Lupin Netflix Discussion Thread

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor

Yo, the fucks up with the funky ass NY Times wanting you to pay for what you can get for fucking FREE!:angry: Subscribe to your site? Really motherfuckers!?! I don’t think so! Kiss my ass!

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Damn! That black dude got his ass whupped again! :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Lupin chucked that mf out a window after whupping his ass again! Ol sorry hoe ass negro! Had a shotgun and couldn’t hit a beach ball with a whiffle ball bat! Ol if we was racing Lupin would be Terrance Laird and he’d be White Lightning!


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
This’s really a good series. I’d love to have his wardrobe. I agree, you’d think this would be the perfect place to star a couple of those Afro Euro cuties.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Finished season 2 yesterday.

Plenty of schemes in season 2 and they played them out differently from how they were portrayed in season one.

Pissed off with what they did with Leonid. That Brotha would have made a perfect nemesis thru-out the series popping up every now and then.

The way this series handles racism is done brilliantly. It’s not done in any type of preachy way.

Series will have a season 3.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
For the militants.

He is married to a White Woman.



We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I'm conflicted when it comes to this show. I watched it, and I wanted to like it, but there's just something about it that irks me.

Lupin's son really irks the Hell out of me. Big MoFo ain't talked to a female in the whole show... running around talkin' 'bout "Papa." I'd be like, "Take yo ass outside and hook with some of them Parisian girls; instead of sitting in your Momma's apartment talkin' about this damn paperback book."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Lupin star Omar Sy gives updates on season 3 and the fate of J'accuse

Apparently Sy's canine costar is quite the diva on set.
By Lauren Huff
July 01, 2021 at 08:08 PM EDT



Lupin (TV series)

Warning: This article contains spoilers for the season 2 finale of Lupin.
Don't worry, J'accuse fans!
The beloved pooch of Netflix's Lupin, best known for barking any time anyone utters the name of the show's main villain, is alive and well at the end of season 2, and will be returning for season 3 — even if she's a major diva. (More on that in a bit.)
Yes, the heist thriller, which just released its second batch of five episodes in June, has been picked up by Netflix for a third season. The season 2 finale saw gentleman thief Assane Diop (Omar Sy), a man inspired by the classic French character Arsène Lupin, finally get his revenge on Hubert Pellegrini (Hervé Pierre) for framing Diop's father. The last we see of Pellegrini, he's sitting in a squad car after admitting some of his crimes on tape, and Diop, wanted for some of his own offenses, skips out of town vowing to return someday.

Sy dished to EW about his canine costar, his thoughts on Diop's ultimate revenge, and what the status is for season 3.
Assane Diop (Omar Sy) and Benjamin Ferel (Antoine Gouy) in 'Lupin,' pictured here with canine companion J'accuse

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: We have to start with the most important question: What is it like working with your canine costar who plays J'accuse?
Actually, J'accuse — [and I say] "she" because she's a female — but she's a real diva. She's really difficult on set, but we love her.
But she seems so well-behaved on the show.
Because she's a very good actress!
We never see what becomes of J'accuse as Assane pulls off his revenge and then leaves town. Do we need to worry about J'accuse?

No, you don't have to worry about J'accuse. And I don't want to spoil anything, but we have more coming with her.
The show has been a massive international success for Netflix. When did you know the show was going to be a big hit?
We realized that something was really happening when we got Netflix's reaction, and they were so, so happy and excited. And when we had the numbers from around the world, we were No. 1 in so many different countries that we realized that, okay, something's happening, because we're No. 1 in countries that don't even speak French! So it was amazing to be No. 1 in Japan, in Korea, and Brazil, those countries like that that are very, very far from home. So for us, we were very intrigued and really happy, but it was a surprise.
Were you a big fan of the character of Arsène Lupin before doing the show?
Yes, of course. I was familiar with the graphic novels from Japan. I don't know if you know that, but Lupin is a huge success in Japan and they have a very big fan base there. So there is a lot of books and manga that was been inspired by Lupin. There was one when I was young I used to read all of. So I was very familiar with Lupin through that, but Lupin is a part of the French culture. We all know Lupin. We learned it at school, but I was a fan coming from the comic books, and then I started to read all of the classic [novels] to prepare for the show.
What are your thoughts on Assane's revenge? Do you think he's satisfied — is he finally done with Pellegrini?
It depends on what's gonna happen next for Pellegrini and everybody else, and even for him. Because it's not completely finished. He's done most of the work, but it's not completely finished. When episode 10 finished, there's still some questions that we didn't have answered.
During their confrontation, it looked like Assane might go against his code and kill Pellegrini. Do you think he wanted to?
Of course. The whole show we were very, very careful to not have our hero be violent. So there is no violence from Assane, he does what he does, but without the violence. One of the rules of Lupin is [he's] never violent, never killed anyone. And we wanted in that moment for you to think, "Maybe he's gonna do it." Because it's a lot. It's about his dad, and all these years waiting and having that moment with all this anger, maybe something's gonna happen. And maybe he's gonna switch on the other side. And why not? That was really possible. But then having him coming back into himself, being smarter than that, and being able to control his anger — we wanted to have that moment and make the audience think that maybe he's going to do it.
Omar Sy as Assane Diop in 'Lupin'

