Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Actually, all the finishers in WWE are lame except for

Ezekiel's finisher, RKO, and Codebreaker (the way he caught Edge with it was surgical)

Agreed on all three but I'd add all of Taker's and Jack Swagger's Doctor Bomb and the GTS by CM Punk (I like moves that would work for real). Drew McIntyre uses the Kobashi DDT (I think they call it the Future Shock)and I'm a fan of Dolph Ziggler using a sleeper (bringing back the old school). I was thinking either he or Shelton should change up since they use practically the same move.


Rising Star
The RKO is one of the weakest moves out there, the setup is impressive but the impact sucks.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The RKO is one of the weakest moves out there, the setup is impressive but the impact sucks.

It's Randy's execution. He rips off a lot of other guys moves but doesn't do any of them all as well (he found a way to make the Garvin Stomp look boring).

Horrible ending to Impact! Fire Russo and give Bisch 6 more months.


Rising Star
It's Randy's execution. He rips off a lot of other guys moves but doesn't do any of them all as well (he found a way to make the Garvin Stomp look boring).

Horrible ending to Impact! Fire Russo and give Bisch 6 more months.

Raw was pretty good but impact was awful. It's funny how anderson doesn't look injury prone anymore (orton), and elijah is taking his opportunity and running with it. But everything else is just bad, I turned the channel when orlando jordan popped up:smh::smh: and having the knockouts open briefcases as a main event was dumb.

I don't know what happened but victoria or tara looks like she's aging by the week:puke: and angelina love has a great body but a average face at best. It' funny though that edge's woman has a belt and he doesn't:lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Raw was pretty good but impact was awful. It's funny how anderson doesn't look injury prone anymore (orton), and elijah is taking his opportunity and running with it. But everything else is just bad, I turned the channel when orlando jordan popped up:smh::smh: and having the knockouts open briefcases as a main event was dumb.

I don't know what happened but victoria or tara looks like she's aging by the week:puke: and angelina love has a great body but a average face at best. It' funny though that edge's woman has a belt and he doesn't:lol:

Angelina's makeup is too heavy. She's got a nice face but with all the shit on, she looks like she's the valet to the Ultimate Warrior.
That briefcase shit was for the birds. Somebody needs to lose their fucking job over that shit. Russo, Bischoff, Hulk, somebody. Dixie needs to stop firing wrestlers and start firing management.
I caught some of both and neither was thrilling me. Raw went back to the old "enemies team up" shit they pull all the time. Impact! looked like it had some good spots and if it had went off with AJ beating up the Pope, it would have been cool.

At least they found something Lacey Von Erich can do right.:D


Support BGOL
WTF was up with that whole show..that whole bit w/ orlando jordan :smh:

tara may be asking for her release like awesome kong did after that bs

I hope not. Tara has great talent (not to mention she's looks good).

Fallen Angel has returned to ROH...I wonder what they did to piss him off?

Impact has fallen off big time for the last 3 weeks.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I hope not. Tara has great talent (not to mention she's looks good).

Fallen Angel has returned to ROH...I wonder what they did to piss him off?

Impact has fallen off big time for the last 3 weeks.

They werent' using him and then they released him just like with Consequences Creed.
I was at the ROH show when he appeared and that crowd went crazy. I expect him to get a good push and to have great matches with Davey Richards (awesome, awesome wrestler in the mold of Dynamite Kid and Chris Benoit).

That whole Orlando Jordan segment was bizarre and not in a good, "what's going to happen next" way but in a "why the fuck do I watch this shit" way. They should avoid that at all costs.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Every time i flip to TNA i see see Hogan moping at his desk or the Wolfpac doing some old school shit.

I Thought TNA was to showcase the NEW BLOOD? If their shit is Pre-taped what's the difference between being on Monday night or Thursday night?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Every time i flip to TNA i see see Hogan moping at his desk or the Wolfpac doing some old school shit.

I Thought TNA was to showcase the NEW BLOOD? If their shit is Pre-taped what's the difference between being on Monday night or Thursday night?

