Liam Neeson details his search to find random BlackMen to kill t after hearing of a relative's rape.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hmmp...Sad but, most of us tend to prejudge and generalize bout other groups of in, all cacs, cops, Mexicans, Fiji islanders..whatever. We assign them all an automatic level of hatred or love...all based on our programed biases just like Liam..

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Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
This is why I can't feel for the victims of these rampage shootings. No matter what whites do to other whites they always use blacks as a scapegoat.

Liam Neesom is Jewish as well. They always show you their racism. This is why I don't feel for them when Aryans strike them.

Why won't Neeson say that about a skin heads/Nazis. Those are the ones who have a history of violence against them.

This is why you niggaz need to stop with this coalition shit with so called other oppressed people. They always stab you in the back. Jewish people and black Americans once had this so called unity.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"She handle it in the most extraordinary way"

I don't take that shit lightly but the chick who cried rape to him probably lied about it. Read up on the amount of Beckie's that cry rape after they sleep with a brotha.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Hmmp...Sad but, most of us tend to prejudge and generalize bout other groups of in, all cacs, cops, Mexicans, Fiji islanders..whatever. We assign them all an automatic level of hatred or love...all based on our programed biases just like Liam..

Real shit.



Rising Star
I doubt his friend was raped by a black person. I call bullshit on his story. It's meant to feed into a racist narrative and black misandry. Further, yall dudes gonna stop fucking with his movies now? Don't get upset and continue to patronize these asshole's movies. That would be hypocritical.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I doubt his friend was raped by a black person. I call bullshit on his story. It's meant to feed into a racist narrative and black misandry. Further, yall dudes gonna stop fucking with his movies now? Don't get upset and continue to patronize these asshole's movies. That would be hypocritical.

He makes shitty movies, it's easy to boycott them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck out of here.

Theres no excuse for this bullshit.

Muthafuckas be so understanding and sympathetic to CAC paun and constantly looking for new ways to excuse their behavior

Crime can put people through a range of emotions, most of which are illogical. I had a client who recently lost a son to gun violence. His nephews were going up and down Benning Road looking for a dude with dreads....any dude with dreads.

A firefighter just got 15 years for running over a dude that put hands on his adult daughter. Drove around all day until he found the cat and ran his ass over with a Range Rover.

I’ll give dude a pass on this one.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Wait, so he not out here looking for Harvey Weinstein who probably raped some of his peers/friends and got exposed, but he went out looking for random brothers. No anger for the rapist cac, but any brother will do.
Hollywood got this CAC believing his characters . I wish he went out and found that work he looking for.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This is true. IF HE REALLY wanted that work, he knew damn well where to find it. He just wanted some Brother to trip over his shoe on the street to say that he was provoked. He'd released the CACken!

While I thought this muhfucka was being typecast in a particular "Taken" type of role, I wonder if he was seeking these scripts out?
good point. he very well may have been.


BGOL Legend
Glad someone didn't get hurt over a white lady lies

Let's see who supports and apologizes this shit away

He was brazen enough to say it

This shit wasn't even about a black guy or black people he told this story to appease the sexual assault crowd

He said he was ashamed of the revenge
Not hunting black people


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So he was angry and wanted revenge..
He said how he felt then....

Where was this because obviously there weren't many black men.

Or it was hyperbole.

I have heard people say the same thing should be done to police after the murder or a black person.

Why was regginald denny beaten ?

Why we're Jones and paganti murdered?

And if your daughter wife or girlfriend raped what would your anger say to you ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This CAC walked around for a whole week hoping to provoke a black person into an altercation so he could kill them, his words.

“I did it for maybe a week, hoping some ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me so that I could, kill him.”

He asked his friend only one question when he found out she had been raped, what color was the rapist, she said black so this devil then wanted to go kill any black person. The hell with how tall, where at, what the rapist was wearing or was he young or old. Nope any black bastard will do.

No need to ask what he think about black life, then he want points for having not carried out the senseless murder of a black person. Fuck you Liam.

He asked two questions

Do you know who did it. .

Then what color were they


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The Irish have never been fond of black people.
This should surprise no one.

I hear Ya.

But it's mainly Irish-AMERICANS who have issues with Black People.
Not actual IRISH people for the most part.

I've met Irish people over the decades who absolutely can not stand Irish-Americans.
They find their American "Cousins" way too ignorant and lazy.
That was told to me on a number of occasions from Irish folks I've run into.

As far as Neeson,
I'm not surprised.
in this age of Social Media, I feel Dude was doing Pre-Damage Control in promotion for his latest "Revenge" flick.
He probably knew that the media would get hold of this story eventually.
On one hand , I appreciate his "honesty".
But again, it appeared as his attempt at controlling the narrative before Social Media.
And the possibility that his "friend" could have even been lying.
Especially in regards to using the Black Male Rapist Trope.

"COLD PURSUIT" is probably going to do boffo numbers now.

Dude needs to look to his Black Acting Compatriots PRONTO!!!
And learn some serious Black History.
It's the MONTH for it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Interesting Liam that you felt THIS was the best time to share this tale...

During THIS administration...

And right after you make your FIRST movie with a Black love interest?
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