Season 2 brought in more accomplices for Assane. Can we expect more of that going forward?
When you read the books, Lupin has a lot of accomplices. But [in the show] he had the one, which is Benjamin, but he needs people, [so he] hires them like he does with [Philippe Courbet]. So it was interesting to have that. And I think it's going to be more interesting maybe one day having like a big cast with a lot of people. Because the thing is just being the mastermind, you cannot do everything by yourself, you need people. It's also one of his skills, to bring people with him. It was really cool to play with that. I think it's a good aspect of Lupin.
Guedira [played by Soufiane Guerrab], the cop who kind of helps Assane, seems like a good candidate for that in the future.
I think the thing is, in another life Guedira and Assane could be friends, because they have Lupin in common. So why not? It's certainly possible. We don't know.
How far along is season 3?
We're talking about that right now. We have a lot of ideas and things that we want to do and say, but we're still in the writing process.
At the very end of season 2, he tells his family that he must leave but he'll be watching. Do you think he's going far, or is he sticking around?
I know exactly where he's gonna be, but I'll let you think about it. [Laughs]
What do this character and this show mean to you personally, as a fan of the original?
It means a lot. From a personal perspective, I wanted to have [a role that was] like a toy, which I can play with, and have fun with. And Lupin is a toy, because it's everything. He's charming, you have action, you have the drama, you have all of that, and also you have funny moments. For an actor it's just perfect. You get to change your dress and your appearance all the time. So first of all, that was my first goal, entertaining people with the show and with the character. And then, how can we talk about something that's important for us, something that we see in our society that we can relate it to? I think with the show, we have all of that in one, so it's really cool. We have an entertaining program with the character at the same time that we have some messages that we can send. So it's just perfect. We're so happy and blessed and grateful.
And what is the the show's main message, in your opinion?
There's a lot of different messages, but I think people are relating to having a normal guy fighting the establishment. I think that is the main thing that resonates all over the world, especially today.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
thank you fam

I REALLY like it a lot

the lead Omar Sy is charismatic as hell not familiar with him but he doing a hell of a job carrying this.

Everything looks great editing music effects

story is engaging fun quick got drama good humor, very French which is good

the racism is very prevalent ( I need bgol France to tell me if its REALLY that bad)

every white person makes my damn skin crawl

really like the flashbacks

those young actors are GREAT I would have watched a whole series just on HOW Lupin became Lupin.

almost done and anxiously anticipating the rest

would have been a great SUMMER show.

Predicted that sh*t exactly


waking people up
BGOL Investor
that female cop is fire. i like the idea of a mastermind thief although the ending was unbelievable. show is good, not the greatest but i would watch another season if it came out. i will support a leading black role.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
that female cop is fire. i like the idea of a mastermind thief although the ending was unbelievable. show is good, not the greatest but i would watch another season if it came out. i will support a leading black role.
I love her. I’d get arrested by her and have a hard dick while she pats me down. I’d make a move on her in the squad car. I guarantee me and her would be in 69 by the time I’m booked


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Lupin on-set robbery becomes second Netflix show theft in one week

One day after a heist on 'The Crown' set, the French Netflix series faces similar damages.
By Rachel SchonbergerMarch 02, 2022 at 12:23 PM EST

On Feb. 25, while filming Part 3 of Netflix's hit French series Lupin, a theft occurred, and not the kind that typically happens on a show about a professional thief.
The offenders threw mortar fireworks at the set in Nanterre, right outside of Paris, stealing over $300,000 of equipment, according to Agence France-Presse.
The incident comes just one day after a $200,000 theft of antique props on the set of another Netflix show, The Crown.
"There was an incident on 25th February while filming the upcoming season of Lupin," a Netflix spokesperson told EW in a statement. "Our cast and crew are safe and there were no injuries. We have now resumed filming."
The heist thriller began filming its third installment in November, according to a tweet from Netflix.

Lupin's 2021 premiere reached Netflix's U.S. Top 10 List, the first French series to do so. In its Part 2 finale in June, Omar Sy's character, Assane Diop, exacted revenge on Hubert Pellegrini, the man who framed his father.
"Lupin is a toy, because it's everything," Sy told EW in July. "He's charming, you have action, you have the drama, you have all of that, and also you have funny moments."

A release date for Part 3 has not yet been announced.