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People see what they want to see.

I see dude as a hustler.

Someone people see him as a well-meaning, conscious individual who also hustles.

It is what it is.

Nothing about Tariq would surprise me.

To be frank with you. I always thought he AND Tommy Sotomayor were low-key fags.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
People see what they want to see.

I see dude as a hustler.

Someone people see him as a well-meaning, conscious individual who also hustles.

It is what it is.

Nothing about Tariq would surprise me.

To be frank with you. I always thought he AND Tommy Sotomayor were low-key fags.

Based on what???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Youre equating "Black unity" to the a few egotistical Black people that you see in the spotlight.
Youre part of the problem yourself....

All these Brothers speak a lot of truth, but at times you wonder whose serious and who aint.
They need to take notes from one another and create something big.
But the lack of trust, egos and different agendas prevents some people from doing that.

And youre correct, television doesnt depict "whats real". Thats why you have both Black and White people ASSUMING that Black people are lazy and only respond when a Black person is killed by White people. If they turned off their televisions and actually got involved/communicated with the people who live in these high crime areas then theyd know otherwise.

As for Tariq.....Tariq is a business Man whose trying to make a name for himself. And I support what he's doing because he puts out quality products and says whats real. He may call Black people out from time to time (if they play that "coon" role), but for the most part he doesnt go hard at anyone until they go after him.

The Sister in that video seemed to have a problem with Tariq attaching "a color" to the conversation. Theres a lot of people who feel like progress cant be made once you start attaching race to the conversation. Mainly because racism is a sensitive subject that could further divide instead of unify. But how long do you have to bite your words to make other folks feel comfortable?

When you say BLM, people assume that youre saying everyone whose not Black doesnt matter. When you say Police Race soldiers, people assume youre saying all police are race soldiers. Uncontrollable emotions, selfishness, lack of comprehension, lack of compassion etc .....those are just a few things that makes folks misconstrue the message.

True but what it all comes down to... is doing what works for you...

a lot of folks out here, really dont want change as much as they just want to be the leader of something...

which is easy to do when there are so many followers out there..

what I learned so far in this short life is, its all about what are you doing to make a change and not wait for no leader to come out the sky to save you....

and you shouldnt worry about saving anyone but yourself, and thats how the youth will learn by seeing you set the example by being about it, and not just blabbing about it...

I find all of this entertaining.. but again it all boils down to what works for you...

I respect a lot of brothers out here.. but I follow nobody

but that man I see in the mirror...

I commend Tariq for what he is doing, but I think its sad when grown men are looking for someone to lead them.. especially if they have a family...


BGOL Investor
what I learned so far in this short life is, its all about what are you doing to make a change and not wait for no leader to come out the sky to save you....

and you shouldnt worry about saving anyone but yourself, and thats how the youth will learn by seeing you set the example by being about it, and not just blabbing about it...

Theres no group of people thats "unified", per se. Not even the Jews.
But if they got their minds right, individually, then the group as a whole would be a force to be reckoned with.

I cant relate to Adults who are "looking for a leader", mainly because my character doesnt fit the description.
But I understand that some folks need guidance. Even adults.

I dont want to be the leader of anyone. I dont want to be bothered with that type of responsibility.
But if my words can help guide them in the right direction, then i'll say a few things.

I see some Male groupies hug Tariq's nuts, but Ive also seen Men whove used the
info that he's given them to find their own path/create their own hustle.
It varies...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Theres no group of people thats "unified", per se. Not even the Jews.
But if they got their minds right, individually, then the group as a whole would be a force to be reckoned with.

I cant relate to Adults who are "looking for a leader", mainly because my character doesnt fit the description.
But I understand that some folks need guidance. Even adults.

I dont want to be the leader of anyone. I dont want to be bothered with that type of responsibility.
But if my words can help guide them in the right direction, then i'll say a few things.

I see some Male groupies hug Tariq's nuts, but Ive also seen Men whove used the
info that he's given them to find their own path/create their own hustle.
It varies...

no doubt we think as a people we are divided but most of us, have zero idea how much effort is put into keeping the illusion going..

there is a whole qwatrizillion dollar divide and conquer plan that needs to be implemented just to give us that impression...

with imagery, sell out coons and the whole media circus...

too many of us eat that shit up like its a reality and not an illusion so many of us fall for..

and the truth is, its just not our time now...

we can feel it happening and we want it now.. but its not going to be untill a few generations down the line..

obama presidency was just letting us know change is taking place.

our job now is just to try and make the next generation a little more prepared..

we should all be working on having solid life insurance so we can have something to give back to the next generation coming up...

if its not about preparing the next generation then its just a waste of time...

if you ask me...

even if I dont have children in the next ten to fifteen years, Im going to leave something for my nieces and nephews..

we should all be looking down the line with a plan, instead of always reacting to distractions..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bull to the shit. If they really down why don't they put any money into the community. Artificial boogie man? Nothing artificial about killing black people and getting a gofund me page or getting away with it. Or in most cases both.
Damn it feels strange that I got to defend these folks. I am not a Greek/ JnJ / Boule. But in Detroit, MANY of the members fund summer camps, trips to amusement pars, back to school give aways, black college tours, scholarships, and other black interests.
I understand in other cities they may be on that bullshit, and for many years I thought the same. But from my personal observation it's not true. Plus the ones I know are business owners, docs, and lawyers, and they are not too far from their roots.

