The official ** KEVIN SAMUELS ** discussion thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I couldn't help myself...

It's like Todd Bridges and Andersen Silva had a baby together

He likes to throw hands...have you ever seen someone who "fights"?!?! Their knuckles have a darkness to them... THIS MOTHERFCUKERS KNUCKLEES ARE AS LIGHT AS HIS FACE!!!! The few fights I have been in I have the darkness around my knuckles.

Yep, more sucking of his own dyck: "I paid thousands of dollars for..." "When security got there and realized it was me, they didn't want to put their hands on me.." "I discarded her, and she came back. Also I have MANY stories about MANY women coming back after I have discarded them."

Peep some of the shyt he says in between these stories he tells. It's always; "I got what you WISH you had!"

So wait if men are comfortable not following trends...sagging pants...skinny jeans...sagging WITH skinny jeans...them empty pop can, Brian Pumper chains you got around your neck!!!!

Wait, is he lightening his skin?!?! That initial video seems like he was darker than this one. This motherfcuker is gonna be looking like Sammy Sosa in a few years!

He dines at 5 star restaurants, but he is going to a restaurant NEXT FCUKING DOOR TO A STRIP CLUB?!?!?! Now I am no Mayor of Vegas, but restaurants near strip clubs usually aren't 5 stars.


You can't trust this motherfcuker man! This dude is a snake! Women wear makeup, they get those eyelashes, etc... but he is lightening his skin?

...the video is called "Why WOMEN Should NEVER Take Advice from WOMEN" this has been 45min of watching him suck his own dyck like he is David Cross from Scary Movie 2

I can't do anymore 50min of this now I gotta go wake my kids up and beat them for some shyt they didn't do, punch my wife and do some heroin...and I STILL wouldn't be as big of a piece of shyt as him!!!!!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait, is he lightning his skin?!?! That initial video seems like he was darker that this one. This motherfcuker is gonna be looking like Sammy Sosa in a few years!


You can't trust this motherfcuker man! This dude is a snake! Women wear makeup, they get those eyelashes, etc... but he is lightning his skin?

"But @0utsyder, it's probably the lighting..." What is he sitting in front of the sun!!!! And don't blame that shyt on the seasons changing. Cause during the summer I used to ride my bike to and from work, so I am familiar with seasons changing complexion. This motherfcuker is in full Sosa mode!!!

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I couldn't help myself...

It's like Todd Bridges and Andersen Silva had a baby together

He likes to throw hands...have you ever seen someone who "fights"?!?! Their knuckles have a darkness to them... THIS MOTHERFCUKERS KNUCKLEES ARE AS LIGHT AS HIS FACE!!!! The few fights I have been in I have the darkness around my knuckles.

Yep, more sucking of his own dyck: "I paid thousands of dollars for..." "When security got there and realized it was me, they didn't want to put their hands on me.." "I discarded her, and she came back. Also I have MANY stories about MANY women coming back after I have discarded them."

Peep some of the shyt he says in between these stories he tells. It's always; "I got what you WISH you had!"

So wait if men are comfortable not following trends...sagging pants...skinny jeans...sagging WITH skinny jeans...them empty pop can, Brian Pumper chains you got around your neck!!!!

Wait, is he lightning his skin?!?! That initial video seems like he was darker that this one. This motherfcuker is gonna be looking like Sammy Sosa in a few years!

He dines at 5 star restaurants, but he is going to a restaurant NEXT FCUKING DOOR TO A STRIP CLUB?!?!?! Now I am no Mayor of Vegas, but restaurants near strip clubs usually aren't 5 stars.


You can't trust this motherfcuker man! This dude is a snake! Women wear makeup, they get those eyelashes, etc... but he is lightning his skin?

...the video is called "Why WOMEN Should NEVER Take Advice from WOMEN" this has been 45min of watching him suck his own dyck like he is David Cross from Scary Movie 2

I can't do anymore 50min of this now I gotta go wake my kids up and beat them for some shyt they didn't do, punch my wife and do some heroin...and I STILL wouldn't be as big of a piece of shyt as him!!!!!
:lol2: :lol2::lol2:


I hate to do this but here is a vid of him boxing



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Also he spoke on Life Insurance... Jesus, for someone that talks about how smart they are with money (can't be that smart if you're keeping penthouses around Vegas when you aren't staying in them) You don't get life insurance so that your loved ones have money in their pocket, this shyt is a poor persons mentality. You get life insurance so that your family can pay for your funeral and they don't have to setup GoFundMe pages or have a bar-b-cue. To pay off certain essential things, like a fcuking house or the family car.

