Woman stops to check on toddler left on side of road,then vanishes


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
- Her parents are claiming they receiving "death threats" and want the police to not be involved

..so they want to try and handle this themselves.. :rolleyes:
It's why they confiscated their phones, being that they need to track down those sending the death threats (and search their activity without a warrant)...

These people are nuclear physicists

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Found on Reddit an hour ago:

Quick Update. We shall see what turns out correct…

QUICK UPDATE on the CARLEE RUSSELL CASE if y'all ain't heard yet.

- Her parents are claiming they receiving "death threats" and want the police to not be involved

- All of the Russell's phones have been confiscated by the police via warrant

- Carlee's ex boyfriend have filed a restraining order against her and the family

- While she was "missing" her ex received a text stating "Hope you enjoy finding Carlee body on the side of the road"

- The hotel she was in was reserved 4 days prior with a prepaid card under the name "Shauntelle Bronx"

- Carlee ordered food to the hotel under that name

- The same IP address that she order food from was the same IP address that sent the message to her ex

- An arrest warrant will follow if Carlee don't undergo a 72 hour psych evaluation (which she disagrees)

Well, that's all.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
see if she wouldve just checked into a mental institution, she could avoided this whole shit,

if I was advising her, I wouldve told her to say she was seeing things that werent there,

and feels mentally fatigued blah blah blah, I promise you if she wouldve just checked in for a couple

of days, took a leave of absence from work...say she was stressed and losing her boyfried,

was too much at the time, she thought she could handle it and couldnt..

and say she is on prescription meds, her go fund me wouldve made some nice change...

especially if she played the We try to be the best woman we can be and guys still kick us

to the curb angle..... and we give our all only to get stress in return..

WHAAAAAA....go fund me wouldve been funded lovely.

I mean she would be a lying sack of poo poo, but its better than losing a job you aint ready to lose

and facing jail time...

personally I couldnt lie like that.. but since she is all ready delusional she minus whale work dat shit!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fellas, make sure to check this video out !!!
This youtuber walked down the path where Carlee stopped her car

**** There is a path that leads to tunnels & shit ****
Then one direction of the tunnel leads to a hill overlooking the city
You can drive your car up there, & exit near a Toyota car dealership on a little side road

@Mixd Cot damn bruh, I never seen shit this crazy before in years, LOL

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
And like clockwork, black chicks are on Twitter saying black men hate black women for criticizing her.

She needs more people...

From the article:

Her former boss, Stuart Rome, told the media outlet ... Russell's former co-workers are furious with her because they feel they might have been duped.

Rome said his employees have reason to be annoyed ... they were super busy at the spa the Saturday Russell disappeared, but still found time to hand out fliers over their concerns for her well-being.

What's more, the spa received an influx of negative social media posts from trolls, blasting management for employing Russell, which has resulted in many terrible reviews. Rome said business is now so bad he's "just trying to keep the doors open."



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Here is part #1 that shows him walking through the tunnel system
This shit is fucking crazy fam, absolutely crazy !!!



Rising Star
see if she wouldve just checked into a mental institution, she could avoided this whole shit,

if I was advising her, I wouldve told her to say she was seeing things that werent there,

and feels mentally fatigued blah blah blah, I promise you if she wouldve just checked in for a couple

of days, took a leave of absence from work...say she was stressed and losing her boyfried,

was too much at the time, she thought she could handle it and couldnt..

and say she is on prescription meds, her go fund me wouldve made some nice change...

especially if she played the We try to be the best woman we can be and guys still kick us

to the curb angle..... and we give our all only to get stress in return..

WHAAAAAA....go fund me wouldve been funded lovely.

I mean she would be a lying sack of poo poo, but its better than losing a job you aint ready to lose

and facing jail time...

personally I couldnt lie like that.. but since she is all ready delusional she minus whale work dat shit!!
I agree with all of this except for the prescription meds. That can easily be proven a lie after checking with her doctors. Other than that she would be good. And she may still try to play the over stressed black woman card. Trust me..black women will be back in her corner if she do.


