
Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Didn't Ric Flair already try to kick him out the locker room. You know them old timers don't play that shit.

john bradshaw layfield tried doing the same back when jordan was in WWE..had
there been a angle where orlando started making passes at him,JBL wouldve probably broke character and stomped him into the ground :lol:

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what's this Shannon Moore shit? He trying to put make-up on mafuckas now?

Did I hear this dude say "Welcome to Glamrock"? Is this nigga serious? Why is he always playing a fag anyway? Wasn't he in a boy band on WCW and shit?

Finally got around to watching TNA. Ric Flair runs this shit. I'm :lol: Everytime he's on screen. Its good to see Kennedy and Elijah Burke getting pushes in TNA. WWE dropped the ball on those two. Listening to the wrong niggas.

And I think Tara or Victoria looked better in the WWE. Maybe they're going for the dark look with her on TNA but she looked way better on Raw.

Lacey was lookin' right at the end though. But how are you gonna end your show with females though? :lol: They're trying too hard. It was a good segment though but damn. That's how you end it?

And they're really trying too hard to push that Band bullshit.

They gotta do some shit about the ramp too. I can't help but laugh at dudes running to the ring and they can't slide in they gotta actually go through the ropes. :lol:


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Did I hear this dude say "Welcome to Glamrock"? Is this nigga serious? Why is he always playing a fag anyway? Wasn't he in a boy band on WCW and shit?

Finally got around to watching TNA. Ric Flair runs this shit. I'm :lol: Everytime he's on screen. Its good to see Kennedy and Elijah Burke getting pushes in TNA. WWE dropped the ball on those two. Listening to the wrong niggas.

And I think Tara or Victoria looked better in the WWE. Maybe they're going for the dark look with her on TNA but she looked way better on Raw.

Lacey was lookin' right at the end though. But how are you gonna end your show with females though? :lol: They're trying too hard. It was a good segment though but damn. That's how you end it?

And they're really trying too hard to push that Band bullshit.

They gotta do some shit about the ramp too. I can't help but laugh at dudes running to the ring and they can't slide in they gotta actually go through the ropes. :lol:

Co-sign everything!!! :lol:

I'm just not buying this The Band shit, Scott Hall always be looking tired and shit, he be huffing and puffing by the time he get to the ring. Nash was about to powerbomb the dude but said "fuck it" and clotheslined him cuz he ain't feel like picking him up. And X-Pac looks like he's just getting over a hangover from the Jack Daniels and the 8-Ball he snorted from the day before. Seriously, I could beat these muthafuckas.

Yeah he did say "Glamrock"

I see Shannon Moore is trying to go with some kind of cult thing with his little bible on a chain, kinda like what he did when he was partnered up with Matt Hardy and Mattitude. it's the make-up shit and the wardrobe I don't get. If you gone wear make-up, do it like Sting and Ultimate Warrior, this fool got on glitter and mascara with a mohawk with highlights. Why? Who's supposed to be intimidated by a scrawny fool dressed like half a fag?

"Glamrock" who came up with that? That sounds like the side of town you drive through real fast because it's been inhabited by faggots but you gotta go through there to get home :lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Does anyone have an explanation from TNA why they edited down the fireball James Storm spit in Jeff Hardy's face? That's some shit that would flip channels and they water it down?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Co-sign everything!!! :lol:

I'm just not buying this The Band shit, Scott Hall always be looking tired and shit, he be huffing and puffing by the time he get to the ring. Nash was about to powerbomb the dude but said "fuck it" and clotheslined him cuz he ain't feel like picking him up. And X-Pac looks like he's just getting over a hangover from the Jack Daniels and the 8-Ball he snorted from the day before. Seriously, I could beat these muthafuckas.

Yeah he did say "Glamrock"

I see Shannon Moore is trying to go with some kind of cult thing with his little bible on a chain, kinda like what he did when he was partnered up with Matt Hardy and Mattitude. it's the make-up shit and the wardrobe I don't get. If you gone wear make-up, do it like Sting and Ultimate Warrior, this fool got on glitter and mascara with a mohawk with highlights. Why? Who's supposed to be intimidated by a scrawny fool dressed like half a fag?