If I die my wife can't afford to pay the mortgage and household bills and take care of the kids. My policy she can afford to pay off the house, sell it for a profit (cause value of real estate goes up) move to Michigan buy a house (that would be 3 times the size of the price of an Illinois house) to get help from my family to take care of my kids. Her car is paid off so she can sell that and pay off my car (family car) With something left for the kids to go to school on, THIS is what a life insurance policy is SUPPOSED to be used for.

Type of dumb shyt is this?!?! I just gave this shyt to ya'll for and subscribe to my channel!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The FCUK is Steve wearing!?!?! That shyt looks like it is called the Denim Disaster!

That Southern drawl is HARD to understand! Like she getting frustrated but she can't talk! SHE SAID "SUMMER PROGRAM"?!?! I thought she said "SUBMARINE PROGRAM"!!! Like I am thinking how are kids getting on submarines in Atlanta ain't that bytch far as fcuk from the Atlantic???

My grandfather was like this...he wasn't fcuking his cousins though...that we know of! But we end up having people showing up at my aunts and uncles houses talking about; 'I'm your new sister!' That's one of the reasons why we ended up selling my grandparents house! Too many motherfcukers knew that was Lee's house. Motherfcuker was short, but he was light skinned, had his hair slicked back and had a city job (garbage man) His ass was driving around scouting! Kept a suitcase in the trunk of his Lincoln Continental. Cats talking to my dad; 'Hey man I saw your dads car outside of the Motel over on 7mile?' (my grandmother wasn't the type to kick a man out or make him sleep on the couch so you know what that was about)

This mentality of; 'I don't need a man, I can take care of me and my kids!' Has been an issue in our community since my grandfathers time when the government was giving money to women with children as long as there wasn't a man in the house. To a lot of cats this was heaven on earth! All the sex, NONE of the responsibility. Some of these broads plan vacations better than they plan families. I understand a: 'Oops, I got pregnant by a dirtbag that I just needed some dyck and the condom broke!' That shows a level of maturity that you weren't trying to get pregnant, but letting dudes run up RAW in you and there is NOTHING making him wanting to stay is reckless as fcuk!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The FCUK is Steve wearing!?!?! That shyt looks like it is called the Denim Disaster!

That Southern drawl is HARD to understand! Like she getting frustrated but she can't talk! SHE SAID "SUMMER PROGRAM"?!?! I thought she said "SUBMARINE PROGRAM"!!! Like I am thinking how are kids getting on submarines in Atlanta ain't that bytch far as fcuk from the Atlantic???

My grandfather was like this...he wasn't fcuking his cousins though...that we know of! But we end up having people showing up at my aunts and uncles houses talking about; 'I'm your new sister!' That's one of the reasons why we ended up selling my grandparents house! Too many motherfcukers knew that was Lee's house. Motherfcuker was short, but he was light skinned, had his hair slicked back and had a city job (garbage man) His ass was driving around scouting! Kept a suitcase in the trunk of his Lincoln Continental. Cats talking to my dad; 'Hey man I saw your dads car outside of the Motel over on 7mile?' (my grandmother wasn't the type to kick a man out or make him sleep on the couch so you know what that was about)

This mentality of; 'I don't need a man, I can take care of me and my kids!' Has been an issue in our community since my grandfathers time when the government was giving money to women with children as long as there wasn't a man in the house. To a lot of cats this was heaven on earth! All the sex, NONE of the responsibility. Some of these broads plan vacations better than they plan families. I understand a: 'Oops, I got pregnant by a dirtbag that I just needed some dyck and the condom broke!' That shows a level of maturity that you weren't trying to get pregnant, but letting dudes run up RAW in you and there is NOTHING making him wanting to stay is reckless as fcuk!
Plan "B" cost $50...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Another kid glove interview, not expecting him to kick her in the face but challenge some of the things she is saying. She mentioned that men are asking women to come down in their standards, but these aren't High Value Women we're telling to come down in their standards. Average at best, should not be requiring High value. Beyonce SHOULD be with Jay-Z. A lot of women that call into his show are average at best.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

KS need to stand on his square, he doesn’t challenge these special guest like he does on his show. Which is what made him popular. Chick said I own a home, but Shane is married. She didn’t say me and my husband own a home. Which damn near implies he lives with her.

Second she kept going at need to step their game up. KS is an advocate for men, but didn’t put her in her place. Overall reminds me of the NBA if Lebron plays another superstar it’s a buddy buddy systems. When KS need to be Kobe and anybody can get regardless of who you are. She said we need to combine our audience, KS trying to get women married and back in line.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
KS need to stand on his square, he doesn’t challenge these special guest like he does on his show. Which is what made him popular. Chick said I own a home, but Shane is married. She didn’t say me and my husband own a home. Which damn near implies he lives with her.

