Crazy how this thread has evolved and helped so many people... Just sit back, read and gain a wealth of knowledge... Then always knowing you can come back here, ask questions and get the help and motivation you need to keep pressing on...
Then @sammyjax showed love and it was crazy too cuz at the time I was reading I had took a break from this shit and was up at like 3am eating cookies and a root beer float

But I'm not even worried about it tho because even tho I did what I did I'm still only 3lbs off my goal weight of 215lbs... I had got all the way down to 208lbs but my girl was like NIGGA YOU GETTING TOO SKINNY so I chilled...
Now I don't even focus on what I eat as much as I watch when I eat... I'm essentially still eating in a window but what I eat is a whole other story...
Fuck it tho,I know any time I want I can get back at it and be right back on track... Not too many "diets" can say that... And I still will tell anyone that will listen about the power of intermittent fasting... And I get the screw face like a mufucca... With lots of dumb comments to boot.... I just sit and laugh at this point...
If only they knew
Then @sammyjax showed love and it was crazy too cuz at the time I was reading I had took a break from this shit and was up at like 3am eating cookies and a root beer float

But I'm not even worried about it tho because even tho I did what I did I'm still only 3lbs off my goal weight of 215lbs... I had got all the way down to 208lbs but my girl was like NIGGA YOU GETTING TOO SKINNY so I chilled...
Now I don't even focus on what I eat as much as I watch when I eat... I'm essentially still eating in a window but what I eat is a whole other story...
Fuck it tho,I know any time I want I can get back at it and be right back on track... Not too many "diets" can say that... And I still will tell anyone that will listen about the power of intermittent fasting... And I get the screw face like a mufucca... With lots of dumb comments to boot.... I just sit and laugh at this point...
If only they knew