"Glamrock" who came up with that? That sounds like the side of town you drive through real fast because it's been inhabited by faggots but you gotta go through there to get home :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: I wondered what was Kevin Nash doing. He had a powerbomb ready and its clear he said fuck it and went for the clothesline. :lol: And Scott Hall does look like shit. He looks like he's sleep walking and the funniest shit is when they're beating someone up in the ring and the "faces" run to the ring to rescue who ever they're beating up and Scott Hall is walking out instead of doing the whole "run out of the ring when the good guys come" shit they do. :lol: Seriously nobody is buying these dudes as some second rate bad guys. They could give someone else their slots because they're not even the main villians. Just some shit to fill up time with.

Does anyone have an explanation from TNA why they edited down the fireball James Storm spit in Jeff Hardy's face? That's some shit that would flip channels and they water it down?

They said FCC wouldn't let them air it but I don't know. I'm questioning if it was even real. Why have him go through some shit like that and not air it? But I hear its on TNA's website. I could see them trying to get word of mouth buzz for the website and gain traffic for the website. But it would seem like it should be more important to gain viewers on TV than on a website since the viewers will come eventually if the show is popular.

And yea they're cheating Shannon Moore. I can't say i've ever been a fan but he has on mascara and eyeliner. Fuck outta here.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

Didn't Ric Flair already try to kick him out the locker room. You know them old timers don't play that shit.

Flair got pissed at Jordan's "companion" at a local bar the wrestlers were at.
Don't believe "old timers don't play that shit". Pat Patterson was openly gay in the 70s. Wrestlers just don't like guys making them look bad.

:lol::lol::lol: I wondered what was Kevin Nash doing. He had a powerbomb ready and its clear he said fuck it and went for the clothesline. :lol: And Scott Hall does look like shit. He looks like he's sleep walking and the funniest shit is when they're beating someone up in the ring and the "faces" run to the ring to rescue who ever they're beating up and Scott Hall is walking out instead of doing the whole "run out of the ring when the good guys come" shit they do. :lol: Seriously nobody is buying these dudes as some second rate bad guys. They could give someone else their slots because they're not even the main villians. Just some shit to fill up time with.
Agreed. But when you go to certain places like Eric Bischoff's Facebook page (yes, I'm a "Friend"), there are muhfuckas over there defending these old shits and acting like it's 97.

They said FCC wouldn't let them air it but I don't know. I'm questioning if it was even real. Why have him go through some shit like that and not air it? But I hear its on TNA's website. I could see them trying to get word of mouth buzz for the website and gain traffic for the website. But it would seem like it should be more important to gain viewers on TV than on a website since the viewers will come eventually if the show is popular.

Not buying the FCC. FX airs/aired "The Shield" and dozens of other more violent shit all the time. Spike airs "1000 Ways to Die". I'm thinking Spike got a little nervous and pulled it.
It was real but he had the flame retardant face paint on and he sold it like shit. Great fireball, poor reaction.
How Jeff Hardy, who grew up in NC and had to see Jim Cornette burn Ron Garvin in 87, fucked that up is beyond me.

probably the reason why he was a no-show at the Lockdown PPV :lol:

Waltman should be out of a job. He was the one member of The Band that could still work and he no-shows a ppv. Give credit to Hall and Nash for busting their asses with the Dudleys.
I've heard Angle and Anderson had a tremendous match. Fucking Kurt Angle is an animal. The dude does nothing but have great, not good, matches with everyone and has since last fall. Put him in with the Pope, let Pope win, and then let Pope win the title (Pope and AJ had a good one too).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kurt Angle pulled off the ILLEST TOP OF THE CAGE MOONSAULT EVER!!!!!!! Shit was like nothing I ever seen b4. the diff camera angles they showed it on especially the top of the cage angle, fucking incredible. he and anderson had the best match of the night, brutal, and just full of violence!!!! He said at the end of the match he was taking some time off though


Support BGOL
Before the end of the summer.......

Jeff Hardy = TNA world champ.

Abyss will go heel and turn back into the "monster"

Ezekiel and Shad will jump ship and for a triple tag team with Alpha Male.

Matt Hardy will jump ship.

Cody Rhodes will jump ship.

Vince will try to get Fallen Angel.......if he foolishly accepts Vince's offer, Vince will push him just a little bit, and then start jobbing him to Triple H and Randy Orton.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Before the end of the summer.......

Jeff Hardy = TNA world champ.

