The official ** KEVIN SAMUELS ** discussion thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Content creator used in the very first post of this thread actually meets Kevin Samuel in person.

I mean I could be wrong but the energy here is NOT the same as the energy in the above video! Doubt this will be up for long...using Randy Orton catchphrases and shyt Apex Predator my ass!

"Find me on the strip"...does he know how LONG the strip is?!?! Someone is supposed to find a single person?! The FCUK!
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

I mean I could be wrong but the energy here is NOT the same as the energy in the above video! Doubt this will be up for long...using Randy Orton catchphrases and shyt Apex Predator my ass!

"Find me on the strip"...does he know how LONG the strip is?!?! Someone is supposed to find a single person?! The FCUK!

Another fucking clown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See man this is MY mutant ability sniffing out these phony motherfcukers that keep asking you for your hard earned money just so you can (super)chat with them?!?! Whut part of the game is that!? "Like and subscribe to my channel!"

An African American museum in practically every major metropolitan area, but I need YOUR money to open another one that's gonna be HIDDEN!!!

Nah, we not gonna empower parents to be better teachers to their children so they won't see themselves as less than to their white counterparts. Or make sure they're equipped to go into higher education or the workforce to have knowledge of self and know where they come from. The ancestors said I need YOUR money for the Pan African Frederick's BlackStar School of Black Thought. I need YOUR money for the Pan African Frederick's BlackStar School of Black Thought. I need YOUR money for the Pan African Frederick's BlackStar School of Black Thought.

These music videos got you men and women fcuked up thinking life is about what you see in these videos. You got 5 kids from two different fathers, stop trying to get your back blown out and raise them fcuking kids. Women don't owe you SHYT!!! Stop thinking that they do! You look like a gremlin, find you a broad that looks like a gremlin too and make little gremlin babies and be thankful that she allows you to mount her ugly ass! Or work on yourself so you look like a buff gremlin.

Peace to the Winners and the Losers, cause I reach everybody. Those that win in life and those that lose...except for me cause I win at everything. I even call myself my favorite Walking Dead character <code switch> The Guvnor </code switch> I made millions off of a software that nobody's heard of <code switch> ya heard! </code switch> I started a beef with a <code switch>muhfucka</code switch> and then once I saw him getting celebrities on his platform I QUICKLY came to my senses and thought if I can't beat them <code switch>minus whale</code switch> join them

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
This makes me wonder who these videos are made for.

I dont think I have had a woman say I was too nice since....maybe freshman/sophmore year in college? Where are grown men even seeing these chicks who think like that?
In truth if you carry yourself at a higher level its like you have a cloaking device on that shields you from such women.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Okay these cats are getting embolden now! Kevin fighting for the average dude and the average dude is coming out of the woodwork making videos about "nice guys"!! Huge Hype Man energy coming from these dudes. Why is it always Steve Urkel is the face of the Nice Guy? Steve was a pest! He wasn't a nice guy! This motherfcuker just WALKED into his Chicago, IL neighbors house at ANY time of day and Carl was a cop, pull that shyt on a regular homeowner and you will get shot. Technically Carl was justified to shoot him at any time. On more than one occasion ruined the Winslow's house, cars and vacations. Sure he wouldn't have beat or cheated on Laura, but calling him nice is a stretch!

You can tell the women who didn't have fathers or their fathers was taking a backseat to their mothers.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Look if that is your religious beliefs of no sex before marriage. I respect that, numerous women have told me that and NEVER stuck to it. I was dating with a purpose. If we are compatible emotionally then those panties are gonna have to come off cause I am not waiting around to find out if we're compatible sexually. Find out on your honeymoon that you don't like sucking dyck...brotha will get that shyt annulled with the quickness.

Also with the picture she chose to use she needs to say that she can suck a golf ball through a straw!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This makes me wonder who these videos are made for.

I dont think I have had a woman say I was too nice since....maybe freshman/sophmore year in college? Where are grown men even seeing these chicks who think like that?
Women don’t ACTUALLY say you’re too nice unless they aren’t attracted to you on any level and you’re trying to get out of the friend zone. They rarely break with guys with those words; what they do is take for granted everything you do for them and cheat on you with someone who’s done zero, zilch for them but offer dick. THAT is how saying “you’re too nice” is done.

:(Well, you was always working!!! You never wanted to go out or do fun things!”

That means just text me, get high or drunk with me, pull my hair and let me go home the Nigga paying my car payment. THAT is what “too nice” means. You should have treated me like the whore that I am, instead you tried to domesticate me. Being told you’re too nice if you’re fucking fault after the second bitch says it to you or shows you that you are.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Women don’t ACTUALLY say you’re too nice unless they aren’t attracted to you on any level and you’re trying to get out of the friend zone. They rarely break with guys with those words; what they do is take for granted everything you do for them and cheat on you with someone who’s done zero, zilch for them but offer dick. THAT is how saying “you’re too nice” is done.

:(Well, you was always working!!! You never wanted to go out or do fun things!”

That means just text me, get high or drunk with me, pull my hair and let me go home the Nigga paying my car payment. THAT is what “too nice” means. You should have treated me like the whore that I am, instead you tried to domesticate me. Being told you’re too nice if you’re fucking fault after the second bitch says it to you or shows you that you are.

Do you think these rules are only for black people? I’ve dated outside my race..Spanish/Ethiopian/ Italian.. they don’t move like this, they wear their heart on their sleeves.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It ls interesting how many different videos there are this topic.

Dawg, have you seen the flood of YouTubers and Twitch...ers? Like folks are DONE with a 9-5, just sitting in their house making reaction videos or playing video games. I had to abandon a Google account cause of all the shyt my kids would watch would bleed into my news feed.


Outside of the shytty cabinets this motherfcukers has, these folks can just splice in a couple of TikTok videos give a reaction to them and let the algorithm work its magic. How many views has he got for this one video off of BGOL alone? I know I watched it twice (the second to get the screenshot) so this could be a nice little side hustle.