Rayshard Brooks dead after being shot in the back by Atlanta police


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
wow so they are giving this ex cop preferential treatment. if the crime you committed was in Fulton and you also live in Fulton county, you should be in Fulton country correctional not Gwinnett



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


The wife gets a car and the girlfriend’s about to get prison time.



༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
S23:E355 - George police union says shooting of Rayshard Brooks

Steven Gaynor, Cobb County, Georgia police union president, says the police shooting of Rayshard Brooks was “justified.”

“I think you can justify this case by Georgia law. It specifically gives them, by law, the right to shoot him. https://cnn.it/2N3tM5X


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The wife gets a car and the girlfriend’s about to get prison time.

Truth. U.S. Marshals got her and..damn 20 years :smh:

There was a $10k reward for her location bruh

...my bad its $20,000 reward for her

Investigators identify woman suspected in Atlanta Wendy’s arson

The State Arson control board has are offered an additional $10,000 reward in the case. Authorities had previously announced a $10,000 reward for any information that leads to the arrest of anyone connected to the fire
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate to say it, but that cop is going to walk. No mixed jury is going to unanimously convict him. I predict a hung jury.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate to say it, but that cop is going to walk. No mixed jury is going to unanimously convict him. I predict a hung jury.

It’s possible but my question to the jury would be this.

Was the officer‘s life in danger and was deadly force needed when Rayshard was shot?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s possible but my question to the jury would be this.

Was the officer‘s life in danger and was deadly force needed when Rayshard was shot?
In Tennessee vs Garner the supreme court said a police officer only has to be reasonable when using deadly force. The defense attorney will ask if a reasonable person would of shot Rayshard Brooks. He was fighting with the police, took a taser and shot it at them. At that point deadly force would have been reasonable. He then tried to run and was shot less than 1 second later. Now I think the cops were incompetent by letting on man get away from them and taking a taser, but according to the law I think the cop will not get convicted. I think the media is setting us up again to choose a losing battle. I'm as militant as anyone here but that's how I see it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In Tennessee vs Garner the supreme court said a police officer only has to be reasonable when using deadly force. The defense attorney will ask if a reasonable person would of shot Rayshard Brooks. He was fighting with the police, took a taser and shot it at them. At that point deadly force would have been reasonable. He then tried to run and was shot less than 1 second later. Now I think the cops were incompetent by letting on man get away from them and taking a taser, but according to the law I think the cop will not get convicted. I think the media is setting us up again to choose a losing battle. I'm as militant as anyone here but that's how I see it.

Hey you might be right, they might not be convicted.

Everything Rayshard did was wrong. I can’t even call the cops incompetent for letting him get away and taking away the taser. Rayshard was calm so they weren’t expecting him to snap and he caught them by surprise. If I remember correctly, the officer was pointing the taser at Rayshard and he snatched it and ran.

If they shot him during the actual fight, I couldn’t argue against they because he could’ve taken their gun and shot them. That could’ve been a possibility so it could be said it was justified.

Yes he did shoot the taser, but the opinion of many is that that’s not a deadly weapon. Shooting a man twice in the back who’s running away in my opinion isn’t a justified shooting.

My opinion is that cops shouldn’t be above the law. If someone breaks into my house and I catch them and they start running, if I shot them in the back as they’re running out of the house my safety wasn’t threatened because they were leaving.

Or if I shot them in the back when their in my front yard, I don’t believe a jury would say that shooting was justified.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend






still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
In Tennessee vs Garner the supreme court said a police officer only has to be reasonable when using deadly force. The defense attorney will ask if a reasonable person would of shot Rayshard Brooks. He was fighting with the police, took a taser and shot it at them. At that point deadly force would have been reasonable. He then tried to run and was shot less than 1 second later. Now I think the cops were incompetent by letting on man get away from them and taking a taser, but according to the law I think the cop will not get convicted. I think the media is setting us up again to choose a losing battle. I'm as militant as anyone here but that's how I see it.
youre totally misunderstanding Tennessee vs Garner.

