
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"They Didnt See ME"

Legendary's Opening Weekend: 135k

Legendary, WWE Films' newest release, opened this weekend and drew $135,210 in a total of 177 theaters.This was good for #12 on the Limited Release chart and an average of $764 per theater. Even though this was a limited release, the number is still well below what WWE Films was hoping for out of the production.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
"They Didnt See ME"

Legendary's Opening Weekend: 135k

Legendary, WWE Films' newest release, opened this weekend and drew $135,210 in a total of 177 theaters.This was good for #12 on the Limited Release chart and an average of $764 per theater. Even though this was a limited release, the number is still well below what WWE Films was hoping for out of the production.

They make more than that @ house shows


Rising Star
i dont think he the only one who was clowning cole concerning the GM's emails..cena,edge and i think sheamus did so as well :lol:

But jericho's was the funniest " Of course you have an email you idiot just read it":lol::lol:. I think cena said something like "oh peanut butter and fudge":hmm:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The match isn't an elimination match. First pinfall or submission wins the match. Since ECW went under none of the major companies has had the heart to do straight up elimination matches I guess fearing that they would be ruining somebody's momentum.
They changed it this past Monday to an elimination match.

And yes Jericho is always awesome and has been that way since he turned heel in WCW.


Back then the U.S. champ was considered the number 1 contender to the World title even though it was rarely played out storyline wise that way. All it takes is good lengthy feuds to keep the title looking important but they would rather play up the fact that the Miz has the Money in the Bank. Hopefully more importance will be placed on the title if/when Daniel Bryan wins it.

I don't have any faith they'll do that and with them doing more interbrand work with Smackdown soon, they won't need two secondary titles. Laymen like us know how to build up a title but they people in charge of it don't want to do it.

Right now the only managers that I can think of that are good and of recent history are Jim Mitchell,Larry Sweeney,Ric Flair(if you consider him one),Konnan,Scott D'Amore,Armando Alejandro Estrada and Prince Nana.
Sweeney and D'Amore could work with Swagger but the WWE in their way of doing things would rather release a guy than add a piece that could potentially get them over the hump and make them a true asset.

Sad but true. Just as Estrada was getting over, they made him a GM on their number 3 show and then a wrestler and then they cut him.
I like TNA but they aren't much better. The only reason Flair has any run as a manager is because he's Ric Flair. Mitchell was awesome and if he came back as "They", I'd be crazy happy.

BTW,I still think they should rehire Colt Cabana.[/QUOTE]

:yes: Now that I've seen him live twice, that guy would have fit in the old Mid Atlantic territory or any great Southern promotion. He gave off a Jimmy "Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant vibe. He has a comedis, sports entertainment side but he can do violent, brutal feuds and matches.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
WWE Officials High On Vickie Guerrero's NXT Rookie

Following Vickie Guerrero's firing of her original NXT Rookie Diva, Aloisia, the Official Consultant to SmackDown announced a woman by the name of Kaitlyn as her replacement on Tuesday night's episode of NXT. Her real name is Celeste Bonin and she is a 23-year-old Houston-based fitness competitor World Wrestling Entertainment signed over the summer. She began training in July and debuted shortly thereafter in Florida Championship Wrestling under the ring name Ricki Vaughn.

Company officials are said to be 'really high' on Bonin's look as she has huge breast implants on a fitness competitor's physique. The Kaitlyn character is completely based on her real-life personality as she was a class clown in high school.

Among Bonin's list of fitness accomplishments is a first place finish in the 2007 NPC John Sherman Classic Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championships, as well as fifth place in her size class in the 2008 Arnold Classic. She also placed in the 2007 Musclemania Superbody, the 2008 Junior USA, and the 2009 Junior Nationals.

Before signing with WWE, Bonin had planned to transition from figure competitions to bodybuilding contests.

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Support BGOL
6 pack challenge winner.........Jericho or Cena....I'm leaning towards Jericho.

It will be a sneaky, yet clean win though.....


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I must say that all of the NXT divas are sexy. Jamie is growing on me.And I doubt that they can be worse in the ring than some of the current WWE divas. That said it was still a bad idea to do an all diva NXT.

It was a damn shame that I didn't catch not one close up of Alicia Fox who appeared to be wearing the hell out of her dress last night.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I hope once they go to SyFy channel they can turn up the intensity.

As far as up and coming heels, I am really digging Alberto Rios he is like a heel version of great mexican legend Tito Santana. Then Cody Rhodes metrosexual angle is getting good run also.

Middle of the crowd up and coming heels would include Drew, Wade Barret, Miz, and Swagger.

Totally lost as a heel includes Dibiase, Ziggler(despite Vikie's help).

The WWE needs to develop new "monster" heels as well. Mark Henry would be great if only he could get a title run. He should be atleast be allowed to be a Big Van Vader type. Repackaging him as "Silverback" would be a great. Big Show is a tweener he could be the gentle or angry giant and is great(but his personality and mic skills are actually better when he is a face vs heel).

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
I hope once they go to SyFy channel they can turn up the intensity.

As far as up and coming heels, I am really digging Alberto Rios he is like a heel version of great mexican legend Tito Santana. Then Cody Rhodes metrosexual angle is getting good run also.

Middle of the crowd up and coming heels would include Drew, Wade Barret, Miz, and Swagger.

Totally lost as a heel includes Dibiase, Ziggler(despite Vikie's help).

The WWE needs to develop new "monster" heels as well. Mark Henry would be great if only he could get a title run. He should be atleast be allowed to be a Big Van Vader type. Repackaging him as "Silverback" would be a great. Big Show is a tweener he could be the gentle or angry giant and is great(but his personality and mic skills are actually better when he is a face vs heel).

Alberto Rios will be HUGE if they allow him to have a handle on the gimmick.

I dunno how it would go over with them overtly calling Mark Henry a gorilla tho...:lol:


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
"They Didnt See ME"

Legendary's Opening Weekend: 135k

Legendary, WWE Films' newest release, opened this weekend and drew $135,210 in a total of 177 theaters.This was good for #12 on the Limited Release chart and an average of $764 per theater. Even though this was a limited release, the number is still well below what WWE Films was hoping for out of the production.

So if ticket prices were between 8-10 dollars, that's like 80 people per theater, damn.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Jerry Lawler must've wanted to do commentary this season on NXT so they got Cole actin' like he don't want to do it no more.

WWE Officials High On Vickie Guerrero's NXT Rookie

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Damn I thought her tits were real, her body is still bananas




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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I hope once they go to SyFy channel they can turn up the intensity.

As far as up and coming heels, I am really digging Alberto Rios he is like a heel version of great mexican legend Tito Santana. Then Cody Rhodes metrosexual angle is getting good run also.

Middle of the crowd up and coming heels would include Drew, Wade Barret, Miz, and Swagger.

Totally lost as a heel includes Dibiase, Ziggler(despite Vikie's help).

The WWE needs to develop new "monster" heels as well. Mark Henry would be great if only he could get a title run. He should be atleast be allowed to be a Big Van Vader type. Repackaging him as "Silverback" would be a great. Big Show is a tweener he could be the gentle or angry giant and is great(but his personality and mic skills are actually better when he is a face vs heel).

Before I could say it...
Alberto Rios will be HUGE if they allow him to have a handle on the gimmick.

I dunno how it would go over with them overtly calling Mark Henry a gorilla tho...:lol:

It's bad enough Kofi runs around with a pickaninny on his trunks and boots.:D

Jerry Lawler must've wanted to do commentary this season on NXT so they got Cole actin' like he don't want to do it no more.

Damn I thought her tits were real, her body is still bananas





Man, these chicks wouldn't even need to wrestle if WWE ever went back to "Attitude" booking.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Y2J's Future + WrestleMania Plans

The latest on Chris Jericho is that a lot of people within WWE are still unsure what he’s going to do when his contract expires this month. Apparently Jericho isn’t talking to anyone about his plans, that goes from wrestlers to people in the office. Jericho had an interesting comment on Twitter last night: John Morrison and Sheamus had a hell of a match last night! The future of the company is in their (and a few select others) hands.... People are choosing to speculate that either he wants to work with Morrison and will stay around to do so, or he will leave and is making suggestions to WWE for who should take his spot.

-- WWE hopes to have the top three matches for WrestleMania determined by November. There are currently plans to have a number of people turning face or heel by the time WM rolls around, including one very big name. As far as Money in the Bank goes, they are considering bringing it back for WM and doing the PPV again as well. Nothing has been decided on that front.

Source: The Wrestling Observer

I think it will either be Triple H or Cena. Most likely Cena if they really wan't to shake things up. Taker is near the end of his career, if he turns then he's giving the record up to someone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Order In The Court BROTHAAAAA Judge Hogan Now In Session

According to a new report by, Hulk Hogan has pitched an idea for a new court themed TV show which would be titled "Hogan's Court." The show would see Hogan act as a judge and mediate disputes between siblings. The show would be targeted at kids roughly between the ages of 8 and 12.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Order In The Court BROTHAAAAA Judge Hogan Now In Session

According to a new report by, Hulk Hogan has pitched an idea for a new court themed TV show which would be titled "Hogan's Court." The show would see Hogan act as a judge and mediate disputes between siblings. The show would be targeted at kids roughly between the ages of 8 and 12.

:smh:He couldn't even keep his kids straight but he's supposed mediate for somebody else's. Besides they need to stop coming up with new court shows. There are too damn many already.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Y2J's Future + WrestleMania Plans

Source: The Wrestling Observer

I think it will either be Triple H or Cena. Most likely Cena if they really wan't to shake things up. Taker is near the end of his career, if he turns then he's giving the record up to someone.

HHH likes playing heel anyway so it could be him.

Shit, I just surprised WWE wants to figure they're top matches for Mania by Nov. Figuring out major storylines ahead of time? Go figure.
Next they'll go back to booking backwards from Mania like they used to do.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
C'mon with the Night of Champions predictions

I got
Kane over Taker
Sheamus or Jericho in 6 Pack match with possible Miz cashing in and failing
Miz over Daniel Bryan
Kofi over Dolph (that's a close one but they're building up Cody so a babyface has to be IC champ)
Michelle McCool over Melina (easiest pick of the whole show)
Hart Dynasty will beat somebody


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I wish SHIMMER could get some deep pockets behind them.

Why? For pyrotechnics? As long as the booking is good, ring work is solid, wrestlers are varied, and promos are cut well, everything else is secondary by a mile.

In terms of overall quality, several indies companies (Shimmer being one of them) are a lot more interesting than the WWE & TNA as a whole right now.

Deeper pockets usually means the company has to do a lot to appease the interests of the sponsors (i.e. people who care nothing about pro wrestling).

Then again, you're a pro wrestling guru. So you already know all of this.. :cool:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Why? For pyrotechnics? As long as the booking is good, ring work is solid, wrestlers are varied, and promos are cut well, everything else is secondary by a mile.

In terms of overall quality, several indies companies (Shimmer being one of them) are a lot more interesting than the WWE & TNA as a whole right now.

Deeper pockets usually means the company has to do a lot to appease the interests of the sponsors (i.e. people who care nothing about pro wrestling).

Then again, you're a pro wrestling guru. So you already know all of this.. :cool:

Strictly for the exposure. I want as many women that can really wrestle to make as much money as they can. There just aren't enough hardcore fans to sustain and build up a lot of top flight indies.

Since I feel a soapbox moment coming on and the wife's not home, I'll indulge it

It irks the shit out of me as a long time, lifelong fan of pro wrestling to see real talents like Serena or Amazing Kong or MsChif or Sara Del Ray working in front of crowds of hundreds, a thousand max while utter trash like the Bella Twins, Maryse and Lacey Von Erich are working on national television and often in front of crowds of thousands.

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
strictly for the exposure. I want as many women that can really wrestle to make as much money as they can. There just aren't enough hardcore fans to sustain and build up a lot of top flight indies.

Since i feel a soapbox moment coming on and the wife's not home, i'll indulge it

it irks the shit out of me as a long time, lifelong fan of pro wrestling to see real talents like serena or amazing kong or mschif or sara del ray working in front of crowds of hundreds, a thousand max while utter trash like the bella twins, maryse and lacey von erich are working on national television and often in front of crowds of thousands.


You cool with me!!!!

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

You cool with me!!!!

Thank you. That's been bothering me for a minute but when Serena got cut and the Bellas and Alicia Fox (who still works in the developmental system) were named "Pros" and Tamina and Natalya are just stuck backing up other people, I couldn't take it anymore.
Shit, when Sable was Women's champ, at least she got 3/4 nekkid most of the time. These chicks don't even do that. If they aren't going to be naked, they better be able to wrestle.


Support BGOL
Orton, world champion.............

You can thank HHH for that one. I was really rooting for Jericho.

Fuck, I owe $60 on a bet....


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Orton, world champion.............

You can thank HHH for that one. I was really rooting for Jericho.

Fuck, I owe $60 on a bet....

watch the GM on Raw tomorrow will have orton,cena and sheamus in a 3 man battle royal,then whomever wins,miz cashes in and and thru trickery somewhow wins the belt :rolleyes:

good luck to whatever u decide to do next jericho :lol:


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I wanted Jericho to win too. He, Kofi and CM Punk are the only wrestlers I root for in the WWE.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
whats this rumor that booker t supposed to returning to WWE..may be on Raw tomorrow night

Probably not true, Booker just started working some Mexican promotion last Saturday. And they probably would've had him interfere in the title match at the PPV.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
watch the GM on Raw tomorrow will have orton,cena and sheamus in a 3 man battle royal,then whomever wins,miz cashes in and and thru trickery somewhow wins the belt :rolleyes:
good luck to whatever u decide to do next jericho :lol:

Could be but the Hell In The Cell ppv is in two weeks (TWO WEEKS??!!) and that's always a good place for a MitB cash-in. Since there's so little build time, Orton will probably defend against Sheamus in Sheamus' rematch.


Support BGOL
Could be but the Hell In The Cell ppv is in two weeks (TWO WEEKS??!!) and that's always a good place for a MitB cash-in. Since there's so little build time, Orton will probably defend against Sheamus in Sheamus' rematch.

A PPV that I WILL be at since it's here in Dallas. 3rd row from the front, I'll be there with both of my belts having a ball. Tickets cost a grip but will be WELL worth it.


Rising Star
Could be but the Hell In The Cell ppv is in two weeks (TWO WEEKS??!!) and that's always a good place for a MitB cash-in. Since there's so little build time, Orton will probably defend against Sheamus in Sheamus' rematch.

I agree with that there. That's prolly y they got the belt off Miz.