the issue isnt about whether black ppl r jews or not !The term Antisemite is a misnomer. It's a misnomer b/c the term "semi" denotes, large groups of Asiatic peoples. In the bible from whence the term Sem or Shem derives, Noah biblical Noah has three sons. Those sons are Shem, Ham, & Japheth. Japheth is considered or seen as the progenitor of the European races, Ham is considered or seen as the progenitor of the African races, & Shem (or Sem) is considered the progenitor of the Asiatic races and by the Bibles description, we mean the original Asiatic man. We mean the "Black Man". And so, this term "Anti-Semite" as used today is a term that has been weaponized by the media and major parts of European Jewry to avoid critique, alternate views and different opinions, from that of the established Eurocentric or European Jewish views. So if a black man stands and says, something that disagrees w/ Eurpoean, Eurocentric & Jewish views, his is automatically termed.... An "Anti-Semite". That is a PROBLEM!
Because if we check the lineage of many ppl of African descent, ppl who were brought to America, the West Indies and through all of the places that the West African diaspora caused the slave trade to go through, you would see that many black ppl in America, in the Caribbean in the UK are actual descendants of the bloodline Jews or Israelites. So we can't be Anti-Semitic when we hold a different opinion from European Jews. What we can be are ppl who have different opinions but we can't be anti-ourselves. We are Semites! We represent the original bloodline descendants of the biblical Israelite's. As many scholars attest to today, there have been several books written by European Jews and Black Jews who attest to the presence of Jewry in West Africa, during and prior to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. So what Kanye & Kyrie is saying is not only "Academic" but it's cited in heavy Academic sources. Now, to offer a view that differs or is different from someone who was Jewish that doesn't automatically make a term a person Anti-Semite, or Anti-Semitic. Again, the term anti-semite is mostly used in the media as a weaponizing term. That term has been weaponized in the media to dissuade ppl from having different views, different opinions and worse yet, DARE to critique a European Jew. And so we say "Enough", we say "It Stops Here!", and we say "We are back!"
I tried watching that documentary again to see if I could find the part about the Holocaust denial but I couldn't. Can someone point out the exact minute were they talk about it? That film is a very hard watch. Much respect for anyone who has been able to sit through three hours of that mind-numbing shit. That shit is worse than sitting through a two-hour church service on Easter.
And I know why white people are mad about it. It's not Jews who are mad. It's white people who are mad. It has historical facts about blacks being dehumanized and white people stealing their identity. Which is true. It's documented in museums all over Europe. CAC's are sticking to that holocaust denial thing to discredit the entire film. So can someone please provide the timestamp for the Holocaust denial part? That movie is torture. Bet you Kyrie hasn't watched the whole thing.
So it's not even in the movie?
1. The Jews are 'Israelites,' and thus God’s chosen people
2. Jesus Christ was a Jew
3. That 6 million Jews were killed in a holocaust during WWII
4. That all races are equal, or that all are brothers
5. That the Jews are just another religious group
playahaitian said:I ain't seen it myself
But I'm confused what you asking?
Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America - Wikipedia
Every review of the film has stated it quotes material that denies the holocaust happened -
The film also uses quotes from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Henry Ford's The International Jew, Holocaust denial, attacks on Zionism, and conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family. The film also includes quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler that appear to be fabricated.[4] Another example is that the movie falsely attributes a quote to Harold Wallace Rosenthal about a Jewish conspiracy to control the media; the quote is from a fabricated interview with Rosenthal in the discredited pamphlet ‘’The Hidden Tyranny’’.[7]
The film includes "five falsehoods" that were established, according to Dalton, by the Jews "to conceal their nature and protect their status and power." The "five falsehoods" include:[8]
And other members who have seen it have broken it down in this thread.
the issue isnt about whether black ppl r jews or not !
i can't keep track
what did Ye.. Nick cannon... and Kyre... say about jews that pissed them off so bad..
I'm just wondering does Kyrie have a competent publicist that could've advised him on how to respond to the situation that would've assuaged or settled feelings of that community while at the same time maintaining his dignity and standing by his truth and beliefs ?why are ppl still trying to run with the narrative that they're "tryin to punish Kyrie for revealing the truth about DA REAL JEWZ" if Kyrie had just said he believes black folks r descendants of ancient Hebrews, it wouldnt be a problem , hell Amare Stoudamire lives & works in Israel and is livin his life as a jew these days,.. its about the holocaust dismissal in the doc stupid ! its not about theyre' tryin hide the facts whether blacks r jews or not, he had ample time to respond and state his case, but he waited a week plus then ignored basic courtesy and responded like a know it all to a simple question that didnt need all that lecturing from his FREETHINKEr mind, his ego of freethinker is gettin him into unnecessary bs he could easily avoid
IF I get
Delusions of being the chosen people when you simply adopted
a culture cannot stand in the LIGHT OF TRUTH!!
They cant be the Chosen amongst teh REAL CHOSEN
if they WERE the CHOSEN
YOU CANT HIDE IT AND PICK AND CHOOSE who you want to have it.
you can only to that with fake paper money you print up,
and convince the world that its real..
fuck all that bullshit unity , they work hard blah blah blah..
take away the people FAITH in their "monetary" system
You take away their mitochondria....
Critical thinking skills. Something a lot of people lack.Though Jay married to a Becky this brotha always keeps it real
Still fuck Kyrie. Dummy started a war without funding and dragged others into itCritical thinking skills. Something a lot of people lack.
No I was referring to Jay. Jay is using his critical thinking skills to create his own opinion and not be influenced by what others think.Still fuck Kyrie. Dummy started a war without funding and dragged others into it
I always wondered did he cite any sources in his film. Where was he getting his information from.
Trust me, ain't NO ONE watching that shit.LOL I doubt they making millions on that shit. Ain’t that many people watching this