Video of Draymond Green and Jordan Poole

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I don't know shit about shit about shit about shit .... but I do know a couple of things.
  • At the end of the day the NBA is a job.
  • I punched a coworker dead in the face, I'd expect to be fired.
  • If a coworker punched me dead in the face, I'd expected that person to be fired.
  • And if the company choose not to fire anyone, one of us would DEFINITELY have to move to a different office.
Now I'm not saying that the Warriors should fire Draymond. I am saying that constantly doing stupid shit like this is how players find themselves in Sacramento. So on Friday him and JP supposed to stand next to each other by the water cooler and talk about the week's episode of House of the Dragon :confused: Like everything is cool between them. :smh:

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Why are you comparing boxers to basketball players. That's a dumb analogy. This wasn't a street fight nor was it a boxing match. You guys are being ridiculous about oh this and that. Green was clearly out of line. And Poole clearly was pushing him not to fight. There's a reason green sounded like he did. But hey keep with that dumb analogy shit...
It wasn’t a street fight? How do you think street fights start? They start with a push usually. It ain’t Greens Fault Poole wasn’t ready. If you push somebody expect a punch and be on guard. If green pushed him back Poole would have thrown a punch guaranteed.

If you don’t get the boxing comparison that’s your fault . It’s about telegraphing punches. The only dumb shit is you defending pool acting like pushing a person isn’t assault. You obviously never played a pick up game in your life. Pushing leads to fights


BGOL Investor
I don't know shit about shit about shit about shit .... but I do know a couple of things.
  • At the end of the day the NBA is a job.
  • I punched a coworker dead in the face, I'd expect to be fired.
  • If a coworker punched me dead in the face, I'd expected that person to be fired.
  • And if the company choose not to fire anyone, one of us would DEFINITELY have to move to a different office.
Now I'm not saying that the Warriors should fire Draymond. I am saying that constantly doing stupid shit like this is how players find themselves in Sacramento. So on Friday him and JP supposed to stand next to each other by the water cooler and talk about the week's episode of House of the Dragon :confused: Like everything is cool between them. :smh:

Exactly. If I’m Poole, once I sign that extension guaranteeing my money, smoke is up with Green. I’m not playing about launching a basketball at his head to send a message. It’s him or me. He already ran Durant outta there. He’s the fucking problem and Warriors are dumb to keep him around atp. Ink Poole and Wiggins and get Draymond up outta there


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The only people your talking about is hood twitter...the vast majority are on Poole's side and MOST of them consider it a sucker punch. So a chicken head and some cloud chasing assholes don't really count.

Chris Rock broke the very rule you been stating repeatedly which was never let ANYONE invade your space so according to you Rock SHOULD have punched Will smiths head off the second he stepped a foot in front of him. NOW your saying Chris a 58 year old man who USE TO GET BULLIED AND BEAT UP as kid is the bigger man for getting slapped while Jordan a 23 year old young man is a fool for getting punched. Horrible example.

Also Ive said this earlier in the thread regarding Chris....Everyone is talking smack and we're ALL Billy badasses when we're NOT on the hot seat of an issue. Thats what was so annoying about the Chris Rock thing...EVERYBODY was saying what they would do if that was them...but if you spoke to Chris the day before and asked what would you do if someone walked up on that stage and smacked you...his answer would have been shiiiiiit I wish a muhfuka WOULD try some shit like that!:rolleyes: Guess what if you asked Poole a day before that incident what would he do if ANYONE on that team stepped to him...what do you think his answer would be?? Give you a wouldn't be "I'll walk away".

And you aint a judge and this aint the peoples court:lol:you dont get to dismiss things that don't line up with your views... and dont use legal language you can't back up. Poole isn't "guilty" of "escalating" anything. From a LEGAL standpoint he had every right to defend his space by pushing green away. And you agree that Draymond was wrong as 2 left feet in striking him period so unless you want to say dude was JUSTIFIED in hitting him the whole escalating deal falls apart.

You can't make that case anywhere but in the streets with the same people who look down on poole and make songs about that shit. You got insulted when I mentioned the streets but your point would only appeal to THEM not people who were raised right...and most of them were raised like wolves and kill each other at the drop of a dime as well so consider the source.

ALso even if a punch didn't happen the fact that he got punked in front of his teammates is still embarrassing and chances are he would have still pushed him outta his face. ALSO if you actually WATCHED the video interview you'd hear him say how green encourage him too stand up for himself even to him. Agan a VET talking to an impressionable 20 year old ROOKIE.

I don't know how Jordan Poole was raised or what lessons he took from tv shows or stories he's heard. I DO know that he was 20, 21 years old when he was rookie on that team... which is the young and dumb stage of life. And stop bringing up shumpert if theres anything irrelevant here its using him considering he's described HIMSELF as an asshole and for all we know HE's the Draymond Green on the teams hes played on in practice.

Your point is nothing more than a shoulda, woulda, coulda spoken AFTER the fact. Big Whoop :rolleyes: I don't know how old you are or how you acted at under 25 but not everyone learns life lessons at the same rate and time. And YOU brought up the bonding thing. but while we're here peep Draymonds comments on Poole

Draymond's mom responds in a since deleted tweet:

"Dray didn't aggressively go to Poole. His hands were down. Man to Man you go over to talk (to ask what's up, what you say)! Got shoved and reacted.. End of story!"

