Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Notice that non of the CAC Democrat women are publicly calling for Harris. If Biden simply stepped down, Harris would be the first female President of the US and be the incumbent going into the election. Why wouldn’t they fight for that?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

The idea that supporting Harris over Biden is a white thing (or even racist) is the craziest argument I’ve ever seen some black people embrace.

They haven't been framing it as their being racists. It's being framed as them not having a spine and never having to fight and struggle for what they want like black people have. Also who is being controlled by donors vs doing the will of their voters.


Rising Star
They haven't been framing it as their being racists. It's being framed as them not having a spine and never having to fight and struggle for what they want like black people have. Also who is being controlled by donors vs doing the will of their voters.

But it is based on a fictitious assertion that no black people or hardly any black people want Biden gone when all the evidence says the contrary. Black Biden supporters don’t speak for all black people like they and these fake ass white liberals pretend they do.

It’s a bullshit narrative.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
But it is based on a fictitious assertion that no black people or hardly any black people want Biden gone when all the evidence says the contrary. Black Biden supporters don’t speak for all black people like they and these fake ass white liberals pretend they do.

It’s a bullshit narrative.

If that's the poll I'm thinking of, in the same poll 57% of GOP wanted Trump gone.

The only question that matters tho, is if he is still on the ballot, will those people vote for Biden or not?

I'm hopeful that people learned lessons from 2016 and won't sit home or vote third party because the candidate is less than 100% perfect.

If the recent SCOTUS decisions, overturning of Roe, possible new SCOTUS picks (Sotomayor probably won't last 4 years and if Trump wins both Alito and Thomas will retire) student loan forgiveness, all the jobs being brought back, the economy picking up, inflation going down etc, not to mention the hundreds if ways Bidens policies are helping people, and thwarting project 2025 isn't enough to get them to vote dem, then they are dumb as rocks.

The ones calling for Kamala at the top of the ticket are gaslighting us. If Biden can't continue his term, she is automatically next in line. Voting for Biden IS voting for Kamala.

Yall have this Magical thinking that candidates can be swapped out seamlessly. If Biden doesn't stay in, there will be legal challenges. I'll pose the same question AOC did: if this has to go to the SCOTUS, who do you think they will side with?


Rising Star
If that's the poll I'm thinking of, in the same poll 57% of GOP wanted Trump gone.

The only question that matters tho, is if he is still on the ballot, will those people vote for Biden or not?

I'm hopeful that people learned lessons from 2016 and won't sit home or vote third party because the candidate is less than 100% perfect.

If the recent SCOTUS decisions, overturning of Roe, possible new SCOTUS picks (Sotomayor probably won't last 4 years and if Trump wins both Alito and Thomas will retire) student loan forgiveness, all the jobs being brought back, the economy picking up, inflation going down etc, not to mention the hundreds if ways Bidens policies are helping people, and thwarting project 2025 isn't enough to get them to vote dem, then they are dumb as rocks.

The ones calling for Kamala at the top of the ticket are gaslighting us. If Biden can't continue his term, she is automatically next in line. Voting for Biden IS voting for Kamala.

Yall have this Magical thinking that candidates can be swapped out seamlessly. If Biden doesn't stay in, there will be legal challenges. I'll pose the same question AOC did: if this has to go to the SCOTUS, who do you think they will side with?

Why answer questions when you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of gaslighting? Nobody can honestly disagree with Wise Camille, everyone who says they prefer Kamala is trying to pull one on the only sincere people in America, Biden supporters.

Never mind the polls all showing Biden losing and many showing Kamala doing better— she can only wait her turn and inherit an unlikely second Biden term. Winning her own term is, as Bill Clinton said in 2008, just a fairytale.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But it is based on a fictitious assertion that no black people or hardly any black people want Biden gone when all the evidence says the contrary. Black Biden supporters don’t speak for all black people like they and these fake ass white liberals pretend they do.

It’s a bullshit narrative.

Why answer questions when you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of gaslighting? Nobody can honestly disagree with Wise Camille, everyone who says they prefer Kamala is trying to pull one on the only sincere people in America, Biden supporters.

Never mind the polls all showing Biden losing and many showing Kamala doing better— she can only wait her turn and inherit an unlikely second Biden term. Winning her own term is, as Bill Clinton said in 2008, just a fairytale.



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Why answer questions when you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of gaslighting? Nobody can honestly disagree with Wise Camille, everyone who says they prefer Kamala is trying to pull one on the only sincere people in America, Biden supporters.

Never mind the polls all showing Biden losing and many showing Kamala doing better— she can only wait her turn and inherit an unlikely second Biden term. Winning her own term is, as Bill Clinton said in 2008, just a fairytale.

SMH. You're taking this personally. I'm not talking about YOU. I'm talking about the elected officials coming out and saying Biden should step down. Officials who should know better.

AOC has an hour long IG live. She said she asked the lawyers who SHOULD know, how this would actually be executed. They couldn't tell her.

Jaime Harrison has already said there are no DNC rules that permits a "mini primary". He has said he has consulted lawyers about the Ohio law and that's why they are still going ahead with the virtual nomination because the GOP has already said they will challenge any change to the ballots. Mi state law says their ballots have to be finalized 2 days after the convention. A contested convention could take weeks. If it's not Kamala, how do they raise money, open field office's, hire people and get a ground game going to get name recognition across 50 states? Biden and them have been at this for months and they still aren't finished.

It's fantasy. Stop sowing discord, stop giving false hope to concerned voters who do want a change, stop scaring people who are worried all the gains won under Biden will be rolled back and stop helping the other side by attacking our own candidate.

He's the one we have so he's the one we need to support.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
SMH. You're taking this personally. I'm not talking about YOU. I'm talking about the elected officials coming out and saying Biden should step down. Officials who should know better.

AOC has an hour long IG live. She said she asked the lawyers who SHOULD know, how this would actually be executed. They couldn't tell her.

Jaime Harrison has already said there are no DNC rules that permits a "mini primary". He has said he has consulted lawyers about the Ohio law and that's why they are still going ahead with the virtual nomination because the GOP has already said they will challenge any change to the ballots. Mi state law says their ballots have to be finalized 2 days after the convention. A contested convention could take weeks. If it's not Kamala, how do they raise money, open field office's, hire people and get a ground game going to get name recognition across 50 states? Biden and them have been at this for months and they still aren't finished.

It's fantasy. Stop sowing discord, stop giving false hope to concerned voters who do want a change, stop scaring people who are worried all the gains won under Biden will be rolled back and stop helping the other side by attacking our own candidate.

He's the one we have so he's the one we need to support.

It appears to me that for various reasons the donor class and powerbrokers have higher priorities than wining the presidential election
and many of them are not focused on down ballot elections either


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
It appears to me that for various reasons the donor class and powerbrokers have higher priorities than wining the presidential election
and many of them are not focused on down ballot elections either

The people on this thread don't seem to understand it's not the voters at large asking him to step down. It's the major donors putting pressure on politicans, the media, and bots which are amplifying them.

The senate has 51 dems. 4 (8%) saying he should drop out somehow outweighs the other 92%?? The house has 213 dems. 31 or 32 (15%) are supposed to outweigh the other 85%? Supposedly the ones who have come out are only doing so because the large donors are making the demands, so even that amount is under duress.

The people on social media are people who follow politics closely. The vast majority of the country hasn't tuned in yet. Many of the accounts calling for Biden to step down are often people who never wanted Biden to win anyway, former Bernie Bros, former dem candidates that couldn't win their own races, and troll/bot accounts.

This isn't something that sprung up organically. Even with the bad debate. Feedback from focus groups were more favorable to Biden than Trump. It's coordinated. Just like some parts of 2016 were. Most people aren't falling for it though. The wounds from 2016 aren't fully healed and there is still work to do and things Biden couldn't get passed because either they didn't have enough votes or Manchin & Sinema were showing out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The idea that supporting Harris over Biden is a white thing (or even racist) is the craziest argument I’ve ever seen some black people embrace.

Look at the word the dumb bitch used. "Defected." The democrat party is definitely a cult. I've seen her on interviews and she's down with every democrat policy regardless if it's screwing Black people over or not. The Black female is the new liberal white woman.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The people on this thread don't seem to understand it's not the voters at large asking him to step down. It's the major donors putting pressure on politicans, the media, and bots which are amplifying them.

The senate has 51 dems. 4 (8%) saying he should drop out somehow outweighs the other 92%?? The house has 213 dems. 31 or 32 (15%) are supposed to outweigh the other 85%? Supposedly the ones who have come out are only doing so because the large donors are making the demands, so even that amount is under duress.

The people on social media are people who follow politics closely. The vast majority of the country hasn't tuned in yet. Many of the accounts calling for Biden to step down are often people who never wanted Biden to win anyway, former Bernie Bros, former dem candidates that couldn't win their own races, and troll/bot accounts.

This isn't something that sprung up organically. Even with the bad debate. Feedback from focus groups were more favorable to Biden than Trump. It's coordinated. Just like some parts of 2016 were. Most people aren't falling for it though. The wounds from 2016 aren't fully healed and there is still work to do and things Biden couldn't get passed because either they didn't have enough votes or Manchin & Sinema were showing out.


It was never the collective Dem party asking Biden, "please step down". It's some clueless donors pressuring the media to do more frenzied, un-quoted, unsubstantiated reporting of "more dens are asking Biden to step down". This talk of "mini-primary" (no such thing) illustrates that the whiny donors don't know what the hell they're doing in attempts to get Trump back in.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Look at the word the dumb bitch used. "Defected." The democrat party is definitely a cult. I've seen her on interviews and she's down with every democrat policy regardless if it's screwing Black people over or not. The Black female is the new liberal white woman.

A cult, huh? Let's compare.

The GOP MAGA is covering their ears with gauze and wearing diapers in solidarity with Trump after he wore gauze due to his ear injury and after it was reported he was shitting his diaper in court and smelling up the place.

They have purchased Trump flags, Trump t-shirts, Trump hats, Trump bibles, Trump sneakers, Trump jewelry, Trump Teddy bears, Trump bucks, Trump coins, and Trump NFTs. Not to mention money spent on travel year round to and from rallies.

They have invested hours upon hours standing in line and in hotel accommodations. They have doctor bills from heat stroke, and thanks to the shooting, we come to find out the only reason they are out roasting in the sun or freezing in places the secret service said they can't properly secure is because heated and air conditioned venues with actual seating want their money up front because otherwise they don't get paid.

They have sent thousands in donations to a supposed billionaire who originally said he didn't need donors and who would finance his own election.They've spent hours making Trump signs and other Trump arts and crafts. They've created images of him as some sort of superhero with muscles and other hyper-masculine fantasy.

They use religious phrasing to describe Trump. They have painted pictures of Trump portraying him as a diety. They have turned their houses and cars into a shrine to him. Heck, they even have a Trump golden idol.

So, yeah, dems may describe people who appear to be betraying dem voters as defectors, but those people won't be getting thousands of death threats or needing extra security like they would if they were dealing with Trump's base. We may joke around with a few Dark Brandon memes, but that emerged in jest as a response to MAGA attacks. We don't actually believe Biden has superpowers or can shoot lasers from his eyes. We are not saying Biden is the chosen one, just that he is the best choice as a candidate at this time.

I think you need to look up the definition of a cult.


Rising Star
No real Democrats want Biden to drop out just like everyone who said genocide is bad was really a Putin puppet.