Words and Phrases you are tired of hearing. GO!


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
at the end of the day


someone dark as the ace of spades and/or kinky hair sayin' ... i'm not black, i'm __________ (insert a nationality or nationalities here).

what about black on black crime?


when well-off white people say "ghetto"..

when well-off white people call me "bro" or "brother"..
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"What you're not gon do is..."


Alt left. That shit is made up. Alt right named itself. Antifa is not the Democratic Party and they know that shit.

"Slut shaming" bitch...you know what you look like and what you are doing.

First, I want to thank God. Which one?Because you been living an anti god life in your (place artform, profession, career or other body of work here), but We supposed to think that's some kind of reverent statement. You don't believe in shit!


Comics with black characters where the writing staff obviously doesn't have a black person in the BUILDING judging by the dialog. It's like "Powerman" circa 1970 all over again. Sweet Christmas.


Rising Star

"Flat screen TV"Aren't they all fuckin flat screen today?
What are words, phrases and sayings you are hearing too much these days that need to fucking go?

*Alt-right: Just fucking call them racists.
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent;pugnacious.

*That i can tell you. How the orange taint punctuates his lies.
*Be-lieve me! (see above answer)
*Jobs: Jobs don't make lives better for those who can't get those said jobs. Racism puts many people behind the cacs who will line and get those jobs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"You know what I'm sayin?"no fuck,I DON"T KNOW WTF you are saying and "LIKE"every other word,people who say it should be LIKE clubbed to unconsciousness and repeat as necessary
LIKE drives me nuts. White girls use it 3 times per sentence. I think only annoys me when an adult says it.


I IT!!!
BGOL Investor
when well-off white people say "ghetto"..

when well-off white people call me "bro" or "brother"..

Hate when they speak on the black experience

"What you're not gon do is..."

Love and hate this one. I always give the person using it the "foh" vibe, then proceed to violate them in the way they just told me "I wasn't gonna do", lol, shit be dope.


Rising Star
"Coins"....Since when did it become not acceptable to just say "money" :smh:

On set/On BD....Nobody cares if you are in a gang and you are still unimportant to the real builders in the Black community.
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Man of the People
Stop bullying [insert the aggrieved here]. / You're bullying [insert the aggrieved here]
It is what it is.
At the end of the day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Infrastructure. Trump doesn't even know WTF that means. Now every asshole anchor and analyst is throwing it in our faces.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any type of hurricane warning that makes you think "Who the fuck doesn't know not to do that?"
Don't go out until it's safe. All that shit. Fuck those people. Let them go. If they take the long L, that's on them. Stop apologizing for not sending emergency help when its common fucking sense to not try to go out in the shit.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I'm sick of the phrase "shut down". Left leaning media seems to take way to much pleasure talking about how some celebrity or politician shut somebody down with a tweet or a statement as if changed anything.

I'm also sick of the phrases Slut-Shaming & call out

The Term PC needs to die. It's only PC if it is an affront to white people. How can people who lose it over happy holidays instead of merry Christmas call anyone else PC.
Youre name is crazy cac. You're on notice.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Very few phrases tops this one "Why you gotta put politics into sports"

Even though sports and politics have always been together,since the beginning of time :rolleyes2:

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Eat My Pussy
Slap my Ass
Don't use a condom
Why don't you want to marry me
Where is the child support check
Do we have to go to court again for child support
You missed my son's birthday
You missed my son's graduation
You missed your son's college graduation
You are not my father
These are not your grandchildren


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
"My/Our thoughts and prayers are" - disingenuous bullshit statement

"Praying" - A top Facebook statement; its a disingenuous bullshit statement too

"High-quality preschool/school/teachers/program" - bullshit buzz statement usually provided without any measurable standard of wtf constitutes "high-quality"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Eat My Pussy
Slap my Ass
Don't use a condom
Why don't you want to marry me
Where is the child support check
Do we have to go to court again for child support
You missed my son's birthday
You missed my son's graduation
You missed your son's college graduation
You are not my father
These are not your grandchildren