Hmmm want to do this but for health reason, got IBS. I already eat a strict eating plan and go crazy on Saturday sometimes Sundays so my IBS has taught me to be disciplined. My issue is you guys talking about losing weight. I'm wanting to gain weight I'm 175 wanting to get back to 185 I got the slim athletic build. I have a meal plan from fitness pal where I'm suppose to eat 2390 calories a day to gain like .5 lbs a week. I eat about 2525 calories getting 115carbs, 180g fat, 112 protein, 1160mg sodium, and 44g of sugar. Will I need to increase calories if I do this?
A few yall every deviate from your if you out at 11pm and your window ended at 8.
Ive also read that a protein drink counts as eating...if i workout early in the morning and have a postworkout shake at 6, but my window doesn't begin until does that work??
I want to see if i Can drop 20 lbs before september..
I fast at least 6 days a week, if you have anything with calories outside of your window then you break the fast. Only day I real go ham is Saturdays. When I'm not in my eating window then I'm 100% water and that's it
I had a diabetic friend who did this and dropped over 60 lbs. Then one morning his blood sugar dropped and he passed out in his living room. He could’ve died but his wife came home from work 8 hours later and managed to get him to the hospital. I’ve been wary of IF ever since.
I'm switching mine up to 5 days on, 2 days off. The weekends I just say fuck it. Work days I'm strict. I'm still under 215 and I smashed damn near half a gallon of Blue Bell Bride's Cake ice cream....
That shit is CRACK
My new favorite bread. I don't miss regular bread anymore.
That's a large window after your last meal where you're eating nothing. If this is your first go at it I don't think that's the best thing to do. Maybe you want to start your window at 10 or 11am, if you can hold out...Starting tomorrow..I think my window is going to be about 6am - 2pm...not sure how I'm going to make it to bed time, but because I workout early in the morning, i have to eat something after that..we'll see how this goes..
i've added more compound lifts like deadlifts and power cleans, also upped the cardioresults are addicting as well, keep up the good work fellas
I'm on a 2pm-10pm eating window. I finally broke the below 210lbs mark a few days ago. I am now coming for that below 205lbs mark. 20 more lbs. to go to 185lbs. Not bad since I was sitting around close to 230 lbs. at the beginning of April.
Number of meals really doesn't matter...Within your many meals do you eat?