The official ** KEVIN SAMUELS ** discussion thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
literally everyone and they moma watches those movies. that ain't saying shit in popular culture.

Watching and quoting and naming characters from a show are two different things. My momma calls the Hulk the green one and she was around for the Incredible Hulk show! He knows Infinity Ultron his powers and motives from the What If... show. Diehards are the only ones watching that show. I don't want to make it seem like this is a bad thing either, just an observation, not trying to take any shine away from the man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He would do better to write his thoughts out first and kinda read off of them. Good social commentary he just seems to trip over his words or repeats points he made 30 seconds ago. Curious if he does the same thing with his comedy. Kinda like the Kings Speech where homie would stutter while having a conversation, but not while singing. When you know what you're talking about before you talk it, it is more coherent.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Watching and quoting and naming characters from a show are two different things. My momma calls the Hulk the green one and she was around for the Incredible Hulk show! He knows Infinity Ultron his powers and motives from the What If... show. Diehards are the only ones watching that show. I don't want to make it seem like this is a bad thing either, just an observation, not trying to take any shine away from the man.

and how old is she?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This chick seems phony

Must agree I’ll take the chick on the phone. The other woman is what we see on IG all day. She dolls herself up to make a video. Shirt is unzip as well, imo the real woman don’t even be on social media. They to busy running a household while working a 9-5. Unfortunately we will never go back to the time without social media.


Truth Teller
This chick seems phony
Why do you say that?
She is..15 year marriage down the drain. If she believed in the shit she posts she wouldn't be divorced. Chick piggy backing off Kevin Samuels to build her channel. If she wasn't pretty no one would be paying attention. The same for that Dee Dee chick.
Must agree I’ll take the chick on the phone. The other woman is what we see on IG all day. She dolls herself up to make a video. Shirt is unzip as well, imo the real woman don’t even be on social media. They to busy running a household while working a 9-5. Unfortunately we will never go back to the time without social media.
She's 100% trying to ride the wave.

I saw her on another podcast, and when she was being pressed by women, she back tracked and changed her tune a tad.
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A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She is..15 year marriage down the drain. If she believed in the shit she posts she wouldn't be divorced. Chick piggy backing off Kevin Samuels to build her channel. If she wasn't pretty no one would be paying attention. The same for that Dee Dee chick.
My exact assessment


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I was down with the video until this motherfcuker started talking! He took ONE example and then said womEn, not modern women, a generation of women. Just straight women. Calling women cowards, weak, etc... This motherfcuker is the cat that women use that line; 'who hurt you in your past...' It doesn't make sense to select this ONE person and then just railroad all women like that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This only applies to ppl with no foundation or morals. That being said, any guy who is with a woman with no foundation is due to he lacks lacks foundation himself. Bottom feeders attract bottom feeders its the law of nature.

Ppl with foundation don’t look at the world thru their innate animalistic senses. These kind of ppl live in and view the world thru a creed that has been ingrained in their subconscious to the point they don’t even think about it. I.E. like a kid who sticks his/her hand in fire learns that flames burn skin. The kid now views the world with an understanding of fire. The child knows not to put his/her hands in fire unless the child wants to burn it’s skin.- this becomes the child’s creed as far as fire is concerned.
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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor