Trump takes stage in Chicago for q & a with black journalists


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

So you agree with a racist white dude that an AKA from Howard was denying her race? I don’t think the journalist is the fool here.
Not that it matters but did she ever say she was black herself. I know she did say she was Indian and Asian when she ran for senate. But we gotta stop telling people what they are and let them tell us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Some people are too damn "smart" for their own damn good.

She went to black ass Howard and joined one of the blackest damn sororities in black history.....

She didn't do that as a middle aged woman, she did that as a young black woman in her prime years........

You think Montel Williams was dating an "Indian" woman at the height of his fame? No, he was dating the baddest black women (and possibly snow bunnies) he could find.

She used the headlines of "1st Indian...." because, "the 52nd black woman Senator," doesn't quite stand out or grab as much attention.....
It was Marketing 101, and the shit worked, duh!

It's like how Drumpf says he graduated from the Wharton school of business and not my dad bought a building to get me into the school....

Or how he says the economy was great during his term, but not that he inherited a great economy off the efforts of President Obama and promptly ran it into the ground in 3 years....

or that he had a great response to Covid, instead of his incompetence greatly exasperated the spread, lack of supplies and devastation of the virus......
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some people are too damn "smart" for their own damn good.

She went to black ass Howard and joined one of the blackest damn sororities in black history.....

She didn't do that as a middle aged woman, she did that as a young black woman in her prime years........

You think Montel Williams was dating an Indian woman at the height of his fame? No, he was dating the baddest black women and snow bunnies he could find......

She used the headlines of "1st Indian...." because, "the 52nd black woman Senator," doesn't quite stand out or grab as much attention.....
It was Marketing 101, and the shit worked, duh!

It's like how Drimpf says he graduated from the Wharton school of business and not my dad bought a building to get me into the school....

Or how he says the economy was great during his term, but not that he inherited a great economy off the efforts of President Obama and promptly ran it into the ground in 3 years....

or that he had a great response to Covid, instead of his incompetence greatly exasperated the spread, lack of supplies and devastation of the virus......
Going to Howard makes you black? Her black father wasn't in her life...her mom is Indian...please show me where she was raised as black or in the black community


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who thought this was a good idea? Who didn't see a disaster in the making?
Why would MAGA Trump need to pander to the so-called black community?

The DNC shills will never tell the truth when it comes to the answer of that question.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would MAGA Trump need to pander to the so-called black community?

The DNC shills will never tell the truth when it comes to the answer of that question.

Who thought it was a good idea on Drumpf's side?

What did he have to gain?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Going to Howard makes you black? Her black father wasn't in her life...her mom is Indian...please show me where she was raised as black or in the black community
I heard rumors that Howard is predominantly Black and that she was raised in Oakland which I heard had some Black folks in it. But ask your white friends, I’m sure they will straighten you out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I heard rumors that Howard is predominantly Black and that she was raised in Oakland which I heard had some Black folks in it. But ask your white friends, I’m sure they will straighten you out.
She went to elementary school in Berkeley California. She was primarily raised in the Midwest. I went to Hampton...there were plenty of black kids that were raised in white neighborhoods that went to school with me because they thought an hbcu would help them get the black experience that they missed growing up

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

So you agree with a racist white dude that an AKA from Howard was denying her race? I don’t think the journalist is the fool here.
I went to 2 HBCU's they had more than Black people that went to both of those university's. They even had some that pledge sorority's and fraternity's. Now that I remember there were 2 broads that I knew who were AKA's. None of that makes you Black.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She went to elementary school in Berkeley California. She was primarily raised in the Midwest. I went to Hampton...there were plenty of black kids that were raised in white neighborhoods that went to school with me because they thought an hbcu would help them get the black experience that they missed growing up

And yet, you say going to an HBCU and getting the "black experience," still doesn't make you black........

However, thousands of people would disagree with you


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She went to elementary school in Berkeley California. She was primarily raised in the Midwest. I went to Hampton...there were plenty of black kids that were raised in white neighborhoods that went to school with me because they thought an hbcu would help them get the black experience that they missed growing up
I’d love to see your Hampton diploma. Was it paper or sheepskin?


BGOL Legend



Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
So you caught the part where she said Mindy looks like "the entire one half of my family?"

Her name is Kamala HARRIS, not Kamala Kermindershriv......

Yeah I caught it but I don't care either way.. I was just sharing..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Coons calling other people coons...shit is hilarious.

You think your side gives a shit about you? LMAO.

y'all nothing but separate house nigga gangs.

Your pimp been selling the same shit for 70 years and "studying" reparations for 50+, you follow fag shit because that's you were told to do, and it's not a part of your culture, and you got the nerve to talk shit.

You do realize you're getting fucked too, right?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't stand that muhfucka. I would vote for a dead earthworm before voting for him.....but I gotta give it up for his nerve...knowing he was going into a hostile environment and not about to get narry a vote, he went anyway and shot his best shot and said fuck it.

Let me say to you young'ns....never hesitate to step to a bad bitch....if this muhfucka can step to this crowd....stepping to a bad bitch ain't shit.
There is a very thin line between courage and stupidity. Dude gets no credit for being too dumb to know he was walking into a lion's den.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Coons calling other people coons...shit is hilarious.

You think your side gives a shit about you? LMAO.

y'all nothing but separate house nigga gangs.

Your pimp been selling the same shit for 70 years and "studying" reparations for 50+, you follow fag shit because that's you were told to do, and it's not a part of your culture, and you got the nerve to talk shit.

You do realize you're getting fucked too, right?



Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Some people are too damn "smart" for their own damn good.

She went to black ass Howard and joined one of the blackest damn sororities in black history.....

She didn't do that as a middle aged woman, she did that as a young black woman in her prime years........
While you make good points that she attended an HBCU and was part of a Black sorority, this is her family. It is disingenuous to pretend like people won't see this as questionable.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who thought it was a good idea on Drumpf's side?

What did he have to gain?
It's the standard M.O. for a move like this. It's not really about trying to appeal to black people. It's an attempt to appeal to white people by showing them how you are trying to appeal to black people.

Trump will spend his next half dozen public appearances talking about how he tried to talk to the "black population", but they were rude and mean and wouldn't let him tell them the truth. And that fraction of the white voter that was already leaning hard racist anyway will go along with that, because it lets them support a piece of trash like him by making excuses.

But even considering that he had no plan for trying to actually pretend to appeal to black people, this was still a train wreck. The only people "impressed" by his performance are people too dense or too apathetic to care that he provided nothing of value or substance in a venue when he was given a genuine opportunity to do so.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
You spend a lot of time worrying about gay people. Is there something you want to get off your chest? That much self-hatred can't be good for your soul.
Just because you don't want a gay agenda to be promoted doesn't mean you have self-hatred. it means you have standards just like the majority of Africa, you watered down, slave minded coon. Massa got you thinking like him. Why you comment? You gay and I offended you?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And what WILL happen next is these Black woman hating charlatans, grifters, redpill manosphere incels & hoteps are gonna attempt to "persuade" and influence Black people (Black men in particular) that Kamala:
- Has prosecuted more Black men than any other prosecutor in history. (A lie)
- Doesn't identify as being Black and actively hates Black people.
- Hates Black men because she's married to a White man.
- Is no better for Blacks than Republicans will be.

- No woman (especially a Black woman) can lead the "free" world.

Wait and see. The shit is beyond fucked up...:hmm:
yep ! there it is