Held: The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against, as in this case, an apparently unarmed, nondangerous fleeing suspect; such force may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

that man wasnt a threat to anyone.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think it's important to note that there is some subjectivity to the word "threat". I believe that from a legal perspective, he gave the police a right to shoot him and they will walk on this case. I understand that a lot of people think that a taser is not a threat (whether already fired or not) but what if the projectiles that are supposed to enter your skin hit the officer in the eye and he lost his vision or nicked an artery and he bled out. I'm trying to go home to my family every day in one piece.... I'm not condoning at all what the officers did and they absolutely could have and hell.. should have done things differently but it bothers me that people think that the cops weren't threatened and didn't have to use lethal force. A pointy stick or a knife if thrown could have been warranted lethal force legally.

How would you handle it if someone who you were just fighting was running away but turned around and tried to shoot anything at you or someone you loved. Would you wait to assess if its loaded or if it was lethal enough to kill you? Or would you react to protect yourself. At that point, it's fight or flight. You don't have the time to figure all these things out in the moment. The cop was threatened and chose to protect himself. I hate that this happened but I think everyone is charged up about everything happening in the world and aren't seeing this through a rational lens.

I know a lot of you will strongly disagree with this view point but we all learn from different perspectives at the end of the day and everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think it's important to note that there is some subjectivity to the word "threat". I believe that from a legal perspective, he gave the police a right to shoot him and they will walk on this case. I understand that a lot of people think that a taser is not a threat (whether already fired or not) but what if the projectiles that are supposed to enter your skin hit the officer in the eye and he lost his vision or nicked an artery and he bled out. I'm trying to go home to my family every day in one piece.... I'm not condoning at all what the officers did and they absolutely could have and hell.. should have done things differently but it bothers me that people think that the cops weren't threatened and didn't have to use lethal force. A pointy stick or a knife if thrown could have been warranted lethal force legally.

How would you handle it if someone who you were just fighting was running away but turned around and tried to shoot anything at you or someone you loved. Would you wait to assess if its loaded or if it was lethal enough to kill you? Or would you react to protect yourself. At that point, it's fight or flight. You don't have the time to figure all these things out in the moment. The cop was threatened and chose to protect himself. I hate that this happened but I think everyone is charged up about everything happening in the world and aren't seeing this through a rational lens.

I know a lot of you will strongly disagree with this view point but we all learn from different perspectives at the end of the day and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

A man running away from you is a no longer a threat to your life.

But you’re right, that taser could’ve hit the officer in the eye killing him instantly. And once the other officer touched him, that taser charge would’ve set off a chain of events. There could’ve been gasoline on the ground and that spark from the taser set off a fire which eventually killed everybody in the parking lot!

Those things “Could’ve” happened, but they didn’t.

If I get into a fight and someone takes my taser, attempts to shoot me with and I shoot them twice in the back. I’m going to prison.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
A man running away from you is a no longer a threat to your life.

But you’re right, that taser could’ve hit the officer in the eye killing him instantly. And once the other officer touched him, that taser charge would’ve set off a chain of events. There could’ve been gasoline on the ground and that spark from the taser set off a fire which eventually killed everybody in the parking lot!

Those things “Could’ve” happened, but they didn’t.

If I get into a fight and someone takes my taser, attempts to shoot me with and I shoot them twice in the back. I’m going to prison.
Correct... If he was just running away. That wasn't the case here and not what the video clearly shows. The second he turned around with something in his hand that can potentially harm someone or you in any way, which again is what the video shows, that's where he fucked up and posed a threat to the officer. He literally fought them off, ran and turned around to shoot the taser. You can argue all day how much of a threat that posed, but if the officer felt threatened, he had a right to protect himself and his partner. I'm not someone who stands up for cops at all but I'd be surprised if they get convicted.

Like you said, a lot could have happened that didn't, but in that moment you think the cop was supposed to wait and see how things played out. Would you? If you were standing there with your child or your wife, and a dude you just tussled with ran off and turned around to shoot something at you that has the potential to harm you.. what would you do? If it's me, I'm squeezing my trigger.

