Liam Neeson details his search to find random BlackMen to kill t after hearing of a relative's rape.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
6 pages on this shit?

Some might not see it as a big deal. However it is notions like this that white males have when it comes to black people. The police force has members on their force that have that type of implicit and explicit bias towards black people. Liam is just one person, the problem is way bigger than him. This is an issue that deserves attention.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Ok you know...

I like that.

I'll give him benefit of the doubt.

Lets see how this all pans out.

But i want you to promise if Liam comes out with some OTHER sh*t beore the year is out?

You gonna use your particular set of skills and take him out?

LMAO... I don't know what those skills are, but ok. ;)


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

How did you feel about terry crews comments?

I haven't paid that much attention to him. Generally I think his heart is in the right place on most issues, but he has piss poor ability to articulate it. You also have a lot of black men insecure in their own manhood and sexuality coming at him for how he handled that groping incident, so there is a lot of noise to wade through, and I don't have the patience to do it. Again, it goes back to that collective box we are put in, they don't want him to be a reflection on their manhood so the response to anything he says or does is going to be over the top.

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
How many dirty cacs like Lian Neeson take that rage or whatever the fuck and focus all that energy to become a judge to throw as many black people as they can in jail no matter the crime, or become a politician to put in laws to disinfranchise black people or become a cop to probably flat out murder black men and harrass them.

I'm gonna ask because I'm not even gonna fucking read all the shit he had to say but was the "rape" actually confirmed or could this have been a Emmett Till situation where a bitch was just lying?

That bitch could have picked out any black man she wanted to out of a line up and his life would have been over. For all we know she got pounded out real good and the brotha stopped returning her calls or whatever they used for communication back in whatever year Liam Nesson was around.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I haven't paid that much attention to him. Generally I think his heart is in the right place on most issues, but he has piss poor ability to articulate it. You also have a lot of black men insecure in their own manhood and sexuality coming at him for how he handled that groping incident, so there is a lot of noise to wade through, and I don't have the patience to do it. Again, it goes back to that collective box we are put in, they don't want him to be a reflection on their manhood so the response to anything he says or does is going to be over the top.

I know you haven't really followed the story, I 've been in and out myself but I heard enough to say THIS much.

(this is to TERRY not you sis!)

This my thing Terry heard Liam SAY that he was ASHAMED about the VENGEANCE part




Liam WOULD NEVER have done this to a WHITE person.


and that is NOT RACIST?

Terry needed top STFU and handle his OWN issues.

(Cause Old School Irish Liam would NEVER co sign in ANY way Terry getting groped by a gay man in front of his wife TRUST)

I have been in positions were someone took advantage of their power their position and the LOCATION to get at me.

And I completely understand Terry telling this story to somehow give a MALE face to the #metoo thing.


but the MORE he talks?

Its not about US.

It NEVER was.

He did this to garner favor with the OTHER side.

He is getting DEFENSIVE because he WANTS universal acceptance.

WHY the hell would he expect THAT?


Terry being slick. He froze and its IMPORTANT for MEN to understand POWER comes in many forms and we have to STOP blaming people who get victimized by it


now if I was a VICTIM? It is a little offensive.

He asks like its the SAME. Its NOT.

I aint even saying what he COULD have done or should have done.

But I will say a MAN telling me an openly gay man walked up and grabbed his balls in front of his wife?

And he NEVER had any previous contact like that BEFORE no overtures?

That is some slave block sh*t and SUSPECT.

If it is true, he needs SERIOUS therapy

and going on social media NOW ACTING tough to BLACK MEN aint the way to that.

And Terry didn't expect other WOMEN to not support him either.

And then the whole porn addiction and riding the toxic masculinity stuff...


Now he is REDIRECTING his anger.

Cause he coming at BLACK MEN


Please go at Bryan Singer, Kevin Spacey, the Jeepers Creepers director, I could go on and on...

But he WILL NOT.


So if R. Kelly, Cosby, Weinstein and them kinda APOLOGIZE?

What about Mark Wahlberg who beat an Asian blind?

it was just their FORK in the road?

Cause Kevin Hart apologized SEVERAL times over a tweet and THAT was not good enough.

And he was NOT out here ACTUALLY hunting gay kids in vengeance.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Yo my man DL is full of sh*t too in my opinion.

"What he did was tell you his thoughts, which is braver than what a lot of people do," D.L. Hughley said on his radio show. "He said out loud what a lot of people think. Most white dudes who get so enraged with Black people, 'cause...any black dude he woulda saw, he woulda beat, most white dudes that feel like they just angry at Black people and wanna get them back, they don't admit it while promoting a movie...[T]hey join the police department."

He went on to say that Neeson shouldn't be dragged across the coals for a "thought."