Could be, depending on how his court case works out.

Abyss will go heel and turn back into the "monster"

I hope so.

Ezekiel and Shad will jump ship and for a triple tag team with Alpha Male.

Don't see Brown coming back but that tag team is a possibility. I think they're really high on Jackson as a single though. He's out with an injury now.

Matt Hardy will jump ship.
Probably. He's a single man with no kids, he has the flexibility to take the pay cut. TNA might do the Jeff vs. Matt feud better than WWE did.

Cody Rhodes will jump ship.
Doubtful. As long as his dad is there (and his brother), he'll be there unless he does something to get released.

Vince will try to get Fallen Angel.......if he foolishly accepts Vince's offer, Vince will push him just a little bit, and then start jobbing him to Triple H and Randy Orton.

Strongly doubt this one. If Vince wanted Daniels, he'd have picke him up years ago. The dude's been around 15 years and Vince never wanted him. He's just not big enough for Vince. He's already got Bourne and Christian.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Bischoff is promising a surprise on Impact! tonight.

I hope it's a good show with highlights from last night's ppv. Considering he started last month's post ppv Impact with a guitar solo, that would be a surprise for me.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Does anyone have an explanation from TNA why they edited down the fireball James Storm spit in Jeff Hardy's face? That's some shit that would flip channels and they water it down?

Something about not wanting certain people to see it. That fireball was crazy.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
TNA is definitely throwing the better show tonight. I fell asleep on RAW last week too.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
TNA is definitely throwing the better show tonight. I fell asleep on RAW last week too.

it did kind of feel like they moved smackdown to mondays for one night only(most of the Raw ppl were still stuck overseas due to the volcano..ring announcer mustve been with them,hence the reason they brought back lillian garcia :lol: )

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Something about not wanting certain people to see it. That fireball was crazy.

Great fireball. Could Jeff do a worse job at selling a fireball, though? I've said before but for a guy who grew up in NC and had to see Jim Cornette burn Ron Garvin in 87, he fucked that up.

TNA is definitely throwing the better show tonight. I fell asleep on RAW last week too.
Seems to be the consensus. Good for them.

it did kind of feel like they moved smackdown to mondays for one night only(most of the Raw ppl were still stuck overseas due to the volcano..ring announcer mustve been with them,hence the reason they brought back lillian garcia :lol: )

They should move the Smackdown crew AND creative team AND announce teams to Monday permanently.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor

They got the Undertaker working a match less than a month after mania .... they must be desperate. You know Taker usually takes at less a six month hiatus between Mania and Summerslam.



Rising Star

They got the Undertaker working a match less than a month after mania .... they must be desperate. You know Taker usually takes at less a six month hiatus between Mania and Summerslam.

Yes they were, didn't you hear about the volcanic ash that had the raw roster trapped in europe?

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

They got the Undertaker working a match less than a month after mania .... they must be desperate. You know Taker usually takes at less a six month hiatus between Mania and Summerslam.

Yes they were, didn't you hear about the volcanic ash that had the raw roster trapped in europe?

They brought him back as a "just in case". With the ppv Sunday, if the Orton and the Raw crew still haven't made it back, they'll fit him in the Smackdown title match with Swagger.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Yes they were, didn't you hear about the volcanic ash that had the raw roster trapped in europe?

They brought him back as a "just in case". With the ppv Sunday, if the Orton and the Raw crew still haven't made it back, they'll fit him in the Smackdown title match with Swagger.

Yeah I know all about the volcano and the Raw superstars being stuck over there.

Is it just me or does this ppv seem rushed as fuck. Did they even mention the Edge/Jericho cage match on Smackdown, because the first I heard about it was during Raw this week when Michael Cole casually mentioned it during the main event.


The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis

Yeah I know all about the volcano and the Raw superstars being stuck over there.

Is it just me or does this ppv seem rushed as fuck. Did they even mention the Edge/Jericho cage match on Smackdown, because the first I heard about it was during Raw this week when Michael Cole casually mentioned it during the main event.

This PPV in my opinion will not be a good one. Why do they have to do PPV every month??? It's never good but yet the WWE constantly sales it as being one of the biggest in WWE history. They could skip a month do a month or something to give the storylines time to develop more. Rey Misterio vs C.M. Punk ??????? That's the best they could do ? WWE is missing some star power seriously and at some point Triple H and Undertaker will be taking some time off. I expect Randy Orton to be moved to Smackdown next week.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Vince needs to take the boat to Spain and then a boat to North Africa and fly out from there.

