyone else.That's the problem Kyrie has. He has a job. If he didn't have a job or endorsement contracts than he could promote whatever movie he wants and get no complaints from anyone. But when you take money from these companies they expect you are in it with them, that's what business relationships are. Nike sells less shows if Kyrie is viewed as anti-semetic. The nets sell less tickets. This is real money

There is a difference between selling cigarettes at my corner store and promoting the use of cigarettes. I believe in giving people the choice of wether or not they want to accept information buy cigarettes etc. In that way the promoter, the creator and the platform have different levels of culpability and accountability.
i think u can both be right at once


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
They out of they damn mind, I hope Kyrie don't cave to those silly ass demands. This is telling a nigga don't you ever get out of place, if you do then this is what will happen.. Fuck them muthafuckas! Ain't no way I would do that shit!
Hope? :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The very first day all he had to do was take down the tweet and say my bad I didn't know the content of the video.

Hell, he even could have had a crisis management person to draw up a little tweet.

It stopped being the video, and became about him being dismissive. Nike and the Nets game his ass a week, before they stepped in. People started complaining about them, because he was making everyone look stupid.

Everyone knew how this shit was going to turn out, besides Kyrie, yet that flat head muthafucka is smarter than everyone.

Muthafucka said he knows the Oxford dictionary, but doesn't even seem to know the definition of promotion.
I saw your reply to my post and there was a reason why you didn’t get a response.

I didn’t reply because first because it’s pointless to reply to you, also because I don’t respect you, your posts, your simple-minded mindset or anything that you have to say.
But to educate you on the situation I’ll go against my better judgement and reply.

As I stated in my posted that you labeled “Bad Logic”.
Kyrie still had the video up on his Instagram and he wasn’t suspended and there was no plan to suspend him. The team gave him time and the opportunity to make the situation right.

He wasn’t suspended until his interview after the game. In which his responses were arrogant and dismissive. That was his opportunity to defuse the situation since in his own words he stated that there was some untruths that were harmful in the documentary.

He also showed disrespect by not responding to the owner of the Nets texts for a week to talk about and address the issue.

Lasty, my responses have nothing to do with Jewish people or the Jewish faith. It’s all about the way Kyrie handled the situation.
And don’t bother replying because again.

It’ll be pointless because I don’t respect you, your posts, your simple-minded mindset or anything that you have to say.

Also I just don’t like wasting my time or conversation on worthless posters.

Have a good night.


Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
They out of they damn mind, I hope Kyrie don't cave to those silly ass demands. This is telling a nigga don't you ever get out of place, if you do then this is what will happen.. Fuck them muthafuckas! Ain't no way I would do that shit!

Kyrie not giving up 100 mil for your pride.

And you wouldn't either.


Rising Star

Bad Andy

No time for a 304
BGOL Investor
How Bron let that reporter drag him into the those waters? A simple quote would have have been “No comment, a great philosopher once said I should shut up and dribble.” These crackers gonna have all these dudes apologizing for shit that ain’t got nothing to do with them. Congrats to Floyd for having the courage to eloquently read that statement in support of a black man first and freedom of speech.
