The Coon Catalogue


BGOL Investor
HK Edgerton


:smh: 1:40 - 2:00
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This fuck nigga also ran for Governor in Alabama as a Democrat and then later moved to DC and switched to Republican!:smh::smh::smh:

He also spoke out against Obamacare as a DEMOCRAT.:smh::smh::smh:

He also voted to end Casino gambling in Shorter,Al which employed hundreds of black people and basically was the economic life bread of the city.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Seems most of these "coons" are financially and socially compensated by mainstream culture. Is that the key? Getting the acceptance from CACs you always needed to behave and think as a brown skinned CAC ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well the whole situation with him simpin for Chelsea Handler and her shitting on him and also claiming she called somethin in the area of a ni**ger and sayin he doesn't deserve to be with her and him not defending himself qualifies him as a coon IMO.

Maybe went too far with him but that whole Barney's shit was suspect.

The Gwyneth Paltrow thing with her twitting ''Real Niggaz in Paris'' while on stage with Jay and Kanye and Nas saying she gets a pass for sayin the shit, i hate to say it because he's one of my favorite rappers and i consider him the GOAT but that was some coon shit.

1) If 50 cent didn't address it, it could be something they planned...I don't know...

2)Money over morals. When money is involved, sadly the only color that matters is green.

3)I didn't have an issue with Paltrow tweeting that. It's the name of the song. It was like getting food poisoned in a restaurant, then blaming the customer instead of the chef.


1) If 50 cent didn't address it, it could be something they planned...I don't know...

2)Money over morals. When money is involved, sadly the only color that matters is green.

3)I didn't have an issue with Paltrow tweeting that. It's the name of the song. It was like getting food poisoned in a restaurant, then blaming the customer instead of the chef.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
source: Medaite

Ken Blackwell Blames UCSB Shootings on Same-Sex Marriage


Well, someone was gonna do it, and it might as well be Family Research Council scholar Ken Blackwell.

Blackwell discussed the recent UCSB shootings during a radio interview with FRC president Tony Perkins (of course), and suggested that, of all things, marriage equality was responsible for Elliot Rodger’s rampage last week that left seven people dead. Blackwell, the former Republican mayor of Cincinnati, blamed the shootings on “the teaching of sexual roles and the development of human sexuality in our culture.

“When these fundamental institutions are attacked and destroyed and weakened and abandoned, you get what we are now seeing, and that is a flood of disturbed people in our society that are causing great pain,” he continued.

He also hinted that America didn’t want to have the conversation about how gay marriage is turning kids into psychopaths, and instead turn to “blaming the Second Amendment, or blaming knives, or blaming cars… This is a convenient way of avoiding what is the root cause.”

Listen below via Washington Watch with Tony Perkins:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Brother Blues

Deceased - Nov. 4, 2015
BGOL Legend
Jason Bullock...


Despite a collection of seemingly racist rants about 'negros,' slavery and 'picking cotton,' not everyone thinks Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy is a racist, and one of the people defending the one-time far-right-wing folk hero is one of his bodyguards - who happens to be black.

Jason Bullock has been at Bundy's side since his battle with the federal government began heating up in late March. According to Bullock, the man he's come to know over the last month is not a racist.

In fact, Bullock says he would take a bullet for Bundy.





Dear Thurgood Marshall Jr, Why Are You On The Board Of Directors For CCA?


By Kim Moore

This serves as both an open letter to Thurgood Marshall Jr, a PSA for those who didn’t know about his appointment to CCA and a reminder about mass incarceration, and the overrepresentation of black men in prison.

It came as a complete and utter shock to discover yesterday that Thurgood Marshall Jr, son of former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and lawyer best known for his victory in Brown v. Board of Education, sits on the Board of Directors for the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the largest private prison owning company in the United States.

“What’s the big deal?” you ask? Well, in order to understand the irony we must look at the incarceration rates of black men, private prisons and CCA.

We’ve heard the informative and compelling words of Michelle Alexander many times over the last couple of years as she has stated, “Today there are more African-Americans under correctional control — in prison or jail, on probation or parole — than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began. There are millions of African-Americans now cycling in and out of prisons and jails or under correctional control.”

African Americans only account for 13.6% of the U.S. population, but 40 percent of the vast prison population (over 2.5 million) is black. In 2010, black males were incarcerated at the rate of 4,347 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents of the same race and gender, compared to 678 inmates per 100,000 for white males. The disparities in the prison population are absolutely devastating, especially when factoring in that the majority of the individuals in U.S. prisons are guilty of minor drug offenses.

What role does CCA play in all of this?

CCA is the largest private prison owning company in the United States and has amassed a fortune (reportedly earning $1.7 billion a year) by incarcerating people of color, namely African Americans. CCA has had so much success that in 2012 they sent proposal letters to prison officials in 48 states offering to purchase and manage public prisons at a substantial cost savings to the states. In exchange for their purchase, the proposal states that the prisons must include 1,000 beds and states must agree to maintain a 90% occupancy rate in the privately run prisons for the term of the contract, 20 years.

How does one ensure a 90% occupancy rate for 20 years? How is this ethical? WHO will be among the 90%? Looking at the current laws that increase our prison populations, the laws that ensure occupancy rates (three-strikes law) and our failed war on drugs and unjust sentencing, we can ascertain that a large percent of that occupancy rate will consist of black men.

According to the Illinois Disproportionate Justice Impact Study Commission, in some states, like Illinois, African Americans are eight times more likely to be incarcerated for a petty drug offense than white people, even though African Americans and white people consume and distribute drugs at similar rates.

At this point I’m not sure what’s more disturbing, the fact that Thurgood Marshall Jr has been on CCA’s board since 2003 or his statement in 2004 regarding his father in which he said, “I also like to think of his legacy as one of encouraging lawyers of every color to contribute their skills to society.” I wasn’t aware that this meant using your skills to contribute to the mass incarceration of black men throughout the U.S. As an attorney, and one whose father helped set the tone for civil rights, I would think this meant using your skills to help fight AGAINST the prison industrial complex and the devastating toll it’s taken on the black family, not aid it.

Having all this information, carrying your fathers last name and legacy, I must ask, are you betting on or against black men?



BGOL Legend
i understand this faggot is some of you guys hero...:rolleyes:

but when he kept trying to throw Obama under the bus while he was campaigning for president in 2008, he showed his coon markings.

fuck this douche nozzle.



Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Tell you what fam, write up and post some info & links in this thread where our President did some coon acts and I'll link it to my original post in this thread.

Exhibit A.


i understand this faggot is some of you guys hero...:rolleyes:

but when he kept trying to throw Obama under the bus while he was campaigning for president in 2008, he showed his coon markings.

fuck this douche nozzle.



You sir are a fucking clown.

It was Obama's bitch ass that threw Rev. Wright under the bus after 20 years of service ( along with fat Oprah ) and completely denied even knowing him.

Meanwhile Fox News and others continued to take shot after shot at the war veteran.

Afterwards Obama threw black men underneath the bus ( a pattern throughout his terms ) with that father's Day bullshit.

I swear niggas to this day get wetter for Obama than bitches at a Breezy concert.