
BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I did see that the White house is planning on releasing the Whistleblower complaint...

They must really feel like it doesn't amount to anything... Since they are willing to do this, but refusing to have certain people testify.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I did see that the White house is planning on releasing the Whistleblower complaint...

They must really feel like it doesn't amount to anything... Since they are willing to do this, but refusing to have certain people testify.
Because of the whistleblower going to Congress and wanting to testify they do not have a choice right now but to release everything


Rising Star
We've known that the senate would not convict him for quite a while now due to the numbers... that's not the point though. The point is that the best way to get all of the dirt out in the open is through impeachment proceedings.

What Dirt? Please Trump has been dirty. Its not going to change his supporters mind. Democrats should focus on finding a strategy on defeating trump. Don't be like the Republicans in 2012 when they were trying to find and disrupt Obama, only for him to win the 2012 election.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok, so everyone has a clearer picture of what drumpf said in the call and what he was talking about.... Hunter Biden worked for a law firm representing a Ukrainian company and he was on the board when VP Biden told the Ukrainians that they would not get their aid money until a certain prosecutor was kicked to the curb. This prosecutor was WIDELY seen as corrupt and someone who looked the other way in the face of corruption (but of course the current POTUS says he hears he was an awesome prosecutor).

MOST IMPORTANTLY, at the time there was no investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden in Ukraine. That part is key because Gooliani, drumpf and other republicans are saying that Joe threatened to withhold the aid to get rid of a prosecutor that was investigating his son. ....again though, there was no investigation, so there's no way to connect Joe Biden to any quashing of said investigation (cause there was no investigation).

So when you hear them (drumpf and company, faux, etc) say what about what Biden did.... they're alluding to Joe Biden quashing and investigation that didn't exist.

Did Hunter Biden have a high paying gig that he wouldn't have if not for his last name... very likely. ...but that's not what's being talked about... they're talking about him being investigated and said investigation being killed due to his fathers's demands, which is bullshit. Then on the phone call, drumpf, our head of state/government explicitly asks the head of government of a foreign country to investigate his biggest political rival and his son over the quashing of the earlier non-existent investion.

Wow that was a cordial convo with both presidents
...once again the dems failed big time.....3 years of this bullshyt for what....a whole lotta nothing
...some more Rachel Meadows shyt

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
You sound like you are defending this crazy fool

:confused: How does dealing in reality lead to me defending him? You use raw story for source material.o_O I rely on AP/Reuters and objectively analyze the situation. I then consider what BOTH sides are going to do and say. I don't open up and rely on the bold headline as fact. The same headline that is for a story that is really 'analysis' which is another word for opinion piece about the situation. Fox, CNN, even BGOL are tools to see how people are perceiving situations, not source material for fucking facts.

That's why I'm right 95 percent of the damn time. Won't ever find me relying on fucking random tweets from supposed experts who been wrong every fucking step of the way. I'm better at this shit than I am with football picks.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Ummmm, thats not the point. Fact is, he’s been in going on 3 years and hasn’t been widened his tent. I would argue he’s losing supporters (independents).
Yep you are correct sir and this is the people who is kind of put him over the top in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania....that is not going to happen again


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What dirt? Are you serious.... dirt like the dirt that has been proved today. Dirt like all the other dirt that has come out. You're saying that nobody should go after him for this stuff? in the early 70's would you have told them not to bother with the Watergate investigation?

It's possible to walk and chew at the same time. Go after the dirt to get the dirt out on front street AND try to beat him at the ballot box. As others have said, this dirt may help to make him lose some independents, BUT more importantly, it will hopefully make some of the "stay home/fuck it/I hate Hillary/voting doesn't matter" people to get off their asses on that Tuesday in November 2020. He won by grabbing a small majority of voters in 3 states; that's it. If you think proving that he did and does things like this doesn't matter, you're free to think that way, but you're just wrong.

What Dirt? Please Trump has been dirty. Its not going to change his supporters mind. Democrats should focus on finding a strategy on defeating trump. Don't be like the Republicans in 2012 when they were trying to find and disrupt Obama, only for him to win the 2012 election.


Rising Star
What dirt? Are you serious.... dirt like the dirt that has been proved today. Dirt like all the other dirt that has come out. You're saying that nobody should go after him for this stuff? in the early 70's would you have told them not to bother with the Watergate investigation?

It's possible to walk and chew at the same time. Go after the dirt to get the dirt out on front street AND try to beat him at the ballot box. As others have said, this dirt may help to make him lose some independents, BUT more importantly, it will hopefully make some of the "stay home/fuck it/I hate Hillary/voting doesn't matter" people to get off their asses on that Tuesday in November 2020. He won by grabbing a small majority of voters in 3 states; that's it. If you think proving that he did and does things like this doesn't matter, you're free to think that way, but you're just wrong.

Please it will not change anybody that supports him. This shit reminds me of the republicans that were trying to make Obama a 1 term president by disrupting him only for it to blow up in there face during the 2012 election.

Democrats need to get on there A game. Trump Derangement is real. Focus on the 2020 election or
Your going to get smoked.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know of two people personally that went from drumpf voters drumpf haters in the past year, mostly because of his personality, but also influenced in particular the fact that he profits off of his hotels when government officials from here and everywhere else stay there. For these two, that was enough, but that is some of the dirt that I speak of. They're in NJ, so their votes won't matter anyway, but I don't doubt that there are some like them in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Plus, you ignored what I said about those who just didn't vote last time for the reasons I listed. I'm pretty sure there are some people who didn't bother in 2016 that will make it a point to bother in 2020.

This isn't derangement, this is going after a president who is clearly doing wrong. You may not like it, but for congress, it's actually part of their charter. Again, would you have told them in 197# to just leave that watergate shit alone and focus on beating the next guy in 1976?

Please it will not change anybody that supports him. This shit reminds me of the republicans that were trying to make Obama a 1 term president by disrupting him only for it to blow up in there face during the 2012 election.

Democrats need to get on there A game. Trump Derangement is real. Focus on the 2020 election or
Your going to get smoked.

55th View

Rising Star
The timing of this is unique.

I honestly think impeachment will drag out just long enough to cost him a 2nd term. The first one is a wrap. Dems want to ensure that there's no Part II and this genius just gave them what they wanted.

He must be using a traffic atty for legal advice. It's a wrap bruh. He had a good run, but the walls are closing in on him!
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Rising Star
I know of two people personally that went from drumpf voters drumpf haters in the past year, mostly because of his personality, but also influenced in particular the fact that he profits off of his hotels when government officials from here and everywhere else stay there. For these two, that was enough, but that is some of the dirt that I speak of. They're in NJ, so their votes won't matter anyway, but I don't doubt that there are some like them in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Plus, you ignored what I said about those who just didn't vote last time for the reasons I listed. I'm pretty sure there are some people who didn't bother in 2016 that will make it a point to bother in 2020.

This isn't derangement, this is going after a president who is clearly doing wrong. You may not like it, but for congress, it's actually part of their charter. Again, would you have told them in 197# to just leave that watergate shit alone and focus on beating the next guy in 1976?

I go around and tell people I’m independent all the time. When I do it’s a sign of relief to them.I have met more people that told me they are go vote for trump in 2020. Liberal Hippie mother fuckers that you would never in a million years think they would vote republican. Trust me there are a lot of undercover trump supporters. It’s the reason he won in 2016. Most are scared to come out to support him in fear of being called a racist.

And with the democrats not having any strong front runner. I personally think trump is going to win re-election. They better pray the economy goes into the toilet.

But I have a feeling even that won’t work. Trump the classic Con man will say it’s the deep state and bankers that are rigging the system and his dumb ass supporters will eat it up.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
And I been right on all this shit

That's why I'm right 95 percent of the damn time.

Please cut the shit gene

Everyone with two eyes and half a brain can see that media bias, Republican obstructionism, and this presidents blatant lack of respect for the law is the only thing keeping this disaster afloat.

You talk as if reading the obvious and framing it as the other party's fault makes you Carnac the Magnificent because you're a closet republican and about as full of shit as the muhfuckas you cheerlead for on here every day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
even with all that though, he won by winning Michigan, Penn and Wisconsin by a small margin. You may end up being right about re-election, but I'm thinking his chances are getting sliced a thousand times with every new piece of dirt that comes out. We'll see next year.

I go around and tell people I’m independent all the time. When I do it’s a sign of relief to them.I have met more people that told me they are go vote for trump in 2020. Liberal Hippie mother fuckers that you would never in a million years think they would vote republican. Trust me there are a lot of undercover trump supporters. It’s the reason he won in 2016. Most are scared to come out to support him in fear of being called a racist.

And with the democrats not having any strong front runner. I personally think trump is going to win re-election. They better pray the economy goes into the toilet.

But I have a feeling even that won’t work. Trump the classic Con man will say it’s the deep state and bankers that are rigging the system and his dumb ass supporters will eat it up.