Rising Star
She's rich, she doesn't need to work :dunno:

I laughed when I read she told someone that. These youngins have no clue what rich is. Her family not starving, but far from rich. I would say upper middle class maybe. Beyonce, Lebron, Tyler Perry, etc. are rich. Broad think cause she got Benz and she can afford some trips funded by her parents make her rich.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Fellas, make sure to check this video out !!!
This youtuber walked down the path where Carlee stopped her car

**** There is a path that leads to tunnels & shit ****
Then one direction of the tunnel leads to a hill overlooking the city
You can drive your car up there, & exit near a Toyota car dealership on a little side road

@Mixd Cot damn bruh, I never seen shit this crazy before in years, LOL

I watched it. I just feel it's far fetched like many comments said for a black woman, hair did, nails and all that to be walking thru all that to even find that way in the dark of the night much less. I don't think she went to the opposite side.

That road that's adjacent to the highway is 200ft away, where she stopped. It's more feasible that someone picked her up there.

Also dude assuming she stayed in the woods, where? A black woman like her being entitled? She don't look like she been camping one hour of her life. She's been pampered and doubt all that.

There's the fact that she ordered snacks from instacart at the Red Roof Inn, same IP address that texted the threat to her ex.

She ain't doing all that walking to the opposite side of the highway. That's too elaborate for her. If I was escaping prison or did a bank robbery maybe I'd do all that. But to scare the boyfriend/parents? Nah

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

This Carlee Russell Video Explains It All! (Must Watch)

Fellas, make sure to check this video out !!!
This youtuber walked down the path where Carlee stopped her car

**** There is a path that leads to tunnels & shit ****
Then one direction of the tunnel leads to a hill overlooking the city
You can drive your car up there, & exit near a Toyota car dealership on a little side road

@Mixd Cot damn bruh, I never seen shit this crazy before in years, LOL

Hard for me to believe she went through all those woods, tunnel, and water at night.


Rising Star
Fellas, make sure to check this video out !!!
This youtuber walked down the path where Carlee stopped her car

**** There is a path that leads to tunnels & shit ****
Then one direction of the tunnel leads to a hill overlooking the city
You can drive your car up there, & exit near a Toyota car dealership on a little side road

@Mixd Cot damn bruh, I never seen shit this crazy before in years, LOL

What if an orange hair white dude, with a bald spot jumped out in front of the camera and snatched dude up? And he screams right before dropping his phone.

Talk about a major plot twist..


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
They need to start treating "Like" crimes the same way they do Hate crimes.

This daffy mud duck wasted time, resources and energy for attention. Not only that, she made shit hard for real women in duress.

Ban her from the internet with a 12 month minimum jail sentence and 3 years probation. If the bitch posts one fucking selfie give her 2 more years.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
They need to start treating "Like" crimes the same way they do Hate crimes.

This daffy mud duck wasted time, resources and energy for attention. Not only that, she made shit hard for real women in duress.

Ban her from the internet with a 12 month minimum jail sentence and 3 years probation. If the bitch posts one fucking selfie give her 2 more years.

One of thee worse parts of this case is some of the volunteers either had loved ones that, disappeared and were never found, or were found murdered after disappearing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with all of this except for the prescription meds. That can easily be proven a lie after checking with her doctors. Other than that she would be good. And she may still try to play the over stressed black woman card. Trust me..black women will be back in her corner if she do.

I feel ya bruh, but I mean to actually get the prescription, get it filled and

just flush them shit down the toilet..

you are correct tho, I shouldve been more detailed... !!

See spoiling a child is cute when they young, but what happens to spoiled fruit as it ages,

its gets ROTTEN... thats why you see a lot of older bitter bitches and dudes... who were spoiled

when they were young, but as they get older if their parents dont let up and start putting the hammer down,

the spoiled brats are going to assume the world is going to spoil them, and that rude awakening is many

times too much for them to handlelll

she thought her man was going to put up with that shit.. yea they will till they get the coochie...

an after that... their tolerance level for dumbo immature shit... damn near vanishes..

Parents must understand, spoiling your children is not a bad thing when you balance it out with discipline,

if you dont, what happens to spoil shit...

It gets ROTTEN and thats what will happen to your spoil child if its not slowly balanced out with discipline

as they age...

