The official ** KEVIN SAMUELS ** discussion thread


Rising Star
OG Investor

Man folks knock this man but he drops knowledge for life.

The company I work for have been trying to get me over to the sales side for five years and I'm finally going to make the plunge.

I had the revelation that sales isn't about the product but the relationships you establish with people.

His example of not spending the 5k per month is eye opening.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I had the revelation that sales isn't about the product but the relationships you establish with people.

When it comes to managing your book of business, have a process that promotes talking to them periodically and providing info.

When it comes to selling to the customer, if you can illustrate how what you're selling fits into their established day to day and how it benefits them, you've done your job.

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Modern woman doesn't want to work hard. She wants a "soft life" of "ease" , comfort" and "slow living".

Some women bought into the "I don't need a man" now they are having buyers remorse. They don't want to get out here and compete.

I think more Sisters will begin to wake up and realize they were sold a pack of lies.

Video is just 4 minutes long, she does a good job expressing herself.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Is he switching cameras himself?!?!

I gave three examples of women who argue a couple of pages back...I think she was one of the women IN THE VIDEO!!! But she is the type who comes in with her opinion(s) doesn't have a lot of facts to back her points up, but is willing to listen and have a conversation. She has her emotions in check and doesn't let them run her conversation.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Modern woman doesn't want to work hard. She wants a "soft life" of "ease" , comfort" and "slow living".

Some women bought into the "I don't need a man" now they are having buyers remorse. They don't want to get out here and compete.

I think more Sisters will begin to wake up and realize they were sold a pack of lies.

Video is just 4 minutes long, she does a good job expressing herself.

This is normal, when you're younger you have this drive, men and women. As you get older you slow down. There is a saying: "Those who can, do. Those you can't teach." What that means when you're younger men in a tribe would be the ones in the frontlines in wars, they would be the ones on the hunt, while the elders of that tribe are LEADING. This is why there aren't any "young" generals, nature tells you once your time in the sun is up you have to pass on that information you have accumulated to your offspring to make them better. Now go under that porch and die!

Equality (which I am all for) is GREAT when you're 18-25, but the minute that drive is no longer there for women they aren't equipped mentally, emotionally or physically to keep that grind pace up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He started talking about that laser to burn off eyelashes my brain immediately went here:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

As I watch a lot of KS gave me insight on how these women think. I don’t interact with the amount of different women KS does on a weekly basis. I don’t think KS has came to the conclusion, that women don’t have to subscribe to his ideology. They don’t have to settle down or submit to a man. She can get a man instantly all day long. They know this…Kevin is asking them to give up every option and settle down with one average person yeah right.

If you flip it and a man becomes wealthy (Diddy) and some psychologists is telling him to settle down with one woman. He would say you out your mind all these women in different states fucking not going to happen.If men had women hollering, flying them out, paying for every date and willing to take care of them for the rest of their life. We would never ever think we the problem.. then if all else fails the family court system will save them.

JLo is a prime example of this effect, she was deem JHoe still got married had kids. Got divorced and Ben was right there to scoop her back up.
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
As I watch a lot of KS gave me insight on how these women think. I don’t interact with the amount of different women KS does on a weekly basis. I don’t think KS has came to the conclusion, that women don’t have to subscribe to his ideology. They don’t have to settle down or submit to a man. She can get a man instantly all day long. They know this…Kevin is asking them to give up every option and settle down with one average person yeah right.

If you flip it and a man becomes wealthy (Diddy) and some psychologists is telling him to settle down with one woman. He would say you out your mind all these women in different states fucking not going to happen.If men had women hollering, flying them out, paying for every date and willing to take care of them for the rest of their life. We would never ever think we the problem.. then if all else fails the family court system will save them.

JLo is a prime example of this effect, she was deem JHoe still got married had kids. Got divorced and Ben was right there to scoop her back up.

Is it more subscribing to his ideology or challenging theirs?

He has an ideology and no person ever can get it right 100% of the time because shit is always changing in society.

However, we can challenge how a person sees the world and offer new perspectives. That’s usually my approach.

KS insist upon himself at this point because he can control the narrative of his platform. I agree with you. Women are going to do what they want to do regardless of what we think. There will always be a sucker for love. Always.

