Let’s use Ross for an example. He made his name rapping about selling dope. Got outed for being a CO, which used to be career suicide. Instead, it didn’t do a thing to his career, he actually got bigger as an artist.
Legitimacy, street cred, however you want to describe it, basically, a rapper doing or having actually done the shit in the streets that they rhyme about.
I dunno if him being a CO in a prison exempts him from being a drug dealer

maybe not in the manner he described but as corrupt as prison guards can be....

but I digress....
In the 70s and 80s rap/hip hop culture was sold as the anthesis of the streets.. an alternative to the worst aspects of the street and gangbanging. In the last 30 years, its become indistinguishable.
Street cred BEFORE the rise of gangster rap was essentially about your skill and how well known you were for it. Did you play the block parties and area clubs in your neighborhood? Did you do the school dances and park jams? Did you do the battles and corner ciphers? What's your MC reputation in your area? (which is why Will Smith is MORE of a legit MC than his detractors will ever know becuz he DID those things)
THAT'S street cred (note it's about your RAP and MC SKILLS)
After gangster rap and vanilla ice... I would say that between him and NWA they both changed what "street cred" meant in hip-hop..
vanilla ice had a fabricated past.... after his ONE hit blew up all he talked about was some criminal past and hanging with gangbangers... his press package (yeah the nigga said that shit in his press package) stressed all this criminal behavior bullshit.
And after the rise of NWA all hardcore rappers started talking about is life in the "hood" as if its some kind of safari trip and suddenly street cred became how many times you've been arrested? How many people have you robbed? how much drugs have you sold? What gang are you affiliated with? Note NONE of those questions talks about any rap or MC skills at all.
So what youre saying shows how hip hop/rap
DEVOLVED into the very thing it was supposed to be an alternative to.