I'd claim factually (which is on video) that I was threatened and was protecting myself, family, or partner from harm. If a jury convicts me, then so be it. I'd rather know that I protected myself, family or whomever, than to have mofos crying over my casket.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Let me add that if it were a white person, they probably wouldn't have shot him. I'm not factoring in race into this at all, just actions and facts based on the video. Yes this could have been handled differently by the cops but would you teach your son to do what Rayshard Brooks did in the video?

To be clear, I'm not blaming him as the actions of all parties played into the outcome but at the end of the day (I will factor race into the my statement now), we don't have the luxury or privilege (I believe the term is white blessings now..) to take these actions and expect a positive outcome or the same treatment a white person would get.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Correct... If he was just running away. That wasn't the case here and not what the video clearly shows. The second he turned around with something in his hand that can potentially harm someone or you in any way, which again is what the video shows, that's where he fucked up and posed a threat to the officer. He literally fought them off, ran and turned around to shoot the taser. You can argue all day how much of a threat that posed, but if the officer felt threatened, he had a right to protect himself and his partner. I'm not someone who stands up for cops at all but I'd be surprised if they get convicted.

Like you said, a lot could have happened that didn't, but in that moment you think the cop was supposed to wait and see how things played out. Would you? If you were standing there with your child or your wife, and a dude you just tussled with ran off and turned around to shoot something at you that has the potential to harm you.. what would you do? If it's me, I'm squeezing my trigger.

I'd claim factually (which is on video) that I was threatened and was protecting myself, family, or partner from harm. If a jury convicts me, then so be it. I'd rather know that I protected myself, family or whomever, than to have mofos crying over my casket.

The officer knew that Rayshard had a taser and not a gun. This isn’t the cartoons where guns come in all colors, the taser was yellow.

Rayshard pointed the taser at the officer then turned back around to keep running, at that moment he was shot.

Again, the cop knew it was a taser because he said “Get your hands off of the taser” when Rayshard was taking it.

And all of those scenarios that you would like me to place myself in aren’t happening. Because I’m shooting if someone says the wrong shit to me so all of that tussling you’re talking about isn’t registering! :roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let me add that I'd it were a white person, they probably wouldn't have shot him. I'm not factoring in race into this at all, just actions and facts based on the video. Yes this could have been handled differently by the cops but would you teach your son to do what Rayshard Brooks did in the video?

To be clear, I'm not blaming him as the actions of all parties played into the outcome but at the end of the day (I will factor race into the my statement now), we don't have the luxury or privilege (I believe the term is whit blessings now..) to take these actions and expect a positive outcome or the same treatment a white person would get.

Bruh, we All know that everything Rayshard did was wrong. Every one of us know he was in the wrong.

But he was running away and shot twice in the back. In most people eyes a person running away from with a gun in their hand isn’t a threat on your life.

And yes, a person could throw a knife, a stick, a chainsaw or a kitchen sink while running away. But he didn’t, he had a taser.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The officer knew that Rayshard had a taser and not a gun. This isn’t the cartoons where guns come in all colors, the taser was yellow.

Rayshard pointed the taser at the officer then turned back around to keep running, at that moment he was shot.

Again, the cop knew it was a taser because he said “Get your hands off of the taser” when Rayshard was taking it.

And all of those scenarios that you would like me to place myself in aren’t happening. Because I’m shooting if someone says the wrong shit to me so all of that tussling you’re talking about isn’t registering! :roflmao:
Unsure why you're focused on it being a taser when the point was the officer was threatened. How about googling if tasers can kill you. You're acting like he turned around with a rubber duck or some harmless shit. I don't think him feeling threatened will be a hard argument to make in court. Plus the laws are on his side.

I respect your last statement because I would shoot a mofo too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unsure why you're focused on it being a taser when the point was the officer was threatened. How about googling if tasers can kill you. You're acting like he turned around with a rubber duck or some harmless shit. I don't think him feeling threatened will be a hard argument to make in court. Plus the laws are on his side.