"...He said out loud what a lot of us know they think and we got mad at him. As far as I know, you can't be prosecuted for having a thought. Actions are what counts," he said, ignoring that Neeson admitted to taking a "cosh" out to a bar looking for a Black person to kill, moving from "thought" to action.

"In America, we want to have conversations, conversations that involve listening, but sometimes you hear things you don't want to. The reason we don't like this is we wanna be fooled. We wanna put our thoughts in his mouth. Is it unusual that a 66-year-old white man feels this way? It's just unusual that he has the courage to say it out loud," Hughley tap-danced.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I know you haven't really followed the story, I 've been in and out myself but I heard enough to say THIS much.

This my thing Terry heard Liam SAY that he was ASHAMED about the VENGEANCE part




Liam WOULD NEVER have done this to a WHITE person.


and that is NOT RACIST?

Terry needed top STFU and handle his OWN issues.

(Cause Old School Irish Liam would NEVER co sign in ANY way Terry getting groped by a gay man in front of his wife TRUST)

I have been in positions were someone took advantage of their power their position and the LOCATION to get at me.

And I completely understand Terry telling this story to somehow give a MALE face to the #metoo thing.


but the MORE he talks?

Its not about US.

It NEVER was.

He did this to garner favor with the OTHER side.

He is getting DEFENSIVE because he WANTS universal acceptance.

WHY the hell would he expect THAT?


Terry being slick. He froze and its IMPORTANT for MEN to understand POWER comes in many forms and we have to STOP blaming people who get victimized by it


now if I was a VICTIM? It is a little offensive.

He asks like its the SAME. Its NOT.

I aint even saying what he COULD have done or should have done.

But I will say a MAN telling me an openly gay man walked up and grabbed his balls in front of his wife?

And he NEVER had any previous contact like that BEFORE no overtures?

That is some slave block sh*t and SUSPECT.

If it is true, he needs SERIOUS therapy

and going on social media NOW ACTING tough to BLACK MEN aint the way to that.

And Terry didn't expect other WOMEN to not support him either.

And then the whole porn addiction and riding the toxic masculinity stuff...


Now he is REDIRECTING his anger.

Cause he coming at BLACK MEN


Please go at Bryan Singer, Kevin Spacey, the Jeepers Creepers director, I could go on and on...

But he WILL NOT.


The interview I saw he was specifically asked if it were someone of another race would he have reacted the same way. He said yes. I'm not sure if I believed him 100%, but I wouldn't have expected a different answer. He hasn't backed down from the heat. If it opens up a broader discussion, some good could come out of it. Far too many people presently think like he did and see no problem with it.

I've never really cared for Terry Crews. He always seemed a lil sweet to me. However, men being victims of sexual assault is a real thing and has shame attached to it, so there are male victims as well who need the security to come forward without ridicule for justice, and shaming him doesn't give them the safe space to do so.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
hold on hold on...

this rape happened in Northern Ireland???


how many BLACK folk in Northern Ireland anyway?

Cause as of NOW?

they like 1% of the population.

and back then they would be like WHAT?!?!?

He said he went to a black area looking for trouble, hoping someone would approach him. When he said this I thought to myself this is another stereotype about black folk, that we are violent for no reason and target them. White folks are safer in our areas than we are in theirs. After walking around for a week and not meeting any violent black folks I'd would have hoped that would have dawned on him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Yo my man DL is full of sh*t too in my opinion.

"What he did was tell you his thoughts, which is braver than what a lot of people do," D.L. Hughley said on his radio show. "He said out loud what a lot of people think. Most white dudes who get so enraged with Black people, 'cause...any black dude he woulda saw, he woulda beat, most white dudes that feel like they just angry at Black people and wanna get them back, they don't admit it while promoting a movie...[T]hey join the police department."

He went on to say that Neeson shouldn't be dragged across the coals for a "thought."

"...He said out loud what a lot of us know they think and we got mad at him. As far as I know, you can't be prosecuted for having a thought. Actions are what counts," he said, ignoring that Neeson admitted to taking a "cosh" out to a bar looking for a Black person to kill, moving from "thought" to action.

"In America, we want to have conversations, conversations that involve listening, but sometimes you hear things you don't want to. The reason we don't like this is we wanna be fooled. We wanna put our thoughts in his mouth. Is it unusual that a 66-year-old white man feels this way? It's just unusual that he has the courage to say it out loud," Hughley tap-danced.

I don't think he was being brave. Pretty sure it was said with a pure ignorance of his own racism. He wasn't saying it as a way of saying hey I used to think like this in regards to race but I've learned and I was wrong. No,it had nothing to do with that. It's was about the subject of revenge. So by speaking on revenge,he thru his ignorance of his own racism, let his racist mind/thoughts slip out.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The interview I saw he was specifically asked if it were someone of another race would he have reacted the same way. He said yes. I'm not sure if I believed him 100%, but I wouldn't have expected a different answer. He hasn't backed down from the heat. If it opens up a broader discussion, some good could come out of it. Far too many people presently think like he did and see no problem with it.

I've never really cared for Terry Crews. He always seemed a lil sweet to me. However, men being victims of sexual assault is a real thing and has shame attached to it, so there are male victims as well who need the security to come forward without ridicule for justice, and shaming him doesn't give them the safe space to do so.

Yeah he is lying about that.

And like I posted earlier... how many BLACK MEN were in NORTHERN IRELAND over 30 YEARS AGO???

and WHY bring this up NOW... WHY?

Again I really HOPE you right about this.

Cause I hear WAY more white folks USING this as some sort of JUSTIFICATION for their EXISTING racism.

I completely agree I think Terry just the wrong spokesperson for this and made it worse.

Men and boys being victims is WAY more prevalent than we want to admit.

He could have and SHOULD have been a good example.

But unlike Kaepernick who modified his speech and studied and learned and became something I think he never really PLANNED on becoming.

Same for Ray Rice after beating his wife on tape and becoming a VERY vocal and now respected advocate against domestic abuse.

Terry thinks he can just WING this... and this isn't a WING it situation.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I don't think he was being brave. Pretty sure it was said with a pure ignorance of his own racism. He wasn't saying it as a way of saying hey I used to think like this in regards to race but I've learned and I was wrong. No,it had nothing to do with that. It's was about the subject of revenge. So by speaking on revenge,he thru his ignorance of his own racism, let his racist mind/thoughts slip out.


I am actually shocked and disappointed DL took this stance.

real talk?

While I actually hate this cancel culture?

I am noticing all the public figures who DENOUNCE it?

Seem to fear they gonna be NEXT on that summer jam screen.


Rising Star

I am actually shocked and disappointed DL took this stance.

real talk?

While I actually hate this cancel culture?

I am noticing all the public figures who DENOUNCE it?

Seem to fear they gonna be NEXT on that summer jam screen.

Niggas ain't tryna move back to South Central LA (DL Hughley) and Flint Michigan (Terry Crews). Mofos will say whatever to keep that $$$ in their pockets.

How does the saying go?....Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


BGOL Legend

Yo my man DL is full of sh*t too in my opinion.

"What he did was tell you his thoughts, which is braver than what a lot of people do," D.L. Hughley said on his radio show. "He said out loud what a lot of people think. Most white dudes who get so enraged with Black people, 'cause...any black dude he woulda saw, he woulda beat, most white dudes that feel like they just angry at Black people and wanna get them back, they don't admit it while promoting a movie...[T]hey join the police department."

He went on to say that Neeson shouldn't be dragged across the coals for a "thought."

"...He said out loud what a lot of us know they think and we got mad at him. As far as I know, you can't be prosecuted for having a thought. Actions are what counts," he said, ignoring that Neeson admitted to taking a "cosh" out to a bar looking for a Black person to kill, moving from "thought" to action.

"In America, we want to have conversations, conversations that involve listening, but sometimes you hear things you don't want to. The reason we don't like this is we wanna be fooled. We wanna put our thoughts in his mouth. Is it unusual that a 66-year-old white man feels this way? It's just unusual that he has the courage to say it out loud," Hughley tap-danced.

So d.l
Goes hard on Terry crews

Capes for Liam neeson


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I'm glad Darth Maul got in that ass. Fuck Taken.

I've wanted to kill people too, but I never went out just looking for it.

Shit is lynch mob mentality and there are hundreds of years of history of white people doing that shit. No pass for him.


BGOL Patreon Investor
The interview I saw he was specifically asked if it were someone of another race would he have reacted the same way. He said yes. I'm not sure if I believed him 100%, but I wouldn't have expected a different answer. He hasn't backed down from the heat. If it opens up a broader discussion, some good could come out of it. Far too many people presently think like he did and see no problem with it.

I've never really cared for Terry Crews. He always seemed a lil sweet to me. However, men being victims of sexual assault is a real thing and has shame attached to it, so there are male victims as well who need the security to come forward without ridicule for justice, and shaming him doesn't give them the safe space to do so.
He was definitely lying. I wouldn't have expected a different answer either.

