Trump Says he didnt know Kamala was black


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I know her background chief, that being said I would love to hear you quantify that statement beyond some ad hominem about her attending Howard for 4 years.l after highschool.
If you know her background, then your original comment is null and void

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everything you said is correct and that is what initially drew a lot of people Yvette's ADOS and Tariq's FBA.

But those groups have devolved into becoming divisive distractions that have Black people on the internet doing time-wasting bullshit, especially as it relates to people's DNA, appearance, and lineage.

In the spring the word "Creole" trended on Twitter for nearly a week because one Black stripper got offended that a white-looking Black Creole woman identified herself as a Black woman. In the past, that would not have been an issue and given the history of Louisiana's Black Creoles, her readiness to identify herself as Black and accept her Blackness would be seen in a positive light.

But post-ADOS/FBA, now it's an issue. How much time and energy is going to get wasted on people trying to convince a subset of African Americans who largely only exist in small populations on the Gulf Coast and California that they aren't Black anymore?

This is where those movements have brought us. We've long gotten away from complaining about the snarky, condescending African or Caribbean.
You may not like Tariq, I don't particuarly care for him. But you can't refute some of the things he says. Why is it when its some positive stuff people want to come with "I am a Nigerian-American or I am a Somalian-American but when its some negative shit we all Black?

I saw that "Creole" argument why is that even a topic of discussion? If you Black and you're ancestors were slaves here that's not an issue.

You may not like ADOS/FBA but we are far from being in that era where just because your skin is the same as mine we are the same. Because Somalians in Minnesota probably don't think like that Caribbeans in Florida probably don't think like that and Nigerians around the country probably don't think that way.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
You may not like Tariq, I don't particuarly care for him. But you can't refute some of the things he says. Why is it when its some positive stuff people want to come with "I am a Nigerian-American or I am a Somalian-American but when its some negative shit we all Black?

I saw that "Creole" argument why is that even a topic of discussion? If you Black and you're ancestors were slaves here that's not an issue.

You may not like ADOS/FBA but we are far from being in that era where just because your skin is the same as mine we are the same. Because Somalians in Minnesota probably don't think like that Caribbeans in Florida probably don't think like that and Nigerians around the country probably don't think that way.
Legit question. If Kamala Harris's father was a Black ADOS/FBA man from South Carolina and whose family line went back to American slavery, would you have the same problem with her even if her mother was still from India?

I'm just trying to understand your perspective on this issue.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You may not like Tariq, I don't particuarly care for him. But you can't refute some of the things he says. Why is it when its some positive stuff people want to come with "I am a Nigerian-American or I am a Somalian-American but when its some negative shit we all Black?

I saw that "Creole" argument why is that even a topic of discussion? If you Black and you're ancestors were slaves here that's not an issue.

You may not like ADOS/FBA but we are far from being in that era where just because your skin is the same as mine we are the same. Because Somalians in Minnesota probably don't think like that Caribbeans in Florida probably don't think like that and Nigerians around the country probably don't think that way.

The reason I brought up the Creole argument is that Tariq himself has tried to separate Creoles from the rest of the Black American community by saying we are Haitians, which is not true because while some Louisiana Creoles have Haitian heritage via the pre and post-Revolution migration of Saint-Domingue refugees to New Orleans, many do not, no two Creoles are the same.

Tariq has famously used this argument against Roland Martin who claims Creole heritage via Haitian ancestors furthermore, a Creole with Haitian heritage shouldn't be treated any different from any other ADOS because they are at minimum nearly 2 centuries removed from any relative who was born in or lived in Haiti or Saint-Domingue.

This is the time-wasting, divisive bullshit that ADOS/FBA has given us.

As I said in the previous post, we are long removed from making comments about snarky, condescending Africans and Caribbean and now this shit has devolved into trying to chop up the Black community when the main two people pushing that narrative lay next to a biracial and a white woman at night. Tariq's children, apart from his oldest daughter, look closer to El Chapo than they do to him, I'm sure he would hate it if somebody pushed that narrative he's pushing on Kamala on to Tariq Jr.
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Rising Star
Legit question. If Kamala Harris's father was a Black ADOS/FBA man from South Carolina and whose family line went back to American slavery, would you have the same problem with her even if her mother was still from India?

I'm just trying to understand your perspective on this issue.
You mean if she wasn't capping? I don't think (at least I hope folks aren't stupid enough) people in here are considering voting for Trump but Kamala is 100% a corporate white woman. Her energy is wack af and her cultural heritage is not Black. She was not and could not have been raised in that culture by an Indian woman in Canada.


Rising Star
Barack Obama
This isn't a cogent response, hombre. Obama is not Black. He has a white Americam mother (from Indiana) and a Kenyan father. In that sense he is an actual African American. Also the same grift, but as bona fides go his kids qualify as Black.
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Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This isn't a cogent response, hombre. Obama is not Black. He has a white Americam mother (from Indiana) and a Kenyan father. In that sense he is an actual African American. Also the same grift, but as bona fides go his kids qualify as Black.
It isn’t a cogent response for you, but it’s a cogent response from me. I went down this road back in 2008 with a few people and I’m not going back down this road again. Sir, me and you are not going to see eye to eye on this question so let’s agree to disagree and move on

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
You mean if she wasn't capping? I don't think (at least I hope folks aren't stupid enough) people in here are considering voting for Trump but Kamala is 100% a corporate white woman. Her energy is wack af and her cultural heritage is not Black. She was not and could not have been raised in that culture by an Indian woman in Canada.
She's definitely corporate but so is every other politician. I'm not buying that she's "white" though.

I'm not sure how she's capping when, as far I can tell, she has maintained for her entire career that she's both Indian and Black. She has been upfront that she was raised by her Indian mother. Did she ever claim to be raised in the culture?

She said she was raised to respect her Black heritage. That's not the same as claiming to have been raised in the culture which is something that can be picked up later in life. She can't control how she was raised but she can control who she associates with as an adult.


Rising Star
It isn’t a cogent response for you, but it’s a cogent response from me. I went down this road back in 2008 with a few people and I’m not going back down this road again. Sir, me and you are not going to see eye to eye on this question so let’s agree to disagree and move on
Lol wtf that's not how it works. Everytime you say it I'm going to disagree. You can't state it as a point of fact without evidence to support it and saying Barack Obama's name is no way shape or form supporting evidence. What place do your people hail? You not in a position to dictate that to us my dood.


Rising Star
She's definitely corporate but so is every other politician. I'm not buying that she's "white" though.

I'm not sure how she's capping when, as far I can tell, she has maintained for her entire career that she's both Indian and Black. She has been upfront that she was raised by her Indian mother. Did she ever claim to be raised in the culture?

She said she was raised to respect her Black heritage. That's not the same as claiming to have been raised in the culture which is something that can be picked in later life. She can't control how she was raised but she can control who she associates with as an adult.
What Black heritage? Her dad is Jamaican so she definitely has Jamaican heritage but that is a whole ethnic identity unto itself, as is Black.

Black is not a shade of wheat. It is a cultural identity steeped in history and tradition you don't just get to put it on like a uniform because you hung around some black people in college and fucked some black dudes along the way.

By your logic she should be able to claim Jewish heritage too. You think she has greater loyalty to her husband's ideals who she has been married to for a decade or the then few Black people she hung around with in the day when she was 18,19,20,21....?
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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
What Black heritage? Her dad is Jamaican so she definitely has Jamaican heritage but that is a whole ethnic identity unto itself, as is Black.
Obviously our definitions of words are different. My definition of "Black" is anyone who has sub-Saharan African heritage. This would include both the African diaspora and Black Africans.

When I'm referring to ADOS/FBA specifically, I use the term "Black American." She doesn't have Black American heritage, which is also true of many Black figures who have been accepted by Black American culture for decades, but she does have Black (African diaspora) heritage through her Afro-Jamaican father.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Lol wtf that's not how it works. Everytime you say it I'm going to disagree. You can't state it as a point of fact without evidence to support it and saying Barack Obama's name is no way shape or form supporting evidence. What place do your people hail? You not in a position to dictate that to us my dood.
That’s how it do works when you don’t want to draw out an argument that you are not going to change the person you are arguing with mind. Sir, you are not going to change my mind. I most likely is not going to change your mind so that’s why I said let’s agree to disagree and move on.


Rising Star
Obviously our definitions of words are different. My definition of "Black" is anyone who has sub-Saharan African heritage. This would include both the African diaspora and Black Africans.

When I'm referring to ADOS/FBA specifically, I use the term "Black American." She doesn't have Black American heritage, which is also true of many Black figures who have been accepted by Black American culture for decades, but she does have Black (African diaspora) heritage through her Afro-Jamaican father.
Come one now, you know which one she is trying to claim, this is cap my brother. She ain't rolling on diaspora "black" she trying to move the other way.


Rising Star
That’s how it do works when you don’t want to draw out an argument that you are not going to change the person you are arguing with mind. Sir, you are not going to change my mind. I most likely is not going to change your mind so that’s why I said let’s agree to disagree and move on.
That's cool but I'm going to challenge it everytime you go to your bag to use it as a point of fact.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The reason I brought up the Creole argument is that Tariq himself has tried to separate Creoles from the rest of the Black American community by saying we are Haitians, which is not true because while some Louisiana Creoles have Haitian heritage via the pre and post-Revolution migration of Saint-Domingue refugees to New Orleans, many do not, no two Creoles are the same.

Tariq has famously used this argument against Roland Martin who claims Creole heritage via Haitian ancestors furthermore, a Creole with Haitian heritage shouldn't be treated any different from any other ADOS because they are at minimum nearly 2 centuries removed from any relative who was born in or lived in Haiti or Saint-Domingue.

This is the time-wasting, divisive bullshit that ADOS/FBA has given us.

As I said in the previous post, we are long removed from making comments about snarky, condescending Africans and Caribbean and now this shit has devolved into letting chop up the Black community when the main two people pushing that narrative lay next to a biracial and a white woman at night. Tariq's children, apart from his oldest daughter, look closer to El Chapo than they do to him, I'm sure he would hate it if somebody pushed that narrative he's pushing on Kamala on to Tariq Jr.
So what do you say to people like Busta Rhymes who say Black people in America have no culture. What do you say to a person like Rihanna who posts pictures of Martin Luther King Jr. with a grill. What do you do about Burna Boy who insults the Black American community. What do you do about Emmanuel Acho who is first generation American and he is the face that white people use when they talk about Black issues or someone like Karrine Jean-Pierre who is dismissive of Black issues and then she becomes someone who once she leaves white house employ becomes the voice of the Black community.

Do you notice a pattern here, slowly but surely Black people who are native born or ADOS/FBA are being shut out and minimized in a country that our ancestors built.

We're being shut out and minimized and celebrating it. It shouldn't be lost that the 1st Black Joint Chief of Staff has no American slavery in his background, the 1st Black president has no slavery in his background, the 1st Black press secretary is not one of us and now if Kamala Harris is elected the 2nd "Black" president has no American slavery in her background.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Come one now, you know which one she is trying to claim, this is cap my brother. She ain't rolling on diaspora "black" she trying to move the other way.
When has she claimed it though? She could've easily played down her Indian heritage and just claimed Black American. She leans into her full heritage which undercuts the point you're trying to make.


Rising Star
When has she claimed it though? She could've easily played down her Indian heritage and just claimed Black American. She leans into her full heritage which undercuts the point you're trying to make.
Language is an important skill to master

heritage meaning
property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.
"they had stolen his grandfather's heritage"
valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, unspoiled countryside, and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations.
"a sense of history and heritage


Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Language is an important skill to master

heritage meaning
This doesn't answer my question. When did she claim to specifically have Black American heritage? She has claimed to have Black (diaspora) heritage which is true. That's easy to prove. She obviously associates/identifies with Black American culture but, again, where has she claimed to have Black American heritage?

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Legit question. If Kamala Harris's father was a Black ADOS/FBA man from South Carolina and whose family line went back to American slavery, would you have the same problem with her even if her mother was still from India?

I'm just trying to understand your perspective on this issue.
I wouldn't have an issue if her policies benefited the Black community. I mentioned Adam Clayton Powell Jr. earlier. I have said several times that Adam Clayton Powell Jr was worth more than the 50 or 60 members of the CBC who don't do anything as far as I can see for the Black community.
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was a man who looked white but was all Black and he'd let you know he was Black.

This broad listed 400 years of specific Black oppression and then said she wouldn't do nothing specifically for Black people. My question to any Black person is how can you vote for that


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
That's cool but I'm going to challenge it everytime you go to your bag to use it as a point of fact.
I have no issues with you challenging it, but with people like me, you are going to get the same answer because as I said earlier, I’ve been down this road with Obama

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You mean if she wasn't capping? I don't think (at least I hope folks aren't stupid enough) people in here are considering voting for Trump but Kamala is 100% a corporate white woman. Her energy is wack af and her cultural heritage is not Black. She was not and could not have been raised in that culture by an Indian woman in Canada.
As I said earlier what Black people in the 60s and 70s and even the 80s wasn't moving around like that. If you lived in Louisiana it was big deal if you could travel to Atlanta back then. Going to New York from Louisiana was a big deal, now we talking about Canada. How many people on this board have been to Canada cause I know I haven't. Another question is and this may blow some people's minds is how many of us have been to Hawaii?

Think about trying to go to those places in the 60's through the 80's. How many Black people were moving like that and you were a big nigga if you was moving like that. Ain't nobody in my family was moving like that. Unless they were in the military or as they called it back then the service.


Rising Star
As I said earlier what Black people in the 60s and 70s and even the 80s wasn't moving around like that. If you lived in Louisiana it was big deal if you could travel to Atlanta back then. Going to New York from Louisiana was a big deal, now we talking about Canada. How many people on this board have been to Canada cause I know I haven't. Another question is and this may blow some people's minds is how many of us have been to Hawaii?

Think about trying to go to those places in the 60's through the 80's. How many Black people were moving like that and you were a big nigga if you was moving like that. Ain't nobody in my family was moving like that. Unless they were in the military or as they called it back then the service.
She grew up in Canada


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
"I didn’t know he was Orange until a number of years ago, when he happened to turn Orange. I respect either one, but he obviously doesn’t because all of a sudden he made a turn and he went – he became an Orange person. I think somebody should look into that." Does his birth certificate say "orange"?

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