The live aspect of it is what makes wrestling fun to watch. A wrestling show shouldn't be edited. TNA is blowing it with that. They're blowing it even going head to head with Raw to begin with. Like you said, its not live so what's the point of airing it on Monday?

And yea TNA is on that old shit. I haven't seen this weeks yet but i'm in no rush. I'll catch it when I can. Only old dude there that needs to be there is Flair. Flair still got it. He got more energy than any nigga in the building. They fired the Nasty Boys which was a start. None of them Wolfpac niggas need to be there. Shit was okay the first go around. It was new and fresh. But all I can do is laugh at these old ass niggas acting like this in 2010. :lol:

TNA is becoming WCW when it was at its end.

And I haven't seen this week yet but just based off of what I saw last week get this nigga Orlando Jordan off TV. Please. Just get this nigga off. They caught me last week because I didn't know what was going on. I see a nigga come from the sky which looks like some caution tape i'm thinking okay this is something new. Then I see him roll on the ground like a fag and the channel was turned. Channel is getting turned everytime he comes on. And i'm sure i'm not the only one so TNA needs to do something about that shit.

RAW was solid this week. You know David Otunga might have a future in the WWE. He already talks better on the mic than the majority of the wrestlers in the WWE. When I heard the dude from I Love New York or Jennifer Hudsons husband was going to wrestle I laughed it off. But he's not embarassing himself out there. Fans seem to react to him in a decent way.

I'm still on the fence about this Swagger shit. It could work. It might not.

And once again, why is MVP and Kofi Kingston jobbing once again?


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
The live aspect of it is what makes wrestling fun to watch. A wrestling show shouldn't be edited. TNA is blowing it with that. They're blowing it even going head to head with Raw to begin with. Like you said, its not live so what's the point of airing it on Monday?

And yea TNA is on that old shit. I haven't seen this weeks yet but i'm in no rush. I'll catch it when I can. Only old dude there that needs to be there is Flair. Flair still got it. He got more energy than any nigga in the building. They fired the Nasty Boys which was a start. None of them Wolfpac niggas need to be there. Shit was okay the first go around. It was new and fresh. But all I can do is laugh at these old ass niggas acting like this in 2010. :lol:

TNA is becoming WCW when it was at its end.

And I haven't seen this week yet but just based off of what I saw last week get this nigga Orlando Jordan off TV. Please. Just get this nigga off. They caught me last week because I didn't know what was going on. I see a nigga come from the sky which looks like some caution tape i'm thinking okay this is something new. Then I see him roll on the ground like a fag and the channel was turned. Channel is getting turned everytime he comes on. And i'm sure i'm not the only one so TNA needs to do something about that shit.

RAW was solid this week. You know David Otunga might have a future in the WWE. He already talks better on the mic than the majority of the wrestlers in the WWE. When I heard the dude from I Love New York or Jennifer Hudsons husband was going to wrestle I laughed it off. But he's not embarassing himself out there. Fans seem to react to him in a decent way.

I'm still on the fence about this Swagger shit. It could work. It might not.

And once again, why is MVP and Kofi Kingston jobbing once again?

WWE = Whitey Wins Everytime


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
TNA is becoming WCW when it was at its end.

And I haven't seen this week yet but just based off of what I saw last week get this nigga Orlando Jordan off TV. Please. Just get this nigga off. They caught me last week because I didn't know what was going on. I see a nigga come from the sky which looks like some caution tape i'm thinking okay this is something new. Then I see him roll on the ground like a fag and the channel was turned. Channel is getting turned everytime he comes on. And i'm sure i'm not the only one so TNA needs to do something about that shit.

you dont want to see what he did on this past monday's show :smh:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
To me Tara started looking better once she joined TNA.

Me too. She looked a little busted this week but usually she looks really good.

The live aspect of it is what makes wrestling fun to watch. A wrestling show shouldn't be edited. TNA is blowing it with that. They're blowing it even going head to head with Raw to begin with. Like you said, its not live so what's the point of airing it on Monday?

