Trump takes stage in Chicago for q & a with black journalists


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There were men in the audience.....

Roland Martin was in the front row allegedly giving one of the women pointers in real time.....

Not sure why no men were on the actual panel, but they were present
That’s what I meant. On the panel


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is Rachael dolezal at Howard

This is Rachael Dolezal on Onlyfans


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any black person who refuses to vote or worse yet votes for Donald Trump is an absolute fool and that includes all those sellouts like super coons Byron Donalds and Tim Scott who think they're intelligent and say Trump would be much better for black people than Democrats historically have been.

If they had been around during the time of the Underground Railroad they would have been quick to run and tell massa of slaves escape plans. Harriet Tubman said they were worthy of death, and I couldn't agree more that the same fate should befall these present day black Judases :mad:
Post of the year.
Nothing more needs to be said.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Some people are too damn "smart" for their own damn good.

She went to black ass Howard and joined one of the blackest damn sororities in black history.....

She didn't do that as a middle aged woman, she did that as a young black woman in her prime years........

You think Montel Williams was dating an Indian woman at the height of his fame? No, he was dating the baddest black women and snow bunnies he could find......

She used the headlines of "1st Indian...." because, "the 52nd black woman Senator," doesn't quite stand out or grab as much attention.....
It was Marketing 101, and the shit worked, duh!

It's like how Drimpf says he graduated from the Wharton school of business and not my dad bought a building to get me into the school....

Or how he says the economy was great during his term, but not that he inherited a great economy off the efforts of President Obama and promptly ran it into the ground in 3 years....

or that he had a great response to Covid, instead of his incompetence greatly exasperated the spread, lack of supplies and devastation of the virus......

Did you go to college?

This is a weird response

White and others go to HBCU's. It's also financially beneficial for them to.

White and others join frats and sorors

and I bet Montel dated anyone he was attracted to. Why would he limit himself to black and white :confused:

You're really grasping at straws.


BGOL Legend
I can't stand that muhfucka. I would vote for a dead earthworm before voting for him.....but I gotta give it up for his nerve...knowing he was going into a hostile environment and not about to get narry a vote, he went anyway and shot his best shot and said fuck it.

Let me say to you young'ns....never hesitate to step to a bad bitch....if this muhfucka can step to this crowd....stepping to a bad bitch ain't shit.
He didn't shoot his best shot,
he shot himself in the foot, lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did you go to college?

This is a weird response

White and others go to HBCU's. It's also financially beneficial for them to.

White and others join frats and sorors

and I bet Montel dated anyone he was attracted to. Why would he limit himself to black and white :confused:

You're really grasping at straws.

"Grasping at straws", "weird response," aight let me try to clarify it.

Most Indians do not go to HBCUs and surround themselves with black people. I've been to numerous hbcu and pwi campuses across this country and have witnessed firsthand drastically more Indians at PWIs. And I have never seen an Indian pledge one of the divine 9, not saying that they don't, but it was definitely less likely to occur while Kamala was at Howard......

Also this woman's dad IS/WAS BLACK! That has never been questioned, but since she wasn't walking around all "I'm black y'all, black y'all, blacker than black, I'm black y'all"

Now her "blackness" is?

Wether she was "raised" by him/his family is of minor consequence..... you act like she completely denied her whole black lineage and was devoid of a black experience.

Now are we getting into the weeds of semantics (and marketing/branding) when she says that she's "Indian?" Possibly, no probably.

I have never seen one clip where she has stated, "I am not black" or that she was "only Indian." You can look at her/ hear her talk and know that she has some black in her.......

Similarly, even Tiger Woo (in my Peoples voice)


was running around saying he was Chinese...... "yeah, yeah we know Tiger, but you're clearly also black."

I feel like focusing on this minute issue is a distraction and unnecessary. Does she have policies? Yes, she has a track record of bringing actual plans and policies to the Senate.... not empty promises of policies and plans that never materialize, we still havent heard the details of that Platinum Insurance Plan.

And her plans and potential policies would be advantageous to me and people who live/look like me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Me either fam. He’s one of those severely insecure dudes that go across the grain thinking it’ll make them standout.

His act is pathetic but what’s worse is the hoard of weak men that actually believe his drivel.

Bruh, take 5 minutes and listen to the recording of that spaces that was posted...... skip to like the 10/12 minute mark......the hoops those dude were jumping through to cut that dude some slack........ and every time one dude said black was like it had some stank on it, BLACK women...... some grown ass he-man, woman hating ass manchilds......sad


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No skin color doesn't make you anything. How and who you are raised by usually makes you what you are. He was raised by whitey
So by your logic, young Princeton is "black?"