But I don't think the backlash he is receiving is a bad thing at all. I hear what you've been saying about Liam needing to be given the space to admit how he was. I think it's a good point. However, at the same time just as he would have gone down if he would have said what he said about Jews or gays rather than "black bastards", had he done that his career would have taken a nose-dive perhaps even faster. I've really been feeling the need nowadays for it to be codified in society that racism is absolutely unacceptable. In my eyes, to know that a serious backlash could follow racist words and actions - THAT is a deterrent.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the shit is fairly nuanced, I've had that rage looking for an outlet, and understand it. but on dude looking for a black man, was it racist? or was it because of what was described to him? with the way history has been it's probably a mix of both.
so for me I'm not really writing him off, but not giving him a pass either.
for sure no prominent people of colour should be caping for him. because even if you understand his rage, or think it was just thought, on a larger scale many blacks have been killed because of this. I think it's a learning moment. this kind of rage when applied to blacks used to lead to emmett till, rosewood and countless lynchings and this should be pointed out.


Rising Star
I don't like what he said, but I respect he was honest and knows what he was feeling was wrong. It shows growth.

A lot of folks on this board may not have jobs if what you have said regarding white folks and immigrants were publicly known, so I'd calm down a bit before throwing stones.

It's funny because y'all (speaking generally) will talk about and condemn white folks who don't want to have black inlaws or Co workers, but will call black women bed wenches all day long, and complain about having to work with white folk. Y'all group together white folks every day, say no white or immigrant person mean any good for a black person, that white men are savages who destroy every culture they get in contact with, and white folks are xyz without a thought.

People, including black people, have been socially conditioned to view the acts of individual blacks and other minorities as a reflection/judgment on the entire group, while white folks, usually men, stand as individuals. (You can't mess up at xyz or they will never hire another black person/woman. We cant hire any more black folks or xyz because we hired one once and they were a thief. ) The only mass association we have for white men are pedophiles, and domestic terrorists, and that is mostly from the view of minorities, white folks don't hold those same views of themselves.

So imo, let him be. If he can speak out what others have thought and felt, probably currently at that, and they too recognize that this is wrong thinking and correct course, then so much the better. I don't think he should be punished over this, I think he should be used as a tool against racism.

Oh brother. There's always one. :raccoon:

I have never in my life had thoughts about harming a group of innocent white people because of the actions of one bad white person. Never. Not even thoughts. So don't compare normal human beings to that racist piece of shit.

And of course you give him a pass because you wait for any opportunity you can to declare your love for white men while simultaneusoly shitting on black men. You're the female version of chase bannon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh brother. There's always one. :raccoon:

I have never in my life had thoughts about harming a group of innocent white people because of the actions of one bad white person. Never. Not even thoughts. So don't compare normal human beings to that racist piece of shit.

And of course you give him a pass because you wait for any opportunity you can to declare your love for white men while simultaneusoly shitting on black men. You're the female version of chase bannon.

Yoooooo back up bruh the female version of chase bannon..

That's so fuckin disrespectful bruh..

That's worse than calling her profane words . .

I kind of see what she is saying.

Personally I appreciate the honesty...

I'd rather a dude be straight up then phoney and fake.

And bruh are you comparing yourself to a caucazoid???

Sure he is an asshole for generalizing like that..

But I'm surprised at how many of my folks don't respect the honesty...

I'm one for freedom of speech from all sides of the paradigm...

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yoooooo back up bruh the female version of chase bannon..

That's so fuckin disrespectful bruh..

That's worse than calling her profane words . .

I kind of see what she is saying.

Personally I appreciate the honesty...

I'd rather a dude be straight up then phoney and fake.

And bruh are you comparing yourself to a caucazoid???

Sure he is an asshole for generalizing like that..

But I'm surprised at how many of my folks don't respect the honesty...

I'm one for freedom of speech from all sides of the paradigm...

So here is why that "I respect his honestly" shit is played out.

If your black in America (or on planet earth) probably should already assume how the vast majority of these people think so shouldn't be a big deal about their "honesty" saying "At least the snake told me he crawls on his belly"

And too many cacs like Lian Neeson have acted on an "alleged" rape/robbery/reckless eyeballin and black people have LOST THEIR LIVES....just because they were black at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Rising Star
Yoooooo back up bruh the female version of chase bannon..

That's so fuckin disrespectful bruh..

That's worse than calling her profane words . .

I kind of see what she is saying.

Personally I appreciate the honesty...

I'd rather a dude be straight up then phoney and fake.

And bruh are you comparing yourself to a caucazoid???

Sure he is an asshole for generalizing like that..

But I'm surprised at how many of my folks don't respect the honesty...

I'm one for freedom of speech from all sides of the paradigm...

Liam was trying to tell us how bad he felt about "revenge". He missed the whole racism part of his story as if it is OK to be racist. He didn't feel bad about that part. His only confession was about revenge. So fuck him and fuck anyone who gives him a pass.