Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
How Bron let that reporter drag him into the those waters? A simple quote would have have been “No comment, a great philosopher once said I should shut up and dribble.” These crackers gonna have all these dudes apologizing for shit that ain’t got nothing to do with them. Congrats to Floyd for having the courage to eloquently read that statement in support of a black man first and freedom of speech.
When will motherfuckers learn to just say no comment. Especially when I asked about another black athlete. No comment. That's my comment. No comment

You won't catch me shitting on another black person that isn't a Candace Owens type. You asked me about another black person I'm going to say, no comment


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
When will motherfuckers learn to just say no comment. Especially when I asked about another black athlete. No comment. That's my comment. No comment

You won't catch me shitting on another black person that isn't a Candace Owens type. You asked me about another black person I'm going to say, no comment

It's NEVER gonna be that easy fam

Not when you are in that position with all those sponsors partners and enemies.

But I completely hear you and agree white liberals will always be quick as hell to grab another black person and use them as the weapon against other black folk.


Rising Star
How Bron let that reporter drag him into the those waters? A simple quote would have have been “No comment, a great philosopher once said I should shut up and dribble.” These crackers gonna have all these dudes apologizing for shit that ain’t got nothing to do with them. Congrats to Floyd for having the courage to eloquently read that statement in support of a black man first and freedom of speech.

LeBron is the face of the league. He has been active in speaking out against social injustices/racism. LBJ had already kept quiet and to your point"no comment" by not saying anything up to then. It was only a matter of time before someone would ask him for his opinion. That was gonna happen no matter what. The reporter asked him why we haven't heard from many of the current players. And LBJ gave him the right response. He can't speak for everyone else. He can only speak for himself. LBJ knew he would eventually have to speak on it. A "no comment" response to the question would only fuel more questions about his stance. So he did what Kyrie should've done. And left no doubt about how he felt about the movie or Kyrie actions.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
LeBron is the face of the league. He has been active in speaking out against social injustices/racism. LBJ had already kept quiet and to your point"no comment" by not saying anything up to then. It was only a matter of time before someone would ask him for his opinion. That was gonna happen no matter what. The reporter asked him why we haven't heard from many of the current players. And LBJ gave him the right response. He can't speak for everyone else. He can only speak for himself. LBJ knew he would eventually have to speak on it. A "no comment" response to the question would only fuel more questions about his stance. So he did what Kyrie should've done. And left no doubt about how he felt about the movie or Kyrie actions.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@4 Dimensional

As much I tried to avoid this discussion I had people hit me up and had to remind that that Jewish folk been in the struggle and died for it for decades.

The smart play...

Instead of letting these white folk continue to play us all against each other...

Start a podcast series reviewing all the major points of that controversial movie

And correct the mistakes and do a deep dive on anything that was truly accurate.

Show the mistakes of the Jewish and Black community and how sowing division amongst the two greatly benefits ONE SPECIFIC GROUP THE MOST

Do the actual research and interview REAL experts and people who were there.

Build unity and direct our power and energy to the real oppressor.

Imagine that?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No he doesn't...the controversy kicked up by the tweet did it the Simpsons effect.

Of course but to deny that Kyrie has huge promotional strength is ridiculous.

If he tweeted a flat earth doc or anti vaxx doc at the height of those particular controversies same thing.

Kyrie has always been someone people en mass are drawn to and he has been well compensated for it.

I'm hoping going forward he can build a safe smart circle and use it properly.

We will see.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course but to deny that Kyrie has huge promotional strength is ridiculous.

If he tweeted a flat earth doc or anti vaxx doc at the height of those particular controversies same thing.

Kyrie has always been someone people en mass are drawn to and he has been well compensated for it.

I'm hoping going forward he can build a safe smart circle and use it properly.

We will see.
I'm not disputing that 20+ million followers on social media that Kyrie has a big platform...the question is how much actual influence does that actually equate to?

He said flat earth and that became a thing but mainly for the ridiculousness of it...anyone cosigning that was already doing that.

He was was nearly half the country at that time...hell I would say that Joe Rogan had more influence on that topic than Kyrie

And this Hebrew Israelite thing..who does that really appeal to?? Blacks who already think like that....some blacks who are curious...racist non blacks who want a good laugh cuz they hate both blacks and jews and love to see conflict between the two...and any non blacks who are curious what the hubbub is about but turned the channel approx 7 min in because people on average don't want to watch a youtube video that's longer than 10 mins and damn sure aint sitting thru something that has nothing to do with them. But the click and view still counts.

People like Kyrie for his ball playing skill set not his ridiculous worldviews..there is a difference.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm not disputing that 20+ million followers on social media that Kyrie has a big platform...the question is how much actual influence does that actually equate to?

He said flat earth and that became a thing but mainly for the ridiculousness of it...anyone cosigning that was already doing that.

