Gone too Soon, Brah.
Killagram laying down the law and the gospel!
R.I.P. Killa
goddamn, shuddup nigga. You always.....nigga shuddup!
Please when my time comes I hope yall keep that type of stuff away - if yall deem me worthy of a memorial thread.
Killa deserves better. MUCH BETTER.
At minimum I would hope we could unite to honor a bgol legend with respect.
We are better than this.
I was hoping, on everything, that our good brotha Killagram would come back home to us. Telling us all about some wild shit that happened, and making us all laugh our ass off again, and feel like we're watching a tarrantino movie starring Killagram, samuel jackson and 2 thick ass bitches.
I'd reply in the thread something like; LMBAO! you still a wild cat, good to have you back..brah! then I'd leave the thread knowing everything is right again.
Instead, here we are. I don't envy brotha sammyjax having to make this call either, I know it can't have been easy, but I'm glad he did as he honors Killa in the light that only a good friend could, and informs us of what we needed to know.
This gets no easier, losing our BGOL brothas and sistas, yet it reminds us how lucky we are to have each others company for even a small part of each others lives, never mind for over twenty years as we have. Our brotha Killagram was one of our most original, one of a kind characters in our BGOL story.
A force we never thought we'd lose so soon and one that is impossible to replace. To me Killa's message was always fuck what anyone says, live your life, be your own boss, fuck these fine ass bitches to within an inch of their lives and take no shit from those motherfucking cacs ...brah!
I'm gonna miss you brotha Killagram, but I promise to do my part in sustaining your BGOL home and keepin your memory alive. Rest in Peace brotha Killa, nah fuck it...wild out and raise hell...brah!
I liked how dude would go from: "Yeah my testosterone stays over 1400 while I be beating these hoes' asses, benching 450 and banging in these streets, jack!" directly into: " Listen my fine man Bukington, as it pertains to breaker boxes, single-pole breakers are wired with one hot wire and one neutral wire. Double-pole breakers are wired with two hot wires connected by a single neutral wire. If an overload occurs on either wire of the double-pole breaker, both circuit breakers will trip. Is that clear to you?"
Thank you Killamayne and all the rest of you mafuggas for entertaining and educating me over these past 20'sum odd years.
Wow this is heart wrenching. We were very different but respected each other very much. Our PMs were always cordial and informative but I’d get scared when he tagged me on a post because I didn’t know who he was fighting this time . Rip, my friend.
Man you are spot with with that. I'm looking at the thread @doe moe made asking "Anyone see Killagram?", and noticing it was 19 days since @killagram last post. That good brother @killagram was gone just 19 days and folks were putting out APB's and tagging @sammyjax for answers. That alone shows you how much of an impact @killagram made in our community. We'll never forget that brother. I haven't been so hurt about a Brother/member passing since Shane passed.
It's crazy Shane's been gone damn near a decade
I've thought of removing his R.I.P. from my screen name but I've never gone through with it.
Killagram as you know buddy said he’s going to miss seeing you bench that 405
This is the difference between a real BGOl poster and a FTP, because a real one will bump head with you and later on be real cool with you, but them FTPs stay fucking up to the point of having to ignore.I’m honestly disturbed by this. Years back me and him bumped heads over houses no less , next thing I know we messaging each other about my fam in Gulf Port and we was fam ever since, invited me down for pig ear sandwiches and everything . This is fucked up. RIP G
I had to go to my best friends mom's funeral. In the pastors message, he said one of the consequences of living a long time is having to attend more and more funerals. Even when my grandmother died, I noticed most of her friends and family her age had passed.May He Rest In Peace and His Family has my Sincere Condolences.
Lately I have been deeply contemplating my own mortality and realize
That there are a lot of people checkin out. We aint getting any younger.
I know exactly what you mean.I had to go to my best friends mom's funeral. In the pastors message, he said one of the consequences of living a long time is having to attend more and more funerals. Even when my grandmother died, I noticed most of her friends and family her age had passed.