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I watch a lot of KS gave me insight on how these women think. I don’t interact with the amount of different women KS does on a weekly basis. I don’t think KS has came to the conclusion, that women don’t have to subscribe to his ideology. They don’t have to settle down or submit to a man. She can get a man instantly all day long. They know this…Kevin is asking them to give up every option and settle down with one average person yeah right.

If you flip it and a man becomes wealthy (Diddy) and some psychologists is telling him to settle down with one woman. He would say you out your mind all these women in different states fucking not going to happen.If men had women hollering, flying them out, paying for every date and willing to take care of them for the rest of their life. We would never ever think we the problem.. then if all else fails the family court system will save them.

JLo is a prime example of this effect, she was deem JHoe still got married had kids. Got divorced and Ben was right there to scoop her back up.
Jlo a good looking rich woman is ur example to average/below average women?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I watch a lot of KS gave me insight on how these women think. I don’t interact with the amount of different women KS does on a weekly basis. I don’t think KS has came to the conclusion, that women don’t have to subscribe to his ideology. They don’t have to settle down or submit to a man. She can get a man instantly all day long. They know this…Kevin is asking them to give up every option and settle down with one average person yeah right.

If you flip it and a man becomes wealthy (Diddy) and some psychologists is telling him to settle down with one woman. He would say you out your mind all these women in different states fucking not going to happen.If men had women hollering, flying them out, paying for every date and willing to take care of them for the rest of their life. We would never ever think we the problem.. then if all else fails the family court system will save them.

JLo is a prime example of this effect, she was deem JHoe still got married had kids. Got divorced and Ben was right there to scoop her back up.

I mean you're comparing these rinky-dink men and women to titans of their industry in J-Lo and Diddy! They can move freely like that, we cannot. A woman making 50g's in Arizona with 2 kids cannot command the men that J-Lo can. What did Jay-Z say; 'There is no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I'm cute!' Do you think he is pulling Beyonce without his money and fame EVEN IF Beyonce was also just a regular broad? That motherfcuker looks like a camel he needs to stay in his lane as far as looks are concerned if he was an average dude. Peter Dinklage can get a broad that is a supermodel for this very reason.

They don't have subscribe to his ideology, but they have to live it when the men they're looking for aren't giving them the time of day cause they have lived out of sync. Getting kids and then trying to get married is not the way to go! And the type of dude these broads are calling in saying they're looking has options...better options than them. If I am making six figures, own a home, drive luxury cars, take vacations in exotic locations, got a big 'ol know your basic BGOL member. Why am I picking broad making 50g's with a kid? Let's flip it 300lbs dude, out of shape, garbage car, renting in a bad neighborhood, 40g's a year. He's not pulling a 7 or higher, if he gets a 5 he needs to hold on to her! Your higher value gets your flaws overlooked


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean you're comparing these rinky-dink men and women to titans of their industry in J-Lo and Diddy! They can move freely like that, we cannot. A woman making 50g's in Arizona with 2 kids cannot command the men that J-Lo can. What did Jay-Z say; 'There is no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I'm cute!' Do you think he is pulling Beyonce without his money and fame EVEN IF Beyonce was also just a regular broad? That motherfcuker looks like a camel he needs to stay in his lane as far as looks are concerned if he was an average dude. Peter Dinklage can get a broad that is a supermodel for this very reason.

They don't have subscribe to his ideology, but they have to live it when the men they're looking for aren't giving them the time of day cause they have lived out of sync. Getting kids and then trying to get married is not the way to go! And the type of dude these broads are calling in saying they're looking has options...better options than them. If I am making six figures, own a home, drive luxury cars, take vacations in exotic locations, got a big 'ol know your basic BGOL member. Why am I picking broad making 50g's with a kid? Let's flip it 300lbs dude, out of shape, garbage car, renting in a bad neighborhood, 40g's a year. He's not pulling a 7 or higher, if he gets a 5 he needs to hold on to her! Your higher value gets your flaws overlooked

Off looks alone.. A guy whose a 0 can pull a 10.
Depends on what you consider to be a 1 or a 10.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jlo a good looking rich woman is ur example to average/below average women?

