I stand by Kyrie, I just wanted him to man up and apologize if he did something wrong.
And if I owned a team I'd have no problem signing him.
I'd just let him know that we don't deal with bullshit and to get respect you have to give it.
It's not that hard and we'd use this current issue as a learning experience and teachable moment.
Yes. He is a first ballot hall of fame player that is in his prime.
Sure, why not? I don't believe he's antisemitic. Most people don't think he's antisemetic.
okay owners....but the NBA and ADL want you to issue a statement about denouncing anti-Semitism and hate and you have to say the words ANTI SEMITISM in the denoucement statement. If you dont there may be issues with sponsors and blah blah blah...
please post what statement you'd make.....
Really? Why is he playing with the yarmulke on? This ain't grade school.
If he fits within the scheme of my team and he could add value to us; yes, I'm taking him in.QUESTION: YOU OWN A BASKETBALL TEAM....YOU HAVE SPACE AND MONEY....WOULD YOU TAKE KYRIE IRVING ON YOUR TEAM?
okay owners....but the NBA and ADL want you to issue a statement about denouncing anti-Semitism and hate and you have to say the words ANTI SEMITISM in the denoucement statement. If you dont there may be issues with sponsors and blah blah blah...
please post what statement you'd make.....
thats what KYRIE should have said....what statement do YOU as the owner now taking on a player declared toxic make to the public at the request (but not really a request) of the League and the ADL.That's easy:
"I am not antisemitic and I apologize for sharing a documentary that included statements that could be taken that way.
Furthermore, I apologize to anyone that was hurt by my post as that was not my intention".
Slightly off topic, but since you mentioned ViacomCBS:NOW I remember what this reminded me of....
Last July, Cannon had a controversial discussion on his "Cannon’s Class" podcast with Richard "Professor Griff" Griffin. During the discussion, Cannon promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
ViacomCBS immediately fired Cannon and condemned his remarks, saying it "denounces all forms of anti-Semitism." Cannon initially refused to apologize and demanded ownership of his ViacomCBS-owned show "Wild 'N Out." Two days later, Cannon apologized on Twitter.
It's pretty clear he hasn't.Have you watched the movie?
There is no severe punishment for anti blackness.. So there you have it...now whatDo y’all see what I mean? That is a mind of a shackled person. I pointed out, what is the punishment for anti-Blackness then?
Posting one link is a low criteria for being anti-Semitic, if we as a society are going to put someone through the racial and cultural gauntlet for a posting link then let’s have some reciprocity: any non-Black entertainer who posts something that has the slight stench of anti-Blackness we’re going to make them pay a fine and then send them to sensitivity training. I posted an image with Tom Brady hugging that anti-Black Donald Trump, where is our 500k from Tom Brady? Why isn’t he going to sit down with Black leaders, huh? If a non-Black person supports the anti-Black Fox News, again they’re going to have cough-up big bucks and we’ll send them to sensitivity training.
Big Tex, your logic is fitted with knee-pads and big lips to kiss the Jewish ring, where is the honor in that? That’s right, you’re dishonoring any Black man that you offer this as a solution to Kyrie’s situation, because this isn’t about equal treatment or any justice, this is really about having Kyrie to cower so they can show everyone who really is in power: nothing more, nothing less.
You said this:
Shackled minded people are conflating the acts of an idiot to the cause of Black people in general. You never answered the question. If this was ALLLLL about squashing Black people, WHY DID THE NETS GIVE KANYE [ you meant Kyrie] OVER A WEEK TO HANDLE THIS?
You never answer this. Why didn't they suspend and squash on day 1?
Posting one link is being an idiot? Again, what did Kyrie actually say, huh? He posted one link and basically your response is “why didn’t Kryie cower faster? The owner gave him one week to cower and to kiss the owner's ring, why didn’t he do it faster?”
That’s your shackled mind talking, Kyrie didn’t answer the owner in a week because HE’S A MAN & if White people don’t have to answer for every little thing they post then why should Kryie? Even to question Kryrie about it is rooted in anti-Blackness at the core. Show me a White athlete or White entertainer who has to answer to and go through the scrutiny of having to answer for a link they posted that the Black community thought contained some form of anti-Blackness, huh? You can’t even answer that, because you are out of your Black mind instead your mind has been replaced with one embedded in White supremacy & Jewish subjugation.
Those of US here who are Older (to a degree) and lived in New York City during the 70s/80s know people like Dr. Henrik Clarke, Sr. Ben, etc have pined on the Black ties to Judaism and Hebrews for years. I had been to several of their lectures on this topic back in those days.
Hell. Those Men appearing on "LIKE IT IS" was always one of the major reasons WHITE Jews (among others) tried everything possible to get Gil Noble off the air on numerous occasions. But Black Folks in this city wasn't having it.
I have the documentary. And plan on watching tonight.
But as some peeps here are complaining about "too long", "boring", etc,
I just plan on watching in spurts.
I'm sure if one doesn't approach it like sitting at a lecture hall with a college professor droning on,
It'll be fine.
But I'm DAMN WELL sure ain't going to have some group of folks telling Me what to believe and watch.
Especially if it has any sort of Black Historical Connection.
The reaction to Kyrie just posting a FUCKIN' LINK!!! is no different than these Anti-Critical Race Theory Racists.
Who essentially want Black People (among others) to believe that WE were happy being Slaves.
All the Black Historical books, etc that were present in My (Late) Grandfather's house.
All that I read and inherited after his death a few years ago.
And I'm supposed to disavow some of it because some group takes issue with some of that history?
Either come up with FACTS to dispute it.
Or Just Shut Da Fuck Up!
Kyrie's "issue" is that Dude necessarily doesn't have the Historical Smarts to debate controlling, overacting Racists over this.
You don't like it?
It's like a headband, got the team logo on it and everything.
That's easy:
"I am not antisemitic and I apologize for sharing a documentary that included statements that could be taken that way.
Furthermore, I apologize to anyone that was hurt by my post as that was not my intention".
Ben Wallace was fined and banned from wearing a headband..
Once again the documentary was not anti-semitic.
Apologize because you aren't helping spread their propaganda?
Do you walk around apologizing for being a scary black man ?
Do you say thank you because slavery was an opportunity ?
Some of you mofokrs sound like those saying their is a war on xmas because mofokrs say Happy Holidays to respect anybodies choice.
Man, fuck all that!
I get it now, the majority of people don’t look at or understand situations as a whole.
They focus in on the one point that matters to them an run with it and never hear or understand anything else.
I time stamped the video below for Kyrie’s IG reply and the woman afterwards who spoke on what‘s considered offensive in the documentary.
Below is the vid from the start where Nick compares Kyrie to getting buck broken, like simply posting the documentary is the reason why he has to go through the steps to be reinstated.
Unfortunately like many on here seem to believe, and based off of the comments in the vid many feel the same way.
We need bigger voices in our community because this lack of comprehension is saddening.
Man, fuck all that!
Communication man. When Jeezy was doing his album promotion and talking about his issues with Gucci, he said it himself communication could have resolved a lot of BS he dealt with early in his career.All that can be done in less than a day.
Sensitivity\Antisemetic Training\Meeting with ADL\Jewish leaders is all the same thing.
He’s already apologized and met with Adam Silver, I’m unsure if he met with the Nets owner or donated the money.
I have an issue with them forcing him to donate. Meeting with those involved will give Kyrie an opportunity to explain his stance and vice versa so that everyone can come to a better understanding.
Communication man. When Jeezy was doing his album promotion and talking about his issues with Gucci, he said it himself communication could have resolved a lot of BS he dealt with early in his career.
After rewatching the video below:
I kinda feel like the Nets overreacted. No Kyrie didn't answer the questions in the way that the Nets or reporters wanted them answered them.
But he answered them.
He was being stubborn and didn't want to give them exactly what they wanted which was an "I'm sorry". But he admitted that some things were wrong and that he didn't intend to hurt anyone.
It would've been better to answer "No" when asked was he antisemitic but he answered it his own nuanced way.
Which the media or the Nets didn't like.
He apologized a day or two later on his Instagram and that maaaaaaaybe should've been enough.
Yeah 100% agree. Just like SAS has been saying on ESPN, dude may do and say some wild shit, he ain't a bad person.
I think the owner was pissed Kyrie was ignoring his calls and texts.
Man, fuck all that!
aren't religious signs disallowed on the court?
Man, fuck all that!