I guess you agree with her assessment of the incident...her son went over just to ask hey whats up?? chest to chest.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

It could be said that Poole cares about the opinion of the alleged hood people since he wanted to pretend to be something you are saying he is not. A person who is willing to fight instead of the man who really did not. Offended because you insulted the streets?? No, I don't care about your opinion about that. My point was you shouldn't need look down on others in an attempt to win a internet debate. Given you believe yourself to be above them why take on behavior that is beneath your self but hey maybe you are just talking shit.

Chris Rock was sucker punched unlike Poole. Although Will stepped into Chris's space, it was not in a hostile manner. My opinion with Chris is slightly different than Poole. My so called rule doesn't apply and Chris's situation is alot more complex.

Your belief is Poole will lose face in front of the world by showing weakness. Chris Rock proves alot of people would not view it that way and would likely respect him more for it. This may include some of his peers. Unfortunately for you my opinion is irrelevant given I'm speaking about the people who supported Chris Rock being the victim and that he took the right action at work.

In court, you shape the events in your favor to win the arguments. The same is done in debates which you've turned this into. From a HR perspective and at a normal job, they'd both be fired. No one would care about who touched who first or if he believed he was defending himself. By the way to defend yourself, you need to acknowledge the fact that you are in danger.

Sorry sir you brought up bonding and i in fact said i wasn't going down that road with you in regards to how to best build them. Again, your premise was because of the relationship of teammates ( ie their bond) Poole should not have expected Draymond to hit him. In fact, shit talking and being in each other's face is a part of their everyday culture.

So now your opinion is that a 20 year old that to our knowledge has no disabilities didn't recognize at a minimum that heated arguments can potentially lead to a fight. Not only that, forget personal experience, he has never heard or seen fights happen real or fake in life between friends. This is what you are saying.

Iman Shumpert is like Draymond and Shumpert considers himself an asshole.ok I'll run with that. They represent a group of NBA players who are willing to fight teammates during practice. Your opinion on them as men doesn't matter in terms of your argument. Your claim was it does not happen. Was that not your opinion? Do you need me to give you the definition of relevant too?

He followed Draymond's advice and stood up for himself. When you stand up for yourself in hostile situations, what can typically occur as a result? A fight right? Again, you are proving my point that on some level Poole should have been prepared to fight or stand up for yourself per the advice of the man who hit him. Based on your thoughts of Draymond and what you've shown of his history, do you think his advice was MLK's non violence approach or the average persons interpretation of standing up for yourself.

Draymond's mother is going to speak in favor of her son. As most parents would do right or wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It could be said that Poole cares about the opinion of the alleged hood people since he wanted to pretend to be something you are saying he is not. A person who is willing to fight instead of the man who really did not. Offended because you insulted the streets?? No, I don't care about your opinion about that. My point was you shouldn't need look down on others in an attempt to win a internet debate. Given you believe yourself to be above them why take on behavior that is beneath your self but hey maybe you are just talking shit.
No one knew the video would be "leaked" so Poole wouldn't be concerned about the opinion of hood niggas. BUT he wouldn't want to be punked in from of his teammates and for his own sense of manhood you keep dismissing that factor for some reason. Not all confrontations lead to punches thrown..they CAN but don't necessarily HAVE TO. You know this.

Chris Rock was sucker punched unlike Poole. Although Will stepped into Chris's space, it was not in a hostile manner. My opinion with Chris is slightly different than Poole. My so called rule doesn't apply and Chris's situation is alot more complex.


this is what you said earlier about Poole's attitude and shit talking leading to the sucker punch:

At best, Poole didn't want to fight but didn't want to look like a complete bitch and assumed others would intervene before Dreymond could get to him. Poole felt safe because he was at work and thought he was special. Truthfully, his behavior was on the bitch side if the story we are hearing is true. He was talking shit because he felt he would not be harmed at work and potentially the team management would protect him or hurt others for him.If he is the rising star and favored by management, then he attempted to use his position to get a way with talking shit.

Based off the alleged attitude of Poole and what was going on days before, Poole runs his mouth and in all likelihood there has never been any consequences for his actions growing up.

You were wrong in your assessment.. management didn't protect and favor Poole....DRAYMOND DID..

DRAYMOND encouraged Jordan's shit talking
DRAYMOND told Jordan to stick up for himself
DRAYMOND said he knew Jordan would be alright in the league ESPECIALLY because of his shit talking and ability to get under the skin of whoever he faced.
DRAYMOND patted him on back for not backing down to himself when they first played together.

No one else...not managment nor team mates... NO ONE else favored Pooles shit talking EXCEPT DRAYMOND.
then DRAYMOND threw all of that out the window when his PROTEGE turned that high powered scope of smack talking on HIM.

That being the case all of that contributed to Poole assuming his MENTOR wouldn't attack him like that. Even up to and including the push which is NOT an attack but Poole standing his ground like his MENTOR told him he should.

Chris had no expectation that Will would smack the shit outta him in that setting and Poole did EVERYTHING his MENTOR encouraged him to do and therefore he had no expectation that his MENTOR would to try to punch his fuckin head off like that.

All of this is evident in the vids I posted from those two mens own mouths that you ignore and I'm sure will dismiss because it upends your point :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Jordan Poole not considering Draymond Green's history of violence can be summed up in one arrogant thought: THEY AINT GONNA DO THAT TO ME. People operate off that thought ALL the, friends, teammates etc. Again its the main reason why people get caught OFF guard.

Right NOW as we type some girl is getting her ass kicked by a boyfriend who has history of beating people up....BUT HE AINT GONNA DO THAT TO ME!

Some guy is getting stabbed up by a close cousin whose volatile as fuck....BUT HE AINT GONNA DO THAT TO ME!

so no matter how many times you post articles or anecdotes about tv shows and movies it doesn't change that.

Your belief is Poole will lose face in front of the world by showing weakness. Chris Rock proves alot of people would not view it that way and would likely respect him more for it. This may include some of his peers. Unfortunately for you my opinion is irrelevant given I'm speaking about the people who supported Chris Rock being the victim and that he took the right action at work.

dude what are you talking about?? NO ONE blames Poole for that incident except YOU and some twitter hoodrats. The VAST MAJORITY of people think Draymond should be either in jail, off the team or out of the league. NO ONE except YOU, Draymonds momma and a few social media assholes thinks Jordans push was some form of attack.

In court, you shape the events in your favor to win the arguments. The same is done in debates which you've turned this into. From a HR perspective and at a normal job, they'd both be fired. No one would care about who touched who first or if he believed he was defending himself. By the way to defend yourself, you need to acknowledge the fact that you are in danger.
You used the words "guilty of escalating" which gives a legal tinge to the debate. In a court proceeding there are witnesses and in this case video evidence. All of which would tell a judge or jury that Poole wasn't trying to fight and Green was the aggressor. In an HR situation who gets fired depends on who is less liked or necessary in their know how corporates politics works. Every provoked and wrongly fired black person can tell you how corporate politics works. You want a basketball example ask Ime Udoka how corporate politics works :lol:
UPDATE: Draymond doesn't get suspended for punching a teammate! Now if that aint corporate politics what is??:lol::lol:

Now youve been using past behaviors and other people experiences to prove why Poole should have been prepared to fight but when I show you past behaviors and other peoples experiences to show why thats not necessarily the case 100% of the time you dismiss it. :rolleyes:

Sorry sir you brought up bonding and i in fact said i wasn't going down that road with you in regards to how to best build them. Again, your premise was because of the relationship of teammates ( ie their bond) Poole should not have expected Draymond to hit him. In fact, shit talking and being in each other's face is a part of their everyday culture.

So now your opinion is that a 20 year old that to our knowledge has no disabilities didn't recognize at a minimum that heated arguments can potentially lead to a fight. Not only that, forget personal experience, he has never heard or seen fights happen real or fake in life between friends. This is what you are saying.

Iman Shumpert is like Draymond and Shumpert considers himself an asshole.ok I'll run with that. They represent a group of NBA players who are willing to fight teammates during practice. Your opinion on them as men doesn't matter in terms of your argument. Your claim was it does not happen. Was that not your opinion? Do you need me to give you the definition of relevant too?

He followed Draymond's advice and stood up for himself. When you stand up for yourself in hostile situations, what can typically occur as a result? A fight right? Again, you are proving my point that on some level Poole should have been prepared to fight or stand up for yourself per the advice of the man who hit him. Based on your thoughts of Draymond and what you've shown of his history, do you think his advice was MLK's non violence approach or the average persons interpretation of standing up for yourself.

Draymond's mother is going to speak in favor of her son. As most parents would do right or wrong.
all of that is shoulda coulda woulda:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2: we're going around in circles...Green was wrong..YOU know he was wrong and his MOMMA knows he was wrong. Poole did nothing wrong in pushing him out of his face and he wasn't going to preemptively attack his friend and mentor anymore than Chris was going to preemptively attack WIll for stepping to him. These are not only facts its WHAT have nothing to respond to that but shoulda coulda woulda :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I rest my case....:lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Shannon said this about the Poole shove: “Poole you don't shove someone and then keep your hands down“

Now listen to Shannon talk about the incident where Aaron Donald hit a player with his helmet in practice

Shannon (after watching the video and laughing): “i get it's not a good look but this is PRACTICE the NFL has to stay out of this“, “fights happen at practice and they get very very heated”
1:38 “Aaron MIGHT HAVE went over the line, I'm looking at it as not a big deal, I've seen it happen before in PRACTICE“

And this is why I can’t stand shows like this nowadays. Everybody wanna play both sides depending on the situation that fits their narrative. A lot of emotional babel.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
No one knew the video would be "leaked" so Poole wouldn't be concerned about the opinion of hood niggas. BUT he wouldn't want to be punked in from of his teammates and for his own sense of manhood you keep dismissing that factor for some reason. Not all confrontation lead to punches thrown..they CAN but don't necessarily HAVE TO. You know this.


this is what you said earlier about Poole's attitude and shit talking leader to the sucker punch:

You were wrong in your assessment.. management didn't protect and favor Poole....DRAYMOND DID..

DRAYMOND encouraged Jordan's shit talking
DRAYMOND told Jordan to stick up for himself
DRAYMOND said he knew Jordan would be alright in the league ESPECIALLY because of his shit talking and ability to get under the skin of whoever he faced.
DRAYMOND patted him on back for not backing down to himself when they first played together.

No one else...not managment nor team mates... NO ONE else favored Pooles shit talking EXCEPT DRAYMOND.
then DRAYMOND threw all of that out the window when his PROTEGE turned that high powered scope of smack talking on HIM.

That being the case all of that contributed to Poole assuming his MENTOR wouldn't attack him like that. Even up to and including the push which is NOT an attack but Poole standing his ground like his MENTOR told him he should.

Chris had no expectation that Will would smack the shit outta him in that setting and Poole did EVERYTHING his MENTOR encouraged him to do and therefore he had no expectation that his MENTOR would to try to punch his fuckin head off like that.

All of this is evident in the vids I posted from those two mens own mouths that you ignore and I'm sure will dismiss because it upends your point :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Jordan Poole not considering Draymond Green's history of violence can be summed up in one arrogant thought: THEY AINT GONNA DO THAT TO ME. People operate off that thought ALL the, friends, teammates etc. Again its the main reason why people get caught OFF guard.

Right NOW as we type some girl is getting her ass kicked by a boyfriend who has history of beating people up....BUT HE AINT GONNA DO THAT TO ME!

Some guy is getting stabbed up by a close cousin whose volatile as fuck....BUT HE AINT GONNA DO THAT TO ME!

so no matter how many times you post articles or anecdotes about tv shows and movies it doesn't change that.

dude what are you talking about?? NO ONE blames Poole for that incident except YOU and some twitter hoodrats. The VAST MAJORITY of people think Draymond should be either in jail, off the team or out of the league. NO ONE except YOU and 2 or 3 other people thinks Jordans push was some form of attack.

You used the words "guilty of escalating" which gives a legal tinge to the debate. In a court proceeding there are witnesses and in this case video evidence. All of which would tell a judge or jury that Poole wasn't trying to fight and Green was the aggressor. In an HR situation who gets fired depends on who is less liked or necessary in their know how corporates politics works. Every provoked and wrongly fired black person can tell you how corporate politics works.

Now youve been using past behaviors and other people experiences to prove why Poole should have been prepared to fight but when I show you past behaviors and other peoples experiences to show why thats not necessarily the case 100% of the time you dismiss it. :rolleyes:

all of that is shoulda coulda woulda:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2: we're going around in circles...Green was wrong..YOU know he was wrong and his MOMMA knows he was wrong. Poole did nothing wrong in pushing him out of his face and he wasn't going to preemptively attack his friend and mentor anymore than Chris was going to preemptively attack WIll for stepping to him. These are not only facts its WHAT have nothing to respond to that but shoulda coulda woulda :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I rest my case....:lol:

According to you, Poole doesn't want to look soft in front of people period. This includes hood niggas. If you are concerned about your manhood that doesn't change based on the audience. Next I have a strong feeling you consider Draymond to be a hood nigga. He wanted to prove himself to his hood nigga mentor according to you. My entire stance has been on being prepared for what may come because you don't know what may happen if you talk shit. You don't let a potential threat get in your personal space. Those have been my words consistently.On more than one occasion I've used the key word potential. Meaning you may not have to fight. When did I say you're guaranteed to fight anyone?

When did I even hint that Poole should have hit Draymond after the push? Poole was not wrong for the push as in he was unjustified .My opinion was to not push to begin with assuming you didn't want to fight. Because he pushed Draymond, Poole should have been prepared to defend himself. Your response is Poole is naive and was not equipped for the situation.

You can say all day that Poole wouldn't expect his mentor to hit him. He's not going to do that to me? He was doing it to him. If Draymond was just talking shit from a distance, you'd have a point, but that is not what happened. He walked up on him and bumped him. If Poole thinks Draymond wouldn't do anything, why would he push him. If your relationship is so great, why are you so upset that he is in your space enough to push him. Not only that but the push was aggressive. That wasn't a oh we just talking shit aka just playing around push. He was already talking shit and could have continued to do so. His manhood was intact and he stood up for himself even without the push.

You and the videos. You already gave me an idea of what is in the video. If there is something of high importance you need me to know quote them. More importantly, I've never questioned their relationship, so exactly what is it you want me to see? As I said before, no one expects a friend to harm them.however, my stance has been your relationship doesn’t stop violence as you seem to agree with now.

The question is what are you talking about? At no point have I said Draymond did nothing wrong. Poole escalated the situation by pushing Draymond.Draymond escalated the situation by bumping Poole. Escalation can occur by both parties. I don't recall using the word attacked but pushing a person can be considered an attack or assault. However, Poole was not the aggressor.

Generally speaking companies have a zero tolerance policy to fighting. It's a big world so im going to keep this to the places I've worked. Most people involved in a fight were fired after the investigation which was honestly just a formality. The exception has been people who basically didn't fight back similar to Chris Rock. There have been situations where the person who verbally instigated the fight kept their job and the person who hit the instigator lose their job. Favoritism does happen but typically not if it involves fighting. If Poole and Draymond worked for the places I have, both would have been gone especially since it was recorded.

I'm positive I already said this but you are correct. You should not expect to fight a friend. You should be prepared to fight them. I never dismissed their relationship or Poole's experience. What I've said is if you encounter a hostile situation you need to be ready to fight, flee or de-escalate. The concept is literally built into our DNA. By pushing Draymond Poole directly or indirectly acknowledged the threat otherwise he would not pushed his mentor. Draymond interpreted the push as a signal that Poole wanted to fight or just went off instinct.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
According to you, Poole doesn't want to look soft in front of people period. This includes hood niggas. If you are concerned about your manhood that doesn't change based on the audience. Next I have a strong feeling you consider Draymond to be a hood nigga. He wanted to prove himself to his hood nigga mentor according to you. My entire stance has been on being prepared for what may come because you don't know what may happen if you talk shit. You don't let a potential threat get in your personal space. Those have been my words consistently.On more than one occasion I've used the key word potential. Meaning you may not have to fight. When did I say you're guaranteed to fight anyone?

Chris Rock did....oh I forgot that doesn't apply to your so called rule...becuz I said so :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :dunno::dunno:

When did I even hint that Poole should have hit Draymond after the push? Poole was not wrong for the push as in he was unjustified .My opinion was to not push to begin with assuming you didn't want to fight. Because he pushed Draymond, Poole should have been prepared to defend himself. Your response is Poole is naive and was not equipped for the situation.
you act like thats impossibility because theres TV shows and Movies and news articles and peoples stories.blahblahblah... and none of that has anything to do with him in that moment as he didn't bring his hands up after the push.

You can say all day that Poole wouldn't expect his mentor to hit him. He's not going to do that to me? He was doing it to him. If Draymond was just talking shit from a distance, you'd have a point, but that is not what happened. He walked up on him and bumped him. If Poole thinks Draymond wouldn't do anything, why would he push him. If your relationship is so great, why are you so upset that he is in your space enough to push him. Not only that but the push was aggressive. That wasn't a oh we just talking shit aka just playing around push. He was already talking shit and could have continued to do so. His manhood was intact and he stood up for himself even without the push.

Stop it you're being silly and over analyzing things to a ridiculous degree.:rolleyes2:

Dude there are 10+min of vids on youtube of athletes pushing each other or getting pushed and NO punches thrown. Pushing is not necessarily as direct prelude to punching you see it in school yards, offices and playing fields so stop acting naïve yourself.

You and the videos. You already gave me an idea of what is in the video. If there is something of high importance you need me to know quote them. More importantly, I've never questioned their relationship, so exactly what is it you want me to see? As I said before, no one expects a friend to harm them.however, my stance has been your relationship doesn’t stop violence as you seem to agree with now.

The question is what are you talking about? At no point have I said Draymond did nothing wrong. Poole escalated the situation by pushing Draymond.Draymond escalated the situation by bumping Poole. Escalation can occur by both parties. I don't recall using the word attacked but pushing a person can be considered an attack or assault. However, Poole was not the aggressor.

Generally speaking companies have a zero tolerance policy to fighting. It's a big world so im going to keep this to the places I've worked. Most people involved in a fight were fired after the investigation which was honestly just a formality. The exception has been people who basically didn't fight back similar to Chris Rock. There have been situations where the person who verbally instigated the fight kept their job and the person who hit the instigator lose their job. Favoritism does happen but typically not if it involves fighting. If Poole and Draymond worked for the places I have, both would have been gone especially since it was recorded.

I'm positive I already said this but you are correct. You should not expect to fight a friend. You should be prepared to fight them. I never dismissed their relationship or Poole's experience. What I've said is if you encounter a hostile situation you need to be ready to fight, flee or de-escalate. The concept is literally built into our DNA. By pushing Draymond Poole directly or indirectly acknowledged the threat otherwise he would not pushed his mentor. Draymond interpreted the push as a signal that Poole wanted to fight or just went off instinct.
as you said its a BIG world so youre experience isn't the norm or general.

your words: Poole was not wrong for the push

thats all you needed to say...good night


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Chris Rock did....oh I forgot that doesn't apply to your so called rule...becuz I said so :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :dunno::dunno:

you act like thats impossibility because theres TV shows and Movies and news articles and peoples stories.blahblahblah... and none of that has anything to do with him in that moment as he didn't bring his hands up after the push.

Stop it you're being silly and over analyzing things to a ridiculous degree.:rolleyes2:

Dude there are 10+min of vids on youtube of athletes pushing each other or getting pushed and NO punches thrown. Pushing is not necessarily as direct prelude to punching you see it in school yards, offices and playing fields so stop acting naïve yourself.

as you said its a BIG world so youre experience isn't the norm or general.

your words: Poole was not wrong for the push

thats all you needed to say...good night

Poole being wrong for the push has never been our argument and my stance was never Draymond was not wrong for hitting Poole. Your question was

for those who said poole should have been ready to fight....the response is WHY? the guy that got in his face was this guy

why should he have been ready to knuckle up with HIS TEAM MATE??

in practice??

in preseason??

ready to start another championship campaign.

this is not something he thought would happen from his TEAM MATE in the first pic....

stop victim blaming..

I provided evidence that supports it is not unusual for fights to happen between NBA players during practice. I established that close friends will not only fight but kill each other. I explained how fights escalate and what people will do to de-escalate the fight. Instead of taking the answer to your question you started to try to move the goal post in order to win an internet debate and started rambling to the point of seeming like you are very upset about this.

I've already stated why Chris and Poole situations are different. Someone being in your personal space is not enough for you to expect a fight. It is the hostile attitude of Draymond that should have made Poole more alert and based on the push it did. Will Smith walking up with a smile on his face and the world believing Will would never hurt anyone is the reason Chris could not determine he was going to get hit by allowing Will in his personal space. Not only that Chris claims to have a disorder that makes him not understand tone/body language. That is part of the reason I said there situation was a little more complex. I would not get in a fighting stance just because someone walked up to me.

Neither of us are talking in absolutes so of course one action doesn't mean another will happen. My point is to be ready for the unexpected like a friend getting mad to the point they want to fight; not that fights will always break out. I even said some friends shit talk with some but not with others. I also said most people have never been in fights.

Most of what we talked about is the normal behavior for humans including what you said about Poole's mindset. It is not unusual or a rarity for people to fight or want to fight when tensions get high or as you said act in the heat of tge moment. Something being normal doesn't mean you will encounter it on a regular basis.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Poole being wrong for the push has never been our argument and my stance was never Draymond was not wrong for hitting Poole. Your question was

I provided evidence that supports it is not unusual for fights to happen between NBA players during practice. I established that close friends will not only fight but kill each other. I explained how fights escalate and what people will do to de-escalate the fight. Instead of taking the answer to your question you started to try to move the goal post in order to win an internet debate and started rambling to the point of seeming like you are very upset about this.

I've already stated why Chris and Poole situations are different. Someone being in your personal space is not enough for you to expect a fight. It is the hostile attitude of Draymond that should have made Poole more alert and based on the push it did. Will Smith walking up with a smile on his face and the world believing Will would never hurt anyone is the reason Chris could not determine he was going to get hit by allowing Will in his personal space. Not only that Chris claims to have a disorder that makes him not understand tone/body language. That is part of the reason I said there situation was a little more complex. I would not get in a fighting stance just because someone walked up to me.

Neither of us are talking in absolutes so of course one action doesn't mean another will happen. My point is to be ready for the unexpected like a friend getting mad to the point they want to fight; not that fights will always break out. I even said some friends shit talk with some but not with others. I also said most people have never been in fights.

Most of what we talked about is the normal behavior for humans including what you said about Poole's mindset. It is not unusual or a rarity for people to fight or want to fight when tensions get high or as you said act in the heat of tge moment. Something being normal doesn't mean you will encounter it on a regular basis.
I'm not upset with anything I'm having fun but it does get slightly annoying that youre overly verbose at explaining or talking about something that boils down to "he shoulda done this!" Poole did what he did. No one but you his mama, shannon sharpe and some twitter knuckleheads thinks his pushing back was signal to fight. The majority of people feel that poole was justified in moving someone out of his space/face.

Rock has a disability and Poole is young and immature but you give Rock a pass and say Poole shoulda fuckin known better. :rolleyes2:

The point of being prepared for the unexpected thing like fighting a friend over something petty is future tense and something that MANY people dont prepare for..for a reason thats not unreasonable at all and you can dismiss that all you want it doesn't change the reality. I'm betting Poole is ready NOW but at that time he did what he did in getting draymond out of his face and not posturing to fight after that. Only YOU and draymonds mama believe the shove back itself is some signal to throwhands. Again NOT ALL confrontations end in fisticuffs You dismiss her assessment of that but simultaneously agree with it too. Draymond got in his chest to provoke a response he could use as an excuse to fight and used the shove as such...ONLY YOU and his MOMMA believe that punching that man was justified and green just defended himself from Pooles supposed aggressiveness...remember you said:

My opinion was to not push to begin with assuming you didn't want to fight. Because he pushed Draymond, Poole should have been prepared to defend himself.

If Poole thinks Draymond wouldn't do anything, why would he push him. If your relationship is so great, why are you so upset that he is in your space enough to push him. Not only that but the push was aggressive.

Poole escalated the situation by pushing Draymond. Draymond escalated the situation by bumping Poole. Escalation can occur by both parties. I don't recall using the word attacked but pushing a person can be considered an attack or assault.

then you say: However, Poole was not the aggressor.

which is it? was Poole an aggressor or was he not? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: its a yes or no question I don't need a dissertation where you disregard previous statements to bring your current point in alignment


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
When have someone getting knock the fuck out became a sucker punch?

That nigga hit poole will all his strength he had to his jaw which ain't no sucker punch.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm not upset with anything I'm having fun but it does get slightly annoying that youre overly verbose at explaining or talking about something that boils down to "he shoulda done this!" Poole did what he did. No one but you his mama, shannon sharpe and some twitter knuckleheads thinks his pushing back was signal to fight. The majority of people feel that poole was justified in moving someone out of his space/face.

Rock has a disability and Poole is young and immature but you give Rock a pass and say Poole shoulda fuckin known better. :rolleyes2:

The point of being prepared for the unexpected thing like fighting a friend over something petty is future tense and something that MANY people dont prepare for..for a reason thats not unreasonable at all and you can dismiss that all you want it doesn't change the reality. I'm betting Poole is ready NOW but at that time he did what he did in getting draymond out of his face and not posturing to fight after that. Only YOU and draymonds mama believe the shove back itself is some signal to throwhands. Again NOT ALL confrontations end in fisticuffs You dismiss her assessment of that but simultaneously agree with it too. Draymond got in his chest to provoke a response he could use as an excuse to fight and used the shove as such...ONLY YOU and his MOMMA believe that punching that man was justified and green just defended himself from Pooles supposed aggressiveness...remember you said:

My opinion was to not push to begin with assuming you didn't want to fight. Because he pushed Draymond, Poole should have been prepared to defend himself.

If Poole thinks Draymond wouldn't do anything, why would he push him. If your relationship is so great, why are you so upset that he is in your space enough to push him. Not only that but the push was aggressive.

Poole escalated the situation by pushing Draymond. Draymond escalated the situation by bumping Poole. Escalation can occur by both parties. I don't recall using the word attacked but pushing a person can be considered an attack or assault.

then you say: However, Poole was not the aggressor.

which is it? was Poole an aggressor or was he not? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: its a yes or no question I don't need a dissertation where you disregard previous statements to bring your current point in alignment

I didn't disregard my statements. You just don't comprehend well and are now asking me to dumb it down more than it already has been.The push was aggressive as in with force and with anger. The intent was to get Draymond out of his space right? Poole is not the aggressor as in started the conflict. Draymond not only bumped Poole, but he walked over to confront him. It has never been my opinion that Draymond was in the right to hit Poole.

Definition of aggressive
1a: tending toward or exhibiting aggression
aggressive behavior
b: marked by combative readiness
an aggressive fighter
2a: marked by obtrusive energy and self-assertiveness
a rude, aggressive personality
b: marked by driving forceful energy or initiative : ENTERPRISING
an aggressive salesman
3: strong or emphatic in effect or intent
aggressive colors
aggressive flavors
4: growing, developing, or spreading rapidly
aggressive bone tumors
5: more severe, intensive, or comprehensive than usual especially in dosage or extent
aggressive chemotherapy

aggressor (plural aggressors)

The person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression; that begins hostility or a quarrel; an assailant.

An increase in the intensity or geographical scope of a war or diplomatic confrontation. For example, during the Korean War, some Americans urged escalation of the war through bombing of the People's Republic of China.

an increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy
“higher wages caused an escalation of prices”
“there was a gradual escalation of hostilities”

type of:
increase, step-up
the act of increasing something

Yes, Chris gets a pass because there were no obvious signs of Will being angry and wanting to hit Chris. Will is not know in the public to be a violent man. That is part of the reason it was a big deal. One man was sucker punched. The other was in conflict verbally before he was physically touched and touched back. I get you want to claim Poole was naive, but don't pretend like you don't see the clear difference between the two events.

You don't prepare to fight a friend. It applies to anyone who threatens your well being including friends. The fact that the person is a friend doesn't matter at that moment. By nature most humans instincts is self-preservation. The desire to live is more important than friendship. The alternative is to flee or attempt to de-escalate. The push from Poole shows that he felt threatened. He didn't try to push Draymond to get a better view of the court or to hype him up for the next play. To use your favorite phrase, you can't be dismissive of what we saw. I know i know Poole didnt put his hands up after the push so he didn't want to fight and was going to walk away. The reality is he had very little time to put up his hands because Draymond hit him almost immediately after the push.

If someone is in your space, you do not need to push them. He made a decision to go that route. I'm not saying he is wrong as in morally. It's not about it being right or wrong morally. However, when you touch someone during a argument, the opposing person may want to fight at that point. Right, wrong or done just on impulse you don't know how that person will respond. In Draymond's case he used the push as a reason to hit Poole. In the moment Draymond justified hitting Poole because he was pushed. For him, he didn't care that Poole had a right to get him out of his space or that he were teammates. That is why I keep saying Poole pushing Draymond was a bad decision assuming he didn't want to fight.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When have someone getting knock the fuck out became a sucker punch?

That nigga hit poole will all his strength he had to his jaw which ain't no sucker punch.

No offense but Brotha's in this thread have been giving good rebuttals on the issue from both sides in great detail.

And your post literally makes no sense. Hitting someone with all of your strength in the jaw instantly makes it "Not" a sucker punch?

That literally makes no sense and I'm disappointed that @pookie liked your post because it made no sense.

The guy below hit him the jaw with all of his strength, was it not a sucker punch too?



It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
No offense but Brotha's in this thread have been giving good rebuttals on the issue from both sides in great detail.

And your post literally makes no sense. Hitting someone with all of your strength in the jaw instantly makes it "Not" a sucker punch?

That literally makes no sense and I'm disappointed that @pookie liked your post because it made no sense.

The guy below hit him the jaw with all of his strength, was it not a sucker punch too?

The gif you showed is a sucker punch and the Draymond punch to poole wasn't, what don't you understand about that?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The gif you showed is a sucker punch and the Draymond punch to poole wasn't, what don't you understand about that?

I see that I shouldn't have responded to you but below is what I don't understand because it doesn't make sense.

When have someone getting knock the fuck out became a sucker punch?

That nigga hit poole will all his strength he had to his jaw which ain't no sucker punch.

We're good though.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I see that I shouldn't have responded to you but below is what I don't understand because it doesn't make sense.

When have someone getting knock the fuck out became a sucker punch?

That nigga hit poole will all his strength he had to his jaw which ain't no sucker punch.

We're good though.
Well Mr. Professor @pookie will explain it to you like you're in kindergarten of what I said since you can't understand it any better than how I said it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well Mr. Professor @pookie will explain it to you like you're in kindergarten of what I said since you can't understand it any better than how I said it.

Yes, because someone hits with all of their force in the chin it can't be a sucker punch.

That's literally exactly what you said.

Again, we're good and it's hard for you to understand that your statement made no sense.

Have a good night.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
@pookie Some of these niggas don't know shit about boxing, clearly that gif he showed with the trainer throwing wild punches to the boxer that's barely connecting to his jaw and that boxer never even went down but draymond hit poole with way more force and with a step-in punch him that knocked him out, but the brother above thinks it's a sucker punch too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm sorry fellas for originally replying to him, because he's literally showing us that he has no idea what he's talking about.

The trainer "Barely" connected?

That's one of the cleanest punches to the chin that you'll ever see! :lol:

And whether I believe Draymond's punch was a sucker punch or not isn't the point.

Saying that someone used all of their strength to punch someone and knocking them out instantly making it "Not" a sucker punch is the point.

That doesn't make sense.

Again, have a good night.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
its a moot point since your boy draymond got a slap on the wrist for his assault. :smh: :smh: :smh:
My boy? Lls I just try to look at things objectively and view things from as many angles as possible. A world without color would be boring.

Short-term did you really expect anything different than a slap on the wrist? Long-term Draymond's future remains to be seen.

I know you don't like speculating but....

The initial story we got was there was tension between Poole and Draymond and Poole was acting like a dick because of his contract. Draymond is concerned about his upcoming extension. Next everyone that is a part of the organization comes out and says the story we are being told is cap and Poole has been great. Draymond takes responsibility for actions without making excuses and/or not supporting the initial story in any way.

Regardless of what the truth is, the organization told everyone to fall inline and we're going to move forward as a team. At least in public for now. Even if the initial reports have some truth to it, Draymond will play the part of the villain, Poole is the good guy and Draymond better not break character.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My boy? Lls I just try to look at things objectively and view things from as many angles as possible. A world without color would be boring.

Short-term did you really expect anything different than a slap on the wrist? Long-term Draymond's future remains to be seen.

I know you don't like speculating but....

The initial story we got was there was tension between Poole and Draymond and Poole was acting like a dick because of his contract. Draymond is concerned about his upcoming extension. Next everyone that is a part of the organization comes out and says the story we are being told is cap and Poole has been great. Draymond takes responsibility for actions without making excuses and/or not supporting the initial story in any way.

Regardless of what the truth is, the organization told everyone to fall inline and we're going to move forward as a team. At least in public for now. Even if the initial reports have some truth to it, Draymond will play the part of the villain, Poole is the good guy and Draymond better not break character.
Green was suspended one game without pay for conduct detrimental to the team following an altercation a night earlier with Durant, though general manager Bob Myers declined to offer specifics on the All-Star forward's behavior that was considered going too far. Myers and Steve Kerr collaborated on the decision.

But as Durant watches the process unfold, he sees a stark difference between then and now.

"That's not the same situation," Durant told ESPN. "Somebody got punched in the face ... It's no comparison to that. It was just some words that being -- I heard people say that that happens a lot in the NBA. I had never seen nothing like that before. But what me and Draymond did a few years back, that s--- happens all the time. So it's easy to get through something like that, but I don't know what this situation is like."

Draymond says words to Durant gets a suspension.....

Draymond punches Poole in the side of the head.....just a fine...

“The Warriors are not running an etiquette school, and they’re not running a morality school. So they are going to do what’s in their best interest to try to keep winning,” Van Gundy said. “I heard people say ‘Well they suspended Draymond Green for yelling at Durant for one game, why would they make a lesser one here.’ That’s because Durant was more important. He was a great, great player, and they were trying to make a play not only to tell Durant of his importance, but also to re-sign him.

“They view this situation differently. These are hard situations because you’re not trying to do what’s right for Poole, you’re not even trying to teach Green a lesson. You’re trying to do what’s best for your team.”

GS have to be throwing extra millions to Poole behind the scene to get him to play along...cuz thats some bullshit.