No sir..I reference Jlo because we all know her story, theirs plenty non rich women that look better than Jlo. The chick in the video is bad, men will line up one by one to go out with her. Even below average women with kids get attention. This is why when KS brought up Lizzo even the Jamaican chick was like Lizzo is dope. Lizzo feel entitled because overall us men and women have gas her head up.

At my job these women are on cloud nine saying all types of off the wall nonsense. Got guts/rolls/kids and cats still trying to take them out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean you're comparing these rinky-dink men and women to titans of their industry in J-Lo and Diddy! They can move freely like that, we cannot. A woman making 50g's in Arizona with 2 kids cannot command the men that J-Lo can. What did Jay-Z say; 'There is no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I'm cute!' Do you think he is pulling Beyonce without his money and fame EVEN IF Beyonce was also just a regular broad? That motherfcuker looks like a camel he needs to stay in his lane as far as looks are concerned if he was an average dude. Peter Dinklage can get a broad that is a supermodel for this very reason.

They don't have subscribe to his ideology, but they have to live it when the men they're looking for aren't giving them the time of day cause they have lived out of sync. Getting kids and then trying to get married is not the way to go! And the type of dude these broads are calling in saying they're looking has options...better options than them. If I am making six figures, own a home, drive luxury cars, take vacations in exotic locations, got a big 'ol know your basic BGOL member. Why am I picking broad making 50g's with a kid? Let's flip it 300lbs dude, out of shape, garbage car, renting in a bad neighborhood, 40g's a year. He's not pulling a 7 or higher, if he gets a 5 he needs to hold on to her! Your higher value gets your flaws overlooked

What I was trying to say take an average woman, she doesn’t have to walk the same path that a man has to in life. If a man took 3 different women out on the weekend. He spent a lot of money on 3 different women. A woman can go out with 5 different men on the weekend and spend nothing.

Our reality and her reality isn’t the same. If she wants to trap or have a kid she can easily see Brittany…only referencing Brittany because you wouldn’t know the average chicks I know who actually did this shit. For child support good looking women too. So now it’s a been there done that mentality. Got my kid out the way we don’t need dad, because another man will step up to the plate.

Some women have marriage on their bucket list, then file for divorce once again been their done that mentality. They don’t have to earn their stripes through life. I never heard a woman say I got to get my shit together.

A man isn’t that entitled through life…with what you said about the guy making 40g in a bad neighborhood. He better hold on to the 5 forever and stay in his lane. Then why don’t woman knowing they outnumber us and theirs not enough men to marry for each woman in the world. To grab the first train smoking? Women aren’t rushing to get married they just trying to have fun and get ran through.

As long as us men our validating these women by hitting the like button or flying trough their dm. They will never change we as men are starting to wake up though. Even myself if I’m bringing the whole table then what I need you for. I’ll stay in my kingdom and spurge on me. My last thing is with the chick in the green on the video. She said she dated high value men. Why she not married? she can easily get married the reason she not is because she doesn’t want to give up all her options for one man.

” Why run down the hill and fuck one sheep, when you can walk down and fuck them all” -Colors


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Is it more subscribing to his ideology or challenging theirs?

He has an ideology and no person ever can get it right 100% of the time because shit is always changing in society.

However, we can challenge how a person sees the world and offer new perspectives. That’s usually my approach.

KS insist upon himself at this point because he can control the narrative of his platform. I agree with you. Women are going to do what they want to do regardless of what we think. There will always be a sucker for love. Always.
True, but will there be a sucker for marriage? So many of these broads are not Jlo level and can't get it all. KS is right, most of them will die alone. Nobody is scooping up 35 year old women with multiple baby daddy's.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True, but will there be a sucker for marriage? So many of these broads are not Jlo level and can't get it all. KS is right, most of them will die alone. Nobody is scooping up 35 year old women with multiple baby daddy's.

You've got to be clear when your expressing that.
A plethora of men are scooping them up. And a shit load of men are tryna marry hoes that are fat ugly and have beaucoup kids.

It's just not the pool of guys they feel they should be "settling for".