And yea TNA is on that old shit. I haven't seen this weeks yet but i'm in no rush. I'll catch it when I can. Only old dude there that needs to be there is Flair. Flair still got it. He got more energy than any nigga in the building. They fired the Nasty Boys which was a start. None of them Wolfpac niggas need to be there. Shit was okay the first go around. It was new and fresh. But all I can do is laugh at these old ass niggas acting like this in 2010. :lol:
Now they need to get Flair out of that damn wheelchair. It was funny the first week but c'mon now. But Flair being Flair, he's trying to make it work.

TNA is becoming WCW when it was at its end.

And I haven't seen this week yet but just based off of what I saw last week get this nigga Orlando Jordan off TV. Please. Just get this nigga off. They caught me last week because I didn't know what was going on. I see a nigga come from the sky which looks like some caution tape i'm thinking okay this is something new. Then I see him roll on the ground like a fag and the channel was turned. Channel is getting turned everytime he comes on. And i'm sure i'm not the only one so TNA needs to do something about that shit.
I have no words for what Orlando Jordan did this week. I don't even care about the gay/bi shit. Adrian Adonis did it. Goldust did it. Billy and Chuck even had a wedding. But all of them were good, entertaining wrestlers who had good matches. OJ is a horrible wrestler and a horrible promo. Whenever someone tells me "Jordan's a good wrestler, just give him time", I tell them to show me one good Jordan match or promo. I never hear back. Bitch nigga is 7 years in and still hasn't had one good match and that's after having been in the ring with Benoit, Flair, and Samoa Joe, among others.

RAW was solid this week. You know David Otunga might have a future in the WWE. He already talks better on the mic than the majority of the wrestlers in the WWE. When I heard the dude from I Love New York or Jennifer Hudsons husband was going to wrestle I laughed it off. But he's not embarassing himself out there. Fans seem to react to him in a decent way.
Me too. But in his first interview, when that nigga said "Google me." I was on the bandwagon. He's got the persona down. Now he needs to work on his in ring shit, he's still kind of green. That's the problem of there being so few legit indys: guys don't have as many opportunities to learn and work with different people. He's only going to learn so much working the same guys over and over in WWE developmental.

I'm still on the fence about this Swagger shit. It could work. It might not.

And once again, why is MVP and Kofi Kingston jobbing once again?

Swagger wins the World title one week and is jobbed out to Randy Orton the next. Showing that he's not really a top tier guy and, by extension, neither is Chris Jericho (in mgmt's eyes).

you dont want to see what he did on this past monday's show :smh:

:smh::smh: Just a debacle.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
So I guess Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle have patched shit up as best they could. TNA teamed them up on some house shows a few weeks ago and Karen Angle just announced her and Jeff's engagement on her Facebook page.
Wrestler's real lives are crazier than anything they do in the ring.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
So I guess Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle have patched shit up as best they could. TNA teamed them up on some house shows a few weeks ago and Karen Angle just announced her and Jeff's engagement on her Facebook page.
Wrestler's real lives are crazier than anything they do in the ring.

Say What !!!!

p.s. - I agree with all the comments about how bad impact was this week, but I still have to give Velvet Sky an honorable mention. Hugh Hefner really needs to get her damn number.


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

Say What !!!!

p.s. - I agree with all the comments about how bad impact was this week, but I still have to give Velvet Sky an honorable mention. Hugh Hefner really needs to get her damn number.

Fa sho. But I think Playboy is out of the wrestling centerfold business. They did a spread with Traci Brooks and put on their website instead of the magazine.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Wishful thinking but I would like to see Shad Gaspard and Ezekiel Jackson team up. A new age version of Doom(give them a different name) and have them managed by Alicia Fox, she could be their mouth piece. They could give them the "angry black people angle" and they go out and beat the crap out of the white babyface tag teams in WWE. That shit would work:yes:. Make them a tag team champion, by splitting the unified title in which Show and Miz are forced to defend one of the titles in a tag team battle royal. Then both shows would have heel tag teams. WWE is cluesless about black talent.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Wishful thinking but I would like to see Shad Gaspard and Ezekiel Jackson team up. A new age version of Doom(give them a different name) and have them managed by Alicia Fox, she could be their mouth piece. They could give them the "angry black people angle" and they go out and beat the crap out of the white babyface tag teams in WWE. That shit would work:yes:. Make them a tag team champion, by splitting the unified title in which Show and Miz are forced to defend one of the titles in a tag team battle royal. Then both shows would have heel tag teams. WWE is cluesless about black talent.

I like. But Alicia's not a good talker (I hope that's what you meant by "mouthpiece") but she would make a good valet for a Gaspard/Jackson team.
Fuck splitting up the unified tag belts, they don't have enough tag teams to have two sets of titles. Let them go at the Hart Dynasty after they beat ShowMiz.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
TNA is moving permanently to 8pm and the replays on Thursday will be back starting this week.

Good moves by TNA and they should have done this from the get.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Watch their second hour ratings drop by 2-4 points...

Yeah, they will but the first hour had good (for them) ratings this week and helped their average. They get pretty much the same rating on Thursday and it's not likely to be the same people watching the show twice so they'll end up with a pretty good cumulative rating.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Wishful thinking but I would like to see Shad Gaspard and Ezekiel Jackson team up. A new age version of Doom(give them a different name) and have them managed by Alicia Fox, she could be their mouth piece. They could give them the "angry black people angle" and they go out and beat the crap out of the white babyface tag teams in WWE. That shit would work:yes:. Make them a tag team champion, by splitting the unified title in which Show and Miz are forced to defend one of the titles in a tag team battle royal. Then both shows would have heel tag teams. WWE is cluesless about black talent.

That would be a good idea, if only Vince didn't make it clear YEARS ago that he doesn't give two flying shits about tag teams.

Damn shame too because it would be a pretty sweet to see a black tag team in the WWE.



Rising Star
Fa sho. But I think Playboy is out of the wrestling centerfold business. They did a spread with Traci Brooks and put on their website instead of the magazine.

When wwf called it quits thats when they gave up. If eve, layla, mickie or stephanie wanted to go butt naked, they would be all for it.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
When wwf called it quits thats when they gave up. If eve, layla, mickie or stephanie wanted to go butt naked, they would be all for it.

The way the story went, they had a change of editors after the Brooks spread.
Anymore moves like that and they'll have another change in leadership.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
:yes:Jordan's gimmick is sickening.And giving Shannon Moore a push.

What I found funny about Jordan's gimmick was that I was sure that this shit was another brainchild of Russo, but I read somewhere that this whole thing was Jordan's idea from the gate.

He even wanted to do it in the WWE but they turned him down because of the pg rating.

WTF is wrong with this guy :smh::smh::puke::smh:


Damian Stone

I saw a real UFO....
BGOL Investor

What I found funny about Jordan's gimmick was that I was sure that this shit was another brainchild of Russo, but I read somewhere that this whole thing was Jordan's idea from the gate.

He even wanted to do it in the WWE but they turned him down because of the pg rating.

WTF is wrong with this guy :smh::smh::puke::smh:

Well he is bisexual/gay and he wants to promote his lifestyle I would believe. The gay agenda is alive and well all over the place. :smh:


Support BGOL
Bischoff and Dixie Carter want to push the envelope as far as they can go as to bring in ratings.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Well he is bisexual/gay and he wants to promote his lifestyle I would believe. The gay agenda is alive and well all over the place. :smh:

I know some of the boys in the back are weirded out knowing that at anytime in a match Orlando can get aroused:puke:


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Bischoff and Dixie Carter want to push the envelope as far as they can go as to bring in ratings.

Problem is that it's not gonna bring in ratings.Hardcore wrestling fans don't want to see that shit,the casual fan doesn't and I doubt that gay people do either. And if they do it probably won't be enough people to make a difference.