I respect your last statement because I would shoot a mofo too.

Him being “Threatened” is the entire case. His life being in danger or “Threatened” is what everything hinges upon.

If his life wasn’t “Threatened”, then why’s he shooting?

He might as well shot a rubber ducky or a dildo, because none of those were hitting the officer when he was running away.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh, we All know that everything Rayshard did was wrong. Every one of us know he was in the wrong.

But he was running away and shot twice in the back. In most people eyes a person running away from with a gun in their hand isn’t a threat on your life.

And yes, a person could throw a knife, a stick, a chainsaw or a kitchen sink while running away. But he didn’t, he had a taser.
If everything he did was wrong including running away, I don't get the point you're trying to make. People can shoot over their shoulder and that can end up in a loss of life. Whether he was running away or not, the video shows he had a "weapon" and attempted to shoot it at the police. That pretty much sums it up. You're stuck on the fact that e was running away but you're leaving out other facts that contributed to the outcome.

He just tussled with the cops, took their weapon and attempted to use it on them. Like you said he did everything wrong. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. If he was hauling ass, then the cops murdered him. Period. Based on the video I see it otherwise. I respectfully disagree with your perspective but appreciate the debate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unsure why you're focused on it being a taser when the point was the officer was threatened. How about googling if tasers can kill you. You're acting like he turned around with a rubber duck or some harmless shit. I don't think him feeling threatened will be a hard argument to make in court. Plus the laws are on his side.

I respect your last statement because I would shoot a mofo too.
Yeah it is a pointless case and dude will not only beat the charges but sue for millions in damages. Plus they gave him no bail


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If everything he did was wrong including running away, I don't get the point you're trying to make. People can shoot over their shoulder and that can end up in a loss of life. Whether he was running away or not, the video shows he had a "weapon" and attempted to shoot it at the police. That pretty much sums it up. You're stuck on the fact that e was running away but you're leaving out other facts that contributed to the outcome.

He just tussled with the cops, took their weapon and attempted to use it on them. Like you said he did everything wrong. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. If he was hauling ass, then the cops murdered him. Period. Based on the video I see it otherwise. I respectfully disagree with your perspective but appreciate the debate.

Running away shouldn’t get you killed is the point. If the officer’s life wasn’t in danger at the time of the shooting, then deadly force wasn’t warranted.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Him being “Threatened” is the entire case. His life being in danger or “Threatened” is what everything hinges upon.

If his life was “Threatened”, then why’s he shooting?

He might as well shot a rubber ducky or a dildo, because none of those were hitting the officer when he was running away.
That's all that's needed for a cop to shoot you bruh.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Running away shouldn’t get you killed is the point. If the officer’s life wasn’t in danger at the time of the shooting, then deadly force wasn’t warranted.
I agree, if that's your point. But that's not what happened here. We don't get to determine when someone feels their life is in danger. You literally said you would have shot a mofo if it were you. So why is it different for the cop?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree, if that's your point. But that's not what happened here. We don't get to determine when someone feels their life is in danger. You literally said you would have shot a mofo if it were you. So why is it different for the cop?

Because I’m not here to serve and protect, I’m not a cop. Also everyone won’t do or act in the same manner as me.

The officer knew he had a taser, the taser wasn’t a deadly weapon and he shot the man in his back as he was running away.

That’s really all it is to it. You think it was justified, and millions don’t.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Because I’m not here to serve and protect, I’m not a cop. Also everyone won’t do or act in the same manner as me.

The officer knew he had a taser, the taser wasn’t a deadly weapon and he shot the man in his back as he was running away.

That’s really all it is to it. You think it was justified, and millions don’t.
Like I said in my first response, people are charged up about everything happening and aren't seeing things rationally. That's my opinion. Cops can do very little right at this point given the current climate.

Like I also said earlier... Google if taser can kill people. As a matter of fact Google if they are non-lethal... You'll find that they're less-lethal, but hey.. he was just running away.