He was was nearly half the country at that time...hell I would say that Joe Rogan had more influence on that topic than Kyrie

And this Hebrew Israelite thing..who does that really appeal to?? Blacks who already think like that....some blacks who are curious...racist non blacks who want a good laugh cuz they hate both blacks and jews and love to see conflict between the two...and any non blacks who are curious what the hubbub is about but turned the channel approx 7 min in because people on average don't want to watch a youtube video that's longer than 10 mins and damn sure aint sitting thru something that has nothing to do with them. But the click and view still counts.

People like Kyrie for his ball playing skill set not his ridiculous worldviews..there is a difference.

I hear you.

All I'm saying is he has a very strong influence and that is a responsibility like it or not.

Even on this board as a father with sickle cell advocacy

There are people who trust me seriously

I never met them asking about doctors medication treatment counseling money etc.

I've spoke to corporation hospitals and politicians.

So what I do matters. And those entities have strong social media I have had to participate in

I take that very very seriously.

There are rules I ain't made them I can't change them but I know what they are and abide by them to help my community

It's not a choice. It just is what it is.

That's just my opinion.

Kyrie can do whatever he wants

I have no sympathy he a grown man made his decisions freely.

I don't like to see any human being especially a brother in this situation

But he ain't innocent or naive.

I already said too much

I pray for the best for Kyrie and his family

I got my own problems.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@4 Dimensional

As much I tried to avoid this discussion I had people hit me up and had to remind that that Jewish folk been in the struggle and died for it for decades.

The smart play...

Instead of letting these white folk continue to play us all against each other...

Start a podcast series reviewing all the major points of that controversial movie

And correct the mistakes and do a deep dive on anything that was truly accurate.

Show the mistakes of the Jewish and Black community and how sowing division amongst the two greatly benefits ONE SPECIFIC GROUP THE MOST

Do the actual research and interview REAL experts and people who were there.

Build unity and direct our power and energy to the real oppressor.

Imagine that?

The only problem with your solution is that you can't bring up conflicts between blacks and jews that portray them as taking advantage of a another group no matter how factual. Hell Jay Z COMPLIMENTED their business acumen in a song and they had a coniption.

Remember this.

The song lyric says: “You wanna know what’s more important than throwin’ away money at a strip club? Credit / You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This is how they

The ADL said in its statement released last month, “The idea that Jews ‘own all the property’ in this country and have used credit to financially get ahead are odious and false. Yet, such notions have lingered in society for decades, and we are concerned that this lyric could feed into preconceived notions about Jews and alleged Jewish ‘control’ of the banks and finance.”

And that was a compliment...imagine what telling the truth will bring.
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
The only problem with your solution is that you can bring up conflicts between blacks and jews that portray them as taking advantage of a another group no matter how factual. Hell Jay Z COMPLIMENTED their business acumen in a song and they had a coniption.

Remember this.

The song lyric says: “You wanna know what’s more important than throwin’ away money at a strip club? Credit / You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This is how they

The ADL said in its statement released last month, “The idea that Jews ‘own all the property’ in this country and have used credit to financially get ahead are odious and false. Yet, such notions have lingered in society for decades, and we are concerned that this lyric could feed into preconceived notions about Jews and alleged Jewish ‘control’ of the banks and finance.”

And that was a compliment...imagine what telling the truth will bring.
Paraphrasing Farrakhan: "There's no use in apologizing to them. They're never satisfied."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

The Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel called black people “monkeys” during his weekly sermon on Saturday evening.

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef was addressing Jewish legal aspects of the blessing on seeing fruit trees blossoming, during the current Hebrew month of Nissan, and, specifically, whether one should bless one tree or at least two.

In that context, he mentioned a blessing uttered upon seeing an “unusual creature,” citing the example of encountering a black person who has two white parents on the street in America.

In footage aired by the Ynet news site, Yosef could be seen referring to black people by the word “kushi,” which in modern Hebrew has pejorative connotations, and then going on to term a black person a “monkey.”

His office told Ynet that the comparison was a quote from the Talmud.

Yosef has been known to court controversy in his sermons.

In a sermon delivered in May last year, he appeared to suggest during his weekly sermon that secular woman behave like animals because they dress immodestly.

In March 2016, Yosef was forced to retract a comment that non-Jews should not live in Israel, calling it “theoretical.”

He said non-Jews could live in Israel only if they observe the seven Noahide Laws, which are prohibitions against idolatry, blaspheming God, murder, forbidden sexual relations, stealing, and eating limbs off a live animal, and which prescribe the establishment of a legal system.

Non-Jews, Yosef said, are in Israel only to serve Jews.

Israel has two chief rabbis. Yosef represents those with origins in the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East, and David Lau represents Ashkenazic Jews, with origins in European lands of the Roman Empire.