Sn: this black couple with 3 black kids adopted a white baby


You made time to comment about Megan the stallion at a rally and President Obama not being from Chicago......

I'm still waiting on a response.

Since skin color doesn't matter, by your logic, Is young Princeton here "blacker" than VP Kamala Harris or President Barack Obama?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You made time to comment about Megan the stallion at a rally and President Obama not being from Chicago......

I'm still waiting on a response.

Since skin color doesn't matter, by your logic, Is young Princeton here "blacker" than VP Kamala Harris or President Barack Obama?
I don't know his story but it seems like these are foster parents. If he is being raised by black parents in black culture then he has more of a black experience than Kamala did growing up. Race is some made up shit the crackers came up with to further demean and oppress Africans at that time. Kamala grew up in the Indian culture. It's really not that difficult to understand


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know his story but it seems like these are foster parents. If he is being raised by black parents in black culture then he has more of a black experience than Kamala did growing up.

Now here you are playing semantics, now you want to say he has more of a "black experience."
You just typed this shit here.....

No skin color doesn't make you anything. How and who you are raised by usually makes you what you are. He was raised by whitey

That is a white kid that was adopted by a black family, being raised by 2 black people living a middle class black life......

This kid will never be black, no matter how much black experience he has.

Race is some made up shit the crackers came up with to further demean and oppress Africans at that time.

While "race," may be made up. Racism is very much fucking real. And we are living in a racist/ WS country..... where the people that look like me are targeted, marginalized and persecuted more severely than the quickly dwindling "majority."

Kamala grew up in the Indian culture. It's really not that difficult to understand.

Your original statements were that VP Kamala and President Obama were not black. And you validated it by then saying they lacked the black experience during their formative years. Your argument while great ideally, is moot in reality. VP Kamala Harris is black, wether she was raised by a red dot or not. President Obama is black, regardless of being raised by a snowbunny.

When you think of the stereotypical "black experience" of this country; a child raised by a single mother, father may be in and out of the picture, if ever, mom receiving assistance from her family and on occasion from the county/state. Hard working to provide and make sure her kids do better than her in life...... they both experienced that.

And admittedly that's not a "black experience," that's the lower class experience...... but society would lead you to believe that is the black experience.

The black experience is racial profiling, being called the N word to your face or getting into fights/ arguments strictly based on your "made up," race..... and sir that can happen in any city in this racists ass country at any point in every black kids life.

Preston will never experience that, VP Harris and President Obama have. That's all that needs to be understood.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now here you are playing semantics, now you want to say he has more of a "black experience."
You just typed this shit here.....

That is a white kid that was adopted by a black family, being raised by 2 black people living a middle class black life......

This kid will never be black, no matter how much black experience he has.

While "race," may be made up. Racism is very much fucking real. And we are living in a racist/ WS country..... where the people that look like me are targeted, marginalized and persecuted more severely than the quickly dwindling "majority."

Your original statements were that VP Kamala and President Obama were not black. And you validated it by then saying they lacked the black experience during their formative years. Your argument while great ideally, is moot in reality. VP Kamala Harris is black, wether she was raised by a red dot or not. President Obama is black, regardless of being raised by a snowbunny.

When you think of the stereotypical "black experience" of this country; a child raised by a single mother, father may be in and out of the picture, if ever, mom receiving assistance from her family and on occasion from the county/state. Hard working to provide and make sure her kids do better than her in life...... they both experienced that.

And admittedly that's not a "black experience," that's the lower class experience...... but society would lead you to believe that is the black experience.

The black experience is racial profiling, being called the N word to your face or getting into fights/ arguments strictly based on your "made up," race..... and sir that can happen in any city in this racists ass country at any point in every black kids life.

Preston will never experience that, VP Harris and President Obama have. That's all that needs to be understood.
The black experience I'm referring to has to do with upbringing and culture...the way that Kamala is now acting like she washed greens in a tub and other statements that she believes most black people have is pandering. She didn't have those experiences growing up and neither did Barack. So yes their skin is black but that's about it. I'm sure she went to Howard so she can have more of a black experience and she probably received some of that at Howard. Kamala never referenced her blackness because it wasn't in her favor politically at the time...being the first Indian was more that she needs to be "black" she is stressing something she didn't experience growing up and it comes off as what it is .. pandering