The Icelandic Volcano swerve/screw job. :eek::lol::lol:

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Great fireball. Could Jeff do a worse job at selling a fireball, though? I've said before but for a guy who grew up in NC and had to see Jim Cornette burn Ron Garvin in 87, he fucked that up.

Seems to be the consensus. Good for them.

They should move the Smackdown crew AND creative team AND announce teams to Monday permanently.


I almost stood up and applauded your post sir

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
This PPV in my opinion will not be a good one. Why do they have to do PPV every month??? It's never good but yet the WWE constantly sales it as being one of the biggest in WWE history. They could skip a month do a month or something to give the storylines time to develop more. Rey Misterio vs C.M. Punk ??????? That's the best they could do ? WWE is missing some star power seriously and at some point Triple H and Undertaker will be taking some time off. I expect Randy Orton to be moved to Smackdown next week.

The funny thing is that the match at Mania felt rushed too. If they would have put the match off until this PPV, they would have had two and half months to build up that rivalry, instead of having two rushed matches.



BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Something about not wanting certain people to see it. That fireball was crazy.

:lol: Hardy sold that terribly!!! He could've yelled or rolled around or something.

He took that shit like a Mortal Kombat character

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
This PPV in my opinion will not be a good one. Why do they have to do PPV every month??? It's never good but yet the WWE constantly sales it as being one of the biggest in WWE history. They could skip a month do a month or something to give the storylines time to develop more. Rey Misterio vs C.M. Punk ??????? That's the best they could do ? WWE is missing some star power seriously and at some point Triple H and Undertaker will be taking some time off. I expect Randy Orton to be moved to Smackdown next week.

Rey/Punk has been built wonderfully if you watch Smackdown. They've been building it since Royal Rumble. They did rush the Mania match. I think that was intentional to keep them from stealing the show from Cena/Batista and HHH/Sheamus (nothing was going to overshadow Michaels/Taker).

:lol: Hardy sold that terribly!!! He could've yelled or rolled around or something.

He took that shit like a Mortal Kombat character


The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
WWE spring cleaning is underway, and according to, the following names have been released from WWE today:

Shelton Benjamin (It's possible that his deal is up and they aren't coming to new terms)

Mickie James

Katie Lea Burchill

Kung Fu Naki

Jimmy Wang Yang

Slam Master J

Shelton Benjamin should go to TNA. Mabye they can utilize him better.


Registered issued the following future endeavors statement:

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Divas Mickie James and Katie Lea Burchill as well as Superstars Shelton Benjamin, Kung Fu Naki, Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang as of today, April 22, 2010. We wish them the best in all future endeavors.

Backstage report on why WWE released Mickie James
By Brian Cantor
Apr 22, 2010 - 7:28:38 PM

A story on claims that WWE Diva Mickie James was released, in part, due to problems on the recent European tour.

According to the report, James was late for the bus on multiple occasions, and her tardiness held transportation up each time. That issue was considered the straw that broke the camel's back for Mickie, on whom management had soured in recent months.

The James release had been expected going back several months (with rumors stemming from the 'demotion' to SmackDown! and the Piggy James angle; both, in part, were traced to management's unfavorable view of her standing), and it now finally has come to fruition.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor issued the following future endeavors statement:

WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Divas Mickie James and Katie Lea Burchill as well as Superstars Shelton Benjamin, Kung Fu Naki, Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang as of today, April 22, 2010. We wish them the best in all future endeavors.

Backstage report on why WWE released Mickie James
By Brian Cantor
Apr 22, 2010 - 7:28:38 PM

A story on claims that WWE Diva Mickie James was released, in part, due to problems on the recent European tour.

According to the report, James was late for the bus on multiple occasions, and her tardiness held transportation up each time. That issue was considered the straw that broke the camel's back for Mickie, on whom management had soured in recent months.

The James release had been expected going back several months (with rumors stemming from the 'demotion' to SmackDown! and the Piggy James angle; both, in part, were traced to management's unfavorable view of her standing), and it now finally has come to fruition.

michelle mccool and layla probably turning backflips :lol: mickie can now concentrate fully on her country music career