Second she kept going at need to step their game up. KS is an advocate for men, but didn’t put her in her place. Overall reminds me of the NBA if Lebron plays another superstar it’s a buddy buddy systems. When KS need to be Kobe and anybody can get regardless of who you are. She said we need to combine our audience, KS trying to get women married and back in line.
I totally agree, seems like he’s soft with his guest but goes hard on callers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I totally agree, seems like he’s soft with his guest but goes hard on callers.

Callers don't have a large platform. I get it, I don't like it, but I get it. I am all about keeping that same energy or energy adjacent with your guests. Cause this interview did NOTHING for black men. In one episode it was women are responsible for their orgasm. This show there was no mention of that. She is a guest so he shouldn't go as hard as he does with a caller. A caller is LOWER than a guest, but he still should have challenged her.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
KS need to stand on his square, he doesn’t challenge these special guest like he does on his show. Which is what made him popular. Chick said I own a home, but Shane is married. She didn’t say me and my husband own a home. Which damn near implies he lives with her.

This! The deed on my house has my name on it, but my wife and I own OUR home

Is it me or does he seem skittish whenever he is doing these guests show with women? A lot of pausing, doesn't have stats at the ready, stammering over words, using the word "like" a lot. He didn't seem like that on Fresh n Fit and a few others, but this is how he was with Britney Rener.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This! The deed on my house has my name on it, but my wife and I own OUR home

Is it me or does he seem skittish whenever he is doing these guests show with women? A lot of pausing, doesn't have stats at the ready, stammering over words, using the word "like" a lot. He didn't seem like that on Fresh n Fit and a few others, but this is how he was with Britney Rener.

Yup it’s weird he gives off the…not use to being around pretty women vibe. He melts in the palms of their hands. And is very scared to go at them, because they may cuss him out. When he does this he gives off the fake preacher vibes. I’m not saying go cuss them out, but at least say no I don’t agree with you.

I can honestly say in that interview nothing was accomplished and I took nothing from it. I felt more that I was watching her content


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
KS need to stand on his square, he doesn’t challenge these special guest like he does on his show. Which is what made him popular. Chick said I own a home, but Shane is married. She didn’t say me and my husband own a home. Which damn near implies he lives with her.

Second she kept going at need to step their game up. KS is an advocate for men, but didn’t put her in her place. Overall reminds me of the NBA if Lebron plays another superstar it’s a buddy buddy systems. When KS need to be Kobe and anybody can get regardless of who you are. She said we need to combine our audience, KS trying to get women married and back in line.

Did he at least mention that the only reason anyone listens to anything she says is because she is cute?


Rising Star
OG Investor
KS need to stand on his square, he doesn’t challenge these special guest like he does on his show. Which is what made him popular. Chick said I own a home, but Shane is married. She didn’t say me and my husband own a home. Which damn near implies he lives with her.

Second she kept going at need to step their game up. KS is an advocate for men, but didn’t put her in her place. Overall reminds me of the NBA if Lebron plays another superstar it’s a buddy buddy systems. When KS need to be Kobe and anybody can get regardless of who you are. She said we need to combine our audience, KS trying to get women married and back in line.

She's pretty popular, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's the main bread winner in their household. I could see her statement being a problem if she only made 30k, but she's probably a millionaire.

He definitely tries to be on his best behavior when he's dealing with someone big. I can see the method to the madness. If can gain some of her followers along with Nicki Minaj's and Brittany Renner's followers, that's a lot of people. He can preach the gospel to them once they start watching his show.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's pretty popular, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's the main bread winner in their household. I could see her statement being a problem if she only made 30k, but she's probably a millionaire.

He definitely tries to be on his best behavior when he's dealing with someone big. I can see the method to the madness. If can gain some of her followers along with Nicki Minaj's and Brittany Renner's followers, that's a lot of people. He can preach the gospel to them once they start watching his show.

Making 30k or a million dollar being the breadwinner isn’t the problem. The “I” own my own home while being married is. In custody court your train to key in on words like these, women tend to use. “My” daughter or “I” pay for her food. Instead of “our” daughter or “we” buy her food.

While Shan easy cut her husband out the picture, and belittling him. Letting the world know, your not the breadwinner and you don’t own a home. If she was to call the police he would have to leave. But if the roles we’re reversed now the house becomes “theirs” or “ours”. If she welcomes someone to his house..she would say welcome to “our” house.

My point is that was a red flag and her husband, better prepare to get kick out at any given moment. As far followers KS would gain more traction if he would’ve went hard on Brittany. This is how he went viral the first time.

Brittany is famous cause she goes hard and says the most outlandish things. If KS would’ve broke her mindset and made Brittany a success story. His followers would go through the roof.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Making 30k or a million dollar being the breadwinner isn’t the problem. The “I” own my own home while being married is. In custody court your train to key in on words like these, women tend to use. “My” daughter or “I” pay for her food. Instead of “our” daughter or “we” buy her food.

While Shan easy cut her husband out the picture, and belittling him. Letting the world know, your not the breadwinner and you don’t own a home. If she was to call the police he would have to leave. But if the roles we’re reversed now the house becomes “theirs” or “ours”. If she welcomes someone to his house..she would say welcome to “our” house.

My point is that was a red flag and her husband, better prepare to get kick out at any given moment. As far followers KS would gain more traction if he would’ve went hard on Brittany. This is how he went viral the first time.

Brittany is famous cause she goes hard and says the most outlandish things. If KS would’ve broke her mindset and made Brittany a success story. His followers would go through the roof.

I would like to give her the benefit of doubt on this one and just spoke based on her husband wasn't in the conversation and that "we" wouldn't have been a pronoun used. When talking to my kids and telling them to get something out of my bedroom I use similar pronouns.

The funny thing is that the Fresh n Fit guys broke Brittany!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yup it’s weird he gives off the…not use to being around pretty women vibe. He melts in the palms of their hands. And is very scared to go at them, because they may cuss him out. When he does this he gives off the fake preacher vibes. I’m not saying go cuss them out, but at least say no I don’t agree with you.

I can honestly say in that interview nothing was accomplished and I took nothing from it. I felt more that I was watching her content

No something was accomplished, she got her point across and wasn't challenged. These cats are phony as phcuk! You can have a disagreeable conversation and keep it civil. Just cause you're on the internet doesn't mean you have to go into name calling and yelling. A simple: "I don't agree, because..."

He is super tough when these broads weigh a deuce doing Primerica and saying they want a man making 6 figures over Zoom. Let them be Fit, Feminine and Friendly. He ain't got shyt to say and gives as much input as the fcuking chair he is sitting in! She could have done this with the chair and the same point would have been accomplished.

Like I said, I get it, I don't like it, but I get it. This is only part one so there might be more after that one, but the amount of times "men" came out of her mouth versus "women" shows the direction that conversation is going.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No something was accomplished, she got her point across and wasn't challenged. These cats are phony as phcuk! You can have a disagreeable conversation and keep it civil. Just cause you're on the internet doesn't mean you have to go into name calling and yelling. A simple: "I don't agree, because..."

He is super tough when these broads weigh a deuce doing Primerica and saying they want a man making 6 figures over Zoom. Let them be Fit, Feminine and Friendly. He ain't got shyt to say and gives as much input as the fcuking chair he is sitting in! She could have done this with the chair and the same point would have been accomplished.

Like I said, I get it, I don't like it, but I get it. This is only part one so there might be more after that one, but the amount of times "men" came out of her mouth versus "women" shows the direction that conversation is going.

I’m have to wait for part 2, I may have to eat my words, yes I peep how many times she said men was crazy. I’m think KS don’t play that shit and he about to challenge her. But he folded and that type of inconsistency is the problem.

If he continues to go in this direction he’s going to lose followers. KS is far from dumb but it’s only a matter of time before people wake up and eventually stop tuning in. This is why men aren’t allowed to call in on a regular basis.

Because a man would call him out then stand up for the average woman. I don’t hate KS but I can see through that preacher stuff clearly. Where’s his wife at to show me the results of a HVM. I can’t tell you how to get a Lamborghini and I don’t have one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good show

He talked about black women from the 60-70's in smaller cities not having the mentality of women in larger cities like Detroit and Chicago...where did he think all these women came from?! PEOPLE from the South came to Detroit it wasn't just men! Then the ones that didn't make the trip they "see" (more than likely it was hearing about it) their Yankee cousins "not needing a man". Shyt is like a zombie bite in the movies. It just takes one, it rarely ever starts with thousands of zombies attacking. Richard Gere supposedly put a hamster up his ass. No video, no picture, just one person telling another person who told another and this was over 30 years before the internet! So I am not buying the South is just this bastion of black family values.

If you want to argue the malicious intent of the government sure, but to dismiss the impact that welfare had on our families is bullshyt.

But other than that, this was a good show.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Outside of Fresh n Fit, who are Trump supporters? I know KS seems to be a big Jordan Peterson fan. And I am on the fence with Jordan Peterson cause people try to paint him as this Alt-Right dude, but EVERY time someone asks him about the Alt-Right he gets heated about them using him on their platform. There are some things I agree with him on and there are some things that are bullshyt.

Men are considered low and high value amongst women though for the SAME reasons, but the problem is the men.

The BIBLE for GODsake says for women to be submissive, but you want to stop at slavery.

The problem isn't career women, it is women who put career over family. Waiting until your 30's is not how nature intended. Not to sound like a creep but 14 is what nature wants. It is possible to start a family while still in college, shyt is harder than it needs to be, but it is possible.

Kevin doesn't talk shyt for Alpha Males, that shyt isn't even his lane as limp wristed as that dude is he needs to NEVER "fight" for Alpha Males.