Yeah this is one of the issues I have with the family
They are basically saying "respect our privacy & space, leave us alone right now"

But here's the issue.....
If you truly believed your daughter was abducted & they are still on the loose
Then why are you not trying to help find these guys
Giving detailed descriptions to the police, immediately holding a press conference
"Be on the lookout for these guys, so someone else' daughter does not become a victim too"
The same energy people around the country gave to help your child (that they did not know)
Should be the same energy the family should give back to help/warn our kids too
From the youtube comments section:
"What bothers me about this story is that the family is not showing empathy towards other women who might find themselves in the same predicament as Carlee. If you are walking on the street and accidently almost fall into a construction hole on your way to work, don't you look behind to see if someone is just coming and take the time to warn them? Or do you move on and let them fall??? There are parents, husbands, partners, women who are anxious wanting to understand if human traffickers are operating in this manner and the family says "leave us alone. We have no warning to share with you or red flags that you and your loved ones should be on the look out for." This is just bizarre to me."
"Why do parents ask for privacy ? When all these wonderful people who were so invested into helping find her and cared about their daughter need some ANSWERS..... to speak to my own adult daughter about the dangers of human trafficking."