R. Kelly charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse [UPDATE: GUILTY OF RACKETEERING]


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
come on now... show me some posts on bgol to prove that. You can't because they don't exist.
R is fucked up, and we've known he's fucked up for a long time.


Damn... bgol is officially black fags online.

I’ve never seen men so happy for a man to go down over alleged sex crimes with some groupie sluts. You niggas are more upset at this than all of the catholic priests raping children.

Bgol is nothing but women posing as men and faggots


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Blogging... you funny,,,,I was making a point,,,,, First of all my dude I could have swore I said I was stating facts not looking for any emotional reactions.. I happen to agree with you and I have all daughters and feel the exact same way. Hell my oldest 2 are pass 20 now and I still don't want nobody fucking with them but I realize that is just me being a Father. I put that up because if you really read the whole post it states a lot of truths thats all bro. I have even spoke to my oldest daughter about the R. Kelly shit and ask her what she thought I would have done and all I can say is that I was proud of her response. And Kellz is exactly what you put in part B. of your response,,, I got that Brother!!!...

I was just fucking w you about the blogging shit, but I read your whole post, you made your points in terms of America compared to other countries and hypocrisy and all that. My response to that as a father is fuck the hypocrisy and American law regardless, ain't nobody fucking with my daughter til I SAY SO, FUCK what the legal system got to say. If I was born and raised in Yemen, my life/outlook would be totally different as everyone else's would be. But here in America it is what it is.

I have no beef with you tho.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn... bgol is officially black fags online.

I’ve never seen men so happy for a man to go down over alleged sex crimes with some groupie sluts. You niggas are more upset at this than all of the catholic priests raping children.

Bgol is nothing but women posing as men and faggots
I don't care if they are groupie sluts; they are underage period. For me, molesters, rapist, and racist belong in the same burning pit!!!!!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Lol yeah, ok. You niggas epitomize typical effeminate black men who see everything from a woman’s perspective since you have no father.

How the FUCK do you niggas big up every single 13 year old boy who fucks his grown ass teacher? Every single post where some cac teacher fucks her 13 year old student, 100 fucking percent of you phony ass bullshit pieces of shit be praising the kid and crying that you wish there were teachers like that when you were kids. Every fucking one of you!

Now all of a sudden you pussy ass faggots are claiming morality and outrage? Unfuckingbelievable!!!

That’s why I hate you niggas. You are all full of shit. A 14 year boy is a hero and a 14 year old girl is an innocent victim gtfoh! These bitches are opportunistic just like a 19, 20, etc would be. If he wasn’t r kelly but some regular clown, none of those ho’s would pay him any mind. At least when young boys are fucking, they are doing it for sex. These scheming girls (old or young) are vixens and are always looking for a come up.

Do you dumb niggas not see this? Damn, it’s amazing how in 20 years, white men and their subtle brainwashing has completely turned black men into emotional little bitches. I thank god everyday that American black don’t represent all black men. Thank good for Jamaicans, Africans, West Indians. Without them, blacks will be wiped out because you so called American niggas are nothing but a bunch of pussies! Niggas show a car crash video you fags are crying for mods to remove it. Any video at all that’s remotely Disturbing generates a spamfest if niggas trying to be the first to announce how they are too pussy to click play. Any video where there’s something heartwarming and once again, niggas are trying to break the internet to announce that they cried or the typical “is someone cutting onions” crap. You niggas are not men, you are a joke and I’m disgusted to be identified to be from the same ethnic tribe as you faggots. For now on I’m claiming Jamaican. They still frown on emotional faggot shit.

If you think we as black people will be wiped out because men can’t abuse girls that says just how little you think of us. I on the other hand think we’re better than that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you think we as black people will be wiped out because men can’t abuse girls that says just how little you think of us. I on the other hand think we’re better than that.
No but what you think of the days when blacks would attack each for things that they better not get mad at the white for doing. It seems like they trying to bring back their good ole days. They use to rape whole families and non of the men folk better not even get mad about what they are doing. What do we think that make America great again means. These campaigns are for a reason right now.


Horace C. Jones II
So he comes on when you're in the club or at an house party. You living?

I don't go to the club or have house parties. My wife and I work hard, come home and enjoy all the nice shit we have in our home. We have friends and family over from time to time throughout the year. Not house parties but casual get together's. Not one of our friends and family will EVER play (R)apist Kelly music. We all think that rotten ass nigga should rot in prison and get raped everyday he is in that bitch. Fuck him and his fuckin music. See, I'm not like some of you niggas on here.

Also, you have that "I'm caping for (R)apist Kelly" vibe about you. Fuck outta here with that shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Send your daughter over to console him

That is one point.

My underage daughters would not have been in those circles because I wouldn't have been pimping them and then want to point fingers when the money stops.

And the shit that is happening is way bigger than R Kelly. It was bigger than OJ and Bigger than Cosby.

By you, AmeriKKKans don't see that shit because you have assimilated.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you think we as black people will be wiped out because men can’t abuse girls that says just how little you think of us. I on the other hand think we’re better than that.

You need to read more and stop think the constitution includes your black ass.

This shit is legalizing the Scottsboro boys, Rosewood and every other travesty that was delivered onto black people

I assume you read you read this ? But you mofokrs are ready to rally around like crakkas seeking justice for black women/girls

Federal Prosecutors Broke Law With Plea Deal In Jeffrey Epstein Case, Judge Says


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I so hate to get in this but I have to say something. R. Kelly has to be as fucking stupid as he is fucking Talented and neither can or should be debated. In saying that I will leave the Talent out of this. Now as fucking far as his sexual Bullshit. I don't think most people including here on BGOL realize how normal this shit is around the world. I am in no way condoning what he has done but I just want to put it in perspective. Here are the facts and points as I see them and please check them out before you respond with some emotional bullshit. Just take your heart out and really read and check these facts. The age of Consent in Illinois is 17 any thing that he fucked or fucked with younger than that in that state he is then guilty period. The age of consent varies State to State with the low being 16 and high 18 with more states 16 to 17 than age 18. Fact..Had R. Kelly been in many other countries this would of been a none issue because there age of consent is a lot lower. and no I am not talking about punk ass fucked up third world no fresh water having ass countries. Some very developed and economic leading countries have some of the lowest age of consent ages and yes our own Beloved African countries are in there also. Here are a few examples of countries and there age of consent. As I said United States the lowest is 16 and it varies by state and this is relatively new. Now...other countries.. Aruba,Costa Rica and France age 15. Brazil,Italy,Germany and China age 14.... Niger,Comoros and Japan age 13... Angola and The Philippines age 12. Nigeria age 11. Yemen you must be married.There is no age of consent in marriage in Yemen. Girls may wed at any age, but sexual activity is illegal until the onset of puberty, defined by ulama as age 9.

Now in saying all that R. Kelly is a Idiot and by Law in the United States if the allegations are true he is Guilty of Pedophilia. If he did this shit and he knows the laws where he is at then he gets what he gets. If dumb ass fucking tapes the shit then wtf can anyone say besides Bye Nigga. R.Kelly is a person that is caught up in his own upbringing, His family sex history is fucked up His father was Just like this also and i'm pretty sure he was raised around guys who taught him that this was o.k because it was when they came up. Myself an Kelly are around the same age. I can Remember clearly The old cats telling me and the other youngsters that this is what they did. They got young bitches and molded them into what they wanted them to be Sexually and any other way. Cleaning ,cooking ,being submissive all that., I can remember this dude named Geech saying specifically that they use to get them around 13 to 14 years old and mold them.
Young girls is nothing new but these are different times. I don't know how much of this is about victims versus just some more public bullshit and me too shit and distraction.
R. Kelly could have been in a bunch of other countries and all of this would have been a non factor as you can see, but he was not, We live in a country full of hypocrisy and finger pointers.
He will go down this time because that is the climate out here.. But America wont say shit to Japan or China or any other country about there consent laws.
We are the same country with people doing time in prison for selling Marijuana yet in a bunch of states it is legal and Taxes being collected on it.
We are the same Country with the Largest pharmaceutical companies producing the largest amount of Opioids which are produced from the Poppy plant Which the majority comes out of Afghanistan where they are protected by our own military but Heroin is produced from the same plant and if caught with more than 1 kilo of a person can receive a life prison sentence in the United States.

This is all Bullshit. The Climate in the Country is Bullshit. The legal system is Bullshit. The Hypocrisy is Bullshit. The Church is Bullshit. The Media is Bullshit. Politics is Bullshit. and the majority of people rather they know it are not are caught up in all this fake bullshit..
Yeah and R. Kelly is full of shit and he is done by his own doing because he be on some Bullshit.

By the way here are the age of consent law links in case you think its bullshit!!


Brah...r u R. Kelly? fuck k that pedophile...he gonna get his 100...

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
You need to read more and stop think the constitution includes your black ass.

This shit is legalizing the Scottsboro boys, Rosewood and every other travesty that was delivered onto black people

I assume you read you read this ? But you mofokrs are ready to rally around like crakkas seeking justice for black women/girls

Federal Prosecutors Broke Law With Plea Deal In Jeffrey Epstein Case, Judge Says



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Jerrod wasn't plugged so what's your point?

I can show you more crakkas that skated on rape than some abstract cat like subway man...

Point is Kelly is a precedent just as Cosby was.

This shit makes due process obsolete for black men.

And supposedly the hit job about to be shown on HBO regarding dead Michael Jackson makes Kelly look like a peeping tom. And they supposedly explore why the recantations weren't really recantations..and since MJ is dead it is so easy

Does nobody seem to find it strange that all the JUSTICE is directed towards black icons ?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Jerrod wasn't plugged so what's your point?

I can show you more crakkas that skated on rape than some abstract cat like subway man...

Point is Kelly is a precedent just as Cosby was.

This shit makes due process obsolete for black men.

And supposedly the hit job about to be shown on HBO regarding dead Michael Jackson makes Kelly look like a peeping tom. And they supposedly explore why the recantations weren't really recantations..and since MJ is dead it is so easy

Does nobody seem to find it strange that all the JUSTICE is directed towards black icons ?

Bruh if you want to defend R kelley against our girls go for it.

Good night be blessed and may your daughter never deal with a man like her father.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh if you want to defend R kelley against our girls go for it.

Good night be blessed and may your daughter never deal with a man like her father.

you funny

you did the same thing with Bernie but it is because of bernie that most of the new breed is involved.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't go to the club or have house parties. My wife and I work hard, come home and enjoy all the nice shit we have in our home. We have friends and family over from time to time throughout the year. Not house parties but casual get together's. Not one of our friends and family will EVER play (R)apist Kelly music. We all think that rotten ass nigga should rot in prison and get raped everyday he is in that bitch. Fuck him and his fuckin music. See, I'm not like some of you niggas on here.

Also, you have that "I'm caping for (R)apist Kelly" vibe about you. Fuck outta here with that shit.
I'm not caping for R kellyor any other person that commits a crime, but I'll still listen to his music.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't go to the club or have house parties. My wife and I work hard, come home and enjoy all the nice shit we have in our home. We have friends and family over from time to time throughout the year. Not house parties but casual get together's. Not one of our friends and family will EVER play (R)apist Kelly music. We all think that rotten ass nigga should rot in prison and get raped everyday he is in that bitch. Fuck him and his fuckin music. See, I'm not like some of you niggas on here.

Also, you have that "I'm caping for (R)apist Kelly" vibe about you. Fuck outta here with that shit.

I'm wit it...I neva liked this clown ass knicca since alliyah..brah