Killing people? Wtf. cmon man, that's some keyser soze shit there.


Rising Star

About the bucc dancing...

Shit is hilarious. They got Roland responding and looking suspect again. Its almost like this Fred Charles nigga was waiting for this...who is he, baby Tariq ? Lol. Byron Allen might hop in this next if niggas keep bringing up Comcast and ownership.

big pimp

Rising Star

And this is where Tariq loses credibility with me. Roland stands up for a sister (for whatever reason) and you start to attack him because he's an Alpha? Come on, who cares? Roland been clashing with white folks and coons for years now he's not "black enough"? He's now the enemy? Fuck outta here.....

Roland was caping for that women he came at Tariq the wrong way. Also Roland is
a card carrying Boule man. Which is not good!


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
dog u chase me around like a messy little girl. feel how u want to feel.
makes me no matter.

you fucking faggit in this thread and the others, i posted "before" you...

stop trying to deflect because youre the worst fucking kind of black man there is

as long as i see you pussy im going in

the tranny posters are more respected than your ole fraudulent bitch ass

you better to go back to your disappearing act where you log in everyday and act like you cant be found

who the fuck raised you? pieces of shit make shit


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
now it all makes sense. i notce it but was thinking maybe it was something else. but you right man 100%. he was out that thread :smh::lol:dirty shit

man that shit is beyond dirty and then he tries to post again like shit is good

talking about there is more to it.

no there isnt...you bitch nigga

somebody depended on you and disappeared for over a yr not answering your phone, emails, not posting; nothing

but the dummy didnt know we could see him logging in everyday...and i mean everyday

bitch nigga supreme


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Damn. Roland Martin is getting sonned? I don't watch him often but the times I've seen him, he was going hard at a white supremicist.. like straight sonning him. I don't watch enough of his shit to even know.. yall saying he's Stephen A?


Rising Star
marketing ur product on the back of a dead black girl though?

There are black people who wonder why that girl was killed, but do not have any real answers as to why. Yes, Tariq is marketing his product. But imho, it's time for black ppl to wake up. For many, hidden colors is the 1st step to seeing the matrix for the very first time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

About the bucc dancing...

Shit is hilarious. They got Roland responding and looking suspect again. Its almost like this Fred Charles nigga was waiting for this...who is he, baby Tariq ? Lol. Byron Allen might hop in this next if niggas keep bringing up Comcast and ownership.

Roland need to throw in the the towel, this Fred cat is killing him. I don't think Roland is a coon but he knows who "butters his bread" at the end of the day so he can't go all the way in like Tariq does on national t.v. Hopefully Roland and Tariq can hash this out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate to watch these two go at each other. Let's not disparage Roland one of the few who sacrificed his salary and career for his principles.
Yeah I was gonna say man......for these dudes to be so pro black they sure enjoy watching two brotha's go at each other. I'm more ashamed of Roland and Tariq.....ya'll are men. I'm sure y'all are very aware each other. They letting people from the outside put batteries in their back and go at each other.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
It's one thing to go up against a white supremacist. It's another thing when you're in a slave ship trying to get out and the negro next to you is starting conflict with you. That's why niggas REALLY hate each other when conflict arises.

"Nigga, these crackas got their foot on our necks, but you wanna start some shit with ME!??"

Makes you wanna damn near kill a nigga when that shit happens.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn. Frederick straight OWNED Roland.

I guess if the internet was around back then we'd be talkin shit about Malcolm. "That nigga all of a sudden concious?! He ain't nothin but a hustler! Now he supposed to be all muslim and shit?"

As far as Tariq goes he can make all the money off Hidden Colors he wants. Only thing that matters is...is the product of value to you? is it worth the price? Because if it is then he's not scamming anybody so why the complaint?

Now if he was married to a white woman...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The danger of social media and how it makes the population dumber is that information is presented with a certain amount of characters and no corroboration.

Anybody can say anything and you have a segment of the population that is just disgruntled and will take it as the truth with no consideration of context or fact.

social media is the new playing the dozens.....



International Member
man that shit is beyond dirty and then he tries to post again like shit is good

talking about there is more to it.

no there isnt...you bitch nigga

somebody depended on you and disappeared for over a yr not answering your phone, emails, not posting; nothing

but the dummy didnt know we could see him logging in everyday...and i mean everyday

bitch nigga supreme
yes that's why I pm'd him a question cause I saw he was online.

But he never replied. If u can log in, u can reply period. Sad Shit. Thought homie was cool. At least be a man about it. Smh

And as far as Tariq promoting his movies. It's not like the movies are comedies or some shit like that. It's about the same Shit what's going on today. So him promoting it I have no problem with that.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Tariq a Damn FOOL

Just listen to his podcast that Nigga said yaw know how petty I can get

Don't make me get a tap dancing stuttering puppet and cut the neck off...

