To your point, I saw a poll a year or so ago that had dream jobs listed for children (young GenZ) ten years ago vs. today (Gen Alpha). Back then most kids polled dreamed of being doctors, lawyers, astronauts, etc. Not much different than Millenials, GenX kids. The current kids polled top dream jobs were Youtuber and Social Media Influencer. Wild times fam. Wild times.And ask any child under 18 what they want to be and see what they say. Now you have an entire planet of jackasses primed to be nothing but peasants.
And what's crazier is AI is about to take over. Kwebbelkop has 15M subscribers and turned his page to AI. Others are following suit. And there's a rise in AI Influencer pages on IG. Brands are paying them bc they don't have crazy demands and have the same or better engagement as human influencers.