No real knigga is going to wife no spoiled bitch and no real goddess is going to claim a spoiled dude,

unless he papered up and even then, she gonna be playin his ass.

nobody wants to be around rotten egotistical self serving, all about me, Im the main character,

muthafuckas 24/7...

and this chick is getting all types of wake up calls and her parents are enabling her.. Now I give the parents

props for being loving parents... we need more of them..

but loving parents have to learn how to let go.....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I watched it. I just feel it's far fetched like many comments said for a black woman, hair did, nails and all that to be walking thru all that to even find that way in the dark of the night much less. I don't think she went to the opposite side.

That road that's adjacent to the highway is 200ft away, where she stopped. It's more feasible that someone picked her up there.

Also dude assuming she stayed in the woods, where? A black woman like her being entitled? She don't look like she been camping one hour of her life. She's been pampered and doubt all that.

There's the fact that she ordered snacks from instacart at the Red Roof Inn, same IP address that texted the threat to her ex.

She ain't doing all that walking to the opposite side of the highway. That's too elaborate for her. If I was escaping prison or did a bank robbery maybe I'd do all that. But to scare the boyfriend/parents? Nah
Hard for me to believe she went through all those woods, tunnel, and water at night.

Well she had to have taken that wooded path from her car
But the question is, which direction did she go, when she got to the "initial intersection"?
Did she turn left.....and go through both those tunnels to the other side of the highway?
Or did she turn right.....and go through a hole in the fence where those houses are?

Not sure if you missed it
But check out the video between the 23:28 -- 24:48 mark
(He backs out, reverses out of the tunnel entrance, & stands at that "initial intersection")
I already queued it up below...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all to invested in this. Did you guys send money to her go fund me or something?

why you wilin, bgol is one of the greatest talk shit forums on the planet,

real kniggas just talkin shit..

now the only issue is, what REAL news are we overlookin be distracted by this...

nevertheless.. She is a sister and this is BGOL.... so sisters are our priority..

Its in the title..."BLACK" GIRL online...

and she qualifies bruh... but like I was eluding to,

what real issues are we being distracted from...?

end of the day, we just shootin the breeze bruh!!


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Well she had to have taken that wooded path from her car
But the question is, which direction did she go, when she got to the "initial intersection"?
Did she turn left.....and go through both those tunnels to the other side of the highway?
Or did she turn right.....and go through a hole in the fence where those houses are?

Not sure if you missed it
But check out the video between the 23:28 -- 24:48 mark
(He backs out, reverses out of the tunnel entrance, & stands at that "initial intersection")
I already queued it up below...

You ever walk through woods like that much less all that running water in tunnels like that at night?
She ain't doing that chit. If she did then she should get an award and Netflix movie deal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People have grown up with the internet. They don't know life without it. That's why you see this type of shit.

Being embarrassed on the internet is a fate worse than death for these youngins. We have to understand the world they have grown up in and help them see that social media ain't real life.

Auto mechanic skill
Build some shit (model cars/planes, RC controlled models)

Get them outside and doing something with their hands other than holding a phone. No pictures no video. Make a mental memory.

Learn how to feed, clothe, protect yourself and others. Kids have no survival skills. 48 hours without refrigeration and you'll see a societal breakdown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get them outside and doing something with their hands other than holding a phone. No pictures no video. Make a mental memory.

Learn how to feed, clothe, protect yourself and others. Kids have no survival skills. 48 hours without refrigeration and you'll see a societal breakdown.
True, and not just go outside. Make em do some hard shit. Even when I was mentally breaking down about 10 months ago, I realized I needed to do something hard. And I also realized my son never did anything hard. When I say do something hard, I'm not talking about sports, training, or school work. I mean something that challenge your human spirit, all the way down to survival mode. So me and him did the entire AT approach trail, there and back in 1 day. And let me tell you, it was brutal, but its a lasting memory and you're going to build some character out there on the trail.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They need to start treating "Like" crimes the same way they do Hate crimes.

This daffy mud duck wasted time, resources and energy for attention. Not only that, she made shit hard for real women in duress.

Ban her from the internet with a 12 month minimum jail sentence and 3 years probation. If the bitch posts one fucking selfie give her 2 more years.
Wait, so she made all this up :smh: :smh: