Blacks need to support each other and put petty shit aside in the name of black empowerment.
We also need to stop talking about it and be about it.
We also need to stop talking about it and be about it.
Lauryn Hill is the most over hyped artist ever
Oh yeah UGK fans
Dirty Money >>> Ridin Dirty
I like Super Tight & Dirty Money better than Ridin Dirty. Pimp outsourced too much production on Ridin Dirty and they tried to sound too much like Rap-A-Lot instead of sticking with their own Port Arthur sound.
I like Ridin Dirty better than super tight but I just can't get with the Ridin Dirty is just the undisputed best lol I don't have to change the track at all on Dirty Money
The one unpopular opinion I strongly disagree with in this thread was about whites building the Pyramids
How come other Pyramids are found in Nubia(Modern Day Sudan) and not North of Africa? Now if you want to say not all Caucasians are fair skinned then you may have an argument. Some people consider the Cushites to be Causcasian. Cushites are your modern day Ethiopians, Somalis, Eritreans, Djiboutians, and some Sudanese. If those are considered Caucasians then I can accept that theory. Otherwise it is a bunch of BS. The language the ancient Egyptians spoke was a purely black African dialect. Many west Africans language originated there also because their ancestors lived there before they migrated into West Africa. How come Eurasians from the North don't have the same language roots? I knew a Dogon priest from Burkina Faso who traced his lineage and bloodline to modern day Somalia. Sorry some of you knigrows want to disown ancient Egypt from black skinned Africans and want to credit pale Eurasians, I find it sad really. The civilizations that existed before the Pyramids were built were fundamentally black African people. When pyramids existed throughout North Africa and not in what is called Europe is a sellout move to me. The paintings of the Egyptians showed a multicultural society of Cushites, Nubians(Nilotic Africans), North Africans, and a few Eurasians but ya'll accept the foolishness that whites built that high civilization, I don't know what to tell you knigrows.
Now if you say we African Americans are not of the Cushite family, then you will get no argument from me. I accepted that my ancestors as well as most blacks in the diaspora living in the Western Hemisphere were of Bantu speaking roots.
I do not believe the notion that a black man killing another black man is self hate. The term gets misused in a myraid of stupid ways if you ask me.
tupac was a very average rapper.
The 1st woman President of the United States will be a Republican and her name is Ivanka Trump.
Because it is. Not even close.
Nothing happened in Predator 1
Dudes in the jungle trying to extract 1 woman
Then predator comes and picks them apart easily
and then arnold got in the mud and escaped.
Danny fought him in the hood scaled buildings went into tunnels and gave him the okie doke in the meat plant
It Killed apollo creed, duke and almost got the terminator
and danny glover showed him what the hood is all about
Predator 2 is a far superior film
lol what?
idk about never great. mama said knock out is a great album even by today's standards. i do agree that the names you mentioned was better than ll, kane included. i look at ll as the superstar for that era. but he was great G.O.A.T. was dope as well as bigger and deffer.LL Cool J was never great. Most overrated rap legend of his era.
BDK, KRS, Rakim, Kool G Rap>LL
Beyonce music is wack as fuck. Never liked her. Respect her business acumen tho and she pretty.
I agree about Beyonce and her music should be changing as she's now a mother and in her mid 30s.
Hmmm there is a point there, though Predator1 had a more known cast, Prredator2, Danny was sweating the whole movies lol. I enjoyed both!