Once again, I have to clear up a lot of shit. i wonder sometimes what show some niggas watched. I know the love affair with Stringer Bell is large, but some of you have rose-colored glasses for that nigga.
Which lines, or slang from the wire have been added to your vocabulary?
is there a character that you emulate?
All the vocab. Too many phrases to name.
i think you all need to revisit the show again.
d'angelo already rejected the state's proffer at brianna's behest.
he was going to carry the years and looked forward to a new life. more free on the inside than on the outside, remember?
there was no reason for stringer to green light d'angelo other than stringer bell was pussy.
for those of you that recall season 1, it was stringer bell's stupidity that cost little man his life too.
See, I agree that Dee wasn't flipping, but I agree with Stringer's call to kill that nigga. That was one call he made that was right. Only because you gotta look at it from Stringer's angle. Avon and Bre were his fam, so they had a bias. Dee had already flipped once and gave up murders and Weebay. Dee had cut off his girl and his son. Now, we as the audience had the benefit of seeing that Dee was rebuilding his life, but they didn't. I agree with the killing.
Yep. Stringer was responsible for Little Man's death. He made that call on his own to kill Orlando and get that money. Had he run it by Avon (or someone with sense), they would've told his greedy ass where the fuck would Orlando come up with 30K when he was crying for bail money just last week?
So why were their profits up 9% after the towers fell?
Let me ask you something.
Do you think that would have held?
If they kept making profits and had better dope, how long do you think it would have been before Marlo muscled his way in?
OK, lemme explain the profit shit. The Barksdale organization had 6 towers, but weak product at probably a higher price. They gave up 3 towers, but got a better product at probably a cheaper price. They were able to step on this better product more and stretch it out and sell more. You can make more G-packs out of the Prop Joe heroin than you could from that ATL shit (which is why Stringer was telling the dude in the copy shop to put 3 to 1 of the raw).
So that means they could buy less pure while making the same revenue (losing half because there's less towers).
As for the wholesale vs retail, that's a different argument. Unless you're moving big weight, wholesale don't make you shit. Now, Stringer was the only Westside nigga in the co-op, so all the rest of the dealers got their dope from independents at inflated prices (Marlo did some wholesaling too). Theoretically, Stringer could wholesale to the whole west side and isolate himself letting someone like Bodie run his own retail with only a tangible affliation to Stringer. There's not much profit margin in wholesaling especially when Stringer isn't directly connected.
How much do you think Prop Joe added to the price Spiros was giving him? I'm sure he added an extra 5K at least, telling the co-op it was 76K a key. Now how much do you think Stringer could turn around and wholesale that for? 80K? 90K? So he makes a profit of 5-10K per key. Now if you bought that key and stepped on it 3 to 1, you can get 160 G-packs out of that which is equiv to 160K. Look at your profit margin there. Of course, with retail comes more operational expenses, more people to pay, more risk, etc. Stringer wasn't looking out for the best interests of the whole organization, just himself (and maybe Avon), basically the niggas at the top. There would be no need for a Bodie Season 1 level nigga. Niggas would be out of jobs.
Season 3, Episode 12
Avon Barksdale, and I quote
"Man, String was right about this sht man, that ngga was right....FCK Marlo..........Fck this fcking war............all this beef, over a couple of fcking corners.........
Avon was nothing more than a sad nigga who lost his friend. The same was McNulty was sad after Kima got shot. And then he got right back in the game. Just like Avon was ready to get back at Marlo.