This was one of those "special" episodes that delivered a message. Probably the best episode that addressed racism directly is when Carl laid into that white officer for arresting Eddie because he was black. one of the best episodes on that show IMO..
u miss the boat, carl had plenty of those black dad moments that made the show a classic, there was another scene where carl had to go down to a bar and get eddie because he try to price Gough him on some achol he bought for his date
u see how brothers dress in other parts of the country? esp in the south? a lot of our athletes act a lot like waldosLet's be honest who wore their pants high up to their chest with some clown shoes on going to school and big glasses. So, you're telling me somebody can relate to that shit being black? Seriously.
Yeah, Eddie is somewhat relatable..
But waldo the retard looking slow and dumb, like what person you know that acted like Waldo in real life?